Word usage help, please!

This is getting ridiculous, they only asked for what 'sounded' right.

Come to the party........

gauchecritic said:
This is getting ridiculous, they only asked for what 'sounded' right.
Dear Gauchie,
When did you ever see this bunch (me included) quit flogging just because the hoss is mort?
Ps. I'll bet this thread is good for another week of action.
We're TRYING to hi-jack this thread, but there's a lot of people who insist on getting back to the original topic and having a serious discussion. Go figure...
Takes all kinds

Svenskaflicka said:
We're TRYING to hi-jack this thread, but there's a lot of people who insist on getting back to the original topic and having a serious discussion. Go figure...
Dear Svenska,
Yes, it's amazing that some people want to continue with the original subject. I thought it was rather thoroughly flogged after about four posts.
I suppose this is as good time as any to say...

Harry Potter!!!

Phew. That felt good.

Trying To Bring Up Harry Potter In Every Thread, Even If It's Not Relevant
Lie or lay?

Personally, I would rather lay then lie, but here is my two cents:

I haven't been formally educated for a very long time, just write what sounds right. If it isn't, someone will tell me eventually. Anyway, the drift seems to be (in my mind) that lay is an action verb, and lie is a... whatever an inactive verb happens to be called.

Is that anywhere near reality? I just asked my 13-year-old 'stepson' to look at the comments about lay and lie (just the nice ones) and he seemed to have a better understanding than I. *Scratching my head*

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Makes me wish I had a kid around, (to show only the nice comments) and ask him- ever notice how the kids *always* know more than the parents? About anything? Just ask the kid!
sailorm72003 said:
Makes me wish I had a kid around, (to show only the nice comments) and ask him- ever notice how the kids *always* know more than the parents? About anything? Just ask the kid!

I am in total agreement. When my son ran off to the Army, I had to learn how to do mildly complex things on the computer all by myself. Before, I only had to yell for him and he pushed a few buttons, shook his head at my lack of knwledge, then my wishes were granted.

Same here, Wantonica. My sons buy all the parts and make their own computers. At work I have tech help so I'm just a big 'user', haha. My boys also cook.

Perdita :)
perdita said:
Same here, Wantonica. My sons buy all the parts and make their own computers. At work I have tech help so I'm just a big 'user', haha. My boys also cook.

Perdita :)

It's what happens when they get computers in the kindergarten classroom. I miss the kid, he signed up for six years...

Happiness to all,
Wantonica :rose:
Wantonica said:
It's what happens when they get computers in the kindergarten classroom. I miss the kid, he signed up for six years...

Happiness to all,
Wantonica :rose:

Mine are all younger than that, thank god- I miss them enough when they're away just visiting relatives.

But, vacation started at five yesterday, my flight leaves in another two hours, so I get two whole loooong weeks, no computer, cell phones, tv, just get to play with my wife and the kids. Heaven!:D :D

Rolling your own

Originally posted by perdita My sons buy all the parts and make their own computers.
Dear Perdita,
That's half the fun. My aunt wanted to buy me a new computer for my last birthday. She had one picked out. I took her to Frye's, and we ended up with a shopping cart full of stuff. I ended up with a much more powerful computer, and Auntie saved a hundred bucks.
Re: Rolling your own

MathGirl said:
... I ended up with a much more powerful computer, and Auntie saved a hundred bucks. MG
Maths: I'm glad you have fun with this, I simply don't share that satisfaction (I don't enjoy cooking either). BTW, my sons also saved my brother some big bucks putting his and my sister-in-law's PCs together. I wish they could figure out how to 'make' money doing it as they are both looking for the scarce jobs, outside of slopping fastfood, in SF.

But now I wonder how a girl like you who can create her own computer cannot figure out the use of smilies. ;)

I'd like to learn how to put a computer together. I'm starting a computer course in two weeks, to learn how to do calculations in Excel, and Power Point presentations. I know grahphics and word already, and I'm great at HTML, so I only have those two left - and Java-programming.

I suppose after that I'll sign up for C++ or something - it will require even more student loans, but atleast I'll get away from the social office for a while...:rolleyes:
Good for you, Flicka. If I didn't have to work I'd go to school all the time (well, you know). How did your driving test go?
Smilies, similies, etc.

perdita said:
But now I wonder how a girl like you who can create her own computer cannot figure out the use of smilies.
Dear Perdita,
I can use smilies, dear. I choose not to.
Ps. The way things are today, putting a computer together isn't very difficult at all. You get an empty case, a bunch of stuff to jam into it, then tighten the screws and connect the wires. Sort of a cross between children's building blocks and and Erector Set, with a few wires thrown in.
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perdita said:
Good for you, Flicka. If I didn't have to work I'd go to school all the time (well, you know). How did your driving test go?

It was quite depressing... This driving school have set prices, depending on what level you are. They have courses from "Rookie" to "Expert". I didn't even qualify to be a "Rookie"...:(

I think my test supervisor got slightly suspicious when I got behind the wheel, and didn't know which was which of the gas, the break, and the clutch...
Svenskaflicka said:
I think my test supervisor got slightly suspicious when I got behind the wheel, and didn't know which was which of the gas, the break, and the clutch...
Dear Svenska,
Yes, that would indicate to the instructor that he wasn't dealing with a trucker who had just let his license lapse.
Svenskaflicka said:
OK, so:

  • You lay down on a bed.
  • You lay a cloth on a table.
  • You lay someone.
  • You lie to save your skin.

Am I close?:confused:

Can you get laid? I get laid. I really like getting laid. :D
Re: Smilies, similies, etc.

MathGirl said:
Sort of a cross between children's building blocks and and Erector Set, with a few wires thrown in.

How you yankees let Mechano get away with caliing a child's toy and 'Erector Set' I'll never know. Whilst I'm at it, letting a primetime cartoon character (Homer) mention his admiration for the inventor of 'Glory Holes'. Whoo hoo.
