Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

You should see my gf in her lawyer clothes...or out of them šŸ’¦
My Hubby is a lawyer as well. He had court today, and looked oh so yummy in his suit, a black on black pinstripe one. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

Too bad I'm probably going to be out of the mood by the time we are finally alone tonight. It was the same way after my first kid, and stayed that way for about a year. šŸ˜ž
As a blanket statement that I should not need to say: for anything I post on this women to women no men posting thread neither need nor desire men to send me PMs about my posts.

Other threads, sure fine. Those are all open forum

From here? Please stop. I donā€™t need you pointing out how you wouldnā€™t do X or itā€™s too bad someone else did X or whatever. I understand I canā€™t stop you from reading this thread but by God I wish you would stop yourself. It just feels creepy and intrusive and reinforces everything that I can bitch about on here.

Just stop.
I've had the same experience. And they usually get pissed when I've tried to explain it, so I don't try anymore.
You have (had?) more choice though! Finding other women to date requires a dowsing rod and the ability to read body language too subtle to be captured on video.
Fuck yeah it does. I had a couple misfires back when I was still drinking and trying to reignite my bisexuality. The most embarrassing was with my Hubby's cousin during pandemic lockdown. She was staying with us and I totally misread a bunch there. It got kinda awkward, of course. šŸ˜³
My Hubby is a lawyer as well. He had court today, and looked oh so yummy in his suit, a black on black pinstripe one. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

Too bad I'm probably going to be out of the mood by the time we are finally alone tonight. It was the same way after my first kid, and stayed that way for about a year. šŸ˜ž
Stay strong sister! Itā€™s early days yet.
My Hubby is a lawyer as well. He had court today, and looked oh so yummy in his suit, a black on black pinstripe one. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

Too bad I'm probably going to be out of the mood by the time we are finally alone tonight. It was the same way after my first kid, and stayed that way for about a year. šŸ˜ž
Yeah, those power suits are...powerful :devilish:

I can't even imagine how exhausted you must be right now. I have a feeling that you're an amazing mom!
Thank you so much! BTW, if any of you ladies don't want to post images for reasons and just want to PM me with links to what you want to see, I would be happy to post them.

I'm not -usually- attracted to masc but I will admit to some exceptions :sneaky:

i get it, really. I shared a house with three gay women at one point and passed up a few opportunities with their cool masc friends. Now I see a sharp high-and-tight haircut on a stunning individual and wonder, what was I thinking? šŸ˜†
Yeah, those power suits are...powerful :devilish:

I can't even imagine how exhausted you must be right now. I have a feeling that you're an amazing mom!
I hope so. The horrible thing, the one that makes me sometimes wonder, is I really am not a baby person. I love them, but I can't wait until they are toddlers. As much a pain I the ass as toddlers are (and even imagining having two at once is exhausting), they are at least fun. Babies... meh...

But my son (now 6) seems to like them... he's even helped in changing them.
I hope so. The horrible thing, the one that makes me sometimes wonder, is I really am not a baby person. I love them, but I can't wait until they are toddlers. As much a pain I the ass as toddlers are (and even imagining having two at once is exhausting), they are at least fun. Babies... meh...

But my son (now 6) seems to like them... he's even helped in changing them.
Wow, changing diapers at six! I'm not sure I could change a diaper. šŸ¤£
i get it, really. I shared a house with three gay women at one point and passed up a few opportunities with their cool masc friends. Now I see a sharp high-and-tight haircut on a stunning individual and wonder, what was I thinking? šŸ˜†
For me, traditionally masculine men (but not macho or jockish, if you know what I mean...) and traditionally feminine women are what I like. But, those are not firm... and I've also wondered what I've missed out on...
General question prompted by recent activity: ladies, whatā€™s your attraction triggers for either women or men?

My early Bi experiences (Iā€™m a cliche and had an Old College Try) were with a woman as little femme presenting as much as was possible at a Christian school in the early 90s. Back when I was still struggling to grow my hair out just to pin it up because thatā€™s what we did she had short pixie cut hair, broader shoulders, and usually in jeans, tees, denim jackets. (Seeing her now sheā€™s full carabiner and flannels). God was I ever entranced back then. Now that Iā€™m looking again Iā€™m generally more interested in femme presenting women in the mid 30s-50s - other moms essentially.

For men, well, did you see that comedy sketch about TimDer, the dating app for meeting Middle Aged and older capable and compassionate Minnesota democrats A La Mr Walz? Mostly that but maybe a bit more defined around the midsection. Not that I donā€™t get a little het up by fit men in well tailored suits but itā€™s the smile and eyes that get me.

Anyone else care to share?
General question prompted by recent activity: ladies, whatā€™s your attraction triggers for either women or men?

My early Bi experiences (Iā€™m a cliche and had an Old College Try) were with a woman as little femme presenting as much as was possible at a Christian school in the early 90s. Back when I was still struggling to grow my hair out just to pin it up because thatā€™s what we did she had short pixie cut hair, broader shoulders, and usually in jeans, tees, denim jackets. (Seeing her now sheā€™s full carabiner and flannels). God was I ever entranced back then. Now that Iā€™m looking again Iā€™m generally more interested in femme presenting women in the mid 30s-50s - other moms essentially.

For men, well, did you see that comedy sketch about TimDer, the dating app for meeting Middle Aged and older capable and compassionate Minnesota democrats A La Mr Walz? Mostly that but maybe a bit more defined around the midsection. Not that I donā€™t get a little het up by fit men in well tailored suits but itā€™s the smile and eyes that get me.

Anyone else care to share?
Well being a lesbian I have no interest sexually or intimately with a man. I don't hate men I have many male friends that are straight as well as gay but I am just not physically or mentally attracted to them. I don't have a set physical attraction to a woman. I usually like to get to know them before I approach them or am approached by them. I think it's the total woman that really attracts me both her personality, her intelligence, as well as appearance. Now mentioning her personality I'm not into women that are domineering or controlling. I do that on my own within reason. Intelligence there's different levels of intelligence there's book smart as well as Street Smart a good combination of both is what attracts me you don't have to be nerdy, although I am attracted to women that are nerdy you don't have to be raised on the streets but I don't think you should be discredited for that as well. But a good combination is great. As far as physical appearance I've been with young women and more mature women noticed I didn't say older women. Because they are more mature either in age or intelligence. I've been with thin women I've been with skinny women I've been with rubenesque women I've been with overweight women. I don't have a physical attraction to a certain type of woman but that's just me. I've been with petite women or short. And I've been with tall women I mean maybe a foot taller than me or so. So really I have no set woman that I'm attracted to. But as I said that's just me.
Well being a lesbian I have no interest sexually or intimately with a man. I don't hate men I have many male friends that are straight as well as gay but I am just not physically or mentally attracted to them. I don't have a set physical attraction to a woman. I usually like to get to know them before I approach them or am approached by them. I think it's the total woman that really attracts me both her personality, her intelligence, as well as appearance. Now mentioning her personality I'm not into women that are domineering or controlling. I do that on my own within reason. Intelligence there's different levels of intelligence there's book smart as well as Street Smart a good combination of both is what attracts me you don't have to be nerdy, although I am attracted to women that are nerdy you don't have to be raised on the streets but I don't think you should be discredited for that as well. But a good combination is great. As far as physical appearance I've been with young women and more mature women noticed I didn't say older women. Because they are more mature either in age or intelligence. I've been with thin women I've been with skinny women I've been with rubenesque women I've been with overweight women. I don't have a physical attraction to a certain type of woman but that's just me. I've been with petite women or short. And I've been with tall women I mean maybe a foot taller than me or so. So really I have no set woman that I'm attracted to. But as I said that's just me.
Wow I wrote All That boy did I go off on a tangent.
General question prompted by recent activity: ladies, whatā€™s your attraction triggers for either women or men?

My early Bi experiences (Iā€™m a cliche and had an Old College Try) were with a woman as little femme presenting as much as was possible at a Christian school in the early 90s. Back when I was still struggling to grow my hair out just to pin it up because thatā€™s what we did she had short pixie cut hair, broader shoulders, and usually in jeans, tees, denim jackets. (Seeing her now sheā€™s full carabiner and flannels). God was I ever entranced back then. Now that Iā€™m looking again Iā€™m generally more interested in femme presenting women in the mid 30s-50s - other moms essentially.

For men, well, did you see that comedy sketch about TimDer, the dating app for meeting Middle Aged and older capable and compassionate Minnesota democrats A La Mr Walz? Mostly that but maybe a bit more defined around the midsection. Not that I donā€™t get a little het up by fit men in well tailored suits but itā€™s the smile and eyes that get me.

Anyone else care to share?
This is really tough and I might not be the demographic you really want input from. I have to say that I am more attracted to the energy of a person (not in a new-age sort of way). I'm attracted to a woman who is witty, confident and laughs easily. Eyes and smile, though, are the things that will pull me toward someone from across a room. Body type is less important but dressing in a way that lets me know she's comfortable in her body is nice.
This is really tough and I might not be the demographic you really want input from. I have to say that I am more attracted to the energy of a person (not in a new-age sort of way). I'm attracted to a woman who is witty, confident and laughs easily. Eyes and smile, though, are the things that will pull me toward someone from across a room. Body type is less important but dressing in a way that lets me know she's comfortable in her body is nice.
Everyoneā€™s input is appreciated.

Itā€™s interesting in that the place where I have had a lot of experience (men) my answer is closer to yours in the energy smile affect comfort in themselves means so much but in the plaice where Iā€™m just re-exploring Iā€™m leaning much more into body types. i wonder if I ever got over my damn self and went to a lesbian bar my opinions would change radically from my online voyurism. Though age and experience are still my top draws - I just canā€™t see myself with someone closer in age to my daughter than me
Everyoneā€™s input is appreciated.

Itā€™s interesting in that the place where I have had a lot of experience (men) my answer is closer to yours in the energy smile affect comfort in themselves means so much but in the plaice where Iā€™m just re-exploring Iā€™m leaning much more into body types. i wonder if I ever got over my damn self and went to a lesbian bar my opinions would change radically from my online voyurism. Though age and experience are still my top draws - I just canā€™t see myself with someone closer in age to my daughter than me
The one lesbian (technically just gay-friendly) bar near me has a large range of women who frequent it but I am often one of the younger people there. Not that I go often, but it is a nice place where I don't have to worry about guys buying me a drink. There are more masc women there than femmes, though. Anyway, it might be a good option for you, @JennyCapricorn!
The one lesbian (technically just gay-friendly) bar near me has a large range of women who frequent it but I am often one of the younger people there. Not that I go often, but it is a nice place where I don't have to worry about guys buying me a drink. There are more masc women there than femmes, though. Anyway, it might be a good option for you, @JennyCapricorn!
We had a gay friendly bar just down the street (ā€œTrianglesā€ with a pride flag triangle for the sign, not being subtle) that closed a few years back and was replaced by a live music joint. However reports say that much of the clientele is the same. I should probably as aforementioned get over my damn self and check it out.