Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

It might make you more comfortable, even though I think your explanation before the start of the story should shake off most nasty people.
I can't limit anonymous comments, only turn them on or off. Any nasty comments will be deleted. I may ask Wolfie to moderate my account for a while.

It's wondrous how reality can be so much better than any fantasy a person can concoct!
I can't limit anonymous comments, only turn them on or off. Any nasty comments will be deleted. I may ask Wolfie to moderate my account for a while.

It's wondrous how reality can be so much better than any fantasy a person can concoct!
I think you can turn anonymous comments off in your profile, so that it affects all your stories.

I find your rules wonderful. I'm even envious of that food arrangement! That's something I won't get (as this is after all real world, and cooking happens to be one of things my Dom isn't too good with.)
With my 1st ex we pretty much shared cooking, 2nd ex cooked way more than me in the daily life (but I did most of the celebration cooking), then my late husband cooked maybe a couple of times in a year... (and I won't even talk about the rest of the household chores)
My Dom is wonderful in many ways, but I've yet to see him cook. He does some baking, though. I actually don't get how his parents haven't gotten him to learn more, as his father is a great cook. And of course when you live alone you can do with very little cooking.
I think you can turn anonymous comments off in your profile, so that it affects all your stories.

I find your rules wonderful. I'm even envious of that food arrangement! That's something I won't get (as this is after all real world, and cooking happens to be one of things my Dom isn't too good with.)
Oh, you wise owl, you are correct about the anonymous comment control. I found it and turned it off. That's probably best for any female author.

My Wolfie loves to cook, he says that the creative aspect of it helps him to relax.
Hi ladies! I found an article that I just had to share. I post a lot of images to the Lit forums. Sometimes I feel bad because, despite the fact that they are thirst traps for me, I know they aren't reality. From personal experience, I know that I can make an image of me look good if I work at it but that is not what I look like most of the time. So when I saw this article, I was happy that some people braver than me are willing to make this point:
These Influencers Are Encouraging People to Stop Comparing Themselves to Others on Social Media Through Viral “Posed vs. Unposed” Photo Series

Some teasers from the article that I liked:

Hi ladies! I found an article that I just had to share. I post a lot of images to the Lit forums. Sometimes I feel bad because, despite the fact that they are thirst traps for me, I know they aren't reality. From personal experience, I know that I can make an image of me look good if I work at it but that is not what I look like most of the time. So when I saw this article, I was happy that some people braver than me are willing to make this point:
These Influencers Are Encouraging People to Stop Comparing Themselves to Others on Social Media Through Viral “Posed vs. Unposed” Photo Series

Some teasers from the article that I liked:

Although they show the difference in a pose. Most men if they are honest would much rather be with and look at
Natural beauty. I know that women have lives and they don’t get to the gym as often as they like. I also understand that ladies need to eat and have babies and all the other things that life gives us. I woman that takes
Care of herself but is not
Perfect or tries to be perfect is much more beautiful than the woman that needs to show fake pics of herself. Self esteem is always sexy and goes along way towards beauty.
Although they show the difference in a pose. Most men if they are honest would much rather be with and look at
Natural beauty. I know that women have lives and they don’t get to the gym as often as they like. I also understand that ladies need to eat and have babies and all the other things that life gives us. I woman that takes
Care of herself but is not
Perfect or tries to be perfect is much more beautiful than the woman that needs to show fake pics of herself. Self esteem is always sexy and goes along way towards beauty.
This thread is a place for women to talk with each other, and the male gaze is not something that we are here to concern ourselves with.
So many instagram influencers use filters to alter their appearance and it irritates me to see them. I know a woman in her mid-70s, and her daughter is early 50s. The daughter is an influencer and I don’t believe she has ever made a post without a filter. She is a natural beauty and in my opinion doesn’t need to alter her looks, but she is vain, so whatever. It really frosts me when she posts pictures with her mom. The filter makes her mom look like a caricature of the woman who I know. Really ladies, be yourself!
I have to keep reminding myself that all those models wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and have the same insecurities that I do. That's what I tell myself, at least! :giggle:
They absolutely do. More, even. Think about how often their tiny imperfections get pointed out to them as reasons to not get hired for a specific shoot. It would be so demoralizing and dehumanizing.

Consider when you and a group of friends are out together, and you see a group of attractive men (or women) together. If you polled your friends to see which one they thought was ‘the hottest one’ I’ll bet they’d all give different answers. Beauty is subjective. Everyone is someone’s type. No one is everyone’s type.
Pre the current uterine parasitic invasion (fucking pregnancy), I worked out like a maniac so I'd didn't have to flex to look toned. I like staying fit and strong, but I pushed myself to make sure I looked like I was fit and strong too. I did it because I wanted some semblance of what came so easily when I was in my early twenties. I couldn't get there, of course -- my abdomen will never be flat again, and I looked a lot more angular then in my twenties -- but fuck it all, I tried.

But I'm done with all that, I think. I told Hubby that after these two fucking parasites are yanked out of me, I'm not going to work my ass off to make sure that ass stays perky and toned. And he's all for it. He liked me a bit heavier after the first Kiddo was born, but I couldn't stand it. I hated how I looked in pictures. So, I pushed and pushed myself. No more.

I'll stay fit and keep strength training... hell, I've done that through the pregnancy, just with reduced intensity. But, I'm done trying to make my post-pregnancy body look as much like its pre-pregnancy state as I can. Fuck it.
I'll stay fit and keep strength training... hell, I've done that through the pregnancy, just with reduced intensity. But, I'm done trying to make my post-pregnancy body look as much like its pre-pregnancy state as I can. Fuck it.
It's insane how being/looking young is idealised. Years change us, that's a simple fact. As long as your body serves you well, that's awesome. If it doesn't... Well, fuck it, then you just need to make do with what you have (that's my case). But the main function of our bodies isn't to look young - that's just a side effect of not having lived for very long yet.

I just looked at my mother last week ans I really wish my body served me even nearly as well as hers. She's soon 79, she's carried 3 kids and has an operation on scar right across her stomach (not an inconspicuous one hidden in the bikini line), and all the life shows as wrinkles etc... But I can also see she's damn fit still, probably the most fit in the whole family.
Then again... My mother only started being active after 50. That's when she had finally gained enough iron to fix life long deficiency. So, there's hope still. The only thing I don't have is healthy lungs and damn efficient oxygen uptake. Wish I had inherited that!
Excuse the rant, but some men on here can be such absolute f*ckheads! Putting them on ignore does no good, they still find a way to mess with you. Why do you want to put words in my mouth? How could you be so stupid as to think you could get by with that? Thank God I have friends on here who saw it and warned me. I've been stewing now for a week and need to let go.

Excuse the rant, but some men on here can be such absolute f*ckheads! Putting them on ignore does no good, they still find a way to mess with you. Why do you want to put words in my mouth? How could you be so stupid as to think you could get by with that? Thank God I have friends on here who saw it and warned me. I've been stewing now for a week and need to let go.

Starts sharpening her claws...