🙄🤪 What are your biggest pet peeves? 🙄🤪

People who chew with their mouth open.

Listening to whispering on television or radio. I don't like whispering to begin with but if it's amplified via a microphone for tv or radio it will actually make me angry when I hear it. I can't fucking stand it.

People who drop by to visit without calling or texting me first. All of my friends know this except for one, well, he knows it but he's probably somewhere on the autism spectrum and it just doesn't sink into his brain. He's been like this for as long as I can remember. I finally just gave in where he's concerned.

People who know about my anxiety, panic, and depressive disorders but still tell me to just "buck up", "deal with it", "get over it", and my favorite, "it's all in your head". Of course, it's in my head, you twatwit. That's why they're called mental diseases. I've had to drop some people from my life because they just wouldn't stop that shit.

I have more, but this will do.
On behalf of my Muse - employers who say, 'you won't have to work Sundays,' and then drag you in on Sunday.

For myself - my wife, or anyone, running the radio or TV and listening to something on another device without earphones. What the feck do you think they made earphones for, retard!

...the latter might be a 'spectrum thing.'
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Cellphone Zombies crossing the road - and then having to make the calculation whether less damage is going to be done running them over, and being hit up the arse by a lorry.
People who don't understand that chatting (not even flirting, just chatting) drains me. Yes, I can post on threads like this because it's non-contact, basically. But conversation takes mental and emotional energy that I sometimes don't have. Don't be guilting me because I choose to post than converse.
- When someone says they “could care less.” I’ve started asking them to quantify how much less they could care 🙄

- People traveling with me for a short trip that check their luggage. So much wasted time and it eats at me and frays my normally abundant patience.

- People who leave voicemails* when they could send a text.
*This applies to work and family who have something short and practical to convey. I ❤️ audios from friends.
When I ask my boss to step in and handle something and he kicks it back to me, only to go behind me and change how I've handled it after the fact. Like, that's why I asked you to jump in! 🙄😫😂
I am in no way a Grammar Nazi - but when wrong words are used…
Than =comparative - I like strawberry more THAN chocolate
Then = consequential - I will finish this THEN I will do that.
These are lot interchangeable words!
I am in no way a Grammar Nazi - but when wrong words are used…
Than =comparative - I like strawberry more THAN chocolate
Then = consequential - I will finish this THEN I will do that.
These are lot interchangeable words!
And they're NOT interchangeable either. 😂 😋💙