~Zen Mountain~

ZMP~ white fallen angel feathers

The ground in Heaven
is covered with angel feathers fallen


the mountain tops are white
reaching and peircing the floor of heaven​
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My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ todays water

I watch this river
flow every day

graciously drifting
with the current's sway

The water always
seems the glassy same

but I know its not,
yesterday's rolled away

a day again dawned
as it does everyday

rolling in like a river
the same different day​

chewing on it...
My Erotic Tale said:
chewing on it...
Try chewing on this.......

ZMP ~ todays water

I watch this river
flow every day

placidly drifting
with the current's sway

The water always
seems the glassy same

but I know it's not,
yesterday's rolled away

a day again dawned
as it does everyday

rolling in like a river
the same different day​
LeBroz said:
Try chewing on this.......

ZMP ~ todays water

I watch this river
flow every day

placidly drifting
with the current's sway

The water always
seems the glassy same

but I know it's not,
yesterday's rolled away

a day again dawned
as it does everyday

rolling in like a river
the same different day​

perfect...thanks amigo~ (~_~)
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ angel feathers

The ground in Heaven
is covered with angel feathers fallen


the mountain tops are white
reaching and peircing the floor of heaven​

clouds engulf the mountain tops
lightening flash and thunder rumbles


Angels fixing the moutains puncture
into the floor of heaven
Feeling friendships,
eternal kiss, of sunset
dreams. Confetti colors
cuddling, with cotton
candy clouds. Falling
down, on wobbling
willful knees.

Rippling rain begs,
to kiss heated honey
skin. Confessing
drunkardness, from
trembling tongues,
dizzying dance ...

my eyes bedazzle
wild blue-violet
in blossoms coloring
the clear cool color
of a mountain stream..


Under the hawthorn in soft mossy beds.

Sweet as the roses and blue as the sky,
Down there do the dear little violets lie;
Hiding their heads where they scarce may be seen,
By the leaves you may know where the violet hath been.
- John Moultrie, Violets

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Feed me, please. Fill me
to the top. Carefully hand
pick, your pleasures of passions
fruit. Overflowing, with nutty
nutrients. Succulant berries,
of nature, given freely. Tossed
into the mixing bowl of life ...

RhymeFairy said:
Feeling friendships,
eternal kiss, of sunset
dreams. Confetti colors
cuddling, with cotton
candy clouds. Falling
down, on wobbling
willful knees.

Rippling rain begs,
to kiss heated honey
skin. Confessing
drunkardness, from
trembling tongues,
dizzying dance ...


thank You RF
and blue~

very nice
Et...I feel bad

My Erotic Tale said:
dew that blankets the world each morn

bathing away the old in a refreshing new

for this one really belongs here with you...

grains of sand tread air
weight holds fast
its mass
yet who inhales
the breath of a star
but the light of nothing
bluerains said:
for this one really belongs here with you...

grains of sand tread air
weight holds fast
its mass
yet who inhales
the breath of a star
but the light of nothing

chewing gum for the mind...colored/flavored
tin blades that lay asleep
while the sun paints a new day
in a desert slumber
a wooden tower
that awaits the dance
of the dust and wind
Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices,
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.

- Hakuin (1686-1768)
Du Lac said:
Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices,
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.

- Hakuin (1686-1768)
thank you Du~

that is so cute...
the puppys too
Hi Art ~

Opening bell
echoes from the canyon walls --
raindrops on the river.

The sounds of rocks bouncing off rocks;
the shadows of trees traced on trees.

I sit, still.
The canyon river chants,
moving mountains.

The sermon spun on the still point:
dropping off eternity, picking up time;
letting go of self, awakened to Mind.

- Michael P. Garofalo, Above the Fog
Jennifer C said:
Opening bell
echoes from the canyon walls --
raindrops on the river.

The sounds of rocks bouncing off rocks;
the shadows of trees traced on trees.

I sit, still.
The canyon river chants,
moving mountains.

The sermon spun on the still point:
dropping off eternity, picking up time;
letting go of self, awakened to Mind.

- Michael P. Garofalo, Above the Fog

hello JC...

I just loved this poem, thank you
My Erotic Tale said:
Moments in thought are not wasted time
the body needed to be still ...

And visiting Garofalo's Zen website will give for plenty of moments in very deep thought.
The mind is very difficult to see,
Very delicate and subtle;
It moves and lands wherever it pleases.
The wise one should guard his mind,
For a guarded mind brings happiness.

Translated by Daw Mya Tin