πŸ™„πŸ€ͺ What are your biggest pet peeves? πŸ™„πŸ€ͺ

I am in no way a Grammar Nazi - but when wrong words are used…
Than =comparative - I like strawberry more THAN chocolate
Then = consequential - I will finish this THEN I will do that.
These are lot interchangeable words!
And they're NOT interchangeable either. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‹πŸ’™
People who listen to books on tape while they drive... Seriously WTF.. the radio is for MUSIC.. if youre not going to listen to music you ride in silence fuckers
Noisy food eaters
Obnoxious rich folks

And my littlest one: People who mistake me for being Italian or Hispanic.
Electronics manufacturers insisting their power input jacks must be different than all the other manufacturers. Especially when they are all using the same power ratings. Received a new adult item today, my dresser now has 8 different cords connected to usb bricks. God damn it, how many different types of charging jacks do vibrators really need? This can also be said about many consumer electronics. This is just unnecessary.

People who walk slow in the center of aisles. Fine, it is your right to walk at a turtle's pace, but must you make everyone do it too? Can you please just walk on the right instead of the center?
Electronics manufacturers insisting their power input jacks must be different than all the other manufacturers. Especially when they are all using the same power ratings. Received a new adult item today, my dresser now has 8 different cords connected to usb bricks. God damn it, how many different types of charging jacks do vibrators really need? This can also be said about many consumer electronics. This is just unnecessary.

People who walk slow in the center of aisles. Fine, it is your right to walk at a turtle's pace, but must you make everyone do it too? Can you please just walk on the right instead of the center?
All of the above!
Electronics manufacturers insisting their power input jacks must be different than all the other manufacturers. Especially when they are all using the same power ratings. Received a new adult item today, my dresser now has 8 different cords connected to usb bricks. God damn it, how many different types of charging jacks do vibrators really need? This can also be said about many consumer electronics. This is just unnecessary.

People who walk slow in the center of aisles. Fine, it is your right to walk at a turtle's pace, but must you make everyone do it too? Can you please just walk on the right instead of the center?
And you can't bump them out of the way :mad:
Bad drivers. I drive as if they're trying to kill me. They always get an earful of very clear curse words from the convertible, my middle finger or a crossover move that misses them by inches (plus curse words and the finger).
When I'm sitting there with nothing near my glasses but my eyes, and there's a smudge out of nowhere. Like, WTF? Did someone put a curse on me? This is like Sophia Petrillo's "May your socks always sink down into your shoes" curse! Seemingly silly and minor but evil!
I’ve seen those videos. Nice clean glasses and then out of nowhere ... oh wait. πŸ˜†
The societal need to say, "How are you?" Especially when you're clearly NOT fine. You've just been given terrible news, but still, the question MUST be asked. It's not even sincere. Most people don't even wait for an answer. Is this just an American thing?
Fucking motorcycle drivers in I-95 in rush hour traffic. One day they’re going to slide in front of me and skid out and I’m the fucker who is going to have the live the rest of my life who the memory of their head popping under my tires.
In RL, I try not to let myself indulge in being peeved... But on Lit... πŸ™„

My top ten Lit let peeves, from what just kinda peeves me (10) to what peeves me the most (1).

10. Thread hijacks... And yes, I'm a hypocrite in this regard... See #2 below (and this post in general) πŸ˜‰

9. People demanding visual proof (i.e. pics) that I'm really a woman. This used to be higher on my list, but I kinda just brush it off now.

8. Male posters who turn belligerent when you don't agree with them or you don't declare undying lust for them and a willingness to leave your husband. This is another one that is not so big a deal for me as it used to be.

7. Unpunctuated posts. I get it. It's informal English on here. I'm down with it. I am. I can sling some slang and shit... But use at least the bare minimum of punctuation, even if it is a non-standard but really common use of ellipses... πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

6. Unintentional misogyny, especially by those who bemoan a lack of success with women either here or in RL (or both). You are your own worst enemy. Learn from folks telling you that you are condescending and sexist.

5. Wannabe internet Doms. Yes, I identify as a sub. That does not mean I'm your sub. That does not mean I want to be your sub. That is not an invitation to start off PMs with commands. πŸ™„πŸ˜‘

4. Asking in a PM whether I've been raped, and if so, whether I enjoyed it. If we know each other and it comes up in conversation, I might be weirded out a bit and not answer, but I won't be peeved. If it's your first PM to me or we've only PMed a couple of times, don't ask shit like that. 😑

3. Bra size questions. I either have to lie and go with how people think they work or explain that cup size is relative to band size and not an absolute measure. See, I could tell y'all that my fitted bras are either 28Es or 30Ds, and you be envisioning big boobs. But a fitted 30D is the same cup volume as a fitted 34B. So, not so big. But who wants to explain that all the time? It's easier, but not accurate, to say 34B. πŸ™„

2. The Thread Police. I don't mean the moderators, either. I mean people who try to impose their view of what topics should be addressed in a thread. Threads are conversations, and they develop naturally, including in unexpected or unintended directions. Sure, if it's too far off topic, a new thread may be in order. But not even the OP of a thread has control over the conversations that thread starts.

1. Intentional Misogyny. 😑😑😑

Honorable mention #1: A whole bunch of people on Lit are younger than me. What the hell, people? Stop being younger than me... β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‰

Honorable Mention #2: Dick Pics. I know what you're thinking. Those should be top ten, if not top three, right? Nah. I've gotten so many over the years that unless it's unusual in some way, they get an eye roll before I delete them. That is not an invitation, however! 😑
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Why do I have to show my card to get into Costco? You can’t purchase anything without one, so they will see it at checkout. What gives?
Ensures you have it so you don't go through the process of shopping only to find out you left it in the car. Then you're standing at checkout, holding everything up, creating a bad experience for you, etc.

It's actually a pretty smart thing.
I did think of a RL pet peeve, but it's two parts and some may argue contradictory...

Part 1: Men who do not understand that even obvious flirting does not mean I want to fuck them. πŸ™„

Part 2: My Hubby sometimes not understanding that obvious flirting always means I want him to fuck me. πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‰
I did think of a RL pet peeve, but it's two parts and some may argue contradictory...

Part 1: Men who do not understand that even obvious flirting does not mean I want to fuck them. πŸ™„

Part 2: My Hubby sometimes not understanding that obvious flirting always means I want him to fuck me. πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‰
Sound like my wife: I never pick up on the flirting!