❓ PLP Inquires II ❓


So I've got a couple of deep questions (for those that like challenging thinking) coming up so I thought we'd go with something fun and light.

If you had a big bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of you, what would be your ideal, weird toppings?
100% pure maple syrup. I don't think it's that weird. Others have disagreed.

So I've got a couple of deep questions (for those that like challenging thinking) coming up so I thought we'd go with something fun and light.

If you had a big bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of you, what would be your ideal, weird toppings?
So you all have given me some excellent ideas but I like local honey and flaky salt. That mix of Salty sweet is spectacular.

So I've got a couple of deep questions (for those that like challenging thinking) coming up so I thought we'd go with something fun and light.

If you had a big bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of you, what would be your ideal, weird toppings?
I'm not sure what counts as weird here. Espresso and something like frangelico is just an affogato.
I bet a drizzle of tahini would be good, probably a bit halva-ish so it doesn't feel weird, I guess? But, since I haven't had it and I don't think anyone's said it yet, I'll go with that.

Edit: Actually y'know what? Let's go back to my childhood and have it with a Yorkshire pudding and with some chocolate sauce or similar. Again, though, not actually weird.

So I've got a couple of deep questions (for those that like challenging thinking) coming up so I thought we'd go with something fun and light.

If you had a big bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of you, what would be your ideal, weird toppings?
Not the weirdest, but homemade strawberry preserves, marshmallow fluff with crumbled up cinnamon graham crackers and fudge, or homemade cherry vanilla bourbon with the drunken cherries.

I generally really love great vanilla ice cream on its own though. Or with just a bit of fudge or caramel.
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Strawberry pieces that have been dipped/soaked in Balsamic vinegar. I've never tried them with ice cream, but it's a classic sweet/sharp combination. It seems like a good match with vanilla ice cream, in my head, but there are lots of things in my head that seem like a good idea...
I was literally about to post this very idea.
Tahini on ice cream doesn’t feel weird??
It’s the weirdest I’ve felt in this convo by far 🤣
I think it's similar to peanut butter on ice cream...

Bought this randomly to try cause I saw a bunch of people in line and it was so good. I think it was ice cream on the bottom with a layer of halva on top and then a tahini and nut topping. Soooo good.


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So you guys challenged me to try something new tonight with my ice cream. 🍦

I went for some delicious vanilla, with cherry preserves and some hot honey drizzled on top.

But in my true fashion, I mixed it all up into a yummy ice cream soup. It was delicious!!!! 😋

So the hot honey worked.


(It’s a week of deep questions that have been on my mind due to some book learnin’. Answer as openly as you feel comfortable but I’m really curious about everyone's answers.)

Let’s Talk Love!

Love - the passionate, romantic, I can’t think about anyone else, in-love love! Have you ever been in love in your life? Has someone else been in love with you? Is that number equal or have you loved or been loved without reciprocation?

Do you fall in love easily - are you an in-love-with-love person? Or does it take something defying all odds to make love happen? Some research suggests that merely being around or talking to someone frequently is enough to give us the love feeling? How much contact do you need with someone you love? Are you a quality over quantity person or do you like to be together often?

Have you ever fallen out of love or had someone fall out of love with you? Did it feel like a choice or did it happen unconsciously? Has your passionate love ever transitioned to companionate love?

Is being In-Love something you actively need, want or pursue?

ETA - how do you define love?
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hoooboy, here we go.... :D

Been in love once, her church put enough pressure on her we broke it off, I am not a fan of organized religions and born-again ain't me. (As if I needed more reasons to dislike organized religions... *wry grin*)

Falling in love was easy, but I wasn't looking for it, and I wasn't expecting it - so it took me some time before the penny dropped. Once the realization broke thru my thick skull, it was fully engulfing.

At the best, we spent hours together most days of the week. Some were passionate, some romantic, some playful, some restful - all the good things, IMO.

I like being in love, but I've not made effort to dig in and find more. I guess I don't *need* it, huh?

(It’s a week of deep questions that have been on my mind due to some book learnin’. Answer as openly as you feel comfortable but I’m really curious about everyone's answers.)

Let’s Talk Love!

Love - the passionate, romantic, I can’t think about anyone else, in-love love! Have you ever been in love in your life? Has someone else been in love with you? Is that number equal or have you loved or been loved without reciprocation?

Do you fall in love easily - are you an in-love-with-love person? Or does it take something defying all odds to make love happen? Some research suggests that merely being around or talking to someone frequently is enough to give us the love feeling? How much contact do you need with someone you love? Are you a quality over quantity person or do you like to be together often?

Have you ever fallen out of love or had someone fall out of love with you? Did it feel like a choice or did it happen unconsciously? Has your passionate love ever transitioned to companionate love?

Is being In-Love something you actively need, want or pursue?
Nope. I always think I’m in love, but it turns out to just be lust.
It fades.

I don’t fall in love easily, but lust is always right around the corner and I sometimes wonder if my lust has driven me away from a person I could have loved, if not so distracted.

I would like to be in love and to be loved. So far, no dice. 🤷‍♂️

(It’s a week of deep questions that have been on my mind due to some book learnin’. Answer as openly as you feel comfortable but I’m really curious about everyone's answers.)

Let’s Talk Love!

Love - the passionate, romantic, I can’t think about anyone else, in-love love! Have you ever been in love in your life? Has someone else been in love with you? Is that number equal or have you loved or been loved without reciprocation?
I have been infatuated. Had crushes. Not the same. Have I been in love? I don't know. I've thought so. I've thought someone loved me. But then how could they act the way they acted? It's actions over words. I have definitely loved people who don't love me. But that's not 'in' love.
Do you fall in love easily - are you an in-love-with-love person? Or does it take something defying all odds to make love happen? Some research suggests that merely being around or talking to someone frequently is enough to give us the love feeling? How much contact do you need with someone you love? Are you a quality over quantity person or do you like to be together often?
I dont trust easily. I'm a product of my experiences. And they have been negative. I'm assuming that someone is waiting to take advantage, or is using me. Again. Actions over words. You adore me. But you want to bang anyone else but me. Uh huh.
But when I do trust you, I go all in. Share, and over share. And yes, love grows. It's the little things with contact. I don't need constant. But a message to say 'hey I'm thinking of you' even if they don't have time to talk. But I would want someone to want to spend time with me. Even if the reality is, it's not possible.
Have you ever fallen out of love or had someone fall out of love with you? Did it feel like a choice or did it happen unconsciously? Has your passionate love ever transitioned to companionate love?
I think you don't fall out of love. It's gradual. The distancing. It's very rarely a 'kaboom' and over. You can have that when you meet someone. And you can be blinded by lust, which can make you forget your love. Temporarily.
Is being In-Love something you actively need, want or pursue?
I want to mean something to someone. And be important to them. I want to be loved, desired, respected, challenged, entertained, made to laugh and a myriad of things, of which love is only a part. But it becomes entwined and becomes a part of everything.

(It’s a week of deep questions that have been on my mind due to some book learnin’. Answer as openly as you feel comfortable but I’m really curious about everyone's answers.)

Let’s Talk Love!

Love - the passionate, romantic, I can’t think about anyone else, in-love love! Have you ever been in love in your life? Has someone else been in love with you? Is that number equal or have you loved or been loved without reciprocation?

Do you fall in love easily - are you an in-love-with-love person? Or does it take something defying all odds to make love happen? Some research suggests that merely being around or talking to someone frequently is enough to give us the love feeling? How much contact do you need with someone you love? Are you a quality over quantity person or do you like to be together often?

Have you ever fallen out of love or had someone fall out of love with you? Did it feel like a choice or did it happen unconsciously? Has your passionate love ever transitioned to companionate love?

Is being In-Love something you actively need, want or pursue?

ETA - how do you define love?
New to this board, but I thought I’d try to tackle this one. The ultimate question is, what IS love? Eros? Yes, I’ve had plenty of Eros love but it doesn’t fill my heart. Philia? Yes, but it’s often earned and still doesn’t fill my heart and soul. The hardest to satisfy is Agape. Unconditional love. I’ve been married for 39 years, but is it agape? It didn’t start that way, it started as Eros. But after this long I can’t imagine my life without her. My well being hinges on her well being, so I believe that falls within Agape - but it was a hard road to get here.