❓Have you Ever❓ Round 12!❓

Yep! And rubber bands, hair ties, bag clips… so many options..

HYE paddled/been paddled with a ping pong paddle?
Yeah, she wasn’t impressed either. Swing and a miss.

HYE tried honey dust during oral sex or body licking/sucking/nibbling?
wtf is honey dust? I tend to avoid things that could cause a UTI, and that sounds like it could!

HYE been catfished?
Honey dust is dried honey, fine-ground into a dust. It’s much like very fine sand in texture but gets sticky quick if it gets moist. It could cause uti’s for some, but can be used anywhere - a wet lick and a trickle of dust, or even a moist breath can be enough sometimes…

I’m sure I have. Too many accounts here not to have!

HYE sexually enjoyed ice?
Honey dust is dried honey, fine-ground into a dust. It’s much like very fine sand in texture but gets sticky quick if it gets moist. It could cause uti’s for some, but can be used anywhere - a wet lick and a trickle of dust, or even a moist breath can be enough sometimes…

I’m sure I have. Too many accounts here not to have!

HYE sexually enjoyed ice?
well, that sounds like something for others to explore cuz this girl likes to be infection free!

And yes.

HYE explored wax play? if so, who cleaned up?
Yes, and me. :) Don't like receiving and reluctantly will give in special cases due to said clean up.

HYE sucked on toes/had your toes sucked? Any difference if the arch of your foot/their foot was involved?
Yes, and me. :) Don't like receiving and reluctantly will give in special cases due to said clean up.

HYE sucked on toes/had your toes sucked? Any difference if the arch of your foot/their foot was involved?
I have had my toes sucked, it's not my favorite. Feet things aren't my favorite. It did feel nice when the thumbs pressed into my arches

HYE worn something silly for a laugh, but it unexpectedly led to sex?
I had sex while still in my dumb Xmas sweater, so I guess that counts!

HYE stayed up for more than 24 hours?

I have had my toes sucked, it's not my favorite. Feet things aren't my favorite. It did feel nice when the thumbs pressed into my arches

HYE worn something silly for a laugh, but it unexpectedly led to sex?