~Zen Mountain~


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Rudyard Kipling
zen mountain...

For two thousand years
she has stood in silence
as the world revolves.
Soldiers have traversed her sides
and the sun has fingered her limbs.
She says nothing
but the mists envelop her peaks
and eagles now nest
as I watch through a window
in the bush.
Sneak Peek!!

Here's a sneak peek at M/W-V.

I'll go over it a couple more times later in the morning to see if I'm still satisfied before I submit it. And leave it to our Wanton Vixxxen to help me out in a pinch on that line about panties. I'd written it up four different times and each was so jarring and out of place. That's part of what took so long to get this thing done up to its present version. She came up with the line to help smooth the transition.


A Man and A Woman - V

Daily toil done, home for some fun;
She sets the rules, lays out the plan
"Tonight's your fantasy, let's take it slow."
Romantic meal sets the tone
A little wine for the glow;
Bed time comes early, she has him wait
Till she calls out, then they can mate.

Taking the stairs, two at a time
Anticipating his treat she says is divine;
There on the bed she lays panty clad
"Here's your dessert, come work your way up."

Sips at toes begins his quest
Licks and nips and gentle breath;
Feast upon her quaking legs
Panties wet by tongue's embrace;
Slides them off not using hands
And there revealed a shaved delight;
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Entrance in Rear."

Fantasy delight, always denied
Turns her over, control tossed aside
Pushing forward, he just can't stop
"Oh God, Oh God," all that he hears
As he soars with passion's hammer, he misses, "Stop dear!"
The rhythm now set, he's lost all control
The delight of the moment, all that he knows
Moment of ecstasy, too long denied
Collapses to sleep his sleep divine.

Next day at work
Clock's ticks are sweet torture,
Work runs too slow
With thoughts of an encore;
Reports are written, memos filed,
Finally clock's chime
He bolts out the door.

Home at last, meal so quiet
Took as a sign of his stellar performance;
Off to bed early, he just can't wait
Bolts up the steps again, two at a time.
There on the bed, lays on her side
Must not want foreplay, just a quick ride;
Panties pulled quickly for his sweet access
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Closed for Repairs."

LeBroz said:
Here's a sneak peek at M/W-V.

I'll go over it a couple more times later in the morning to see if I'm still satisfied before I submit it. And leave it to our Wanton Vixxxen to help me out in a pinch on that line about panties. I'd written it up four different times and each was so jarring and out of place. That's part of what took so long to get this thing done up to its present version. She came up with the line to help smooth the transition.


A Man and A Woman - V

Daily toil done, home for some fun;
She sets the rules, lays out the plan
"Tonight's your fantasy, let's take it slow."
Romantic meal sets the tone
A little wine for the glow;
Bed time comes early, she has him wait
Till she calls out, then they can mate.

Taking the stairs, two at a time
Anticipating his treat she says is divine;
There on the bed she lays panty clad
"Here's your dessert, come work your way up."

Sips at toes begins his quest
Licks and nips and gentle breath;
Feast upon her quaking legs
Panties wet by tongue's embrace;
Slides them off not using hands
And there revealed a shaved delight;
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Entrance in Rear."

Fantasy delight, always denied
Turns her over, control tossed aside
Pushing forward, he just can't stop
"Oh God, Oh God," all that he hears
As he soars with passion's hammer, he misses, "Stop dear!"
The rhythm now set, he's lost all control
The delight of the moment, all that he knows
Moment of ecstasy, too long denied
Collapses to sleep his sleep divine.

Next day at work
Clock's ticks are sweet torture,
Work runs too slow
With thoughts of an encore;
Reports are written, memos filed,
Finally clock's chime
He bolts out the door.

Home at last, meal so quiet
Took as a sign of his stellar performance;
Off to bed early, he just can't wait
Bolts up the steps again, two at a time.
There on the bed, lays on her side
Must not want foreplay, just a quick ride;
Panties pulled quickly for his sweet access
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Closed for Repairs."


Oh My !! :eek:

Leo this one is a lil hottie.
What a hoot. Sexy, ( romantic in parts hehehe),
and just plain fun. I love it !!

Creative is a word I have been using a lot,
I know, but heck why change what fits, eh ~
Very creative my friend ~

:rose: :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
Oh My !! :eek:

Leo this one is a lil hottie.
What a hoot. Sexy, ( romantic in parts hehehe),
and just plain fun. I love it !!

Creative is a word I have been using a lot,
I know, but heck why change what fits, eh ~
Very creative my friend ~

:rose: :catroar:

Thanks. :eek:
Had to drop in this little peek before my little energizer bunny pooped out on me ~ I hear the siren call of my covers even now.

Figured I ought to write up at least one poem that'd go into the erotic category.

Druid Desiderata / Efficiency without elegance is heartless *blue*

Go Noisily amid the complacence and waste, and Remember what peace can be had without Television.

Never Surrender and always attempt to undermine authority, which will put you on good terms with most people.

Speak your truth as loudly and as clearly as possible, especially to the dull and ignorant.

Avoid meekness and subservience like the plague, for they are murderers of Humankind's soul.

If you compare yourself with others, you are wasting time and living in a world of illusion. Wake UP!

Enjoy your achievements, but enjoy your plans more. Keep interested in your livelihood, it is the only one you will ever have, and is an ongoing thing.

Do not allow others to define your livelihood, or your currencies. Exercise generosity in your business affairs, because what ever you have, will not be yours again, someday.

There is neither trickery nor virtue in this world, there is only light and darkness, thinking, and ignorance, something, and nothing.

One mans boon is another mans crime. Be aware of the true solitude you inherit with your existence, and treasure it. The only thing you can take with you from this world is what you have learned.

Love is a conditioned response born of reproductive imperative, and a subconscious survival instinct.

Do not put pretty labels on it, you are just fooling yourself. Loyalty, and true care for your fellow human beings goes far beyond love, and is not hard to see.

Grow old gracefully, but do not fall into the pit of wishing immortality. No number of drugs, or physicians care can keep your body on this Earth forever. To want that is base selfishness and simple animal fear. Do not indulge it, you are truly better than that.

You are the embodiment of Light, the most refined form of matter that can be. You are meant to be here, and you will be here again. You are a traveler in space, and eternal in your identity.

Do not restrict yourself, or you will be sorry, over and over again. Be cheerful when possible, boldly courageous when necessary, and thoughtful always. Learning is what you are here for, and the world is just the classroom for the soul.

Strive To Be Free.
LeBroz said:
Here's a sneak peek at M/W-V.

I'll go over it a couple more times later in the morning to see if I'm still satisfied before I submit it. And leave it to our Wanton Vixxxen to help me out in a pinch on that line about panties. I'd written it up four different times and each was so jarring and out of place. That's part of what took so long to get this thing done up to its present version. She came up with the line to help smooth the transition.


A Man and A Woman - V

Daily toil done, home for some fun;
She sets the rules, lays out the plan
"Tonight's your fantasy, let's take it slow."
Romantic meal sets the tone
A little wine for the glow;
Bed time comes early, she has him wait
Till she calls out, then they can mate.

Taking the stairs, two at a time
Anticipating his treat she says is divine;
There on the bed she lays panty clad
"Here's your dessert, come work your way up."

Sips at toes begins his quest
Licks and nips and gentle breath;
Feast upon her quaking legs
Panties wet by tongue's embrace;
Slides them off not using hands
And there revealed a shaved delight;
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Entrance in Rear."

Fantasy delight, always denied
Turns her over, control tossed aside
Pushing forward, he just can't stop
"Oh God, Oh God," all that he hears
As he soars with passion's hammer, he misses, "Stop dear!"
The rhythm now set, he's lost all control
The delight of the moment, all that he knows
Moment of ecstasy, too long denied
Collapses to sleep his sleep divine.

Next day at work
Clock's ticks are sweet torture,
Work runs too slow
With thoughts of an encore;
Reports are written, memos filed,
Finally clock's chime
He bolts out the door.

Home at last, meal so quiet
Took as a sign of his stellar performance;
Off to bed early, he just can't wait
Bolts up the steps again, two at a time.
There on the bed, lays on her side
Must not want foreplay, just a quick ride;
Panties pulled quickly for his sweet access
But no ... there's more;
instructions follow ~ a Post-It note says,
"Closed for Repairs."


awww an excellent addition to the series. Thanks for the sneek peek leon. actually it was INSPIRATIONAL <grin I shall look for it to surface in the new poems list. (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
awww an excellent addition to the series. Thanks for the sneek peek leon. actually it was INSPIRATIONAL <grin I shall look for it to surface in the new poems list. (~_~)

Finally got it submitted an hour ago. Now all there's left to see is how long it takes to be posted. And, for the record, Wanton Vixxxen helped on this; first by getting me off my butt on the series and second by helping me solve a problem I had at a transition point. Her help has made the final version much stronger then the first draft - that's why, perhaps, she's a Domme. :D And, after one last day of tweaking and playing, you will see there are a number of small changes even from the version I originally posted above.

LeBroz said:
Finally got it submitted an hour ago. Now all there's left to see is how long it takes to be posted. And, for the record, Wanton Vixxxen helped on this; first by getting me off my butt on the series and second by helping me solve a problem I had at a transition point. Her help has made the final version much stronger then the first draft - that's why, perhaps, she's a Domme. :D And, after one last day of tweaking and playing, you will see there are a number of small changes even from the version I originally posted above.


it's amazing how even the tiniest of changes can make a poem work better. i love the tweaking with poetry way more than i ever did with prose, the differences are huge.

interesting poem Leon. :D
wildsweetone said:
it's amazing how even the tiniest of changes can make a poem work better. i love the tweaking with poetry way more than i ever did with prose, the differences are huge.

interesting poem Leon. :D

Tweaking and editing is more fun than the original writing. Writing is like digging the ore out of the ground; it's hard work and the thing doesn't look all that special. Editing is like polishing the jewels and gold and it's so much fun to work on it and see the sparkle come out.

LeBroz said:
Tweaking and editing is more fun than the original writing. Writing is like digging the ore out of the ground; it's hard work and the thing doesn't look all that special. Editing is like polishing the jewels and gold and it's so much fun to work on it and see the sparkle come out.


yep you're right. i think i need to give myself permission to take my time with editing. i always want to rush it along and that's not good for the poem in the end.

LeBroz said:
Tweaking and editing is more fun than the original writing. Writing is like digging the ore out of the ground; it's hard work and the thing doesn't look all that special. Editing is like polishing the jewels and gold and it's so much fun to work on it and see the sparkle come out.


I find this to be so true with stories, the layout is work but the refining and polishing is fun. Poetry on the other hand, I like the first rush of the idea and the layout but it is work to make it ACCEPTABLE. <grin...but I also have found in a thread by liar, that each of us do write differently as our names <grin.. I do like your series and thumbs up to wanton for the push <grin
What is Zen?

Zen is a method of rediscovering the experience of being alive. It originated in India and China around the 5th century, but was made known to the West by the Japanese, specificaly through the writings of D.T. Suzuki in the early 1900's. It is a form of Mahayana Buddhism but it is not a religion and more closely resembles Taoism in its lack of creeds or dogma. Its aim is to bring about a transformation of consciousness that would bring people to an awareness of what is so in all things. It is not taught, but transmitted through zazen (meditation and contemplation) and sanzen (student-teacher dialogues).
quasar said:
Zen is a method of rediscovering the experience of being alive. It originated in India and China around the 5th century, but was made known to the West by the Japanese, specificaly through the writings of D.T. Suzuki in the early 1900's. It is a form of Mahayana Buddhism but it is not a religion and more closely resembles Taoism in its lack of creeds or dogma. Its aim is to bring about a transformation of consciousness that would bring people to an awareness of what is so in all things. It is not taught, but transmitted through zazen (meditation and contemplation) and sanzen (student-teacher dialogues).

bows (~_~) humble

the soul's temple
"When I open my eyes to the outer world, I feel myself as a drop in the sea; but when I close my eyes and look within, I see the whole universe as a bubble raised in the ocean of my heart."
- from Divine Symphony by Inayat Khan
bluerains said:
"When I open my eyes to the outer world, I feel myself as a drop in the sea; but when I close my eyes and look within, I see the whole universe as a bubble raised in the ocean of my heart."
- from Divine Symphony by Inayat Khan

wow, that is beautiful! (~_~) ty blue
My Erotic Trail said:
some times the mind
is as clear as bottled sunshine

liquidized gold
hues of amber
color me radiantly
in sunlight's ... burn.
sculpted to tempt
raising rays push forward
following my hearts
dream, down
sunshine lane ~


let my mind wonder
it found a dead end
stuck in mud
sun has hidden
behind her cloud.

we can but try eh ~
RhymeFairy said:
liquidized gold
hues of amber
color me radiantly
in sunlight's ... burn.
sculpted to tempt
raising rays push forward
following my hearts
dream, down
sunshine lane ~


let my mind wonder
it found a dead end
stuck in mud
sun has hidden
behind her cloud.

we can but try eh ~

that's right eh!

you know I always wanted to know how to spell eh,...eh! grin
A web of raindrops
covers the window,
ignored by time
and even the whisper
of the sunlight
cannot make it fall
vampiredust said:
A web of raindrops
covers the window,
ignored by time
and even the whisper
of the sunlight
cannot make it fall

now that gives me a stunningly beautiful image. thank you!