🙄🤪 What are your biggest pet peeves? 🙄🤪

guys portraying themselves as females on Lit
People who respond to texts with "K" or a single emotion. I didn't spend the time typing out a message so you could be lazy.
People who are addicted to their phone/social media & then complain they don't have any time to do things like exercising, chores.........
I feel like this post would actually have 5,000 likes........but 4,998 people don't want to out themselves as a hypocrite.......but at the same you have also inspired 2,500 people to visit the "How To" forum to seek some life changing motivation advice as a result......so really I'm pretty concerned for the remaining 2,498 people who couldn't like it or be motivated enough to make a change:unsure:

My pet peeve is people who over analyze things.....

and no, it's not easy being me:giggle:
The iPhone auto spell :mad: 90% of the time I'm calm, controlled and analytical......but the 10% of the time I step out of that and try to express some genuine Mother Ducking emotion this ducking, mother ducker of a phone switches all the F's to D's and I have to type it over 4 x before the stupid ducking device finally allows me to express how excited or mad I am about something.....by the time I re-type it for the 3rd time the ducking mood has ducking passed.:mad:
Dog owners who do not leash their pets in parks.
"My dog doesn't bite." Yeah, I do!!!
Litsters who complain about the threads on here being redundant or stupid, yet they keep posting and playing on the thread games.
Because of this, I limit my time here. It’s not helping me to think this, but taking action helps with my attitude. I don’t post as often as I used to.

Sadly, I may have to reduce my time here even more. Real life is catching up with me.

My pet peeve—Doing things half-assed. Why attempt it at all if you know you won’t give your best? It wastes everyone’s time and energies.
Litsters who give you petnames, and call you them.
Without consent...
And when they have been told directly NOT to do that.
Men in porn who wear only tee shirts that just keep getting in the way. Take the shit off! What, you're afraid to show your nips?
People who say they want to see my titties but NEVER EVER tag me in threads, declaring me their favouritest ever Litster or the Litster who makes their day, or the Litster who they'd give up everything for.

Geez. It's like their affections for me aren't even real. Fuckers.

:unsure: :p
People who flick their cigarette butts on the ground. Just cigarettes in general is a major turnoff
As a very horny 18 yr old I actually turned down a sure thing with a girl that smoked…