~Zen Mountain~

Read Carefully

I never thought I could love again
then I met you and found a love
like I have never known

Your inspiration touches me
bringing happiness and poetry
to my heart

My soul mate was found
the day that I met you
I will love you eternally

You are my essence, my being
and I never want to be without you,
so will you marry me, please?
broken hearts are worn
like flowers with petals torn
or missing one or two

two flowers are found
both with torn or missing petals
embraced against the weather

Unbridled_Passion said:
the north wind blows
icy air through the land
bringing winter once again

That which brings
a Christmas Tree to life
the multicolored string of lights

if each bulb
were a member of
your family tree

some are close
and some
you'll never see

then may they all
shine bright
each Holiday night
The hawk looks up from its
road kill dinner as I drive by
with cold black eyes
daring me to try and steal
his dinner

Farther on, a furry grey squirrel
runs along the side if the road
then stops and sits on hind legs
watching my car pass

Nearing home, I spy a family
of raccoons crossing the road
parents first, then all four babies
in unison, unaware of the danger
coming their way

Smiling to myself, I feel lucky
to have had such a
nature-filled day
Unbridled_Passion said:
The hawk looks up from its
road kill dinner as I drive by
with cold black eyes
daring me to try and steal
his dinner

Farther on, a furry grey squirrel
runs along the side if the road
then stops and sits on hind legs
watching my car pass

Nearing home, I spy a family
of raccoons crossing the road
parents first, then all four babies
in unison, unaware of the danger
coming their way

Smiling to myself, I feel lucky
to have had such a
nature-filled day

(~_~) I like!
A butterfly takes flight
disturbing a leaf
which falls into a pond.

The pond ripples
and a frog jumps
onto the shore

Along comes a snake
who eats the frog, then
slithers into the underbrush

The underbrush moves
causing another butterfly
to take flight
Unbridled_Passion said:
A butterfly takes flight
disturbing a leaf
which falls into a pond.

The pond ripples
and a frog jumps
onto the shore

Along comes a snake
who eats the frog, then
slithers into the underbrush

The underbrush moves
causing another butterfly
to take flight

zmp~ Butterfly in a Hurricane
by My Erotic Tale ©

ZMP ~ Butterfly in a Hurricane

Butterfly butterfly
perched on a flower high,
a storm's rolling in
turning dark is the sky.

What will you do
Butterfly butterfly?
A hurricane is coming
and you live outside.

You show no fear
as the storm draws near
butterfly butterfly
just sitting there.

Consumed in living
and dancing with flowers
as the rain cometh
in a thundering shower.

I watched the wind
blow you away
butterfly butterfly
in a hurricane.
traffic jam

I do not quite like
traffic jam
its bitter flavor
rather smoggy
and it is slower than molasses
'ketch-n-up' on anticipation
chewing on nails
slamming on the brakes
bottle necked
sit back an relax
take another bite
into the traffic jam
What a lumbering poor vehicle prose is for the conveying of a great thought! ...Prose wanders around with a lantern & laboriously schedules & verifies the details & particulars of a valley & its frame of crags & peaks, then Poetry comes, & lays bare the whole landscape with a single splendid flash.

Mark Twain~
My Erotic Trail said:
broken hearts are worn
like flowers with petals torn
or missing one or two

two flowers are found
both with torn or missing petals
embraced against the weather


Simply beautiful, sad
but beautiful ~

My Erotic Trail said:
I was looking for a way to relay
souls getting together
reguardless of their scars
or imperfection

anyone ever tell ya, you have a romantic soul? :cathappy:

I will have to think on this one and get back at'cha.

Once sprouted lusts springtime
blossom. Bounteous bouquets of hot
greedy need, planted a seed
only to watch as withering rays
shriveled each leaf. Leaving
a lost, scared lil plant. Too fractured
to attempt the barest whiff
of loves smiling grace.

Winter time love called, slipping in
diving deep into the frail foliage.
Spreading, shaping a meaningful mix
of sunshine, happiness, lust
and yes, love
all around. Helping the down-
trotted tulip blush, push
into the skies eternal empyrean.

~~Was a thought ~~

RhymeFairy said:
Once sprouted lusts springtime
blossom. Bounteous bouquets of hot
greedy need, planted a seed
only to watch as withering rays
shriveled each leaf. Leaving
a lost, scared lil plant. Too fractured
to attempt the barest whiff
of loves smiling grace.

Winter time love called, slipping in
diving deep into the frail foliage.
Spreading, shaping a meaningful mix
of sunshine, happiness, lust
and yes, love
all around. Helping the down-
trotted tulip blush, push
into the skies eternal empyrean.

~~Was a thought ~~


perfectly said <grin

what's a ..."empyrean"
My Erotic Trail said:
perfectly said <grin

what's a ..."empyrean"


1. the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial
bodies appear to be projected [syn: celestial sphere]


1. of or relating to the sky or heavens; "the empyrean sphere"

2. inspiring awe; "well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal
absurdity"- M.S.Dworkin; "empyrean aplomb"- Hamilton Basso; "the
sublime beauty of the night" [syn: empyreal]

:rose: ;)
RhymeFairy said:

1. the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial
bodies appear to be projected [syn: celestial sphere]


1. of or relating to the sky or heavens; "the empyrean sphere"

2. inspiring awe; "well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal
absurdity"- M.S.Dworkin; "empyrean aplomb"- Hamilton Basso; "the
sublime beauty of the night" [syn: empyreal]

:rose: ;)

bigrin' ...thanks RF (~_*)
An elderly couple enters the restaurant slowly, the man opens the door for his wife and pulls out her chair for her. After they are seated, I ask them how their day is going. He smiles at me and tells me that everything is great, because today is their 60th wedding anniversary. I smile and look in awe at the cute couple and offer my congratulations on being together that long. I asked them what was their secret. The woman looked me straight in the eye and said "Honey, you will always have good days and bad days, but never go to bed mad, and things will always work themselves out." They ate their lunch and left the restaurant hand in hand.
Unbridled_Passion said:
An elderly couple enters the restaurant slowly, the man opens the door for his wife and pulls out her chair for her. After they are seated, I ask them how their day is going. He smiles at me and tells me that everything is great, because today is their 60th wedding anniversary. I smile and look in awe at the cute couple and offer my congratulations on being together that long. I asked them what was their secret. The woman looked me straight in the eye and said "Honey, you will always have good days and bad days, but never go to bed mad, and things will always work themselves out." They ate their lunch and left the restaurant hand in hand.

did they have bags under their eyes? <grinin'
words of wisdom!!!!