You people are very intimidating

Chicklet said:

You know, sometimes it's so scary for me to post in this forum. Everyone here is so witty and quick to think of something clever, while I ... well I'm not = )

I wonder if we intimidate new posters ever? Not many newbies come here...oh, we do have our newbies, but not many, really.

Is anyone else intimidated by this group?


Well ... as I was a Newbie recently ... maybe I still am, I can tell you, yes ... it is intimidating. But not certain people, the forum itself. The sheer size of it ... I mean here are people with 20.000, 30.000 and 40.000 posts. That is intimidating.

And other than that, I sometimes can't keep up with some discussion ... be it they are to high for my humble english knowledge or simply to fast to keep up with. That's kinda intimidating too.

CA :rose:
I found that at first quite a few authors and others here were intimidating. LIt has quite a few talented people that hang out here and the knowledge they have is quite intimidating. I have gotten to be more on a better if not equal level now. I wouldn't want to come across as intimidating to anyone here. Lit has helped me to become a far better writer than I would have any other place or any other way.

Perhaps, since my history in school was far less than stellar and I quit in my senior year, getting a GED a long time afterwards, and all the baggage that I carried around because of that, all the college educated and getting educated persons here scared me a bit.

I am doing far better now though. Heh...well I think I am anyway.:D
curious2c said:
... all the college educated and getting educated persons here scared me a bit.

I am doing far better now though. Heh...well I think I am anyway.:D

Literotica is an education in itself but no one ever graduates.

...ogg, the fact that we sometimes play teacher and naughty schoolgirl, doesn't really make Lit qualify as an educational site...;)
Svenskaflicka said:
...ogg, the fact that we sometimes play teacher and naughty schoolgirl, doesn't really make Lit qualify as an educational site...;)

So ... you tell me that is no sexual education site? Argh ... couldn't you have told me earlier? :D j/k

CA :rose:
Svenskaflicka said:
...ogg, the fact that we sometimes play teacher and naughty schoolgirl, doesn't really make Lit qualify as an educational site...;)

Pained response: I try to make it educational but all I get is smart alec replies. Just like UK schools.

Seriously: Where else are there so many people willing to help with writing?

Re: Re: You people are very intimidating

Originally posted by Svenskaflicka Well, if the fucking newbies are such scaredy-cats that they can't take the heat, then to hell with'em, I say!!!
Dear Svenska,
You tell 'em, Swede. We'll pull their guts out through their ears!
For me intimidated isn't the right word. Before I posted here I used to come around and just look. While (most) everyone is witty and clever most didn't seem mean or snobbish. (granted during the time I was looking gardenrobes, sheep and scat were all the rage) NOw I see that some are petty and every so often there's a riff still most here are nice enough. I was nervous about posting but not intimidated :)
When i was a newbie i breezed in here with innocent's only after a while i started to really feel intimidated....but then maybe that is my own fears about my own inadequices(like in spelling)...not the folks here ;)
Gauche: Your Lit. persona fits your AV-character well (i.e., the battling self) --

a. I want to be intimidated.
b. I'm gauche.
c. I'm being ignored.
d. I'm Yorkshire.
e. No one talks to me.
f. I want to be intimidated.

(repeat at will)

You are not intimidating Gauche so much as aloof and held well in check (evident in most of your posts). Your Lit. persona puts out you don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I don't leave you alone because you're just the sort of bloke that intrigues me and won't bore me.

You're well respected and a source of bemusement for many I think. You are often kind and generous in public; it does not go unnoticed. But you do not put out need like many of us so you are taken for granted (like a stern but soft-hearted avuncular sort).

I like you very much. I'll pay attention to you.

with an affection, Purr
gauchecritic said:
I just wish someone would intimidate me. At least It's better than being ignored (or gnored in rhino's case as per attachment).


Then I started being sarcastic and English to almost everyone and now no one will talk to me. Think I'd rather be intimidated.

There are exceptions of course. Friends abound.


Oh, Bollocks!

:rose: b

gauchecritic said:
I just wish someone would intimidate me. At least It's better than being ignored (or gnored in rhino's case as per attachment).

One of my first posts was to attack a long standing member of Lit because they were being cruel and deliberately malicious to someone about their story, after they'd asked for feedback.

Then I got into a string of arguements with various people about a range of things. Then I started being sarcastic and English to almost everyone and now no one will talk to me. Think I'd rather be intimidated.

There are exceptions of course. Friends abound.


You tell them son:D

Me intimidated, Umm!! No, well not often, good brains and a quick wit don't intimidate me, mixing with a bunch of wacky authors most of whom appear to be a lot higher educated than me doesn't intimidate me, why should it, very few of them play on this fact, and those who do I ignore.

What would intimidate me is finding myself on a chat or whatever board where it were obvious I was the highest educated among a bunch of misfits and morons, have you ever tried getting through to that kind of character, Jeez:D :eek:

Chickie you've no need to feel intimidated, neither have any of the new guys and gals, come in and take a seat folks, we don't bite, well not often.
Re: Yeppers

pop_54 said:
You tell them son:D

Me intimidated, Umm!! No, well not often, good brains and a quick wit don't intimidate me, mixing with a bunch of wacky authors most of whom appear to be a lot higher educated than me doesn't intimidate me, why should it, very few of them play on this fact, and those who do I ignore.

What would intimidate me is finding myself on a chat or whatever board where it were obvious I was the highest educated among a bunch of misfits and morons, have you ever tried getting through to that kind of character, Jeez:D :eek:

Chickie you've no need to feel intimidated, neither have any of the new guys and gals, come in and take a seat folks, we don't bite, well not often.

But be very careful of Pop's strangely colored parrot. That bird is intimidating. :eek:
Re: Re: Yeppers

Jenny _S said:
But be very careful of Pop's strangely colored parrot. That bird is intimidating. :eek:

How can you say that about Tarquin, he's lovely really:D
Re: Yeppers

pop_54 said:
How can you say that about Tarquin, he's lovely really:D

The intimidating part is knowing that you've probably taught him to perform a "fly over."
I just had a thought I'm not intimidated among the author's Hangout group and I find those one or two who try to intimidate others laughable. However throw me on the general board and I'm scared as a Haitian in a squad car.

'scume, parme....... Decided to make a new thread. Perdon
Last edited:
Re: Yeppers

pop_54 said:
You tell them son:D

mixing with a bunch of wacky authors most of whom appear to be a lot higher educated than me doesn't intimidate me, why should it

Chickie you've no need to feel intimidated, neither have any of the new guys and gals, come in and take a seat folks, we don't bite, well not often.

Cheers dad. Well said yourself.

Chicklet said:
Is anyone else intimidated by this group?


I haven't been intimidated in the slightest. I'm either not paying enough attention, or some people are being far too subtle.
Re: Re: You people are very intimidating

fiery_jack said:
I haven't been intimidated in the slightest. I'm either not paying enough attention, or some people are being far too subtle.

I bags subtle.*


* and a big head
CrazyyAngel said:
So ... you tell me that is no sexual education site? Argh ... couldn't you have told me earlier? :D j/k

CA :rose:

So when girls told me to "go read the damn manual first", and I went here...I did wrong?
Nope...But I am a fool. I am expected to look foolish.:p
I think I agree more with Destinie - This place is Nirvana - the GB is a no-man's land.

Me, I'm just an introvert with a penchant for trying to see how many words I can string into a real thought. The first step in curing yourself is to admit you have a problem. Should I stop after 1000 pages?

I've never felt intimidated here, you all sound like thoughtful, well-read folks who have been helping me to become a better writer. I figure that after I've caught-up with Chicklett maybe I can act intimidating.

ps's:hello DirtyJJ keep coming back and posting away - you sound like an interesting person to me.
Hey Pierce - I love the airplane pic - wonder who was carrying Santa's insurance?
Destinie - a haitian squad car - yeah, that is scary.
panting and trying to catch up with the pace oggbashan has set