You people are very intimidating

it's always intimidating to pop up on a board for the first time. i was probably intimidated when i first signed up. maybe that might explain why i haven't been back till now. i was so intimidated i forgot there was a board here ;)

shug said:
it's always intimidating to pop up on a board for the first time. i was probably intimidated when i first signed up. maybe that might explain why i haven't been back till now. i was so intimidated i forgot there was a board here ;)

Welcome back then shug:D Stay a while this time why not:)

Re: Now I know why it can be a little intimidating...

DirtyJJ said:
Maybe I will hang out here more often, with the friendly people...:)
Dear DJ,
Good choice. There's seldom heard a discouraging word around here.
Ps. And the skies are not cloudy all day.


You're worrying me, sweetie.


ps. the deer and antelope don't play here.. that's at the Extreme site.
Oh! Oh!

Sounds like Math is about to start up the Transvestite Singing Cowboy topic again.

THAT really is intimidating!
Re: fretful

bridgetkeeney said:

You're worrying me, sweetie.


ps. the deer and antelope don't play here.. that's at the Extreme site.

Of course there's seldom a discouraging word, the Deer and the Antelope can't freekin talk:D
Re: Re: fretful

pop_54 said:
Of course there's seldom a discouraging word, the Deer and the Antelope can't freekin talk :D
Pirate man, I love you soooooooooo much. You gave me the first LOL of my day, and it's nearly 6pm here.

your bitch :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Rumple said:
I liked the old AH but I also enjoy this new, more open version. Besides, I've got a hunch nothing will ever get me closer to the spirit of the "round table" at the Algonquin Hotel and the writers who met there such, as Parker, Benchley, and Thurber, than will this forum.

I really like this - and I think I can agree - the table is certainly well rounded here. And we do have the personalitys diversitus.
Era of Good Will........)(**&^*&^%&^%$!!

There's too damn much huggy-kissy and just plain old disgusting good feelings around here right now. I'm going for my evening run right now, but I fully expect something different tomorrow. It's my intention to either start a brawl or join a cat fight already in progress.
Best wishes to all for a wonderful night,
Tatelou said:
You bet I felt intimidated when I first joined!

Any newbies out there, don't be shy, come and say 'hi.' They really don't bite.
Or maybe only sometimes!

AmericanWench said:
Then again, maybe being bitten isn't the worse thing that can happen here! :p

Yeah, I suppose getting your head ripped off and used as a verbal football might smart a bit. :D

MG: Feel the love, you know you want to. :heart:

Lou :rose:
We're ready for ya, MathGirl. C'mon get close enough and we'll give ya a rub.
Me <--- new person

I wouldn't necessarily say 'intimidated'.. More, casually lurking, although I can't believe it took a grammar question about the plural of Nemesis to tempt me out of lurk-dom....

Now y'all will be stuck with me. Go figure.
MathGirl said:
Svenska has tried ignoring it and being nice about it. Some people are just too dense to realize that she's quite serious about disliking that name. Dense, impolite, lacking in basic courtesy. Probably all three.

My name's Chelsea, and people have this horrid, disgusting habit of calling me "Chels" - it drives me up the wall. I can't *Stand* it, not at all. When people say "chels" it's like fingernails on a blackboard, like a spider crawling up my spine from the INSIDE. It's like gritting my teeth together and having the worst dry heaves of a lifetime. Somehow, no matter how many times I tell people not to call me "chels" they keep doing it. They think it's funny to make me feel sick. One guy I work with comes up behind me and says "Chels.....eeeee" and it makes me want to murder him in his sleep. I totally understand how SVENSKAFLICKA feels, and I think it's awful how people call her "sven" even though she feels so strongly about it.

Originally posted by raphy I can't believe it took a grammar question about the plural of Nemesis to tempt me out of lurk-dom....
Dear Geog,
It would appear that you're quite a pushover, temptation wise.

Okay, I've tried to ignore this, and now, I feel I have to say what I feel.

My name, is Veronica. My family, being family, insists on calling me "Ronni"..I hate it, but *shrug, they are going to call me what they will. Also, it is a natural "nickname" for the longer version.

While I can understand Svenskaflicka's dislike for the nickname, and understand that her wishes should be it not similar to "Robert" being called "bob" or "Rebecca" being "Becky"?

This whole thing, has been dragged through the boards, which I find rediculous. Isn't this something better settled between the two parties?

I do not know either party, and I am not implying one is right, and the other wrong, for they both make valid points...How 'bout they start a separate thread? ;)
*DISCALIMER- This is in no way meant to belittle Svenskaflicka's dislike of being called a certain thing, she has every right to jump on people who do so.*

Yeah, I understand the whys and wherefores of this, but we all have to go through this kind of thing from time to time.

I've never liked being called 'Kate,' I despise 'Bob' even more. I also don't take kindly to being called 'Tat,' but I choose to ignore it. It would seem petty of me to complain. However, we all know what 'Tat' means, don't we?

I refer you all to the proverb: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Tatelou/Lou/Loulou/Katie, but
never Kate, Bob or Tat. :p
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might as well throw in my two cents

In RL when someone shortens my name I hate it. So I don't anawer. eventually if people want me to answer or acknowledge them they'll call me by my given name.

D21 not prone to theatrics of any sort. Though I have a bitchy streak a country mile wide.

ps: This method is suited to me and my personality, I'm not throwing stones. No offense meant but if any is taken oh well.