~Zen Mountain~

Christmas is upon us
so take the time to cherish
those you love in your life
not with mere gifts of glamour
but with your heart!
Unbridled_Passion said:
Christmas is upon us
so take the time to cherish
those you love in your life
not with mere gifts of glamour
but with your heart!

the gift of love...

...is rarely taxing <grin
Christmas means many things
but the best part of the season
to me is spending time with friends
and family that I love.
Cold wintry winds blow
fluffy white snow clouds
on the horizon

Migratory birds fly south
to escape mother nature's
winter wrath

I sit next to the heater
and sip hot chocolate, saying
bring it on
thunder rumbles
bare flesh cuddles
lightening flashes
faces together
fingers interlaced
bodies embraced
raining swet beads
hail pelts the roof
a stone on your mountain

rain has made friends with me
showing me the ways
of the world. While I lie here
hoping to be picked up
skipped, to drift down.
He still storms above
a warning perhaps,
to seek shelter
and keep quiet.
on a wintery morning
nothing beats a good
cup of coffee and
a nice warm blanket,
unless it is a
nice warm body
lying next to you
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Another day passes
as special meanings float away
spirited by cloud fairies

Remembering times of laughter
I let the frustrations of life
pass me by
on a river of dreams

Time with friends lost and found
brings my world to new planes
bypassing the material worth
of a man made world.

Happy new year Art
many blessings and joy to you and yours
du lac
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Du Lac said:
Another day passes
as special meanings float away
spirited by cloud fairies

Remembering times of laughter
I let the frustrations of life
pass me by
on a river of dreams

Time with friends lost and found
brings my world to new planes
bypassing the material worth
of a man made world.

Happy new year Art
many blessings and joy to you and yours
du lac

and to you... Du (~_~)

may your fires be warm
ladybugs crawling,
crawling along a
dead tree branch
searching for something,
perhaps to eat
black ants weave,
weave in between them
in a never ending line,
working until the daylight is gone
Unbridled_Passion said:
ladybugs crawling,
crawling along a
dead tree branch
searching for something,
perhaps to eat
black ants weave,
weave in between them
in a never ending line,
working until the daylight is gone

the hawk cries out
the cat is silent
leaves sway and rustle
as a hawk dives
into the wind
and soars to the ground
gliding, it's wings flare
extending its claws
a mouse squeaks
the cat grumbles
My Erotic Trail said:
the hawk cries out
the cat is silent
leaves sway and rustle
as a hawk dives
into the wind
and soars to the ground
gliding, it's wings flare
extending its claws
a mouse squeaks
the cat grumbles

This is simply woven with depth.
the shallow only care about the beauty
on the outside
the smart care more of the beauty
on the inside
but, the wise know how to see beauty
for what it is
Unbridled_Passion said:
the shallow only care about the beauty
on the outside
the smart care more of the beauty
on the inside
but, the wise know how to see beauty
for what it is

how does one see the world?
with their heart...
with their mind...
or with their soul...?
My Erotic Trail said:
how does one see the world?
with their heart...
with their mind...
or with their soul...?

Does not the soul contain heart and mind?


Happy New Year, Art.
wildsweetone said:
Does not the soul contain heart and mind?


Happy New Year, Art.

I am not sure but it does make for food for thought...

does a car have... a body and a motor
and it only comes to life (soul) if it starts
dimples with dew
mounds on the horizon
moist caves
and a bush at its entrance
smooth as rugged stones
the wind moans
the arctic arm
reached our town today
and I stood listening
to the birds chirping
and chattering
in a chipper way
surely they were complaining
of the cold
but it sounded nice
cold drizzling rain
on a wintry day
forming icicles
on trees and buildings

not the norm for
our neck of the woods
people stop and stare
Unbridled_Passion said:
cold drizzling rain
on a wintry day
forming icicles
on trees and buildings

not the norm for
our neck of the woods
people stop and stare

bullets of ice
from way up high
while the thermometer
goes down
towards the frozen ground