Word Thread

B -

Can't think of one for appendix, either. Not that appendices ... appendixes ... are quite like nipples.

I saw this lady today that was very striking. Thin white blouse over full breasts. Sorry, no nipples on display. Black skirt, mid calf in length, that accentuated her narrow waist and full hips. Its very hot here, so no hose, sandals and painted toenails. As I said, her skirt was long, but had a slit to mid-thigh. She was standing on the sidewalk outside a building leaning on a fence that surrounded an attached parking lot. Because of her relaxed stance and the way she was leaning, the slit in her skirt gaped all the way up showing her shapely leg to mid-thigh. She was talking on her cell phone and was quite animated. Frequently smiling and occasionally laughing as she spoke on the phone. Her relaxed posture, her smiling expression and shapely body were incredibly appealing. I am torn in trying to find a single word that captures my image. One that I came up with that is lacking and the object of this post is Voluptuous.
I love the word languor and I love being languid. Even more, I love feeling and being voluptuous in my languidness.


We did lascivious, but did we do salacious? That's another juicy mouthful.

An odalisque is a female slave or a member of a harem.

A hierodule is a temple prostitute, a fascinating concept in itself: union with the God through sexual intercourse with his Priestess. Sacred prostitution. The Theology of sex. Used to be big in Mesopotamia, a little bit in Greece too, and of course in Rome.

Great words, Mab. Love 'hierodule' and the concept.
Odalisque I knew from painting, always wanted to be one, or at least pose as one. ;)

in salaciousness, Perdita
Hierodule: I don't think "of course in Rome." I can't see the Romans being big on the concept in the City. They certainly had no problem with other people having temple prostitutes, being remarkably open-minded when it came to religion. "Hierodule" really means "holy slave" (hieros + doulos), so it applies to the temple prostitutes as well as to the old guy who swept out the temple in the morning (the temple of Aphrodite at Corinth was apparently a reknowned place for such things ... prostitution, I mean, not sweeping).
bridgetkeeney said:
Kind of like a synonym for appendix?

:rose: b

You mean the old vermiform? That vesitigial afterthought? The old Houdini-killer?

Should I tell you now about the hooker who had her appendix removed but told the surgeons not to sew her up so she could make a little money on the side?

No? Then I won't.

dr_mabeuse said:
No? Then I won't.
Dear Dr M,
Thank you for the rare exercise of restraint.
Ps. Let's not even think about colostomies. Okay?
Pps. I read that Houdini was quite proud of his abdominal musulature and frequently challenged people to hit him there. Some guy punched HH before he tensed, and busted somthing inside. Probably the spleen. More interesting than a ruptured appendix, but probably not true.
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macradenous: having large glands.

Doesn't say what kind.

fizgig: a frivolous or coquettish girl.

Does that mean fizgiggish is the adjective?

frigorific, a. causing cold.

It wasn't just way cool, it was fucking frigorific.

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Stroke. It doesn't sound like much, but try rolling the r and you get something which pours off your tongue. I've always been a great fan of my characters languidly stroking each other.

The Earl
A word that 'we' invented was flowversant to describe rolling flesh (only applicable to curvaceous girlies). Ooh ooh. Curvaceous. Or did someone say that?

Reading through and paying attention to my mouth as I say the words, there seems to be quite a concentration of 'tongue' letters (lingual?) within most of the entries.

Anything to do with suckling perhaps?

Thank you, Gaucheman. You gave me my first non-self arousal of the day (it's morning here).

Flowversantly and lingually,

Purr :kiss:

p.s. I like a man who pays attention to his mouth.
I love the word wanton and its variants, wantonly, wantonness. It's one of those words that fits its meaning in sound.

I love the state of wantonness, especially when conjured out of me by a man. My body exudes it and I do things I would not have otherwise, or even imagined at times.

wantonly of course, Perdita

p.s. not to be cofused with the Chinese soup.
Here's a word that grabbed my attention the other day: Concupiscence. It is a formal version of the word lust, which in itself is an emotion enducing word. I found this meaning for the word concupiscence: The propensity of human nature to actual sin as a result of the original sin, which darkened our intellects and weakened our wills. I love that, it's so dark and poetic.

With concupiscence,
perdita said:
Hey, Loulou, look at my post on page one here.

concupiscently, Perdita :p

Oh yeah, doh! *Slaps forehead*

I read through the thread a couple of days ago, you snuck that one past me. :p

Loulou :kiss:
Louloulou, I just wanted you to see its origin for me.

Concupiscence is a word that bears repeating.

Purditta :kiss:
Come on, we have sexual innuendo in almost all of our American literature and song.

Think of a well exercized, hardened nipple that has been tweaked, and rolled, and suckled the next time you hear this line from our anthem:

"the rockets red glare"

Perfect description to me of that sensitive area between the nipples and the orbs that support them.

Not to mention décollage - always makes me think of how much could be risked to show, the hint of what was still to be seen.

why I don't mind when a woman glares at me-
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Eff: don't you mean decollete (can't do the accents)?

(Hopefully NOT decoupage.)

Perdita (with cleavage) ;)
perdita said:
Eff: don't you mean decollete (can't do the accents)?

(Hopefully NOT decoupage.)

Perdita (with cleavage) ;)

Cleavage is a nice appetizer, but I still look forward to the entree....:devil:
don't you mean decollete?

nope - décollage is to take off or pieces of material to take off, and décolleté is simply the low neckline. Young French women would take off parts of their décollage to try to reveal an even lower décolleté. The words were also used as euphemisms to describe the outrageous exposure of the breasts in society. At times this was reserved for the putain and at others (I didn't try to pin down the exact range of years - either Louis XIV or XVI) even great ladies of court showed virtually the whole aureole with a wired under décollage to lift their breast and make it appear like the younger women.

Part of my heritage is French and I try to uphold the reputation of my forebearers. It is important to carefully remove every piece of décollage and to make sure that there are no painful areas that may be in need of assistance to return to their former smooth and unblemished state. If any are found, a simple application of judicious amounts of that miracle salve, human saliva, can help to restore the skin to a healthy state of firmness and restored circulation. The salve should be applied gently and massaged with the most delicate touch possible. Since the fingers may be used to harder work, it may be preferable to use something softer, such as the lips. Of course, in those days women's styles dictated a horrible squeezing of the breast proper, the waist, the hips, and even the Mons Venus - often with the aid of metallic clasps and covers. Needless to say, proper physical therapy for such unhealthy mistreatment of the human body required long sessions for complete recuperation.

Just offering my expert services.

ps. Cleavage exists to cleave to, n'est pas?
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ffreak said:
nope - décollage is to take off or pieces of material to take off, and décolleté is simply the low neckline. Young French women would take off parts of their décollage to try to reveal an even lower décolleté. The words were also used as euphemisms to describe the outrageous exposure of the breasts in society. At times this was reserved for the putain and at others (I didn't try to pin down the exact range of years - either Louis XIV or XVI) even great ladies of court showed virtually the whole aureole with a wired under décollage to lift their breast and make it appear like the younger women.

Part of my heritage is French and I try to uphold the reputation of my forebearers. It is important to carefully remove every piece of décollage and to make sure that there are no painful areas that may be in need of assistance to return to their former smooth and unblemished state. If any are found, a simple application of judicious amounts of that miracle salve, human saliva, can help to restore the skin to a healthy state of firmness and restored circulation. The salve should be applied gently and massaged with the most delicate touch possible. Since the fingers may be used to harder work, it may be preferable to use something softer, such as the lips. Of course, in those days women's styles dictated a horrible squeezing of the breast proper, the waist, the hips, and even the Mons Venus - often with the aid of metallic clasps and covers. Needless to say, proper physical therapy for such unhealthy mistreatment of the human body required long sessions for complete recuperation.

Just offering my expert services.


I thought I could throw a line of shit....^5