🙄🤪 What are your biggest pet peeves? 🙄🤪

Goddamn people who only communicate to be contrary, not to discuss an issue. Like, is everything that comes from my mouth just fucking shit in your view?

Don't answer that.
I don’t see it that way 😁
I know you are right there ready to go toe to toe.
I love that about you Amber.
And I'm all for respectful banter. With the intent of holding one view but willing to entertain others.
But to come at me with nothing but hate and my saying my ideas are garbage and I'm a piece of shit....
I need a minute.
Alright, what were we talking about?
I know you are right there ready to go toe to toe.
I love that about you Amber.
And I'm all for respectful banter. With the intent of holding one view but willing to entertain others.
But to come at me with nothing but hate and my saying my ideas are garbage and I'm a piece of shit....
I need a minute.
Alright, what were we talking about?
I hate that as well. I get it sometimes from my students' parents, although usually not so bluntly. And I pretty much have to smile and take it. 😡
I know you are right there ready to go toe to toe.
I love that about you Amber.
And I'm all for respectful banter. With the intent of holding one view but willing to entertain others.
But to come at me with nothing but hate and my saying my ideas are garbage and I'm a piece of shit....
I need a minute.
Alright, what were we talking about?
Who the fuck is coming at you like that? Send them my way

sweating when it isn't hot.
phones with mailboxes full, yet i'm supposed to leave a message.
Stinky sportsbras, although I bet that is a fetish.
passive aggressive behavior.
nad dab splleing
The size of the milkshakes at Chic Fil A......like who's idea was it to make them so flipping small?? Ridiculous :mad: