You people are very intimidating

Chiclet and new persons, greetings :rose:

I hope you do jump in. There are no 'paper' requirements--diplomas, etc.
Every group seems closed and cold, yet most turn out not to be once one eases ones way in, hangs around etc.

I think that being straighforward and unaffected, i.e., friendly will almost always work to avoid unpleasantness or being attacked.

My opinion is that when there are fights, attacks, whatever,
it's usually because one or both have gotten snooty or strutting a bit, and then 'egos' get put on the line. (Besides the usual problems of mis-reading and miscommunication, which can generally be worked out by two people in good faith.)

Almost no unpleasantness persists in the face of calm and politeness. When (IF) one can avoid a swift reply, often a conflict does not escalate.

I don't believe any friendly and modest person has ever been seriously ill used around here.

There is much to gain from participating, and other people, some of them, will turn out to be much like you are.

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Seriously, Chicklet

There are a few people who's posts I always look for because they are always, intelligent, insightful and well stated. Yours is one.

For myself, I don't think I can be intimidated. I post or not as I please. If someone doesn't care for what I post that's their problem.

Frankly, I do not equate a college education with either wit or intellect. I know too many dumb-asses with higher degrees. I also know many people who never went to college who put most University professors to shame. And I know a number of University professors who are terribly intelligent and have no damn sense at all (my brother-in-law for one).

There is one thing about this forum that we all have in common: We write. (I personally write tripe. But, at least, I admit it.) Isn't that one thing alone enough to overcome any intimidation one might feel posting in this forum?

Never feel intimidated, Chicklet. You belong here not only because you write but also because of the quality of your posts.

Absolutely... I try to keep a low profile. There are so many super intelligent people here that use language that is just so far over my head... but just when I get totally intimidated someone says something silly... or totally off beat... and I feel like I almost fit in again...
OK, here's a first lesson in intimidation. Say something that can't possibly make sense to anyone else, because it doesn't. Then pretend it did, stick to your story, call your lawyer, deny everything. Oh, sorry, that was the first lesson for politicians.

"What, me worry?" Alfred E Neuman - elder statesman

Seriously, if anyone says something that seems wacko, just laugh along with us. And feel free to come-up with a retort. We'll all probably respond with something equally silly and hopefully entertaining.

BTW I really like your tag line for The Beach - The Generation gap is overcome by really intense sex - I agree completely.

Hey everyone, check out his stories - he's a good writer.

ffreak said:
Hmm... Captain Shika with brown sauce. Mouthwatering.

You actually read one of the Shika stories? What's wrong with you, ffreak? :D
Now I know why it can be a little intimidating...

... I posted something on the GB yesterday and got mixed responses - either I was a bit misunderstood or there was some sarcasm or both. Maybe that's why newbies feel intimidated sometimes? I decided to just blow it off.

Maybe I will hang out here more often, with the friendly people...
What's wrong with you
Well they don't call me ffreak for nothing, Jenny. I like them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least until I get something to soak the paper off.

JJ, just keep hangin around, hon. We'll corrupt you yet.
Hmm... the phrase 'hangin out' makes double sense with guys - especially in a forum such as this, but I wonder what additional connotations there are for the ladies.
ps. if you need a job, I've got a real big desk (liked the story)
ffreak said:

JJ, just keep hangin around, hon. We'll corrupt you yet.
Hmm... the phrase 'hangin out' makes double sense with guys - especially in a forum such as this, but I wonder what additional connotations there are for the ladies.

"Tits oot fer the lads." :D

We must have balance.

Loulou :kiss:
And such a lovely balance.

Now I have a whole new image flashing in my mind with the phrase: Scales of justice. (she looks innocent to me, yer honor)
rhinoguy said:
OH NO! pLEASE don't ignore me! please!!!

you'd miss the taunting.

You love attention as much as I or Gauche.

"better to be looked over than to be overlooked"

rhino-wouldn't REALLY hurt anyone.

No. I've tried to say it once, I've tried to say it 34 times. Don't Call Me Sven.

It's old. It's not funny. It's just plain annoying and I resent it very much.

Give it a rest.

I'm not sure about having been intimidated, but was given some rough replies to some questions I asked my first few days here.
But then, I am not easily intimidated, for long.
rhinoguy said:

(is so funny!)

you know...if you'd just IGNORE it, it WOULD go away.
anway....not likely to call you that...ANYmore...promise.

rhino-so juvenile, but NOT intimidated

Do you also laugh at old ladies who fall on icy streets?:rolleyes:
When did the theme of the thread change??

Would love to watch the continuing verbal volley between "He" and "She", but sadly, must go to work
:p :rose:
American Wench
Re: intimidated

AmericanWench said:
I'm not sure about having been intimidated, but was given some rough replies to some questions I asked my first few days here.
But then, I am not easily intimidated, for long.

Should have tried the cleeks thread then Wench.

A 'playtime' invention of mine own, where you couldn't post unless you insulted the previous poster.

Might still be on another page of the 'Forums'.

Some people got hurt. Some wouldn't join in. Some complained loudly about it without even trying it, but generally it was a laugh.

I think Maths enjoyed it the second most after me. I got lots and lots of shit thrown at me and larfed and larfed. It was funny. Specially the PMs.

AmericanWench said:
Dare I ask;
What is the cleeks thread?

Cleeks are things you nail to your boots to make more noise . . . like taps :(

Cleeks made of thread, however, would defeat their purpose :confused:
rhinoguy said:
here, I'll help YOU. Don't take it personal and do not get into the "theatrics" if you REALLy do not like to be called Sven...just say, perhaps "i prefer, Svenskaflicka, Svenska, or SF" and leave it.
Rhino, please allow me to help out here. It's her name, albeit an alias, so it is personal. You know very well she doesn't like being called Sven and you know why; everyone on the AH knows why.

It's embarrassing to me (not that it matters to you) to see you being juvenile about this; Flicka is not, she's in her rights.

Lastly, this is not funny.

AH Intimidation?

When I first came draggin' my unpublished manuscripts into LIt, all wet and woeful, shivering from the internet cold, with my participles dangling and my infinitives all split to hell, all I hoped for was a place where I might improve my writing of "love/sex scenes" without worrying about offending folks. At first I felt like a "Stranger in a Strange Land" so the Author's Hangout, a strange land with even stranger inhabitants, seemed like a natural stopping spot.

Best I recall, back then the place wasn't as active and the emphasis was more on "author" than "hangout". Now, AH seems more inclusive, a spot where open-minded folks interested in writing, words, literature, and life can "hangout".

I liked the old AH but I also enjoy this new, more open version. Besides, I've got a hunch nothing will ever get me closer to the spirit of the "round table" at the Algonquin Hotel and the writers who met there such, as Parker, Benchley, and Thurber, than will this forum.

Rumple Foreskin.
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Originally posted by rhinoguy ...if you'd just IGNORE it, it WOULD go away.anway....not likely to call you that...ANYmore...promise.
Svenska has tried ignoring it and being nice about it. Some people are just too dense to realize that she's quite serious about disliking that name. Dense, impolite, lacking in basic courtesy. Probably all three.