Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

The weather here is beautiful. Wolfie and I went to a Barbeque and Blues festival earlier. Great food, great local bands, and we danced a bit. Stopped at a winery on the way home for some cheesecake.
Hope you are all doing well and living your best life. 💙
I'm having the ordinary Sunday mood - trying to keep the stress about coming week at bay, and yet to prepare a little for the coming week. Like, planning the meals... Still lacking one for the weekly date!

But at least I can lay on my balcony sofa without getting smoked, unlike yesterday! It's one of the last warm summer days, mornings and evenings are already cool, but right on the heat limit during the day - rare for September here! It's only a week to the average time for temperatures dropping below 15°C... And this year the first heat was very early too, we have at least 4 months of summer this year instead of the ordinary 3!
Didn't know this was a thread. I know a lot of people are curious why I feel the way I do about Lit, but I have been here 20 years off and on, and I have experienced everything from "hey slut!" messages to ghosting to being manipulated and psychologically abused to actual IRL stalking (though thankfully it wasn't precise stalking). In fact, so many of my experiences here have been negative, that I sometimes question why I remain. But, right now, I don't have a social scene after having moved, so I try to use it as a social outlet.

Anyway, if anyone needs to talk about or vent about someone here being awful toward them, my own DMs are open. Trust me, I sympathize. I do wonder why some of the men here have decided to alienate their own supposed audience. If you want to interact with women, why not be a decent person?
Our moderator is @ToPleaseHim. If we get invaded, and we occasionally do, it's a simple matter of reporting to her and she'll handle it. We didn't always have her, but with her on "overwatch" (as my hubby would say) things are much improved. Our Founder also has a wicked sharp tongue and I've used some of her retorts in my own posts.
Hi there's a thread over in the GB about Taylor Swift's appeal with some interesting contributions. I'm seeing her as a gift for young girls today, even if I don't especially like her music. Someone pointed out how safe they felt at one of her big concerts.
I sprained an eyeball over there, rolling it at the guy that said he doesn’t find Taylor attractive, but if he had the opportunity he would fuck her.

Honey. You won’t have the opportunity.

Didn't know this was a thread. I know a lot of people are curious why I feel the way I do about Lit, but I have been here 20 years off and on, and I have experienced everything from "hey slut!" messages to ghosting to being manipulated and psychologically abused to actual IRL stalking (though thankfully it wasn't precise stalking). In fact, so many of my experiences here have been negative, that I sometimes question why I remain. But, right now, I don't have a social scene after having moved, so I try to use it as a social outlet.

Anyway, if anyone needs to talk about or vent about someone here being awful toward them, my own DMs are open. Trust me, I sympathize. I do wonder why some of the men here have decided to alienate their own supposed audience. If you want to interact with women, why not be a decent person?
This is exactly why I'm on lit.
I don't know who that is. I am not in love with Swift because I think the cult of personality thing is very weird, but I also am glad that she is a safe space for young women. Her music is pretty annoying, though.
I don't know much about Taylor, but I'm a huge fan of Ilona Maher, Women's Rugby Olympian. She's all over the socials. Samantha Sullivan is another; rugby Olympian, active-duty Army captain, and Lego freak!
There's a great YT video about Ilona here ( although it has a political twist ). The Olympic coverage in the UK was pretty narrow so I didn't see much of the rugby-7s and didn't know anything about her. Thanks for raising her profile here :)
There's a great YT video about Ilona here ( although it has a political twist ). The Olympic coverage in the UK was pretty narrow so I didn't see much of the rugby-7s and didn't know anything about her. Thanks for raising her profile here :)
I have this video playing in my head where she is standing behind a podium giving her body positive message when a skinny dude tries to interrupt her she grabs him like a rugby ball and puts her hand over his mouth then goes right back to her message. 🤣
I have this video playing in my head where she is standing behind a podium giving her body positive message when a skinny dude tries to interrupt her she grabs him like a rugby ball and puts her hand over his mouth then goes right back to her message. 🤣
There was a lot in her back story that was pretty relatable in terms of body shaming/policing. The vlog mentioned a new mangled word, transvestigation. Sheesh - we've come so far that someone had to invent that word :rolleyes:
There was a lot in her back story that was pretty relatable in terms of body shaming/policing. The vlog mentioned a new mangled word, transvestigation. Sheesh - we've come so far that someone had to invent that word :rolleyes:
With all the hubub over Imane Khelif I was a bit surprised that the haters didn't come after Ilona during the Olympics. I should have known they'd eventually find her. 😡