Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

Credit where credit is due, @Bellinah 's post: Women on here? helped give me a push.

Since so many of us ladies on here have had absolutely horrid experiences with men on this site, alone, I thought we should be able to comfortably share these things with one another. Call it online group therapy.

To that end, responses from men are not welcome in this thread; no, you're not as witty as your testosterone tells you.

Please feel free to tell us how you've been shocked, hurt, angered, or otherwise disrespected without worrying about if said jackass is reading your post. Fuck 'em. This is for us to get the weight off our minds and find relief/fellowship through our shared experiences.
Shortly after I joined lit I had a couple of days where some guy sent me a link entitled “Doberman puppies” and when clicked brought you to a forced rape video. I nearly threw the phone across the room.

The day prior I had been playing with someone and had laid out clearly what my lines were for the session and he after a pleasant bit he broke all of them with violent crude behavior and I logged off in immediate disgust. Shaking. And because there’s no permanent ignore every couple months he reaches out again because he’s forgotten he did that.

If it weren’t for the friends I had made here and my husbands support I wouldn’t have come back.

The next week was the guy who despite being told over and over that I didn’t video or voice started a video session mid chat. “I just got so excited!” He said as if I had no agency or say at all.

The topper a few weeks back when a man wrote me through the forums saying he knew he wasn’t what I was looking for but he loved my pictures and though he figured out where I lived. I deleted every photo from the forum and will never do it again.

I love parts of this place but so many of the men are monsters.
Shortly after I joined lit I had a couple of days where some guy sent me a link entitled “Doberman puppies” and when clicked brought you to a forced rape video. I nearly threw the phone across the room.

The day prior I had been playing with someone and had laid out clearly what my lines were for the session and he after a pleasant bit he broke all of them with violent crude behavior and I logged off in immediate disgust. Shaking. And because there’s no permanent ignore every couple months he reaches out again because he’s forgotten he did that.

If it weren’t for the friends I had made here and my husbands support I wouldn’t have come back.

The next week was the guy who despite being told over and over that I didn’t video or voice started a video session mid chat. “I just got so excited!” He said as if I had no agency or say at all.

The topper a few weeks back when a man wrote me through the forums saying he knew he wasn’t what I was looking for but he loved my pictures and though he figured out where I lived. I deleted every photo from the forum and will never do it again.

I love parts of this place but so many of the men are monsters.
I’m not sure about every area but ignore in the forum is permanent. Reach out to the mods if you’re being upset or harassed- they’ll get those people banned
I’m not sure about every area but ignore in the forum is permanent. Reach out to the mods if you’re being upset or harassed- they’ll get those people banned
Unfortunately Chat “ignores” only last for that login. But it’s good to know my proto stalker on Forum is barred forever.
The topper a few weeks back when a man wrote me through the forums saying he knew he wasn’t what I was looking for but he loved my pictures and though he figured out where I lived. I deleted every photo from the forum and will never do it again.

I love parts of this place but so many of the men are monsters.
I took a no picture and no chat stance right from the start because I was afraid I might show too much and/or give too much away. It's fucking stupid that we have to worry about shit like that, but we do.

And I'll add that so many of the monsters don't care they are, and some don't realize it and won't believe it if you point it out to them. And stupid me, I sometimes don't even point it out to them, just avoid them because they think they're being nice/gentlemanly/charming when they are not, and I don't want to hurt them. Yeah... How fucked up is that?
I took a no picture and no chat stance right from the start because I was afraid I might show too much and/or give too much away. It's fucking stupid that we have to worry about shit like that, but we do.

And I'll add that so many of the monsters don't care they are, and some don't realize it and won't believe it if you point it out to them. And stupid me, I sometimes don't even point it out to them, just avoid them because they think they're being nice/gentlemanly/charming when they are not, and I don't want to hurt them. Yeah... How fucked up is that?
I see it as flowing around a problem. We can't fight every battle and have to look after ourselves first.

ETA Yup, I've never posted any pics that could link me to RL and I'm careful about what I post. Most decent people respect that and probably do the same themselves.
I have this video playing in my head where she is standing behind a podium giving her body positive message when a skinny dude tries to interrupt her she grabs him like a rugby ball and puts her hand over his mouth then goes right back to her message. 🤣
I posted elsewhere about my mom being on me to lose weight now that the twins are born. Some guys seemed shocked this was a thing. But my mom's always been the worst influence in my life regarding my body, always in my ear if I gain even a little weight (except when I'm pregnant and she's telling me I don't eat enough 🙄). Hubby is all supportive, but I know he likes me a little heavier than I normally was. And that has its own problems, even though he's really chill about it all and doesn't mention it anymore, even when I say I need to lose weight.
I see it as flowing around a problem. We can't fight every battle and have to look after ourselves first.

ETA Yup, I've never posted any pics that could link me to RL and I'm careful about what I post. Most decent people respect that and probably do the same themselves.
Which is where I landed. I had never wanted to do video or voice for those reasons but I am working on my self image and shared pics without my full face because the positive responses from here on the forum were so reaffirming. Then that one guy just scared the crap out of me.
I took a no picture and no chat stance right from the start because I was afraid I might show too much and/or give too much away. It's fucking stupid that we have to worry about shit like that, but we do.

And I'll add that so many of the monsters don't care they are, and some don't realize it and won't believe it if you point it out to them. And stupid me, I sometimes don't even point it out to them, just avoid them because they think they're being nice/gentlemanly/charming when they are not, and I don't want to hurt them. Yeah... How fucked up is that?
I'm the same way but for slightly different reasons. I don't usually point it out because it won't make a difference. Why should I even put energy into it. The other reason is that I could just make it worse and create a stalker. I know that's just apathy and fear but that's where I'm at. 😞
I posted elsewhere about my mom being on me to lose weight now that the twins are born. Some guys seemed shocked this was a thing. But my mom's always been the worst influence in my life regarding my body, always in my ear if I gain even a little weight (except when I'm pregnant and she's telling me I don't eat enough 🙄). Hubby is all supportive, but I know he likes me a little heavier than I normally was, and that has its own problems, even though he's really chill about it all and doesn't mention it anymore, even when I say I need to lose weight.
God toxic moms are the worst. I’ve been blessed with mine but I have so many friends who have had those problems

Fortunately my hubby is always super supportive of however I look. I may have to kill him because I started solidarity dieting with him and he’s lost 13 lbs in the time I’ve lost 5. So murder is an option.
I'm the same way but for slightly different reasons. I don't usually point it out because it won't make a difference. Why should I even put energy into it. The other reason is that I could just make it worse and create a stalker. I know that's just apathy and fear but that's where I'm at. 😞
I feel you. Goddess do I feel you. I'm pretty much not responding to PMs these days, with some rare exceptions.
Fortunately my hubby is always super supportive of however I look. I may have to kill him because I started solidarity dieting with him and he’s lost 13 lbs in the time I’ve lost 5. So murder is an option.
Oh, I know. Hubby gained like ten pounds while I was preggo and has already dropped half of it without even trying. 🤬

And he is really supportive of me. He just once made the mistake of saying he liked me a bit heavier (it was after the first kiddo was born) and it's never left my mind. 🤷‍♀️
and she's telling me I don't eat enough .
OMG YES! When I was growing up we were a “clean your plate” house, and she controlled what was on your plate. I've always struggled with weight until recently. My husband took over all the food shopping and cooking duties. He ensures that I eat healthy, but includes the occasional treat so I don't feel deprived.
OMG YES! When I was growing up we were a “clean your plate” house, and she controlled what was on your plate. I've always struggled with weight until recently. My husband took over all the food shopping and cooking duties. He ensures that I eat healthy, but includes the occasional treat so I don't feel deprived.
Full points for husbands who cook!

Hey men spying on this thread: cooking get you laid
Full points for husbands who cook!

Hey men spying on this thread: cooking get you laid
Hubby and I split the cooking usually. But since my mom's been here helping out after the twins were born, she's insisted on doing it all. He's missing cooking and I'm missing his cooking too. Mom cooks rich food, then gets on me when I eat too much (see my earlier comments to see what a fucking Catch 22 I'm in with her on the whole eating thing... 🙄). Hubby cooks healthy but always makes sure I have some chocolate too... 🥰
Hubby and I split the cooking usually. But since my mom's been here helping out after the twins were born, she's insisted on doing it all. He's missing cooking and I'm missing his cooking too. Mom cooks rich food, then gets on me when I eat too much (see my earlier comments to see what a fucking Catch 22 I'm in with her on the whole eating thing... 🙄). Hubby cooks healthy but always makes sure I have some chocolate too... 🥰
Keep that man!
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You actually do, and your post will be removed.

There are about 12,000 other threads, and y’all still refuse to leave this one alone.

There really is no safe place on lit for women.
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[Quoted post removed]
I know you're a nice person, but that post is an absolute mistake. This thread is equivalent to ladies restroom, and men will be seen out, with the help of a mod Iif needed.
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