30 Poems in 30 Days (Redux)

5-2: Pegging

Somehow it seems
You’ve slid something
Into me
That I can’t shake.
It feels both
Really fucking....good.
I think
I think that I....like
Having parts of you
In me.
Because you don’t
Easily give parts of yourself

My Heart

I used to think
It was mine to give
Until I felt
The pieces of it
Break away
Without consent.

I used to think
The people who took it
Were always worthy,
But it turned out
More than once
They weren’t.

I used to think
That old platitudes
And euphemisms
About it
Were always true
And that no one could
Step over those.

I used to think
It was only mine,
But now I know
It’s not so simple
And learning that
Was the most difficult lesson.
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There will always be
The memory of your kiss.

From that first one
That left us both wondering
If the world flipped over
Or if it was just our hearts
Doing somersaults.

To the last,
Which felt the same,
But with a tinge of bittersweet
That left me with questions
Leading to answers later
Neither of us wanted to face.

I believe
This place you've left
Inside me
Will never go away.

I feel your lips when my eyes close
And there is something
Painfully sweet
That allows my brain
to feel each kiss,
From that very first,
To the last.

I’m afraid to hope.
Afraid to breathe too deeply.
Afraid to even close the palms of my hands
For fear that
It will trickle through
My tightly closed fist
Like water dripping
Hitting rocks and
Silently splashing, before
Evaporating into nothingness.
Sweet, tormented..

I’m afraid to hope.

Missing You

Searching through dreams
Behind every door
Looking for something
That doesn’t come,
Instead finding
Nothing but empty space
When I frantically throw open
Every possibility,
Waking to tear-stained cheeks.


Darting along underfoot,
Soft fluffy tail
Wiggling, white and curious
Before dodging into the bushes.

Scared silent
From soft rustlings
Around the bend
A clomp clomp clomp
Until the monster is seen.

Stunned fear,
Glassy-eyed It stands,
Stoic, Still as a statue.

Walking past
A glance
Before a jump and hop,
It disappears:
Joining a thought
Of Watership Down.

To want to love,
To literally be available
For the purpose of living another
Is both refreshing
And tortuous.
For the same needle that pops the balloon
And brings and excited shriek,
And pierces the heart,
And causes a divine pain.
Yet the saying remains
“Tis better to have loved and lost
Than to have never loved.”
Then in every sense,
I say bring on the exhilaration
And the sting
Of the needle.


Beating in time
Under fingertips
Thoughts of wishes
Nothing the same
Ever again -
Asynchronous sounds
Combine with
A bursting chest feeling
That gasped breath
Can’t catch.

I’ve seen it
In a lamp lit light
As an ankle arched
There’s that thought
Once again -
Pleading against walls
Of smooth muscle
Collapsing under weight
Of emptiness
Where the touch
Of words
Used to be.

I don’t believe in ordinary,
For all are like flowers
Exquisite in design,
Special in purpose,
And necessary.
The world is full of extra
Who are planted
In specific gardens
To enhance beauty
While we yet walk toxic roads.


When it is best
The smell of a loaf
As you cut through,
Or rip it,
Crusty crumb cutting
The sound of crunch
With soft center,
A pillowed mattress
To bite into.

The tang of
Sweet cream
Mixed with grains
Of salty smoothness
Evenly spread
Newly churned
To a soft whip
Without a sting.

There really is nothing
Like fresh bread
And butter spread
Silky smooth
And creamy,
Begging for teeth
To sink into them.


There is a transformation
That creates the perfect bite...
When something pale
And soft,
Gets hot and heated,
Takes on color
And is then covered liberally
With a companion
Who immediately
Melts on contact.
Now THAT is chemistry.
And when that union
Is consumed
The explosion
Is well-earned,
Well received



Each foot fall
Further in time
Each foot fall
Further from you

I keep telling myself to
Stop falling apart
I keep telling myself to
Keep walking


Something feels so right
When I think of us
I can’t reprogram my thoughts yet
When I think of us

I’m having a difficult time
Marching away
I keep watching as time is
Marching away

One foot
One foot

I’m too tired to keep going
Please come to me now
Wrap my arm over your shoulders
Lift my legs at the knee
And show me how to carry on
If this is how it needs to be.

Sometimes the emptiness
Comes roaring back
Like the jarring explosion of a
Jack In The Box.
It’s sudden,
And leaves me shaking.

I hate Jack in the boxes.

I want you to be free.
Even if it’s not for me.
Or with me.
I want you to dance badly,
And sing loudly off key
In the way that free folks do
When they don’t care what anybody thinks
Or says.
I want you to feel the rush
Of chains broken,
And cell doors broken down
Where you
Live as you
Become you
Love you
And be you.
I just want you
To be free.
You deserve to be free.
Not for me.
Not even with me.
But for you.


I stood on the pier
And peered
Into the depth
Of the deep.

Dropped a rock
And it rocked
A ripple on the surface
From the surface.

There was an affect
That had an effect
And came from thinking
Revolutionary thought.

Not long ago
And so very far past
I was found
So again I find,
This is the one circle
I will never tire of circling.


Things didn’t seem
How they are today:
Clear skies
In the rainy wind.
A rush of consciousness
As my mind swims
On rivers of high-percent alcohol
Though I wish I were sober
Because I have more faculties about me
To speak to you then.

I have my wits,
Need them when you touch me
With those four words we know
That you drop
Like a greased egg for a spoon race
Having that desired effect
We both need more of
STAT, like on TV
Where the busty nurse
Brings you a new bag of NS for the IV,
And nothing feels the way you do: real.

You make me feel
Like never before
And I think I’m soaring higher
Than I’ve been before
Right now, in this tub
Where I’m allowing my thoughts to come
In a line written after another
Your punctuation ringing
Between pauses as they naturally happen
Feeling soon and never sudden.


See one from the other
A view the same
And yet totally different
Don’t stop climbing
Keep making your way
Each footfall a new story
Telling each mountain
How unique and different
Their sight is
From the top

Stand there with your true love
Hold them close
And remember
Nothing is forever
And yet
Some things are always


I look
Into your eyes
While the water cascades
Around you. Hair wet
And floating. Face..
Calm, but a storm of unease
Yet when I look
Into those pools of
I feel peace.
How is it that
Your restless sadness
And unending despair,
Reflects serenity?
I’ll never know


When I think of
The things I want right now,
My mind runs
To the marks you left
From teeth
And palm
Across my body.

I miss seeing a beautiful purple
Or even yellowing spot
Spread across my skin
As if writing the moments spent
With watercolours that change,
Mellowing with time.

I miss tentatively touching
Each sensitive area
You spent time on,
Remembering each one’s
Moments with the
Twinge of recollection.

I miss glancing in a mirror
And seeing a peek
Of colour on my shoulder
To set my mind
Wandering to

I miss when I was
The meal you wanted to
Sink your teeth into
For breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I used to feel delicious,
And I loved that feeling.


I want to be like a sea cucumber,
Able to vomit up all my insides
For predators to see,
But also myself -
Because sometimes I feel too close to my problems,
Wishing I could separate them from me,
Regurgitate them into the ether,
Take a step back,
And decide if I want them to be a part of me again.


And goodnight..
Find rest in my words
And the affections of my heart.
Tomorrow will have it’s problems
She’d it’s tears, and utter profanities.
But for now, allow rest
To flood your heart,
And fall away into blessed slumber
With a smile in your eyes,
And my lips upon yours.


If I could push a reset button
And feel everything rush back
To that first day
When you left me breathless and alone
At a train station,
I think I would.

I want to walk through that rain again,
Feel that sweater I bought,
Eat that fancy taco again,
Walk through those brick streets once more,
My heels clacking with thoughts
Of a kiss only an hour before
That rocked my entire world.

I want to sit on that bench,
In the midst of downtown
Twinkly-light filled trees
And think of nothing but your lips
And what those moments meant
And the last time I was without you,
Before I saw you there, on that Easy corner
Acting like you belonged
In a suit sans jacket and plus a puffy.

I want to see your face again for the first time,
To feel your eyes meet mine
And know in that instant
That the world would never be the same
As soon as you smiled
And I blushed
And we both shook.

If I could push that button,
And reset us,
I would...
Because I already do
In my mind

I Give Up

I’m not Romeo or Cyrano,
Or anything or anyone
Smooth enough to gain the kind
Of favor
That is required as capital...
I’m not driven enough
To keep banging against walls,
Nor is my gas tank large enough
To drive ahead.
When I finally wash my hands,
I’m washing you away too.
When I give up...
I’m washing my hands of you.

Would you relish being tasted?
Taken? Tawdry tales of two
Held within lusty eyes
And longing words?
Traveled whispers from untamed tongues
And ventured journeys of
Adventurers who dared explore
Delight and devious dances
That hold secrets not yet shared
From wall to bed,
To couch and kitchen,
Careful not to cut you but with
Sharpened notes of moans and
Sighs, whines and groans,
Strained melodic structures
Within a symphony unconstrained
Except for the repeated refrains
Resounding in bounds of
Heat. Sweet, sweet heat.
Would you relish having words
Like worms, inserting and
Repeatedly wrecking defenses
And opening you up
To the possibility of a potentially
Mind melting mixing?
Or a body melding miracle?
By word or by deed...
I could be...
Just the very distraction
That you need.