Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

Honestly. A few years in this forum? Where I’ve been able to see how men speak to each other about women when they feel safe enough to be honest? It’s horrifying. Most of them don’t even like women as people. No wonder so many women are choosing to just not deal with it.
I waiver between (1) thinking the misogyny I've witnessed here may be because a small, self-selected sample of men who have frustrating sex lives are overrepresented in the Lit population and (2) believing that many men in the general population may just be hiding their misogyny better. I want it to be the former, but I think the latter is more likely.

That's because being on Lit all these years has taught me is that it's not the obvious, overt misogynist that are the majority of misogynists. It's the self-identified "good guys" who hate women and are bitter as fuck but either pretend to to support women or are so deep in denial they don't see they are misogynists. The forums here are full of guys like that.
I do not think that the men here represent a fair average of the societies. So, experience here, does not say anything about you collegue, your neighbours etc. . Here, male erotomaniacs are concentrated.

My example mentioned above was btw a moslem.
I waiver between (1) thinking the misogyny I've witnessed here may be because a small, self-selected sample of men who have frustrating sex lives are overrepresented in the Lit population and (2) believing that many men in the general population may just be hiding their misogyny better. I want it to be the former, but I think the latter is more likely.

That's because being on Lit all these years has taught me is that it's not the obvious, overt misogynist that are the majority of misogynists. It's the self-identified "good guys" who hate women and are bitter as fuck but either pretend to to support women or are so deep in denial they don't see they are misogynists. The forums here are full of guys like that.
I go back and forth the same way! I generally like to believe the best about people until they show me otherwise and I do my best not to paint everyone with the same brush. There may be a minority of men who are acting out online but it feels like a lot more. That said, my experience here on Lit has been relatively tame. Most men have been respectful and nice even when I tell them that I'm gay. Maybe that's the difference though, I'm not rejecting them, I'm rejecting all men. 🤷‍♀️
Here's something I've thought about a lot. When I read guys post their fantasies involving women on here, the women often seem to be nothing but props in such fantasies. Even some (most?) guys posting fantasies about their wives seem to think about their wives as props, not full participants, in their fantasies.

Maybe this is just something that bothers me because one of the things I hated about my limited time in sex work was being a prop rather than a real participant. And I'm not talking about emotional connection--I avoided emotional connection at all costs the first decade of my sexual life. But even when I was just hooking up for casual sexualy activity, I usually picked guys who interested me in some way beyond them having a cock. I wanted a partner, albeit for just a little while, and I wanted him to enjoy it too. I didn't want a prop, and I sure as fuck didn't like being one. But from what they write, some guys here seem much more interested in having a prop.
I think that male sexuality is mainly triggered by optical stimulation. Therefore, porn has mainly male customers. And the trigger can be more easily changed and, presumably, needs to be changed to avoid beeing bored. In additon an emotional band is not so important. Finally, pentrating is more easy then decide to let you be penetrated. Intercouse is not a big issue for a man.

Therefore, men tend more easily to to use somthing to get satisfaction. As a consequence they treat often women simply as a tool. For that, prostitution has manly male customers.
So, an update. I’ve been on Lit for a while now and for the most part, it’s been good. I like chatting about experiences and all the naughty things I’ve done. It’s especially nice when another woman wants to chat. I’m submissive and some folks just can’t relate to it but there is no need to be rude or not accept my limits. Anyway, I’m always open to chat with anyone nice, even if you are a dominant! lol!
Here's an interesting article that popped up on my news dash today. It's about a book that asks
"Everyone’s so intolerant online. Am I right to stay silent?"
I was intrigued by the title as it is a question I've often asked myself. Africa Brooke is the author of a new book, Third Perspective ( not a title that gives much away! ) but from what I've read in the article, I do want to know more.

“I don’t fear ‘cancellation’, per se, but being aggressively misunderstood,” says one commentator in her book.

How often have I written replies on threads, then deleted them for fear of being attacked for an opinion? How often has my deadpan humour has caused offence online but hilarity amongst friends? We end up silent, sitting on our metaphorical hands just as we've always done as women. The difference now is instead of one angry man, it's a 40k pile on.
I just went through this rage posting to a rape thread. First it was “just” rape-y (you know it’s SOMEHOW NORMAL to hint at raping some people’s daughters - if you don’t like the parent’s politics!)

I called him out and he doubled down, straight up saying his ancestors should have raped mine more and German women being raped en masse by Russians at end of WWII was both understandable and also def led to Germany never starting another war (wtf?!)

I wanted to say a lot more - about how I hope I see him in public so I can punch him in the fucking face (and I would) but thought better of it. Because of what you mentioned.

WOW men suck so bad so often and I hate that because I fucking love them so much.
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Those of us men (we men?) that try to suck less often and also with lower levels of suckyness per occasion appreciate any love thrown our way.
Great go fucking punch the rape ideating fascist in the face and let’s talk. You sucking less doesn’t make the BS rape culture we deal with ANY BETTER. Coming correct and calling out the men who manifest it does.
Hey, I've been on lit 2½ years and have been lurking over this thread... Glad it's here. I am gradually learning that lit is 80% men. Nice there's a just women's section 😄

Ok... I'm not sure if it's been discussed.. But the main annoyance I have with men on Lit is that I can't seem to hit the "like" button on a man's post without them reading into it and sending me a random message.
Dude, I just hit like. Not will you be my bf?

Anyways... Glad you ladies are here!
Hey, I've been on lit 2½ years and have been lurking over this thread... Glad it's here. I am gradually learning that lit is 80% men. Nice there's a just women's section 😄

Ok... I'm not sure if it's been discussed.. But the main annoyance I have with men on Lit is that I can't seem to hit the "like" button on a man's post without them reading into it and sending me a random message.
Dude, I just hit like. Not will you be my bf?

Anyways... Glad you ladies are here!

I have been here for just a little over 2 years. Now I wonder if that varies by section, or by threads we frequent, but I haven't got the same issue. I got my share of unsolicited DM's in the beginning, but that was usually even more out of the blue. These days I've been left in peace, I only occasionally get some discussional DM.

But what I don't believe is that those kinds of dudes would bother to read our profiles. The ones that do, probably don't make so big assumptions anyway.
My emotions are all mixed up today. For the last few weeks I've been working on a task given to me by my therapist; write MY story, including my relationship where I was abused, up to where I am today as a Little. That was quite an experience, and a lot of tears were shed. Then last week, my therapist asked me to publish it here. She knows all about my enjoyment of erotica, and she encouraged me to write (my author account is SofiaLaFrench). When I clicked publish on MY story, I felt a sense of freedom, quickly followed by dread. I wonder what people with think, and I hope no one posts a judgy comment. If they do I'll probably delete it, maybe turn commenting off. I did not expect it to be published in two days, and I actually thought it might never gain Laurel's approval. It's out there now, published as Sofia. The process DID benefit me and made all the tears and emotions worth it. I hope it can help one more person.
So, an update. I’ve been on Lit for a while now and for the most part, it’s been good. I like chatting about experiences and all the naughty things I’ve done. It’s especially nice when another woman wants to chat. I’m submissive and some folks just can’t relate to it but there is no need to be rude or not accept my limits. Anyway, I’m always open to chat with anyone nice, even if you are a dominant! lol!
But why would anyone be rude to you and for what? And even if someone is rude, block them. You're perfect the way you're. You deserve respect.
My emotions are all mixed up today. For the last few weeks I've been working on a task given to me by my therapist; write MY story, including my relationship where I was abused, up to where I am today as a Little. That was quite an experience, and a lot of tears were shed. Then last week, my therapist asked me to publish it here. She knows all about my enjoyment of erotica, and she encouraged me to write (my author account is SofiaLaFrench). When I clicked publish on MY story, I felt a sense of freedom, quickly followed by dread. I wonder what people with think, and I hope no one posts a judgy comment. If they do I'll probably delete it, maybe turn commenting off. I did not expect it to be published in two days, and I actually thought it might never gain Laurel's approval. It's out there now, published as Sofia. The process DID benefit me and made all the tears and emotions worth it. I hope it can help one more person.
Just read it, and it made me all emotional 🫂

Have you allowed anonymous commenting? Because it would be the first caution to only allow it with a user name, most of the nasty ones only comment anonymous.
Just read it, and it made me all emotional 🫂

Have you allowed anonymous commenting? Because it would be the first caution to only allow it with a user name, most of the nasty ones only comment anonymous.
I didn’t limit comments but probably should. Last I looked there was only one comment. I’ll go fix it.