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In your opinion....

What's your sexual strength?? Amazing dirty talk? Enchanting oral? Extra giddyup in your cowgirl?

Tell us your flex. :devil:

Let me find my trumpet for my solo...

Let me answer this two ways - what do I think is my strength?

I'd have to say two things make me a better than average lover - attention to detail and knowing what a feedback loop is. All sex is a duet (well, sometimes it can be everything from a jazz trio to a full orchestra, but essentially it's a duet). Know the instrument and paying attention to your partner and incorporating the things you feel, observe and are told are critical to the performance.

What have I been told is my strength?:

I've been sexually active for 40+ years, the consistent things I get feedback on are these:

I'm told I play wicked mind games and that I can get inside their head (both meant as compliments).

I've been told that I excel at dirty talk during sex - both in doing it and in coaxing it gently out of a partner. This usually comes in the form of "I've never done that, that was dirty and hot!".

I've got a position I am fond of that seems to bring intense orgasmic waves (basically, cowgirl with me sitting on a chair, them on top - excellent position to touch everything and watch the feedback loop, works across genders).

And oddly enough, I've been told "You're funny" more than once because quite often I bring my sense of humor to bed with me and I've been told "I never laughed and had an orgasm at the same time" more than once.

<----Finishes trumpet solo. Bows. Sit's down.

In your opinion....

What's your sexual strength?? Amazing dirty talk? Enchanting oral? Extra giddyup in your cowgirl?

Tell us your flex. :devil:

Enthusiasm, good kissing skillz, able and willing to switch and make him breathless. There's not much I'll say no to either.

In your opinion....

What's your sexual strength?? Amazing dirty talk? Enchanting oral? Extra giddyup in your cowgirl?

Tell us your flex. :devil:

I tend to believe they’re partner specific. I’ve been told by a few that it’s the best head they’ve ever gotten. But I’m sure that’s not true for everyone.

I gather what I’m great at with my spouse is different than with other partners as well.
I tend to believe they’re partner specific. I’ve been told by a few that it’s the best head they’ve ever gotten. But I’m sure that’s not true for everyone.

I gather what I’m great at with my spouse is different than with other partners as well.

I'd agree with that - I do think it is partner specific as well. It's the comparison game - "you're great" (compared to who?). The "who" is who determines greatness.

Separating the art from the artist.

How much does appreciation of an artist enhance their art for you? How much does dislike of an artist diminish their art? How much does an artist influence your feelings of their creation at all?

Separating the art from the artist.

How much does appreciation of an artist enhance their art for you? How much does dislike of an artist diminish their art? How much does an artist influence your feelings of their creation at all?

I can (and do) separate the art from the artist, in terms of appreciating the art. There are a few artists I admire for their personalities, but very few, and generally people I know in person or have met in person.*

My feelings are invoked by the art itself, art should stand alone.

When I hear something bad about an artist (Roman Polanski for example), it doesn't effect my opinion of his art (a very talented director) BUT, it will guarantee that I won't buy their art any more.

*I don't think I know public figures by what is said by them or about them in the media, good or bad. The world is too complex and messy a place, as are most people and the media is two heavily manipulated by the marketing and media folks who are all trying to sell something.

In your opinion....

What's your sexual strength?? Amazing dirty talk? Enchanting oral? Extra giddyup in your cowgirl?

Tell us your flex. :devil:

Hmm. I think it is relative. People like different things.
I think the people I've been with are the only ones who could honestly answer this question.
Speaking for myself, though? If someone's in a mood to hear it, I can be playful, quick, and do dirty talk well - in person, via recordings, and on calls. I pay attention to what people tell me, and how they react. But then, lots of people are good at this. I don't really think I have any properly notable 'thing' like some others may have - honestly, I think people like me for my personality more than anything else. It isn't much, but it's what I've got!


Separating the art from the artist.

How much does appreciation of an artist enhance their art for you? How much does dislike of an artist diminish their art? How much does an artist influence your feelings of their creation at all?

It depends on degrees. Do I think they're just a bit of a ass, but nothing awful? Yeah, sure, I'll enjoy the work. An actual terrible human being (if you know me, you know what my criteria are here)? That tarnishes the appeal of their work by quite a lot, and I'm happy to not support them. I'm not losing out. The world isn't short of amazing artists in all kinds of disciplines.
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Just being straight up nosey...

What's your favorite porn genre???


lesbian insanely-large clit sucking. fuck. that's my go to lately.

and a genre i struggle to find.

Psychological verbal sexual manipulation...and control of a Dom to a sub.
No ass beatings or violence.
Just hand on the throat...words in the ear.

yes please.
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Just being straight up nosey...

What's your favorite porn genre???


My current favorite genre is videos featuring a performer who bears a passing resemblance to Tina Fey if I suspend my disbelief and squint just so. I can't believe it took this long for it to occur to me that there had to be one out there somewhere. :rolleyes::D

Just being straight up nosey...

What's your favorite porn genre???


Genre of the day is always influenced by who I've interacted with our someone I've seen..... I'll be craving milf pawgs one day, and then searching for hot situational audio the next.

Just being straight up nosey...

What's your favorite porn genre???


I don't have a favourite. Really just seeing women orgasm does for me. I'm a man of simple pleasures.

I did however laugh at a stand up comic who noticed that his porn tastes had evolved to the point where everything he is seemed to be watching involved someone being tricked.

Just being straight up nosey...

What's your favorite porn genre???


I don't watch much porn (my imagination does a fine job when it comes to sexual fantasies and I prefer written erotica to visual porn), but when I do watch porn I tend to gravitate to the MILF categories. In my case, it's an age thing - I find younger actors visually appealing, but I just can't relate. That's pretty much the same thing in real life - I prefer sexual partners around my own age, say a decade or so. To much younger than me and though I find them visually appealing, my preference is my age range.
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