~Zen Mountain~

My Erotic Trail said:
thanks blue....but the picture would not display?

There is no picture, just a "saying" above two arrows and a little square. Touching any of the 3 elements changes the words. Interesting variations there.
well this is as strange as socks on a chicken

I can't get it to work BUT it may be the same reason I can't hear audio poetry!

-have you moved your mouse over either the square or one of the arrows?
-do you get any picture at all or a browser 'mess-up' message?

-have you tried a different browser?
it works on mozilla firefox and on internet explorer for me.

-maybe you've got a file missing...
zmp~ leafs'

a leaf floats
on the river's current
laughing at the wind

another sails
through the air
uncaring of when it will end

some lay huddled
close together
as if afraid to 'leave'

others leafs' dance
along the ground
joyously, I 'be-leave'
wildsweetone said:

-have you moved your mouse over either the square or one of the arrows?
-do you get any picture at all or a browser 'mess-up' message?

-have you tried a different browser?
it works on mozilla firefox and on internet explorer for me.

-maybe you've got a file missing...

I have no picture at all, the screen is black though, not white, it has in very small letters phenomina.org and a p[age comes up with different .mpgs of space stuff but my .mpg comes up but remains blank/black with....nothing on it.

A kingfisher
dips and dives

into the river


as time

to nothingness
My Erotic Trail said:
I have no picture at all, the screen is black though, not white, it has in very small letters phenomina.org and a p[age comes up with different .mpgs of space stuff but my .mpg comes up but remains blank/black with....nothing on it.

okay that's beyond my ability to help, sorry. Weird Harold might know what it is (is WH still a Litlander?). You could try asking on the Gen Board and see if anyone in Litland has any suggestions. Also mention what system you are using '98, XP etc.
My Erotic Trail said:
I have no picture at all, the screen is black though, not white, it has in very small letters phenomina.org and a p[age comes up with different .mpgs of space stuff but my .mpg comes up but remains blank/black with....nothing on it.
The page is trying to load and run a Shockwave Flash object. Do you have a current version of Flash loaded and enabled? To check (I am assuming you are running a PC with Windows and using a current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer):
  • Click Tools and then Manage Add-ons from the main command bar.
  • Another window should open titled "Manage Add-ons"
  • Under the Enabled controls, you should see one called Shockwave Flash Object from Macromedia, Inc.
  • If you do not see this, or if it is listed as Disabled, that is likely the problem.
  • If it is disabled, click on the words Shockwave Flash Object to select that control and then select Enable under Settings at the bottom of the page.
  • If the control is not loaded, you can download it from here.
Hope that helps.
ah! it stands to reason that with all the intelligent people in here there is bound to be someone who knows these things!

:rose: for Tzara :)
wildsweetone said:
ah! it stands to reason that with all the intelligent people in here there is bound to be someone who knows these things!

:rose: for Tzara :)

Thank you sweet~

and thank you Tzara

I am tinkering with it now!
wildsweetone said:
*imagining Art mesmerised by the little spinning numbers...*


One...hour looking for tools.../media/flash/manage add-ons
10...minutes trying to download from that site
20 minutes reading help
30 minutes trying to forget about it <grin

numbers spinning in my head <grin
good news. is...I got my sound working... I heard decayed angels poem...scared the shit out of me, 'jim' >jthserra... needs an exorcism <laughing>
zmp~ windy

I see it not
yet it touches me so

the wind that blow

moving the trees
and embracing me

a little light breeze

awakening the stillness
and shaking the leaves

when it is windy​
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My Erotic Trail said:
One...hour looking for tools.../media/flash/manage add-ons
10...minutes trying to download from that site
20 minutes reading help
30 minutes trying to forget about it <grin

numbers spinning in my head <grin
good news. is...I got my sound working... I heard decayed angels poem...scared the shit out of me, 'jim' >jthserra... needs an exorcism <laughing>

some ya win and some ya lose. at least you benefited from part of it. :D
zmp~ waving goodbye

anger perched on a sword's blade
when the Grey filled today's blue sky
no river flowed from cold dark eyes
as a heart melted around the words

'He passed away'

Invisible ties to entities around us
joys linger in the smiles they brought
the sorrow only came when they left
in the dawns colorful mourning sky

'He died'

angels took him while he was sleeping
so now he will dream forever more
the windy day awoke and excited the grass
swaying the tree's leaves back and forth

'Waving Goodbye'

'Jason' 1-13-2006​
ZMP~ sand~~

Standing in sand
ankle deep in thoughts
that comes in waves
grasping my feet
like the world is shifting
as it draws away
the sand
like the multitude
of thoughts
kicking one up with a toe
while walking towards
the awakening's end
with a head full of sand

the surf tosses me another thought
in glistening grains
among the drab brown sand
for as far as my mind can see
a speck of sand for each woman or man
that has passed
or that which will be
living today is
the sand that is glistening

and when dreams come
to take you away
like the oceans current
that draws you into the night
embracing granuals
that glisten no more
there at the beach of memories
drifting away like a bottle
with a message;

that which walks upon the beach
will one day be ...
a humble granual of sand

okay ...how is that?
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My Erotic Trail said:
ZMP~ sand~~

Standing in sand
ankle deep in thoughts
that comes in waves
grasping my feet
like the world is shifting
as it draws away
the sand
like the multitude
of thoughts
kicking one up with a toe
while walking towards
the awakening's end
with a head full of sand

the surf tosses me another thought
in glistening grains
among the drab brown sand
for as far as my mind can see
a speck of sand for each woman or man
that has passed
or that which will be
living today is
the sand that is glistening

and when dreams come
to take you away
like the oceans current
that draws you into the night
embracing granuals
that glisten no more
there at the beach of memories
drifting away like a bottle
with a message;

that which walks upon the sand
will one day be ...
a humble granual
sparkle while you can!

This has promise, I would reconstruct the last stanza or the last line perhaps. The meaning is clear but it does not seem to fit with the poem's flow. Then again it is a message. I look forward to seeing this poem blossom. :D
quasar said:
This has promise, I would reconstruct the last stanza or the last line perhaps. The meaning is clear but it does not seem to fit with the poem's flow. Then again it is a message. I look forward to seeing this poem blossom. :D

thank you professor <grin I iant sure what i'ma gonna do with it.
damn I luv those blue words....

Even to speak the word Buddha is dragging in the mud soaking wet; Even to say the word Zen is a total embarassment
- Blue Cliff Record

finger painted sky
smeared in greys, pink and reddish hues
streaked across the blue

evaporate to a cameleon white
as the sun rise
colors die
zmp~ painted words

heart pulling tendons
draws strength
following the general mind's order
paving words
in brushed strokes of thought

as if the paint never drys
comments from the wise
perhaps mona lisa
should have a bigger smile
turpentine souls nature is
eager to clean all things

graffetti is below them
but that's to low to scoop
the constituion
now there's a rewrite waiting on time
changing painted words
its original intent no longer a factor

cosmedic surgery for ruins
it is not the soul of the artifact that is needed
but its acceptance
its beauty to shine in perfection
here and now

inscription engraved
by the thoughts of some who felt
they needed to change
painted words
My Erotic Trail said:

Standing barefoot in sand
ankle deep in thoughts
crashing waves grasping me
an equalibrium tease
like a shifting world, pulling
drawing me away, churning
sifting granuals of sand
a multitude of thoughts
kicking them up with a dragging toe
walking towards awakening's end
filled with a head full of sand

the surf tosses me another thought
in glistening grains that sparkle
among the drab brown sand
for as far as my mind can see
a speck of sand for each woman or man
that has passed or that which will be
living today is the sand that is glistening
mingled among the many
another wave grips me

and when dreams come
to take you away
like the ocean's current
that draws you into the night
embracing granuals that glisten no more
there at the beach of memories
drifting away in slumber's grasp
a bottle drawn by the tide
thoughts come as messages;

that which walks upon the beach
will one day be,
a humble granual of sand

sparkle while you can!
in the...


okay, how about that <grin
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a cold shower pours
from the sky
droplets crash into my shoulders
watching grey clouds grow
pelted by the many
to accumilate and drench