Words that Don't Belong on Lit

Gauche, you twat: :kiss:

edited to add: Now you must Be My Valentine (at least on the AH, por favor?)
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Wow I am feeling a bit out of place. First off Chuckle:

Noun 1. chuckle - a soft partly suppressed laugh
laugh, laughter - the sound of laughing
Verb 1. chuckle - laugh quietly or with restraint
chortle, laugh softly
express joy, express mirth, laugh - produce laughter

I don't care if you like the word it has a specific meaning. I happen to use it frequently as I might not be laughing and I might be doing more than a smile.

Secondly Twat:

Noun 1. twat - a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
bozo, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goofball, jackass, zany, goose
fool, muggins, saphead, tomfool, sap - a person who lacks good judgment
2. twat - obscene terms for female genitals
puss, pussy, slit, snatch, cunt
female genital organ, female genitalia, female genitals, fanny - external female sex organs

I have used this word in every story I have written. It is my way of getting around the use of the word "cunt". It is meant to be a derogative word, but just the same many readers do not place it as high on the hate list as cunt. And being a fan of the Camel toe it plays nicely with my minds thoughts.

I don't mind most words I really only get turned off when Scat, necro, castration, or religious terms are used. Also when reading a 50cent story every fourth sentence has a $10. word thrown in like Tvashtri, svelte or androgyny that is not placed in proper context that bothers me as well.
Aw, Phil, you party pooper. I think we all own dictionaries, but they're a last resort for me. Hope you find a Valentine ;) .

Thanks Perdita,

I sit here and chuckle over that comment! Thinking it is almost Valentines day and I have no twat to share it with.

Sick I tell ya! Perhaps it is the words I choose to write. Or my silly humor.

"Twat did you say? I cunt hear you. You know I got this ear infuction. Nevermind we can finger it out later!"
A7inchPhildo said:
I sit here and chuckle over that comment! Thinking it is almost Valentines day and I have no twat to share it with.
Aw, and I've no one to share my twat with. (No; don't say the obvous.)

Perdita ;)
perdita said:
Aw, and I've no one to share my twat with. (No; don't say the obvous.)

Perdita ;)

No I won't state the obvious. I am just laughing like crazy. Thanks for the humor. I guess that is why men do not have a twat of course if they did they would no longer be men. Go figure being a man either way you loose.

And just for the unofficial record I have to chuckle as I do not purr.
I find "titter" destroys the illusion.

First because it means a woman who uses her tits to arouse a man and secondly because of an old joke:

A British judge is visiting one of the African parts of the British Empire to see how British justice has been transplanted.

He visits a court in session. The judge and barristers all wear the correct wigs and gowns despite the heat. Everything is conducted perfectly except when the judge or a counsel makes a joke. Every time a well developed young lady, bare down to the waist, runs through the area where the public are sitting.

After the trial the British judge asked his African counterpart why the bare-breasted young lady was necessary. The reply:

"We read the reports of trials in Britain. Whenever there is a joke, the report says 'a titter ran through the public gallery'. She is our best titter."

It’s true: there are scads of words for the male member, very few decent ones for the female counterpart, and this is one of the ferw places where I think sexual politics is to blame: men make up most of the words, and the names for the vagina reflect men’s ambivalent feelings. “Pussy” just seems to be the least offensive.

Aside from the ‘C’ word, what’s left? Twat, snatch, box, muff (I disallow “cunny”); the euphemistic womanhood, cleft, sex; and the totally unacceptable fotch and—dare I even mention—the adolescent poontang.

Who said porn was easy?

Thong: A word with about as much sexuality as Coca-Cola. Tacky, unoriginal Hip Hop videos.

But Gusset: Full of threatening passion. Also improves comfort and reduces abrasion in the all-important crotch area of panyhose.

But stop bloody reading my stories if you don't like how my characters chuckle.:p

Anyway, I find a chortle as sexy as limp poo. So the chuckles are staying! :kiss:

And titties, especially 36DDDDD size tits without the owner wearing a bra, are a turn off. Stretches my imagination just a bit too far.
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okay I read one storywhere the word yonni or yani or some such thing was used. I have no idea if the story was good I backclicked upon seeing that
Chuckles are sexy. Giggles can be sexy, depending on context. Smirks are rarely sexy, but when done right I love them. I, too, draw the line at chortling. A chortle, to me, is worse than a cackle.

- Mindy
I agree, giggles can be very sexy. Snickers are borderline, but they do come close to a good Mars bar. Please, don't groan. I'm sorry.

Lou :p
destinie21 said:
okay I read one storywhere the word yonni or yani or some such thing was used. I have no idea if the story was good I backclicked upon seeing that

I use 'yoni' in my story "Harold plays the hero".

My excuse is that the story is set in mid-19th century India. I even include 'execution by yoni' - some readers think that is a good invention.

dr_mabeuse said:

Right down there with Wake up, sleepy-head!

Nothing breaks the mood of an erotic story like reading about someone chuckling. I don't even care if it's an obscene or lewd chuckle, it just doesn't belong. Anyhow, does anyone really chuckle anymore? (he asks with a chuckle)

Laugh, snort, grimace...okay. Maybe even chortle. But please, no more fucking chuckling.


Agree almost wholeheartedly ....nervous chuckle, maybe? Mm? chuckle is not. in fact, a sensual kind of word. Agree wholeheartedly in this case.

I personally have used 'chuckle' in one of my stories, and thought it fitted rather well.

I think the main problem for some words is that we are talking from different parts of the globe, and in some countries,some words can mean totally different things. Take for instance, the word 'fanny', in the USA it would mean the bottom, and here in the UK its used as a word for female genitalia. The word 'bum' here, means what in the US would be the same as 'fanny', but 'bum means 'tramp' or down and out.

It can be very confusing, especially for those who are not sure where the stories may be originating.
Hola, Gordfire. Welcome (I see that's your first post above you Scots virgin, you :) ).

You make a good point, and a case in such is Ogg's definition of titter. Here it means someone quietly chuckling. E.g.,

When the spotlight hit Abigail's flimsy nightgown, her mons was accented visibly and titters could be heard thoughout the audience.

or: Tittilation can often be the cause of titters.

perdita said:
Hola, Gordfire. Welcome (I see that's your first post above you Scots virgin, you :) ).

You make a good point, and a case in such is Ogg's definition of titter. Here it means someone quietly chuckling. E.g.,

When the spotlight hit Abigail's flimsy nightgown, her mons was accented visibly and titters could be heard thoughout the audience.

or: Tittilation can often be the cause of titters.


hee-hee...she said tittilation...

sorry Ms. Perdita, I could not refuse :D

a giggle, snicker, chuckle, chortle, snort, whatever you all prefer was needed today and I was happy to have it from you.

:rose: E
Guily of using chuckle. Did so in my Valentine's story. It fit better than laughed to herself.
