Your Creepy PM's

I got one today from a guy offering to buy me presents.

uhhh no.

I just got that one too. He asked if I accepted gifts from my fans. I presumed he wanted to send me a pic if his dick or similar, then my husband informed me that it was a 'thing' - that some porn types have amazon wish lists, etc. I learn something new here on Lit everyday, I tell you.
wish i could get gifts n shit .. well no just gifts for teasing .. heck a reply to my posts is a good gift :)
I get a few pathetic PMs, not creepy ones.
I've never received an unsolicited dick pic. (And no, that's OK, don't send one).

Ain't you lucky...I do get more than a few PM's starting out with "Hi, I'm ____ I like your posts...send me your cock and I'll send you mine." or something along that line...personally, I have no desire to send my Johnny to anyone, as he is gonna stay right here with me; and I don't want UPS delivering one here, either.

Yea, I know...they mean pics! But I am not really into those either.
I have actually received a creepy one finally since I've become active here again. A random guy, lurker since he didn't have many posts, sent me his email address and said he could send me pics when I was ready, or something. Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy seeing pics. But usually after talking to someone long enough for me to like them and be interested. Not just random dude pics from people I've never talked to before. I guess he was nice enough to not send me them directly.

My cell phone camera's too small for dick pics.