Would you like an offshoot board to the 'How To' forum?

Would you like an offshoot board to the 'How To' forum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 69 71.1%
  • No

    Votes: 28 28.9%

  • Total voters
I'm a big fan of the Corporation for Public Bumping and thier Subsidiary, the Foundation of Grinding. :D
Bobmi357 said:
I'm a big fan of the Corporation for Public Bumping and thier Subsidiary, the Foundation of Grinding. :D
Gee...I wonder if a refugee from the You Know You're Sexually Frustrated When thread could get a job at the Corporation for Public Bumping. I'd be happy to do their pubic relations. :D
Hmmm, ok first I have to admit I didn't read through all of the messages on this topic. I only skimmed.. There were just WAY too many words in some of them. LOL

I can see both sides of this topic, but in the end my opinion is this. The old timer frequent How To users have become quite disenchanted with the How To forum. This is very clear. Unfortunately it and the General Board have been invaded with "Trolls".

Now my opinion is this, instead of running away and creating a new thread where for a time you will indeed be free from Trolls why not create some anti-troll rules and have the mods enforce them?

Cate, Bobmi, and all those others who are sick of the Trolls.. Trust me, if you create a new forum the Trolls will follow you there and ruin it as well. Or in other words "If you build it, they will come." What you/we really need is some anti-troll rules and some mods who will enforce them. Not another forum that will only make a huge and often times slow Lit even bigger and slower.

Thats just my 2 cents guys.
Nightbird said:
Hmmm, ok first I have to admit I didn't read through all of the messages on this topic. I only skimmed.. There were just WAY too many words in some of them. LOL

I can see both sides of this topic, but in the end my opinion is this. The old timer frequent How To users have become quite disenchanted with the How To forum. This is very clear. Unfortunately it and the General Board have been invaded with "Trolls".

Now my opinion is this, instead of running away and creating a new thread where for a time you will indeed be free from Trolls why not create some anti-troll rules and have the mods enforce them?

Cate, Bobmi, and all those others who are sick of the Trolls.. Trust me, if you create a new forum the Trolls will follow you there and ruin it as well. Or in other words "If you build it, they will come." What you/we really need is some anti-troll rules and some mods who will enforce them. Not another forum that will only make a huge and often times slow Lit even bigger and slower.

Thats just my 2 cents guys.
NB, you make some good points here. I think, though, that the primary reason why the call for a sub-board has gone up is the desire for a place where we can start and run long-term threads whose purpose is mostly for serious and ongoing discussion of a given topic. Such threads would be pointless in the GB and while a few have been started in the PG, they tend to be invaded by rollicking fun-lovers who just like to see their names and avs sprinkled around Lit like so many overly proud dandelions.

For example, let's say that Cate wanted to ask what others think is the true essence of love. Where do you think would be the best place in Lit for such a discussion? It's certainly not going to survive an hour on the GB and, trust me on this, in the PG it would become a farce (perhaps a bedroom farce, but a farce nonetheless). This is not a how-to question so it would not be allowed on the How To board and yet those who post here regularly are among the most likely to want to contribute to such a discussion. That's the force behind this request.

Sure we'll get trolls. But we'll recruit Mary Hall to take care of them. She says they're a nice change from her regular diet. :D

Hi Kissophile...

Sorry I didn't quote but quite honestly I suck at it.

In a way I agree with you 100%. Certainly serious topic discussions can no longer take place on the GB because of the Trolls and other users.

And the Playground, is for play so you can't post anything serious there.

I still think the best option is to clean up what we have. Make the forums we have more serious so that those of us who want to have a long serious discussion can do so without being harassed by the less mature among us. I don't think adding more forums is going to solve the under lying problem.
Nightbird, the main problem we have is that the How-To board rules, as being enforced by the mods (and rightly so, as the rules are there for a reason), mean that the serious topics that we all enjoy to discuss at length are not allowed, and are therefore removed to other areas that are even less appropriate for such a topic.

Therefore, we need a place where just such serious discussions are allowed and encouraged.

I didn't realize that was the case. Hmm, guess I missed that point entirely.

Now I feel like an ass.

And please understand I have NO complaint with any of the Mods on Lit.. I think they all do a great job. One that is very difficult and often thankless..

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TNRkitect2b said:
Nightbird, the main problem we have is that the How-To board rules, as being enforced by the mods (and rightly so, as the rules are there for a reason), mean that the serious topics that we all enjoy to discuss at length are not allowed, and are therefore removed to other areas that are even less appropriate for such a topic.

Therein lies the crux of the matter. There are a whole class of non-how to topics that do deserve serious discussion, but have no real place for it.

For example the other day Shele posted asking for opinions on cybering. It was on the howto and it certainly WASN'T a how to question. I spent considerable time formulating a reply to what I thought might become a really interesting thread. I hit "Submit Reply" and found myself on the playground. The thread had been moved because it failed to meet the how to criteria. As as I suspected, a thread which most of the how to regulars would have chimed in on, languished and eventually got lost amoung the noise in the playground.

Threads containing posing issues and asking for opinions do not really belong on the How To. But they are quickly lost on either the GB or the PG. This isn't a matter of containing and muzzling a few trolls. On the whole, those of us that frequent the Howto are lucky, we have few trolls and even fewer regular, persistant trolls.

The issue here is simple, a place where non-howto topics can be discussed in depth by rational adults. Obviously some topics found on the howto, gb, and pg may spawn additional threads in a How To Cafe. The primary advantage we have always had over the GB and PG has been a desire to converse as adults, sharing ideas and thoughts as adults instead of trading porno pics or insults. And thats why I feel this would really work. The How To regulars have an honest desire to help people and explore their own sexuality (there's more than a few I'd love to help in that exploration too!) :D. But generally speaking, of the three mainstream boards. We have the least fluff and the least fights .
Well put

TNRkitect2b said:
Nightbird, the main problem we have is that the How-To board rules, as being enforced by the mods (and rightly so, as the rules are there for a reason), mean that the serious topics that we all enjoy to discuss at length are not allowed, and are therefore removed to other areas that are even less appropriate for such a topic.

Therefore, we need a place where just such serious discussions are allowed and encouraged.

In this and your other posts, you sum up the problem very well.
If we want to ask if women like big cocks, the thread gets moved to the GB because it didn't say ""How To" find out if women like big cocks or not." There have been many very good discussions here about sexual subjects that do not and cannot fit any where else. Now there is no place for them. That's what this is about.

This is in no way an attack on the new moderator, who is only doing her job as assigned. But, where else can we look for and post on the topics that USED to be here?
In teh days of yore, the GB was far more slow moving and the Playground didn't exist.

Then, threads were moved to the GB, were able to be located and generated discussion, not only with members of the original forum, but with outside input.

Now, the GB is far too fast paced for many and frankly, is overun by trolls, alts, egos and lit oriented drama.

So, having a sub forum would give you some free cyber space to do and say what you within this community. Discussion could occur far more freely and without worrying about where said post should go etc.

Now, I realize no one may recognize me as a "regular" poster here and that my input my be unwelcome, but I have been involved in similar forum changes....without the courtesy of polling the community AND am a regular reader of this forum.

Perhaps, with a second forum, more lurkers will unveil themselves.

I'm happy to see all these responses - whether for or against, regular posters and lurkers alike.

So far the poll shows overwhelmingly that Lit members would like to have this new board, I'm glad obviously. So, what to call it?

There are a few names suggested here but please feel free to keep posting suggestions about the board and the name you'd like.

HT Cafe' seems nice to me as well....but please post any suggestion you like.

Miss Taken, I am glad to see you more 'visible' here, I've noticed some of your posts here and enjoy them. I like that the how to brings people together who may be more regular of another board, it is a nice place to share and learn.

So folks - let the suggestions fly for the name of this new place...... thanks to everyone for taking the time to vote, think and share your thoughts. ;)
I would call it "Relate".

One meaning of relate being, to relate a story, to share an experience.

Another being, to empathise, as in, "I can really relate to that."

And thirdly because it strikes me that what is being sought is a place to discuss issues within RELATionships - which is definitely more specific than GB-'general', isn't PG-'play', but isn't really How-To either.
peachykeen said:
I would call it "Relate".

One meaning of relate being, to relate a story, to share an experience.

Another being, to empathise, as in, "I can really relate to that."

And thirdly because it strikes me that what is being sought is a place to discuss issues within RELATionships - which is definitely more specific than GB-'general', isn't PG-'play', but isn't really How-To either.

I like that! :D
Relate isn't bad, but I'd be afraid it might draw in the crowd of incest types thinking it was something it isn't.

Some possible names to consider, and mind you I'm only throwing these out to get people to think about a name...

How To Cafe - An Old standard, but sometimes the old ways are the best ones.

How To Roundtable - Too King Arthurish and I'd expect us all to start talking like Sean Connery.

Sexual Circle - Ok, this is sorta cool, but I'm concerned it would imply too many limitations.

How about a simple "Straight Talk" or "Straight Talk Cafe"? A group dedicated to a serious online exploration of the human condition. I kinda like the allusion to us "straights" considering there are sub boards already for the Gay community and the BDSM community.


Hey! Who's burning rubber?
Bobmi357 said:
Relate isn't bad, but I'd be afraid it might draw in the crowd of incest types thinking it was something it isn't.

LOL hadn't thought of that...
What about 'How To Relate"..... How To Relate Cafe'

still getting that same thought Bob?

Peachy I really like your idea!
Cathleen said:
What about 'How To Relate"..... How To Relate Cafe'

still getting that same thought Bob?

Peachy I really like your idea!

Sorry its only making it worse. The simple fact is the word "relate" is whats making it sound wrong, at least in my mind.
OK, since no one took Ralph or Ralp and Alice's Kitchen at all seriously.... :rolleyes: I thought I'd weigh in with a few more serious thoughts (and no cracks about my lack of avoirdupois making this a non-weighty post).

These possibilities are shown as "HT + something" - in each case I think that either the letters or the words "How To" spelled out would be fine.

HT Café - as Bobmi pointed out, sometimes the old ways are best for a reason. In this case, it echoes the BDSM Café and so if anyone is looking at the list of possible forums, its place in the hierarchy would be easy to discern.

HT Hangout - this echoes the Author's Hangout and in some ways indicates the purpose as well - a place to hang out and discuss things for an extended period.

HT Discussion Circle - another Lit echo, this time of the Story Discussion Circle. Its purpose ought to be self-evident.

HT Salon - literary salons were once very popular places to hold high-level discussions (and get to see sexy, bright women keep up with the men in conversation at a time when this was not the norm).

HT Straight Talk - Bobmi's point that this would help differentiate from the GLBT forum is a good one. I also like the suggestion that it would be a place to talk openly, candidly, and forcefully.

HT Living Room - just a thought; it's a variation on HT Salon and suggests a comfortable place to sit and talk.
I understand what you're saying about the word 'relate' Bob.

I like those Kisso, they all make sense to me (no matter what the weight).

So, how shall a name be determined?
Heres a couple name ideas that I've already discarded for obvious reasons.

"If it feels good, lets talk about it".

"You wanna put that WHERE??".

"Honey? ummm I did wear a rubber didn't I?"

"Why are you wearing a miners cap?"

"Sex is sweet and doesn't rot your teeth! Approved by the American Dental Association"

"Abandon all ye inhibitions before entering!"

"Stroke your mate!"

"Sex, common ground between the sexes that NO ONE understands!".

"Sex 101, yes there is sex after marriage, well maybe, ummm ok, none for vargas, but thats another story".

"Spontaneous Reproduction is for Born agains, the rest of us resort to sex!".

"If its weird, bizarre and strange, we'll talk about it, openly expose your faults and pick apart your psyche, newbies welcome!".

"The board to compare Cathleen's, WickedWoman and Erika's av!".

"The Adult Buffet".

"A mind is a terrible waste, unless you're thinking dirty thoughts".
Originally posted by Bobmi357
Heres a couple name ideas that I've already discarded for obvious reasons.

"The board to compare Cathleen's, WickedWoman and Erika's av!".

What? So now it's a comparison!!! :eek:

"A mind is a terrible waste, unless you're thinking dirty thoughts".

oooo I do like this...

You must be feeling better Bob. Thanks for the chuckles.
I know I'm not a "regular" here... yet...
but I like the name HT Cafe'

The name itself has an "air" of "seriousness", thus giving the impression before even entering the board that the discussions here will be of a more serious, rather than playful, nature... which is what is desired, if I'm understanding everything correctly.

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