Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

I legit looked through that thread for Ilona when I first saw the title and was disappointed she wasn’t there. So I’m glad you added her! 😍

I’ve noticed that the pic threads explicitly for lesbians and ladies tend to have page after page of the same woman, for the most part. Objectively beautiful women, for sure. But they’re also almost all, young, thin, white, femme, long hair, cookie cutter. There are SO MANY ways that women can be beautiful, I was surprised that the threads didn’t include a more diversity in age, size, type, etc. I’d never say anything, because it’s not like I’m going to roll in and tell lesbians how to lesbian. (I’m not some lit dude, after all😂).

I saw someone ask a long time ago, and they were told that was what the fetish board was for. I guess being over 29 is a fetish? 😂 Anyhoo. Sometimes I do look at the pics on the fetish page, but they too often look like possibly revenge porn/posted without consent. One thing the ladies on the LGBTQ page do incredibly well is only post pics that are definitely professional and intended to be public.

It ain’t easy being a pervert with morals 🙄
I was honestly surprised by this too. The cookie cutter women in the pictures. It was a bit bizarre to me, because the real life lesbians I've known and loved are more realistic and diverse in body type. I'd love to see women together who are not rail thin, young, and very, very posed. Kind of disappointing and people wonder why we feel bad about our body images.
Shortly after I joined lit I had a couple of days where some guy sent me a link entitled “Doberman puppies” and when clicked brought you to a forced rape video. I nearly threw the phone across the room.

The day prior I had been playing with someone and had laid out clearly what my lines were for the session and he after a pleasant bit he broke all of them with violent crude behavior and I logged off in immediate disgust. Shaking. And because there’s no permanent ignore every couple months he reaches out again because he’s forgotten he did that.

If it weren’t for the friends I had made here and my husbands support I wouldn’t have come back.

The next week was the guy who despite being told over and over that I didn’t video or voice started a video session mid chat. “I just got so excited!” He said as if I had no agency or say at all.

The topper a few weeks back when a man wrote me through the forums saying he knew he wasn’t what I was looking for but he loved my pictures and though he figured out where I lived. I deleted every photo from the forum and will never do it again.

I love parts of this place but so many of the men are monsters.
This is enraging. I’m so sorry that they’ve been so horrible.

There are some sick fuckers in this place. There are good people, too. But there are some sick fuckers.

I’ve been actively avoiding speaking of Gisele Pelicot here. Because I’m absolutely certain that there are hundreds of men on this site that would have participated and raped her. Hell, there were 50+ men willing to do it within driving distance of her house?!? So surely there are a bunch here that would. And probably just as many that would read us discussing it, and jerk off to our fear and horror.

Fucking monsters.
I was honestly surprised by this too. The cookie cutter women in the pictures. It was a bit bizarre to me, because the real life lesbians I've known and loved are more realistic and diverse in body type. I'd love to see women together who are not rail thin, young, and very, very posed. Kind of disappointing and people wonder why we feel bad about our body images.
As one of those who posts a lot of pics in the L&L threads, I will tell you that I don't often run across good images like what you all are looking for. To be transparent, though, I search for categories of pictures rather than particular types of women. The ones I post are the ones that get to me. What gets me going is, I'm sure, very different from others. I'm in my mid-twenties and, while I find older women and almost any body type attractive, the ones my age are, generally, what fill my fantasies. (please don't throw those tomatoes!)

I would love for any of you ladies, yes, even you straight ladies, to participate and post what you would like to see. Please!

I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you 😞

P.S. I also get a lot of positive responses from other women so I didn't think I was posting anything that they didn't find attractive as well.
There are many ways to be strong. I’m sorry that this man treated you this way, but you didn’t do anything wrong. Him being horrible doesn’t mean that you were weak. Don’t ever feel like you failed because you didn’t think like a manipulative sociopath. It’s a good thing that your heart and mind don’t work that way.
Thank you very much. I find it very annoying that I can still be pretty gullible even now. It's frustrating. I know I seem like a pessimist, but I honestly expect most people to do the right thing...haaaaaaaaaaah.
As one of those who posts a lot of pics in the L&L threads, I will tell you that I don't often run across good images like what you all are looking for. To be transparent, though, I search for categories of pictures rather than particular types of women. The ones I post are the ones that get to me. What gets me going is, I'm sure, very different from others. I'm in my mid-twenties and, while I find older women and almost any body type attractive, the ones my age are, generally, what fill my fantasies. (please don't throw those tomatoes!)

I would love for any of you ladies, yes, even you straight ladies, to participate and post what you would like to see. Please!

I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you 😞

P.S. I also get a lot of positive responses from other women so I didn't think I was posting anything that they didn't find attractive as well.
I don't find that disappointing as I've never seen your threads. There is one person who posts a lot of images all the time, all of women, and I just...wish there were some diversity. I was kind of thinking of her threads. I mean, a lot of people like thin, young, white women. They seem to be sexual currency. But others of us would like representation too. Just kind of my thoughts.
I don't find that disappointing as I've never seen your threads. There is one person who posts a lot of images all the time, all of women, and I just...wish there were some diversity. I was kind of thinking of her threads. I mean, a lot of people like thin, young, white women. They seem to be sexual currency. But others of us would like representation too. Just kind of my thoughts.
Please, please, please post the things you would like represented. 🙏
As one of those who posts a lot of pics in the L&L threads, I will tell you that I don't often run across good images like what you all are looking for. To be transparent, though, I search for categories of pictures rather than particular types of women. The ones I post are the ones that get to me. What gets me going is, I'm sure, very different from others. I'm in my mid-twenties and, while I find older women and almost any body type attractive, the ones my age are, generally, what fill my fantasies. (please don't throw those tomatoes!)

I would love for any of you ladies, yes, even you straight ladies, to participate and post what you would like to see. Please!

I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you 😞

P.S. I also get a lot of positive responses from other women so I didn't think I was posting anything that they didn't find attractive as well.
If the pictures aren't there she can't post them. It's not her fault the source limits what's available to her or the other posters. I'm sure she's not limiting what's posted.
Being impartial in all this since I don't post anything. If you don't like what you see don't look at it. If you want to post something else then post it yourselves so you know that you're getting to see what you want. Maybe you have better sources than her in posting things. I mean it's just my opinion doesn't really mean anything but it's just another alternative.
I don't think anyone is angry. It's just casual observation. As aforementioned, I had not seen these particular posts, but I did notice a trend with other posts. And it's not even saying the posts are bad. It's just that diversity is better. Like, inclusion is not pie. If I get a piece, it doesn't take away your piece.
I'd also never go into someone's thread and complain about what they post there. I didn't even mention the poster I was thinking of by name. Like, I just don't visit those threads, but thought it might be an OK place to talk about my concerns. If that makes me unsafe, I am sorry.
I'd also never go into someone's thread and complain about what they post there. I didn't even mention the poster I was thinking of by name. Like, I just don't visit those threads, but thought it might be an OK place to talk about my concerns. If that makes me unsafe, I am sorry.
Diversity is better, I totally agree. We are always wanting more women to participate to get better with that. There are only about three or four of us who post regularly so it is a problem. I promise I wasn't offended but I am one of the perpetrators so it stung a little only because it's true.

More women posting can help, though 😉 😁
I'd also never go into someone's thread and complain about what they post there. I didn't even mention the poster I was thinking of by name. Like, I just don't visit those threads, but thought it might be an OK place to talk about my concerns. If that makes me unsafe, I am sorry.
It doesn't make you unsafe hun. What I think is that people are going to post what they enjoy. And they should that's what makes it fun. If someone doesn't enjoy the same thing then they should post what they want and enjoy. It's alot of work finding and posting. I think that if you don't enjoy a thread then develop a thread of your own with what you enjoy.
Diversity is better, I totally agree. We are always wanting more women to participate to get better with that. There are only about three or four of us who post regularly so it is a problem. I promise I wasn't offended but I am one of the perpetrators so it stung a little only because it's true.

More women posting can help, though 😉 😁
I will see what I can do. I honestly am not good at procuring pornographic images. I am better at writing pornographic words. :p
It doesn't make you unsafe hun. What I think is that people are going to post what they enjoy. And they should that's what makes it fun. If someone doesn't enjoy the same thing then they should post what they want and enjoy. It's alot of work finding and posting. I think that if you don't enjoy a thread then develop a thread of your own with what you enjoy.
It was just an observation. It was not meant to be a stone to throw. I'm happy to let it go.
It was just an observation. It was not meant to be a stone to throw. I'm happy to let it go.
Well everybody learns by learning from somebody else. It's just another view that's all it is now we know how in what other people think. And maybe adjustments can be made or additional information can be posted. But nobody did anything wrong.
Nooooooooo!! I wasn’t trying to be accusatory or judgmental. I was legit just wanting to have a conversation about how women can be beautiful in a million different ways. Post pics you dig. We all dig different things.
I'm glad hun. And believe me I've been with all different types of women. It's the person that counts not the shape or figure.
Diversity is better, I totally agree. We are always wanting more women to participate to get better with that. There are only about three or four of us who post regularly so it is a problem. I promise I wasn't offended but I am one of the perpetrators so it stung a little only because it's true.

More women posting can help, though 😉 😁
Well I just spent some time cruising Pinterest for older sexy ladies so some of those will go up soon.

ETA: be the change you want to see in the world
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As one of those who posts a lot of pics in the L&L threads, I will tell you that I don't often run across good images like what you all are looking for. To be transparent, though, I search for categories of pictures rather than particular types of women. The ones I post are the ones that get to me. What gets me going is, I'm sure, very different from others. I'm in my mid-twenties and, while I find older women and almost any body type attractive, the ones my age are, generally, what fill my fantasies. (please don't throw those tomatoes!)

I would love for any of you ladies, yes, even you straight ladies, to participate and post what you would like to see. Please!

I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you 😞

P.S. I also get a lot of positive responses from other women so I didn't think I was posting anything that they didn't find attractive as well.
I always enjoy the pics you post, and I thank you for finding them. But as I get older, I sometimes wonder if I should be lusting so much after the younger women in the pictures. For you, they are still age appropriate, but for me... I don't want to be like the guys who salivate over younger women... but damn... I like looking. 😳
I always enjoy the pics you post, and I thank you for finding them. But as I get older, I sometimes wonder if I should be lusting so much after the younger women in the pictures. For you, they are still age appropriate, but for me... I don't want to be like the guys who salivate over younger women... but damn... I like looking. 😳
I feel exactly the same way. Many of these women are most likely college students. Like my daughter. And that just gets… weird.

Still, I didn’t have what they are showing off now back then… and, yes Damn.
You know when we see a man with a younger woman. We call her a gold digger. He gets praised for having his trophy. A woman with a younger man is robbing the cradle. Or he's praised for getting an older woman who must be his sugar momma 🤷 🤔 I just don't get it. Either way we lose.
I always enjoy the pics you post, and I thank you for finding them. But as I get older, I sometimes wonder if I should be lusting so much after the younger women in the pictures. For you, they are still age appropriate, but for me... I don't want to be like the guys who salivate over younger women... but damn... I like looking. 😳
Although, for the sake of full disclosure, both my ex-girlfriend and my sometimes FWB are almost ten years younger than me, so maybe I really am like the older guys who like younger women... 🥺

And I did have a brief fling with a lot younger guy... Shit... Maybe I am the problem...

Okay... I just icked myself out. But at least my Hubby is age appropriate for me... 🤪
Although, for the sake of full disclosure, both my ex-girlfriend and my sometimes FWB are almost ten years younger than me, so maybe I really am like the older guys who like younger women... 🥺

And I did have a brief fling with a lot younger guy... Shit... Maybe I am the problem...

Okay... I just icked myself out. But at least my Hubby is age appropriate for me... 🤪
Lol. Looking around for an application...lol