🫂 Would you cuddle in bed (but not have sex) with the Litster above you? 🤗

I'm still sleepy so as long as she's cool with it, sure. Sorry if I snore, my allergies are killing me today
Yes, please. Cuddles this morning, snuggled beneath the cozy sheets with the windows open. The cool air and early morning light coming through would be divine!
I just posted after him in the "what would you say if you woke up next to the person above" thread so I guess this is the prequel?
Sure. He needs someone to watch over him because he might like anesthesia a little too much lol
Honestly didn’t know what you meant by this, my interpretation was that you may be someone who enjoy being an onlooker. Didn’t know what the anesthesia thing was about. I may take it too literal being in the medical field 😂

Well, she skipped over me before so I'm assuming she wouldn't be interested even in a non-sexual cuddle.

Too bad. I've been told I'm a good cuddler.

Ohh I don’t ever pass up on snuggles. They’re good for the soul.

Snuggle on up 😉