A Pirates Life for Me. (IC)

"It will be attended to once we dock." Ren said into the mic in response to Ianthe's message of needing more supplies. "All hands, all hands prepare for docking procedures." he said into the ships com.

"Sir, we're recieving a hail from the planet."
"On screen if you please Mr. Torval."
"Ogdru's Vengeance, this is harbor control. You are clear to dock, we are sending coordinates now. Welcome to Wyndren Falls."
"Mr. Jorla, take us in easy."
"Aye captain"
one of the dwarrow walked onto the bridge and presented a data slate to the captain. "Inventory cap'n," he said. "Thank you Mr. Stoneaxe." he said. The dwarrow nodded and walked away. "One-eye is the paychest in order?" One-eye merely nodded. "See to it that everyone recieves their pay." "One-eye merely nodded again, getting up to pass the pay out to all the crewers. He started with the bridge crew, paying Jenifer, Jorla, and Torval, and he took his cut as well. He payed Max, then set off through the ship, handing every man the cash filled envelope with his name on it.

30 minutes later, the ship lurched onto its docking pad. Ren, quickly left the ship and handed the data slate to the servitor droid, who would ensure that all supplies and repairs were handled. WS9 was a hot planet, so Ren wore only a light draw string tunic and slightly baggy duelists trousers. These he wore tucked into high leather boots, with silver buckles. On his hip hung his ksya, phase sabre, and custom pulse pistols. He had not even wore his favorite captain's hat, instead drawing his warrior's dreadlocks into a rakish ponytail, showing off his pointed ears and several piercings. His powerful lionlike features and body were accentuated by his simple garb, and he looked as dashing as anyone with a bionic leg, arm, and eye could. Even One-eye abandoned his priest like garb. Opting for light linen knickerbockers and an open white vest embroidered with ancient Jahad designs, showing his terribly scarred physique. For one so old, One-eye was also handsome, his muscles more chiseled then Ren's and with his dreadlocks hanging down, a bright white patch over his left eye socket. He of course walked around with all his weapons, including his taigu, though with retracted blades.
"Welcome to Wyman Sylry 9 lads. " he called into the ship. Before heading to the Genesis bar.
As the ship moved in to dock, Max was handed an envelope. Looking inside, he found a wad of cash. Now what the hell was he supposed to do with money? He was a giant snake for crying out loud! Money was no good for a Basilisk, seeing as how most people who would accept money tended to either run from or try to kill him on sight.

Giving a slight serptine shrug, he went and found a vacant cabin, put in a code to lock the door and make the room his, and just dropped the envelope on the bed. Leaving the room, he made sure to lock it before leaving the ship.

When he got outside, he immediately felt more at home, for it was warm out. Ideal for snakes, and his senses told him that there were plenty of snakes around. But he wasn't here to acquire more companions; he was here to get information, and he had a top-rate contact on this planet.

While the captain went to the Genesis bar, Max headed for a more irreputable place called the Mos Espa Cantina. His contact could usually be found there.
Ren and One-eye walked into the genesis bar. "Ahh good ol' genesis, its been too long my old friend." He said walking in.

"Zasalamel? you still keeping bar here my friend?" Ren said to a burly Zatrian. "Always, Rengakus always." he said grabbing Ren's hand in a strong handshake.
"bottle of whiskey and bunch of glasses, and beer for us." he said. Zasalamel nodded knowingly.
"Recrutin' today Ren?"
"I'm always looking for faithful hands before the mast, you thinkin' of getting your space legs back?"
"Im too old for all that Ren, We're not all blessed with Jahadi ageless body chemistry."
"Old? Bah, your old the same way I'm a kreeyar."
"Nevertheless, i be staying right here."
"Too bad Zassy, but if you ever change your mind let me know, ill fly all the way back to pick ya up." Zasalamel laughed heartily and suddenly lowered his voice.
"Have you heard about Ogdru?" Zasalamel asked, and Ren's mood visibly darkened. "Aye, i was there when they dehabitated it, i fought in the battle."
"Not that lad, theres something else."
"What else?" Ren asked his voice getting urgent.
"Word on the street is that the kreeyar are there. On planet, looking for something."
"What something? Theres nothing to find anymore."
"No one knows, but knowing the Kreeyar, mark my words it wont be lovely."
Ren looked to One-eye, who shrugged, obivously not knowing what they could be looking for.
"Thanks Zas, I..."
"Oh no."
"I know what your thinking, I know that look."
"What look?"
"Ren, If I hear you went off to Ogdru on some quest against a high-military kreeyar installation, I shall find you and beat sense into your dreadlocked skull."
"Relax Zassy, I'm not that foolish."
"No your not, but you are that bold, and you hate the kreeyar that much."
"Its fine, how much do i owe ya?"
"Your money is no good here Ren."
"You sure?"
"After the way you saved my life on Divaaan? yes im sure."
"Bah, you saved my life at Telari, AND on Horus."
"Those hardly count, so take your drinks and sit down."
Ren laughed, and went to sit at his usual table. A barmaid came over and brought their drinks. Ren then unrolled the duty roster and pinned it to the table with his ksya. Then leaned back and took a sip of his beer, stewing over the new knowledge in his head.
Ianthe was busy working on her 'grocery' list as the ship was busy for the half hour or so for docking codes and actual computer data recognition. It went by fairly quickly which, to her, meant that the captain had been there before. Well, she supposed that that was a good thing overall right? During this time she was busy and noticed One eye and smiled as he set an envelope down for her on the counter. She had no idea what it was until she was ready to go shopping.

Aside from morphine and needles, she needed some new clothes, hers were quite a bit ragged, pretty stained and well... she didn't know what else was on them due to the various odd things the Kreeyar's ate and made her clean up.

But there was no time to be living in the past. She grabbed the envelope to see if it was anything important and gasped at the amount of money she found inside the little package.

Surely there was a mistake.

After 'prompting' some of the men, she was headed into a cantina to find the captain. "Captain Ren... What is this?" She asked holding out the money in the envelope for the lion man to see.
"Its your pay Ianthe." Ren said, "you are on my crew, thus you must be paid. Dr. Arkis didnt have the oppurtunity to do too much before the Old Cloaked One came for him. You patched up my entire crew. Take it, it is yours. Get yourself some clothes, maybe a gun. Or blow it all on your vice of choice. You have a two day furlough, enjoy it." Ren said
As Cale walked back out of the brig the last thing he expected was to hear was that they had landed and for One-Eye to hand him and envelope full of money as he walked down the hallway. He looked down at it but before he could ask One-Eye what it was for he was gone, leaving Cale to stand there totally confused. He wanted to go to the captain and ask him what he was getting this money for but knew that he would not get an answer from him.

He slid the envelope underneath his vest before he walked down the hall and to the ramp. He stopped as soon as he reached the top of it though and then stood there, wondering where he was going to go first. This was one of the places he had never been to before and decided it would probably be the wisest thing to do to follow the Captain. He watched them as they headed towards a bar and with a shrug of his shoulders decided to follow.

As he headed towards it he passed several species from different parts of the galaxy and wished hopefully that he would see at least one Kreeyar but knew that if they were here that the captain wouldn't have landed here. Very slowly he walked back towards the bar and as soon as he pushed the doors open he was surprised to see Ianthe standing there.

He wanted to go and talk to her, to explain why he had been so rude to her earlier but saw that she was having a conversation with the captain and moved to sit at a table near the door. He knew that there would be no use hiding there as it would be an impossiblity given his size but he sat there all the same. It was then that he felt someone touch his shoulder and when he looked up he saw the person looking at him in disgust.

"That's my seat. Get out of it now."

"I am sure that there has been some misunderstanding. I just came in here and sat down. If this is your seat then you would have been here when I came in."

"I told you Sarconian that this is my seat."

Cale knew instantly that there would be no talking to this person and slowly got to his feet. He looked down at the person.

"I am sorry for the misunderstanding."

It was then that the man threw a punch at Cale who caught his fist in one hand before it struck and threw the man onto the table with a crash. He looked down at the man and bared his teeth but as soon as he did he felt something smash across his back.
Ren heard a crash and leapt up from his table. He saw Cale get hit in the back with a chair and quickly his pistol were in his hands.
"Best reconsider friend, Thats my crewmen you just hit." Ren said to the large Jarek who had just attacked Cale. Ren smiled and winked. "And yes, i am good enough to drill you between the eyes from here, Take one more step and find out."
Cale turned on his heels quickly and saw that the Jarek that had hit with the chair now had a pistol pointed at him but before he could stop himself hit him in the side of the head then picked him up and threw him straight through the window. He then picked up the table the person that had hit him first was still laying on and threw it across the floor, the man still laying on it.

He ran towards the table and picked the man up off the floor, looked him in the eyes and screamed out, "Did you not understand that I didn't know it was your seat! Why could you not have just left me alone!"

With that he picked up the table and looked at the man, prepared to throw it down on top of him.
Ren rushed over to Cale. "Sons of Dis lad, calm down!" he said as he moved the downed man from under the tables shadow. "Cale, put the table down! Thats an order." Ren said, "A friend of mine owns this bar, I will not have you destroying it!"
Ianthe had been quite surprised at the explanation of how it was rightfully her money and she was to spend it as she saw fit. Well, she supposed that some clothes would be rather nice and while she was thinking about where she would be able to shop on this planet she was pulled from her thoughts by the sounds of a brawl.

And in the middle of it was her sarconian. She sighed a little as he knocked the other back but then it escalated and the captain, thank the gods, was ending it. But it didn't seem to be good enough for Cale as he continued fighting.

"Did you not understand that I didn't know it was your seat! Why could you not have just left me alone!"

She gasped as he looked as if he was really going to kill the man with a table no less. Ianthe watched as the Captain moved to save the man from knowing just how a bug would feel underfoot.

"Sons of Dis lad, calm down! Cale, put the table down! Thats an order. A friend of mine owns this bar, I will not have you destroying it!"

The Kylari stood there with her hand over her mouth just staring at the man who she had grown so attached to so quickly. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do here but there was only so much her healing powers could do and it was clear that he had some huge issues to deal with. She felt incredibly sad for the things he must have bee going through...

"Cale... Are... Are you ok?" She asked.
Max quickly and silently entered the Mos Espa Cantina through a back door that had been left open. Keeping to the shadows, he moved to the main seating area and took up a position where he could see the whole place. After looking around at the seats closest to the shadows for his contact, he then looked towards the middle of the cantina. Lo and behold, there he was, sitting right in the middle, surrounded by more than a dozen people. There was no way Max could get to the guy unnoticed.

Max's contact was a essentially a large rat that had evolved to walk on two legs. Max didn't know what his species was, but they were among the favorite prey of the Basilisks, and as such, they were extremely skiddish, especially when small snakes were known to be around. The only reason why this particular rodent hadn't become prey yet is because he can provide very reliable and often exclusive information to Max --well, not Max in particular, but Basilisks in general; he can't tell the difference-- in exchange for his life.

Max had to figure out some way to get the skiddish rat over to where Max could speak to him secretly. Max looked around for something that might help him, then he spotted it. The comm booths. They were out of sight of the main floor and nobody was in a position to see them. That would be perfect.
Larinya watched as a few people walked in and out of the bar. Genesis, while not completely popular, had many regular customers. Since being on thie accursed station, so had she been. She picked up the glass that had been shoved in her direction and grinned, considering it lucky that the Arithinian had at least had a very fat cred card.

She was about to take a quick sip when a rather large man entered. She quirked an eyebrow and quickly looked him over as he stood not a few feet from her and quietly talked to Zass. She glanced at his weaponry, his atire and his almost silent companion. It seemed that these people were well to do, and it seemed that they liked combat. Almost as if they expected it.

Then a Kylari flounced in and she hid her face in the glass of her drink when she approached the man. There was some talk of pay or some such and then a commotion broke out in the far corner, near the door. Out of sheer curiosity, she looked over and witnessed a young man being thrown through a window by a rather large sarconian. She swallowed the foul, yet sturdy, liquid down and grinned.

Well, maybe something interesting did happen on this station afterall?

Then she noticed something odd in another dark corner. A shifting of eyes, a slick of hair that was just too perfectly greasy. Skin that was all a little too clean for her liking and clothes that just screamed 'freshly pressed'. She slipped from her stool and began to coolly head towards the door. Unfortunately she had to go through the mess the sarconian had made to make her getaway.

She could feel the human law officer's eyes burning into the back of her head. Damned alliance between Arithinians and Humans! Suddenly she felt a smart on her leathered backside. She hissed and yeowled, turning to find a rather drunk offender, his hand still raised from the slap he'd just given to her rather sumptuous ass.

She growled, almost ferally, and launched herself at the man, her claw protracting as she grabbed the front of his shirt and then whipped a pulse pistol to the underside of his chin, "Touch me again cretin and I will have your entrails for dinner!"
"Hey, Ratty! You've got a comm for ya!" called out the bartender, coming around from where the comms were.

That rat man who sat in the middle of the cantina looked up. "I thought I told you to tell anybody who called that I'm not here!" he called.

"He ain't buying it, Ratty. Besides, he says it's a matter of life or death, involving someone by the name of Phriah," replied the bartender as he went back to tending bar.

Ratty, who was just raising his glass to drink, stopped in mid-motion. He was horror-struck. He knew that name, Phriah, and he knew what the message meant. He also had an idea of who was calling.

He slowly lowered his glass, and then just as slowly, stood. He made his way around the corner to where the comms were, glad that they were hidden from sight. He had just sat down at the comm unit, but no sooner had he sat down then Max rose up to stare him right in the face.

Ratty knew better than to make any noise, for if he did, it meant a premature death.

"Well, Phiah," hissed Max at the trembling rodent. "It's good to see that you still come when called after all these years. I understand you have some information for me?"

"Yeah, yeah, some good information too," Ratty stuttered. The name Phiah was giving to him by the Basilisks to indicate that unless he did as told, he was their next meal. "Word on the street is that some high-ranking PGC official is stranded here while his ship is repaired. His original destination was Osiris. How many body guards he has is not known specifically, but my guess is that there's a moderate number."

"And where is this official?" asked Max. This information could prove useful to the captain.

"Dock 13, a most unlucky number if you ask me," replied Ratty, still stuttering slightly.

"Good. Now, do you have anymore information?" prompted Max. Phiah usually knew more than he let on, especially considering that he tended to give any information that he thought might profit the Basilisks most.

Ratty thought for a moment. He knew a bit of information that no body else knew, something that may not be of any use to the giant snake, but it was at least something. He decided to spill the beans.

"Yeah, yeah I do have something else. Exclusive info," Ratty said, his voice strengthening with pride at the fact that he was the only one who knew this info.

"About what?" prompted Max.

"A high value, high risk target that any privateer would die for," replied Ratty.

"Oh, really?" hissed Max, his interest rising. "Let's hear it."

And then Ratty began to talk.

IC: I was shocked when I made it to the brig. I was being payed upfront for the sell of the weapons. My share came to an entire Ead, naturally my head filled with ideas on how to spend such a grand sum, but my regret was that my entire pay was in a single large coin. Well at least it would be easy to carry and accepted every where.

I moved off to the vice of my choice, clothing and part shops. Perhaps I would buy more ammo for my sabot pistole. The weapon was quite powerful but also uncommon enough that the ship only had a modest store of ammo.

I entered the first clothing store I found. I could see the crab like owner of the store to the back. My first thoughts were to kill him then and there, but that would only increase the likely hood of returning to slavery. All shelons knew the the noble houses and they would know my mark. I would be returned for favors, notice, and prestige, if not just for cash.

I left quickly and quietly opting to go into a bone yard a ways down the road. Spare parts would always help, and my skeletons design was for from finished.
Cale looked down at the man as he was pulled away from underneath the table then threw it down onto the ground, shattering it. He slowly walked over to the bar, pulled out his envelope and slapped some money down onto the top of the bar. He slid the envelope back under his vest a second later.

"This is to cover the damage that I have caused here. I am truly sorry for that."

He looked at Ianthe, "I am okay. I think that I need to get some air."

He was about to walk to the doors but stopped suddenly when he saw the felinoid with the pulse pistol underneath some man's chin. Without even thinking twice he picked the man up off his feet and threw him towards the table. He didn't even look at the felinoid as he walked to the doors.

He quickly walked out of the bar and looked around before walking past the broken window, not even bothering to look inside the bar as he moved past it. He knew that he had caused a definite scene inside the Genesis Bar but he really did not care. All that he wanted was to take a walk and clear his head. He just hoped that his anger wasn't going to get him into trouble this time.

He stopped suddenly and tried to find the dock as he wanted to get back to the ship but knew that they would probably be on the planet for a while, given the repairs that had to be done to it.
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Ianthe nodded when he said he just needed some air. She bit her lip and looked around at the mess Cale had made. She sighed and walked over to the man who had truly caused the whole thing, a mess is what he was. She slid her bag off of her shoulder and carefully set about... well setting his nose back in place. It wasn't fun, it wasn't pleasant but it needed to be done.

"Stop getting into bar fights..." She warned. "Especially with men that stronger than you..." She said getting up. She tossed him an ice pack and moved to leave the bar. She instead moved back to Captain Ren. "I'm sorry for his actions Captain..." She said before leaving. She didn't know if she wanted to shop now.

But her clothes were incredibly torn. She sighed to herself and wandered over to what seemed like a place that might sell clothes. She was right, once inside she would see a variety of clothing options. But her eyes fell upon something very appealing, to her at least.

She carefully picked out the items that caught her eyes and wandered into the dressing room. She didn't spend much time changing but she was pleased with the end result. She was in an all white outfit, pants and shirt were form fitting and she had to admit she looked good. The sash-like belt hung on her hips lightly but didn't seem to be going anywhere, which was just how she wanted it. There was a cape and she opted to get that too as she went to the counter to pay for her new clothes. With that she selected at dress of blue that would work for relaxing or working. And a few different pairs of skirts and shirts.

She was looking for things that would work for her medical career. Now was time to head back to the ship to relax.
Rynver had taken her look about the station she was at and was tired. It seemed that there was nothing of culture here and she really didn't want to have to deal with some of the space hicks that leered in her direction. She knew now that there was no way that she was getting to Osiris in time for her proposal. Such was life it seemed.

She closed her eyes trying to figure out why this was happening to her. She had worked so damn hard and now it seemed to all be slipping out of control and away from her so quickly.

Rynver paced dock 13 and tried to figure out what she was going to do while she waited for them to finish the repairs. Her mind wandered for a few minutes but ultimately she ended up snatching up a pen and one of the templates and began writing a little to one of the men that was supporting her proposition. She was letting him know that she was fine just stuck on WS9 for now and that he should just start without her. It would be better this way really.

What was the worst that could happen here?
"Zasalamel, im gonna need another drink." Ren said. I shall need to watch Cale, His temper could prove disastrous. He thought to himself, as he turned to see a shapely female Ctarl Ctarl holding a pistol under some drunk spacer's chin. By the gods, theres always something going on around here. he said. "Break it up you two, My friend owns this here dive, and I'll not have trouble for him when I'm here." He said keeping his pistols unholstered, just in case. "Looks like you've had too much to drink boyo," he said to the obviously snookered man. "Perhaps you should head on home, I'd hate to have to start shooting people in here."
As he walked along he knew that he had made a mistake of what he had done in the bar. He knew that his anger had gotten the best of him but he didn't want to go back to that place to apologize. All he had wanted to do was sit down at the table and have some piece and quiet but two people had ruined it for him and he knew that if he went back then Captain Ren would blame him for what happened. He placed his hand to his saber and kept walking, wondering where he was going to go next. It was then that he spotted another bar called The Valik'Cor (peace in Sarconian) and wondered if he should go in there. He shrugged his shoulders and knew that it would be stupid of him not to just because of what had happened earlier.

He pushed the door open and was instantly surprised by the number of Sarconians that were in there. He stood there for a second and knew that this would be the type of place he would be welcome in. He took a deep breath and felt his anger slowly leave him before he walked to the bar. He looked straight at the Sarconian who was tending the bar and asked for a drink he thought he would never get, being totally surprised when he received it. After he handed over some money for the drink he took a sip of the drink and let out a loud sigh.

"This is the best drink I have had in a long long time."

The barman smiled, "I am glad that you like it. What brings you here?"

"You would not believe me if I told you."

"I am here to listen and have all the time in the world."
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Larinya's eyes went wide as the large sarconian suddenly picked up the drunken lout and threw him to a nearby table. He landed with a crash and she quickly looked to the door but the lizardman had vanished. Her eyes narrowed and she scented the air as she holstered her pistol, she looked askance at the pirate that had walked in earlier and sneered, "Forget this." Then she was off and out the door in a flash, her delicate pink nose wrinkling slightly as she tracked the sarconian.

She soon caught sight of him, as he was moving rather slowly. He meandered around for a while and then apparantly decided to whet his whistle in the Valik'Cor. Her brow furrowed with concern, she wasn't sure if she would be welcome there anymore. Not after what had happened last time. She blinked, hesitating for only a second before she headed on in.

Sidling up to the bar, she sat on a stool directly beside the big man and then ordered another stiff drink. Purring slightly, her eyes fixed on him, she leered at the sarconian. "So, what makes you think you can interrupt a perfectly good start to a fight and not apologize?"

Then she caught another scent on the air. The all too 'manufactured' dirt and grease that came on an undercover human. She yawned and stretched lazily, hiding herself behind the sarconian's considerable bulk.

IC: "What do you mean you can't sell it? I have enough!" I found a good deal on a small plasma engine that could boost the horse power on my right arm but the mechanic refused to sell it when I pulled out the single coin that was my pay.

'I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't accept eads.' He gestured over to a sign. I turned and saw he wouldn't accept a larger currency then the 20 flenag mark.

"Oh..." I paused. "Well I didn't want to carry all that change any how." I left the store now unhappy with a part store. Perhaps I should try clothing again. I walked around for a while longer stopping at a clothing store that caught my eye.

I entered the regale looking place. Immediately the red and the blues jumped out at me. But for some reason that was a turn off. As much as I enjoyed eye drawing clothing, every once and a while I'd rather be the thing of beauty. I wanted something to go with my new short black hair.

I looked around until I found the natural compliment for my hair. I grabbed a form fitting pair of white pants. I then looked for a similar shirt and after ten minutes found one I liked. I went to the dressing room and tried it on. Checking the mirror I found the simple outfit lacking, maybe I should have something to catch the eye. Possibly a cape. I moved around the store and was quite happy they did have a cape section. So I picked one I liked and tried it on. The outfit still seemed lacking so I searched threw belts and found a white sash-like belt and put it on too. It hung loosely on my hips but didn't seem to go any where, that was the final touch. I then went back threw the store and grabbed the six other items I saw and liked. I then grabbed 4 more to go with them and then 1 more to go with that set.

I smiled knowing fashion might finally be part of my life sense before the only clothing I had much to choose from was my previous identities lingerie, which all was a choice putting on, I could look attractive and be forced into sex with Shelons and their guests, or I could look unattractive still have the chance of being forced into sex and possibly be reprimanded. I also discovered going nude wasn't a good option. All and all slavery was a bitch.

I set down the purchases and asked how much. The response being fair I set down my single ead. I could tell by the expression that the shop keeper wished he went higher. "Is it alright for me to walk out in this outfit."

'Yes.' The keeper set out the change. I picked it up and counted it.

"I believe I am slightly short."

'Oh sorry, I must of been distracted by your new dress. Quite popular really. A woman made the same thing earlier, although she had a slightly different top.'

I quirked an eye brow as he set out another 20 flenag mark. "Really?"

'Yes she had two more limbs then you. Quite lovely really the cap accented them well. Oh and don't let that turn you off, you'll probably never see her. Although she walked out wearing it too.'

"Why thank you." I left heading back to the part shop capable of buying that motor, amung other things. I smiled at the thoughts of being more atractive outside and inside.
A few minutes later, Max left the Mos Espa Cantina the way he came in, and headed for the ship. He had no use for a fulough, and as the security chief, his job was even more important when in dock.

The information that Phiah had given him would prove most usefull indeed, and possibly very profitable, provided that they lived to enjoy their success. Now, Max just had to wait for the captain to return, and give him the information.

In the mean time, Max could be found working security, and chucking out anybody who didn't have authorization to be there, which in this place, kept him busy.
The ctarl ctarl set off, and Ren simply holstered his pistols. He went back to his chair and poured himself several glasses of whiskey. It was gonna be a long day.

IC: "You sold it?" I asked the part merchant.

'Aye, for a bit more then you were offering too.'

"Well was that your only plasma engine in that size?"

'At the moment yes.'

"Well what about plasma converters, and flux inhibiters?"
Rynver was terribly bored at this point. She was seated now on some decent bench just watching the paint on her ship dry. Not that her ship had been painted but there was literally no power inside the damn thing and that meant it would be hot in there so she was satisfied to sit outside and try not to grow too bored.

She had long since had it with her book and meant to ask the guards where the hell they were going when they took it upon themselves to leave so suddenly. She figured they were useless anyway and remained settled in her spot... thumbing through he book debating on what to do with this ship when she got home.

Surely it couldn't be kept if it was soooo unreliable.