Abortion Rights in Former Slave States

YDB95 writes: "Seems to me that Mr. I-Like-Beer's past wrongs have been allowed to go unpunished as well, since he now has a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court."

And WHAT past wrongs are we talking about?

Are you saying that we should believe "little Miss Drunk" with the little girl's voice at age fifty who tried to ruin the life of a respected judge - and WHY? - because the guy's pro-life while she prefers abortion! Seriously, liking beer does NOT make a person unqualified to serve on our nation's highest court!

And people wonder why there's a gender gap!

"... the thing to do is 1) keep abortion safe, legal and accessible in the early stages of pregnancy, 2) make contraception more readily available so unintended pregnancies are less likely in the first place, and 3) provide comprehensive sex education in schools. But I'd bet the farm you're staunchly opposed to all three."

As for #2, does the name Sandra Fluke mean anything to you?

It means enough that I remember what she actually said in her Congressional testimony, which you - surprise surprise - clearly do not. Just for starters, she didn't say anything about $3,000 per month for anything.

And regarding #3, are you even aware that liberal educators in at least one school district brought in DRAG QUEENS to read children's books to little kids to prepare them for the real world? Is THIS what the Democratic Party thinks of America? A presidential executive order allowing transgendered men to use women's bathrooms, and guys who think they're women playing (and winning) athletic competitions meant exclusively for girls?

It's the Republicans who want transgendered men to use women's bathrooms, Dumpington. At least get your terminology right. (Hint: transgendered men were born biologically female.) And I don't know anything about the drag queens in school incident that you're referring to, but I'm betting it's either apocryphal or perfectly unobjectionable, or quite possibly both.

"ETA: and 4) provide comprehensive, affordable pre-natal care, so catastrophic birth defects are detected in time to take action. But we know what you think of health care reform."

I genuinely LIKE how the passage of ObamaCare in 2009 resulted in massive Democratic Party congressional losses in 2010, 2012, & 2014! That was quite gratifying! Without the Republican take-over of the U.S. Senate, for example, neither Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh would EVER have been confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, while Merrick Garland WOULD have! (Thank you, ObamaCare!)

So let's just get this completely straight: You're proud of the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court seat. Mmmmkay.
YDB95 writes: "And people wonder why there's a gender gap!"

I sincerely HOPE that the Democrats give Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford a speaking role at their party's 2020 national convention, YDB95! I think she would make an EXCELLENT representative as to how the left views America's women (and how America's liberal women view themselves!)

"It means enough that I remember what she actually said in her Congressional testimony, which you - surprise surprise - clearly do not. Just for starters, she didn't say anything about $3,000 per month for anything."

College student Sandra Fluke couldn't afford her heavy contraceptives bill, and so she went to Washington, D.C. to complain about it to congressional Democrats! She was a featured speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. She then ran for a California State Senate seat and LOST! She was another excellent example as to how the left views America's women!

"It's the Republicans who want transgendered men to use women's bathrooms, Dumpington. At least get your terminology right. (Hint: transgendered men were born biologically female.) And I don't know anything about the drag queens in school incident that you're referring to, but I'm betting it's either apocryphal or perfectly unobjectionable, or quite possibly both."

So... guys who think they're girls are WOMEN? And girls who identify as guys are now considered to be MEN? And the number of genders among science-denying Democrats is now up to thirty-six? Or is it now thirty-seven?

The drag queens reading to kids was on the nightly news a few days ago. Of course, liberals LOVE that stuff! They want little kids to grow up thinking it's all perfectly normal! And then other liberals will teach their kids how to wear hijabs and praise Allah!

https://bythebloodofthelamb.files.w...ng-beach-library-full-6001651566422.png?w=600 - (Liberal heaven: Drag Queen reading to small children in a library!)

"So let's just get this completely straight: You're proud of the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court seat. Mmmmkay."

Except that NOTHING WAS STOLEN! Merrick Garland was NEVER going to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate! Have you ever heard of U.S. Supreme Court judge Robert Bork? No? That's because HIS seat was actually stolen by liberal Senators who FAILED to do the same thing to Brett Kavanaugh! Capice?
Ilyse Hogue of NARAL Pro-Choice America told NPR that abortion opponents have long debated "just how hard to push to criminalize abortion, and Georgia and Alabama show that the radical fringe is winning.”

Hogue said she blamed President Trump for creating "the conditions for the hard-right turn on reproductive rights,” adding that “the fact remains that the entire anti-choice movement is dangerously out of step with the mainstream pulse of the country.”

"Any ban on access to safe, legal abortion risks women's lives, and is an attack on our fundamental human rights."

- Dr. Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Planned Parenthood joined the American Civil Liberties Union in filing a lawsuit challenging Alabama’s abortion ban, which has not yet taken effect, on Friday. The lawsuit comes a week after Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed the bill despite admitting it was “unenforceable” since it is primarily intended to compel the Supreme Court to reconsider the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973.


“This law is blatantly unconstitutional,” ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project attorney Alexa Kolbi-Molinas said in a statement, “and the ACLU will not stand by while politicians emboldened by President Trump’s anti-abortion agenda exploit our health and our lives for political gain.”
At one time, Democrats claimed to be all about defending workers rights, racial equality, the environment, the poor, the elderly, and/or the many other things they insist are important. But not anymore. Today they are, above all else, the party of ABORTION - an unapologetic arm of the ABORTION LOBBY!

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee last week announced that it was canceling a fundraiser for Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois. But WHY, you ask? Well, Lipinski is the LAST pro-life Democrat congressman remaining in the U.S. House of Representatives, and so he's got to GO - Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Emily’s List ALL want Lipinski ousted, and today's Democrats now act on marching orders from those groups.

Democratic Party politicians from everywhere are calling for boycotts of Alabama for passing a bill to outlaw most abortions. This isn’t merely a concerted push advocated by the abortion lobby, but it is LITERALLY SCRIPTED BY the abortion lobby. Colorado’s Democratic Party secretary of state, before issuing a press release calling for a boycott of Alabama, ran her release past Planned Parenthood for approval.

This isn’t new. Back in the 2011 budget battle, Democrats gave into Republican demands for spending cuts & federally funded school vouchers - and the ONLY thing they asked for in return was continued subsidies for Planned Parenthood.

It’s nationwide. Not a single Democratic presidential candidate has criticized the New York state law legalizing abortion right up to the moment of birth, which is infanticide. None of them could bring themselves to criticize the words of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, defending post-birth “abortions,” that is, the killing of babies after they are born. The party unanimously opposed a bill requiring medical care for babies that survive abortions.

Democrats say a lot of things (almost anything, in fact) and claim to stand for a lot of things - but ultimately, it's all about ONE ISSUE, and that issue is ABORTION. It's why they hate Trump so much - BOTH of his U.S. Supreme Court appointees are pro-life!

The modern Democratic Party is the political arm of the abortion industry. So much for standing up for the little guy.
YDB95 writes: "And people wonder why there's a gender gap!"

I sincerely HOPE that the Democrats give Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford a speaking role at their party's 2020 national convention, YDB95! I think she would make an EXCELLENT representative as to how the left views America's women (and how America's liberal women view themselves!)

I agree completely. :)

"It means enough that I remember what she actually said in her Congressional testimony, which you - surprise surprise - clearly do not. Just for starters, she didn't say anything about $3,000 per month for anything."

College student Sandra Fluke couldn't afford her heavy contraceptives bill, and so she went to Washington, D.C. to complain about it to congressional Democrats!

Nope. She was a student at Georgetown, so she didn't have to go to Washington - she already lived there - and she testified primarily about friends who used the Pill for medicinal purposes - as millions of women do - and were forced to pay out of pocket for them while their insurance policies covered Viagra. But you mentioned "$3,000 per month," and the amount she did mention was nowhere near that. As in, you don't even have the right number of figures.

"It's the Republicans who want transgendered men to use women's bathrooms, Dumpington. At least get your terminology right. (Hint: transgendered men were born biologically female.) And I don't know anything about the drag queens in school incident that you're referring to, but I'm betting it's either apocryphal or perfectly unobjectionable, or quite possibly both."

So... guys who think they're girls are WOMEN?
They're not "guys who think they're girls". They're women. Just why does that bother you, Dump? I don't see how that could affect you in any way.

The drag queens reading to kids was on the nightly news a few days ago. Of course, liberals LOVE that stuff! They want little kids to grow up thinking it's all perfectly normal!

Yes, yes we do. We want people to feel free to be true to their own selves, provided they don't hurt anyone. Again, what do you care?

And then other liberals will teach their kids how to wear hijabs and praise Allah!
I suppose the Muslim ones will, yes. Again I ask, what's it to you? No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to convert to Islam. (With your attitude, I doubt they'd take you anyway.)

"So let's just get this completely straight: You're proud of the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court seat. Mmmmkay."

Except that NOTHING WAS STOLEN! Merrick Garland was NEVER going to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate!
Even if that were true, it was still no excuse to refuse to even allow a vote on him. If they had voted him down, that would be a different story. But they wouldn't even let the nomination to the floor. So yes, I think it's more than fair to say it was stolen.

Have you ever heard of U.S. Supreme Court judge Robert Bork? No? That's because HIS seat was actually stolen by liberal Senators who FAILED to do the same thing to Brett Kavanaugh! Capice?

Uh, no. Bork did get a vote. Biiiiiig difference there, Dump. And it was his own extremism that sank him, not any left-wing agenda.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee last week announced that it was canceling a fundraiser for Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois. But WHY, you ask? Well, Lipinski is the LAST pro-life Democrat congressman remaining in the U.S. House of Representatives, and so he's got to GO - Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Emily’s List ALL want Lipinski ousted, and today's Democrats now act on marching orders from those groups.

Or maybe we just want Democrats who actually vote like Democrats. Hardly a crime.

Democratic Party politicians from everywhere are calling for boycotts of Alabama for passing a bill to outlaw most abortions. This isn’t merely a concerted push advocated by the abortion lobby, but it is LITERALLY SCRIPTED BY the abortion lobby. Colorado’s Democratic Party secretary of state, before issuing a press release calling for a boycott of Alabama, ran her release past Planned Parenthood for approval.

I don't see what's objectionable.

This isn’t new. Back in the 2011 budget battle, Democrats gave into Republican demands for spending cuts & federally funded school vouchers - and the ONLY thing they asked for in return was continued subsidies for Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood only spends 3% of its budget on abortion services. The rest goes for counseling, screenings, and health care that millions of women otherwise couldn't afford. Not to mention birth control, which, you know, greatly reduces the risk of abortion happening in the first place. But it's ever so much easier to whine about abortion, isn't it?

It’s nationwide. Not a single Democratic presidential candidate has criticized the New York state law legalizing abortion right up to the moment of birth, which is infanticide.
That's because your characterization isn't even close to being accurate. As usual. The NY law permits abortion at any time when necessary to protect a woman's life or health, and it removed medically unnecessary regulations that required a doctor to be present (and whose real intent was to make it harder to get an abortion in rural areas where doctors are relatively rare). In no way, shape or form does it allow a woman to suddenly change her mind eight months in and abort a viable fetus. There's no need to ban that, because there is absolutely no evidence that is has ever happened.

It's why they hate Trump so much - BOTH of his U.S. Supreme Court appointees are pro-life!

The modern Democratic Party is the political arm of the abortion industry. So much for standing up for the little guy.
1. Putting children in cages
2. The wall
3. "Blood coming out of her wherever"..."grab 'em by the pussy"..."if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" and on and on and on
4. We may have avoided war with North Korea only because a staffer took a document off his desk at one point and he forgot about it
5. Tax cuts for the very rich at everyone else's expense
6. Devastating America's farmers with his tariffs
But yeah, we don't care about any of that - it's all about abortion. Right.
YDB95 writes: "I agree completely."

Wouldn't it be AWESOME if Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford opened the Democratic Party's 2020 national convention speaking (in that little girl's voice of hers) about how Brett Kavanaugh attacked her in the mid-1980's, and while she was talking former Vice President Joe Biden came up quietly behind her and smelled her hair?

And then Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett and Virginia's Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax could both join her on stage and talk about why black men need to CONTINUE supporting the Democratic Party to stop all of the racist hate crimes & sexual assaults? That would be an incredibly moving event, with CNN devoting an entire day to re-broadcasting it over & over for the American people to digest!

(regarding Sandra Fluke): "She was a student at Georgetown, so she didn't have to go to Washington - she already lived there..."

And the House Democrats had nothing better to do than listen to a college student complain to them about her contraceptives expenses? I guess at Georgetown studying is optional, right? She's got a LOT of sex to get to first! It's no wonder that the Democrats in California wanted nothing to do with her sorry ass!

(about transgendered women & men): "They're not "guys who think they're girls". They're women. Just why does that bother you, Dump? I don't see how that could affect you in any way."

Seriously? And what would you say to a white guy who seriously identified as being a black guy? Would THAT make him black in your opinion? Or a white woman who identified as an American Indian woman... no, wait a sec... that's Liz Warren! We're not talking about HER right now!

There are transgendered guys right now trying out for women's athletics teams and WINNING championships in sports like tennis, track & field, basketball, etc. etc. etc. - and in the interests of political correctness they're getting away with it! Do you even CARE about fairness in women's athletics, YDB95, or it that all one big joke with you? If the liberals have their way, soon we'll get rid of gender-specific teams altogether, and there won't even be a girls' team and a boys' team at every school - just ONE team open to both sexes, and we won't see anymore girls on the basketball court or track teams. And the left will be happy!

[about drag queens at elementary schools): "We want people to feel free to be true to their own selves, provided they don't hurt anyone. Again, what do you care?"

I'd seriously LOVE to see the Democratic Party open its 2020 National Convention with a cast of drag queens singing our national anthem, while former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick could be shown kneeling down off stage in protest against police violence! I think we can BOTH agree that such a performance would be AWESOME! And nobody would be hurt (except perhaps, for your Democratic Party's polling numbers!)

(regarding teaching Islam in schools): "No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to convert to Islam."

No, not unless I actually moved to one of those Islamic-run sh*tholes. Again, I'd seriously LOVE to see more hijabs and openly praying to Allah at the Dem's 2020 national convention! You & I both appear to be on the same page regarding this! We're making actual progress, YDB95!

(regarding Congressman Dan Lipinski): "Or maybe we just want Democrats who actually vote like Democrats."

The abortion industry in the United States (e.g. Planned Parenthood) now plays the tune and every Democrat must dance.

"Planned Parenthood only spends 3% of its budget on abortion services."

Nice try. Say the words "Planned Parenthood" and NOBODY thinks you're talking about women's health issues - no, EVERYBODY knows you mean ABORTION! And your party is currently OWNED by George Soros and the abortion providers!
(regarding Sandra Fluke): "She was a student at Georgetown, so she didn't have to go to Washington - she already lived there..."

And the House Democrats had nothing better to do than listen to a college student complain to them about her contraceptives expenses? I guess at Georgetown studying is optional, right? She's got a LOT of sex to get to first! It's no wonder that the Democrats in California wanted nothing to do with her sorry ass!
You obviously haven't heard her actual testimony (no surprise). I could explain what she really did talk about, but I figure I'd be talking to the wall. Do your own homework.

(about transgendered women & men): "They're not "guys who think they're girls". They're women. Just why does that bother you, Dump? I don't see how that could affect you in any way."

Seriously? And what would you say to a white guy who seriously identified as being a black guy? Would THAT make him black in your opinion? Or a white woman who identified as an American Indian woman... no, wait a sec... that's Liz Warren! We're not talking about HER right now!

Transgenderism is a medically recognized condition. Trans-racialism is not.

There are transgendered guys right now trying out for women's athletics teams and WINNING championships in sports like tennis, track & field, basketball, etc. etc. etc. - and in the interests of political correctness they're getting away with it! Do you even CARE about fairness in women's athletics, YDB95, or it that all one big joke with you? If the liberals have their way, soon we'll get rid of gender-specific teams altogether, and there won't even be a girls' team and a boys' team at every school - just ONE team open to both sexes, and we won't see anymore girls on the basketball court or track teams. And the left will be happy!

Do not expect me to believe for one minute that you ever gave a damn about women's athletics. I'd bet my bottom dollar you've always wanted to see Title IX revoked.

[about drag queens at elementary schools): "We want people to feel free to be true to their own selves, provided they don't hurt anyone. Again, what do you care?"

I'd seriously LOVE to see the Democratic Party open its 2020 National Convention with a cast of drag queens singing our national anthem, while former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick could be shown kneeling down off stage in protest against police violence! I think we can BOTH agree that such a performance would be AWESOME! And nobody would be hurt (except perhaps, for your Democratic Party's polling numbers!)
Certainly among people like you, yes.

(regarding teaching Islam in schools): "No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to convert to Islam."

No, not unless I actually moved to one of those Islamic-run sh*tholes. Again, I'd seriously LOVE to see more hijabs and openly praying to Allah at the Dem's 2020 national convention! You & I both appear to be on the same page regarding this! We're making actual progress, YDB95!
My in laws live in one of those countries, and no one has ever mistreated them over their Catholic faith in any way.

(regarding Congressman Dan Lipinski): "Or maybe we just want Democrats who actually vote like Democrats."

Planned Parenthood[/I]) now plays the tune and every Democrat must dance.

I sure hope so. We are the feminist party, and our candidates should reflect that.

"Planned Parenthood only spends 3% of its budget on abortion services."

Nice try. Say the words "Planned Parenthood" and NOBODY thinks you're talking about women's health issues - no, EVERYBODY knows you mean ABORTION!

Because of people like you, yes. But it's still factually incorrect. They spend 3% of their budget on abortion, that's it. You can look it up yourself if you care in the least about factual accuracy (but then we've already seen you don't).

And your party is currently OWNED by George Soros and the abortion providers!

So, adding anti-Semitism to your sexism, racism, transphobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia. Wow.
YDB95 writes: "You obviously haven't heard her actual testimony (no surprise). I could explain what she really did talk about, but I figure I'd be talking to the wall. Do your own homework."

It's painfully obvious to me that you still like & admire Sandra Fluke, just as you continue to like & admire Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford and Illinois state's attorney Kim Foxx (the Democrat who dropped all charges against race-baiter Jussie Smollett earlier this year in Chicago!) I sincerely hope that Dr. Ford & Ms. Foxx both get a chance to address the 2020 Democratic National Convention (as Ms. Fluke was able to do in 2012!) Do you SHARE my hopes?

"Transgenderism is a medically recognized condition. Trans-racialism is not."

Before the Obama presidency, the science of biology recognized only TWO genders (male & female) - today's political-progressives recognize 63 different genders, including: Androgine Heterosexual Woman, Masculine Homosexual Andromale, Feminine Male-Attracted Hermaphrofemale, Androgine Male-Attracted Androdite, Masculine Bisexual Hermaphrofemale, & Androgine Bisexual Hermaphrofemale! (I'm 100% serious - these are ALL REAL!)

The Democratic Party's liberals have ALSO invented new words like: "Trans-racialism" with which to label those people's beliefs who clearly see how ridiculous all of this has become! THIS is exactly why Donald Trump won in 2016!

"Do not expect me to believe for one minute that you ever gave a damn about women's athletics. I'd bet my bottom dollar you've always wanted to see Title IX revoked."

Yes, I DO expect you to believe it! For many YEARS I have covered women's athletics as a journalist, and I have GREAT RESPECT for those female athletes who have achieved success! You CLEARLY don't care about all of the hard work they've put in if you're now prepared to witness a GUY claiming to be a girl all of a sudden step in and compete for a championship he doesn't deserve! You are willing to DESTROY women's athletics in the name of political-correctness if you truly believe this nonsense that you so casually spout on this forum!

"My in laws live in one of those countries, and no one has ever mistreated them over their Catholic faith in any way."

You clearly WANT to believe that, and I sincerely hope that your relatives remain unharmed. But I'm sure that there were people with Jewish relatives living in Nazi Germany in the mid-1930's who insisted that they weren't being mistreated, either. Thousands of American workers re-located to the Soviet Union during the Great Depression because they were promised jobs, but hardly ANY of them were still alive by the 1940's after undergoing Stalin's murderous purges. It's not wise to keep your head in the lion's jaws for any prolonged length of time.

"I sure hope so. We are the feminist party, and our candidates should reflect that."

"Feminist Party?" You means you're now the "fascist party" where dissent is no longer tolerated. George Soros & the abortion-providers make the rules, while you click your heels and rush to obey!

"They spend 3% of their budget on abortion, that's it."

Planned Parenthood shouldn't receive so much as a DIME of taxpayer dollars if what you say is true. But the Democratic Party insists that we give them millions which are then returned to the Democratic Party to fund pro-abortion candidates. It's a racket!

"So, adding anti-Semitism to your sexism, racism, transphobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia. Wow."

Are you SERIOUSLY calling George Soros pro-Jewish? Are you SERIOUSLY going to say that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a NAZI? Do you now believe that the Islamic religion is PRO-JEWISH? Where do you even FIND such silliness to repeat?
Notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg got it right.

Undue burdens on a woman's rights.


Unacceptable Requirements

Rape the woman, or we, The All Powerful Republicans, will not allow you
to give her a medical abortion.

Misinformation, Scare Tactics, and Deliberate Delay-

Mandatory delay and biased counseling laws

On May 20, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services notified
Planned Parenthood of three issues that could impact license renewal, according
to documents reviewed by CBS News and provided by Planned Parenthood.

On May 22, Planned Parenthood said it would address two of them: adjusting
who at the clinic provided the state-mandated counseling and adding an
additional pelvic exam for abortion patients.

Nobody Expects The American Inquisition

"Turn your doctors names, over to us, so that we may perform interogations."

"We want to know who we will be sending to prison, for performing abortions."

Priced Out of the Market

Abortion clinics were required to convert into mini-hospitals,
that had better equiptment than the local Christian hospital.

The Christian hospitals rejected requests from abortion clinics.

Even before the latest legislation, Missouri already had some of the most
restrictive abortion regulations in the nation, including a requirement that
doctors performing abortions have partnerships with nearby hospitals.

A Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, Mo., stopped performing
the procedure in October 2018, after it was unable to fulfill a state
requirement that doctors performing the procedure have admitting
privileges at a hospital within about 15 minutes of the clinic.


Missouri Legislated Abortion Clinics Out of Existence

May 28, 2019

The last remaining abortion clinic in Missouri says it expects to be
shut down this week, effectively ending legal abortion in the state.

In a statement to be released later Tuesday, Planned Parenthood said
Missouri's health department is "refusing to renew" its annual license
to provide abortion in the state. If the license is not renewed by May 31,
Missouri would become the first state without a functioning abortion
clinic since 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided.

Missouri would be losing its last clinic as a result
of state regulations, not a new law.

In 2008, Missouri had 5 abortion clinics.

"This a chilling warning for all of us that we are in a public health crisis,"
said Dr. Wen in an email to CBS News.

"Today it's Missouri, tomorrow it could be all of America."


Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, signed a bill Friday
banning abortions on or beyond the eighth week of
pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Under the Missouri law that comes into force Aug. 28,
doctors who violate the eight-week cutoff could face
five to 15 years in prison.

"Missouri has "illegally weaponized the licensing process."

"This is a world we haven't seen in nearly half a century."

- Dr. Leana Wen, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Unlike Alabama's near-total abortion ban, lawmakers who helped draft the Missouri
bill say it's meant to withstand court challenges instead of spark them.

If the eight-week ban is struck down, the bill includes a ladder of less-restrictive
time limits at 14, 18 or 20 weeks.

bodysong writes: "Notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg got it right."

I'm guessing that "Notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg" will be the NEXT U.S. Supreme Court justice to call it quits, bodysong - and when that happens President Trump will once again be called upon to name a replacement pick.

Last summer, the senate Democrats overplayed their hand in trying to halt the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - and in the end, all they got for their troubles was an INCREASE of two senate Republican seats following the 2018 elections. In addition to Democratic Party senate incumbents LOSING their seats in Florida, Missouri, & North Dakota (replaced by pro-life Republicans), anti-Trump "RINO" Republican senators McCain, Flake, & Corker died or retired, replaced by pro-Trump senators!

All of this is going to make it so much easier for the president to get justice Ruth's replacement speedily confirmed before the 2020 presidential elections (assuming that she leaves before then!)

"Today it's Missouri, tomorrow it could be all of America."

The Democratic Party has sold its collective soul to the abortion-providers in America. THIS is why that party continues to grow weaker and more ineffective, bodysong.
YDB95 writes: "You obviously haven't heard her actual testimony (no surprise). I could explain what she really did talk about, but I figure I'd be talking to the wall. Do your own homework."

It's painfully obvious to me that you still like & admire Sandra Fluke, just as you continue to like & admire Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford and Illinois state's attorney Kim Foxx (the Democrat who dropped all charges against race-baiter Jussie Smollett earlier this year in Chicago!) I sincerely hope that Dr. Ford & Ms. Foxx both get a chance to address the 2020 Democratic National Convention (as Ms. Fluke was able to do in 2012!) Do you SHARE my hopes?

That's a cute trick there, lumping Fluke and Dr. Ford in with Kim Foxx, as if anyone who supports the first two must also support Jussie Smollett. Guess again.

But yes, I'd be all for having Dr. Ford address the DNC. You couldn't ask for a more clearcut look at which party respects women and which doesn't. (Go ahead with your Biden commentary, but it's a long way to even the first votes being cast, and whatever he is guilty of, it's a lot less than what Mr. I-Like-Beer did.)

"Transgenderism is a medically recognized condition. Trans-racialism is not."

Before the Obama presidency, the science of biology recognized only TWO genders (male & female) - today's political-progressives recognize 63 different genders, including: Androgine Heterosexual Woman, Masculine Homosexual Andromale, Feminine Male-Attracted Hermaphrofemale, Androgine Male-Attracted Androdite, Masculine Bisexual Hermaphrofemale, & Androgine Bisexual Hermaphrofemale! (I'm 100% serious - these are ALL REAL!)

The Democratic Party's liberals have ALSO invented new words like: "Trans-racialism" with which to label those people's beliefs who clearly see how ridiculous all of this has become! THIS is exactly why Donald Trump won in 2016!

If your point is that transphobes voted for Trump, you'll get no argument from me. Republicans have been winning by winking at bigotry for decades.

"Do not expect me to believe for one minute that you ever gave a damn about women's athletics. I'd bet my bottom dollar you've always wanted to see Title IX revoked."

Yes, I DO expect you to believe it! For many YEARS I have covered women's athletics as a journalist, and I have GREAT RESPECT for those female athletes who have achieved success!

Well, that's great. But the attitude you express here is the exact opposite of the one you've shown at any other time on this board.

You CLEARLY don't care about all of the hard work they've put in if you're now prepared to witness a GUY claiming to be a girl all of a sudden step in and compete for a championship he doesn't deserve! You are willing to DESTROY women's athletics in the name of political-correctness if you truly believe this nonsense that you so casually spout on this forum!

You do bring up a difficult issue, but that's no excuse for forcing transsexuals to remain in a body that isn't really theirs. Besides, it's not always an advantage: being taller helps in basketball, but not in gymnastics for example.

"My in laws live in one of those countries, and no one has ever mistreated them over their Catholic faith in any way."

You clearly WANT to believe that, and I sincerely hope that your relatives remain unharmed. But I'm sure that there were people with Jewish relatives living in Nazi Germany in the mid-1930's who insisted that they weren't being mistreated, either. Thousands of American workers re-located to the Soviet Union during the Great Depression because they were promised jobs, but hardly ANY of them were still alive by the 1940's after undergoing Stalin's murderous purges. It's not wise to keep your head in the lion's jaws for any prolonged length of time.

That's one reason why my wife and I don't live in the US for the time being. It's not a good time to be an interracial couple there, and especially not for a woman of color from a non-English speaking country, as my wife is.

"I sure hope so. We are the feminist party, and our candidates should reflect that."

"Feminist Party?" You means you're now the "fascist party" where dissent is no longer tolerated. George Soros & the abortion-providers make the rules, while you click your heels and rush to obey!

Or perhaps we just support a woman's right to choose. The Republicans are solidly against it (do you really think a pro-choicer could win the GOP nomination at this point, or any point in the past 40 years?), why shouldn't we be just as firmly in favor?

"They spend 3% of their budget on abortion, that's it."

Planned Parenthood shouldn't receive so much as a DIME of taxpayer dollars if what you say is true. But the Democratic Party insists that we give them millions which are then returned to the Democratic Party to fund pro-abortion candidates. It's a racket!

Planned Parenthood provides health care, counseling, contraception and - if the woman wants one - abortions. I guess you could call that a racket if you want, but the point here is - or was - that you vastly overstated the share of their budget that goes to abortions.

Besides, we all have something our tax dollars go to that we don't like. (I could do without mine going to corporate welfare, for example.) If you hate government that much, move to Somalia.

"So, adding anti-Semitism to your sexism, racism, transphobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia. Wow."

Are you SERIOUSLY calling George Soros pro-Jewish? Are you SERIOUSLY going to say that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a NAZI? Do you now believe that the Islamic religion is PRO-JEWISH? Where do you even FIND such silliness to repeat?

What I am saying is that the whole "George Soros controls the Democrats" meme is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. I'm not at all surprised that you didn't know that.
What I am saying is that the whole "George Soros controls the Democrats" meme is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. I'm not at all surprised that you didn't know that.

He does know that. I've informed him of it now at least a dozen times. Dump's problem is that he hates Jews, blacks, gays, women, and really anyone else who isn't white or who Trump tells him to hate.

He'll ignore stuff like the rise of hate crimes is directly connected to Trump and the rise in hate crimes against Jewish people is directly connected to the right ("1,794 were classified as “right wing (anti-government, white supremacist, or other)".
YDB95 writes: "That's a cute trick there, lumping Fluke and Dr. Ford in with Kim Foxx, as if anyone who supports the first two must also support Jussie Smollett. Guess again."

Nowadays, if you are a pro-abortion Democrat (they're ALL pro-abortion, by the way), that means that you're ALSO pro-Obama (which means that you support Jussie Smollett), pro-socialist (you want the Maduro regime in Venezuela to succeed), pro-transgendered (you LIKE seeing guys winning in sports events meant for girls), and pro-Islamic (you think that anti-Semitic congresswoman Ilhan Omar is the best!) There's no escaping it!

"But yes, I'd be all for having Dr. Ford address the DNC."

I agree - I WANT the American people to associate her with the Democratic Party when they go to vote in 2020!

"If your point is that transphobes voted for Trump, you'll get no argument from me. Republicans have been winning by winking at bigotry for decades."

Again, I AGREE with you - I dearly WANT the American people to recognize which American political party represents a more emasculated & effeminiate "transgendered" America when they go to vote in 2020!

"Well, that's great. But the attitude you express here is the exact opposite of the one you've shown at any other time on this board."

No, you WANT to believe that everybody who wants to see ONLY GIRLS competing in girls' athletic competitions is a bigot. You WANT to see guys-who-say-they're-girls breaking all kinds of records previously set by girls in track meets, ignoring the perversity involved in that sort of twisted accomplishment! You really DON'T CARE about the survival of women's sports in the intererst of your warped views regarding modern-day political correctness!

"You do bring up a difficult issue, but that's no excuse for forcing transsexuals to remain in a body that isn't really theirs. Besides, it's not always an advantage: being taller helps in basketball, but not in gymnastics for example."

Okay... so you're now claiming that girls gymnastics will survive? You may be right. Also, women's equestrian sports will live on, as a horse doesn't care who's riding it. But if we become a ONE-GENDER athletics society in the interest of promoting transgendered rights, say good-bye to women's basketball, girls' track & field, women's tennis, golf, softball, volleyball, swimming, cross-country, and girls' soccer. But we'll STILL have girls' gymnastics, at least!

"Or perhaps we just support a woman's right to choose. The Republicans are solidly against it (do you really think a pro-choicer could win the GOP nomination at this point, or any point in the past 40 years?), why shouldn't we be just as firmly in favor?"

And WHEN did a woman's "right to choose" become a woman's right to terminate the life of a living baby? "Roe vs. Wade" was not unlike "Plessy vs. Ferguson" that legalized segregation. The U.S. Supreme Court has been known to make BAD DECISIONS that sometimes need to be overturned by future U.S. Supreme Courts!

"Planned Parenthood provides health care, counseling, contraception and - if the woman wants one - abortions."

There's only ONE REASON why Planned Parenthood is running the Democratic Party today - just ONE REASON - and that is ABORTION! That organization wants to continue receiving millions of dollars of taxpayer money, and without PP continuing to perform abortions that's NEVER going to happen!

"What I am saying is that the whole "George Soros controls the Democrats" meme is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. I'm not at all surprised that you didn't know that."

If we discovered that Adolf Hitler was Jewish, and I called Hitler a monster, would THAT make me anti-semitic? The nation of Israel most certainly IS Jewish, but liberal Democrats (and that party's Muslim congresswomen) regularly trash Israel, but that's OK?

dan_c00000 writes: "Everybody on this forum who doesn't agree with my political beliefs is Hitler!"

Thank you, Dan, for adding your two cents.
Nowadays, if you are a pro-abortion Democrat (they're ALL pro-abortion, by the way), that means that you're ALSO pro-Obama (which means that you support Jussie Smollett), pro-socialist (you want the Maduro regime in Venezuela to succeed), pro-transgendered (you LIKE seeing guys winning in sports events meant for girls), and pro-Islamic (you think that anti-Semitic congresswoman Ilhan Omar is the best!) There's no escaping it!
The crazy thing is, I can see where this argument would render one's opponent speechless, which would lead you to believe you'd won the argument - when really, there's just no sense to be made of the whole thing and thus no useful response to it. Anyone who supports abortion right is also anti-Semitic and supports a guy who faked a crime against him...yeah, unimpeachable logic there!

"But yes, I'd be all for having Dr. Ford address the DNC."

I agree - I WANT the American people to associate her with the Democratic Party when they go to vote in 2020!

Me too. And I certainly want them to associate Mr. I-Like-Beer with Twitler.

"If your point is that transphobes voted for Trump, you'll get no argument from me. Republicans have been winning by winking at bigotry for decades."

Again, I AGREE with you - I dearly WANT the American people to recognize which American political party represents a more emasculated & effeminiate "transgendered" America when they go to vote in 2020!

And I very much want your attitude to be known as a true-blue reflection of the Republicans!

"Well, that's great. But the attitude you express here is the exact opposite of the one you've shown at any other time on this board."

No, you WANT to believe that everybody who wants to see ONLY GIRLS competing in girls' athletic competitions is a bigot. You WANT to see guys-who-say-they're-girls breaking all kinds of records previously set by girls in track meets, ignoring the perversity involved in that sort of twisted accomplishment! You really DON'T CARE about the survival of women's sports in the intererst of your warped views regarding modern-day political correctness!

Do you have any idea what transsexuals go through? How long and difficult the transition process is? Not to mention the abuse heaped on them by people like you? No one is going to go through that just to win a freakin' track meet, Dump. YOU are the one fixating on that one little aspect of a much bigger issue.

"You do bring up a difficult issue, but that's no excuse for forcing transsexuals to remain in a body that isn't really theirs. Besides, it's not always an advantage: being taller helps in basketball, but not in gymnastics for example."

Okay... so you're now claiming that girls gymnastics will survive? You may be right. Also, women's equestrian sports will live on, as a horse doesn't care who's riding it. But if we become a ONE-GENDER athletics society in the interest of promoting transgendered rights, say good-bye to women's basketball, girls' track & field, women's tennis, golf, softball, volleyball, swimming, cross-country, and girls' soccer. But we'll STILL have girls' gymnastics, at least!

If you care so goddamn much about women, why don't you trust them with their own bodies?

"Or perhaps we just support a woman's right to choose. The Republicans are solidly against it (do you really think a pro-choicer could win the GOP nomination at this point, or any point in the past 40 years?), why shouldn't we be just as firmly in favor?"

And WHEN did a woman's "right to choose" become a woman's right to terminate the life of a living baby? "Roe vs. Wade" was not unlike "Plessy vs. Ferguson" that legalized segregation. The U.S. Supreme Court has been known to make BAD DECISIONS that sometimes need to be overturned by future U.S. Supreme Courts!

First of all, Plessy did not "legalize" segregation; it already was legal. Plessy validated that legality, and yes, that was wrong. In no way does that mean any other Supreme Court case was necessarily wrong. Apples and oranges.

But that's got nothing to do with the point I was making here. You have whined repeatedly that the Democrats wouldn't nominate an anti-choicer, and you're most likely correct about that. But the Republicans are no more likely to nominate a pro-choicer, nor would anyone expect them to.

"Planned Parenthood provides health care, counseling, contraception and - if the woman wants one - abortions."

There's only ONE REASON why Planned Parenthood is running the Democratic Party today - just ONE REASON - and that is ABORTION! That organization wants to continue receiving millions of dollars of taxpayer money, and without PP continuing to perform abortions that's NEVER going to happen!

You can say that all you want, but facts are stubborn things (not stupid things, as your hero once said). 3%, Dump. That's all.
YDB95 writes: "Anyone who supports abortion right is also anti-Semitic and supports a guy who faked a crime against him...yeah, unimpeachable logic there!"

If a Democrat (like that Illinois congressman) doesn't support ABORTION then his (or her) party will abandon them. You CAN'T be a pro-life Democrat anymore! The ONLY Christians still respected by Democrats are BLACK Christians, although they're all forced to remain silent on those issues where their Christian beliefs may stray from the party line. The modern Democratic Party has increasingly embraced socialism; ALL Democrats have to speak positively of the growing transgendered movement; ALL Democrats have to respect & admire Islam; and ALL Democrats have to oppose border security! Those are ALL core-issues with that party today!

"And I certainly want them to associate Mr. I-Like-Beer with Twitler."

To modern Democrats, marijuana is GOOD, distributing clean needles to drug-addicts on the streets is GOOD, allowing homeless people to defectate on sidewalks shows COMPASSION, kneeling down while our national anthem is playing shows that you OPPOSE RACISM, and liking beer indicates that you ABUSE WOMEN!

THIS is why your party is losing, YDB95!

"Do you have any idea what transsexuals go through? How long and difficult the transition process is? Not to mention the abuse heaped on them by people like you? No one is going to go through that just to win a freakin' track meet, Dump."

Liberal Democrats want female atheletes to make the same amount of money as their male counterparts make (ignoring the money actually being generated by their sports). For example, why are all NBA players millionaires while WNBA stars only earn a fraction of that? But if a guy who gets cut by the Chicago Bulls discovers that he can now make a million dollars playing for the Chicago Sky, and all he has to do is change his sex from male to female...? And you're FINE with that?

"If you care so goddamn much about women, why don't you trust them with their own bodies?"

Yes, there are anti-PROSTITUTION laws on the books in all fifty-states (even in Nevada) which you feel are unfair, as if a woman chooses to sell her body for sex then that should be legal, as it's her own body, correct? But you're wrong! Prostitution DEMEANS women, and should remain illegal, regardless of your stubborn insistence that she has a right to do whatever she wants to with her own body!

"First of all, Plessy did not "legalize" segregation; it already was legal."

And thanks to a 1956 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning "Plessy vs. Ferguson," segregation is NOT legal in this nation anymore! Our nation's highest court has ALWAYS had the power to overturn previous immoral rulings, and still does so today!

You can say that all you want, but facts are stubborn things (not stupid things, as your hero once said). 3%, Dump. That's all.[/I]"

The ONLY reason the Democratic Party jumps through hoops to keep Planned Parenthood federally funded is ABORTION - take that away, and Democrats wouldn't care anymore.
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RubenR writes: "Dump, you're too stupid to think for yourself, so don't even try to tell what others are thinking. Don't put words in the mouths and thoughts in the minds of others."

I understand what you're saying, Ruben. You've got nothing to add to this discussion and so you call me "stupid" instead. I've stated nothing that wasn't absolutely true, and so you're going to respond as if we were both still in the third-grade.

Do you support abortion, atheism, respect-for-Islam, socialism, transgendered men competing in women's sports, and open borders? - or DON'T you? If you answered "no" to any one of those above six issues, the Democratic Party will accuse you of being a racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic white nationalist!

A serious question, Ruben - if we STOPPED funding Planned Parenthood unless they stopped performing abortions, would you be fine with that? I mean, if 97% of what PP does has absolutely NOTHING to do with abortion services, would that be acceptable to you?

Or, how about this: if Planned Parenthood voluntarily STOPPED performing abortions, do you honestly believe that the modern Democratic Party would want to continue giving that organization taxpayer-funding?
Dump, a question for you. If you stopped believing in the bullshit that spews from your pie hole, do you think that normal people would be able to not laugh at you?
If a Democrat (like that Illinois congressman) doesn't support ABORTION then his (or her) party will abandon them.

That's right, we will. Because we don't want a return to the days of back-alley abortions, and we certainly don't want our own party voting to send us there. And it's not like the Republicans welcome dissent on that issue either.

"Do you have any idea what transsexuals go through? How long and difficult the transition process is? Not to mention the abuse heaped on them by people like you? No one is going to go through that just to win a freakin' track meet, Dump."

The following makes it pretty clear that you don't, or at least that you're choosing to turn a blind eye to it.

Liberal Democrats want female atheletes to make the same amount of money as their male counterparts make (ignoring the money actually being generated by their sports).

That's not quite how pay equity works, Dump. In fact, it's not even close. Not to mention that I haven't heard a single Democrat say anything like what you're saying here.

For example, why are all NBA players millionaires while WNBA stars only earn a fraction of that? But if a guy who gets cut by the Chicago Bulls discovers that he can now make a million dollars playing for the Chicago Sky, and all he has to do is change his sex from male to female...? And you're FINE with that?

That's not how pay equity or transsexualism work. And the only person I've ever heard say any such thing is you.

"If you care so goddamn much about women, why don't you trust them with their own bodies?"

Yes, there are anti-PROSTITUTION laws on the books in all fifty-states (even in Nevada) which you feel are unfair, as if a woman chooses to sell her body for sex then that should be legal, as it's her own body, correct? But you're wrong! Prostitution DEMEANS women, and should remain illegal, regardless of your stubborn insistence that she has a right to do whatever she wants to with her own body!

First of all, you know damn well I wasn't talking about prostitution. Secondly, I have never expressed an opinion about legalizing prostitution on here, so you have no way of knowing what I think about it. But that's entirely beside the point. You rant and rave about women's rights as an excuse for your transphobia, but you also want their bodies strictly regulated by the government. No doubt you can't see the contradiction at all, though.

"First of all, Plessy did not "legalize" segregation; it already was legal."

And thanks to a 1956 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning "Plessy vs. Ferguson," segregation is NOT legal in this nation anymore! Our nation's highest court has ALWAYS had the power to overturn previous immoral rulings, and still does so today!

1954, actually.

You can say that all you want, but facts are stubborn things (not stupid things, as your hero once said). 3%, Dump. That's all.[/I]"

The ONLY reason the Democratic Party jumps through hoops to keep Planned Parenthood federally funded is ABORTION - take that away, and Democrats wouldn't care anymore.[/QUOTE]

Take that away, and Planned Parenthood wouldn't be able to do its job entirely. But we certainly would still care about affordable screenings, counseling, birth control, etc. Which you obviously do not.
RubenR answers the following six questions: 1) Do you support abortion? "Yes under certain circumstances with the right information" (So far, so good, Ruben!)

2) Do you support atheism? "Yes." (You're batting a thousand, Ruben!)

3) Do you respect Islam? "'Respect' is the magic word." (That's the correct Democratic Party answer once again!)

4) How about SOCIALISM? "Yes, but I don't believe in it; it won't work as there will always be people finding ways to corrupt the system. It's not socialism but the corrupt people I despise." (That's an acceptable answer, Ruben, as Marxist & National-Socialist dictatorships over the past century have created some truly horrific mass-murdering monsters in Russia, China, Germany, Cuba, Cambodia, etc. etc. etc.)

5) How about transgendered guys competing in women's sports? "Questionable; not at the highest level." (Ouch! I'm afraid you've just stepped into it, Ruben! Now you look like a sexist trans-phobe to political progressives!)

6) Open borders? "No, but I don't support building a wall instead." (Thanks for playing Ruben, but I'm afraid you've already SCREWED yourself with your answer to #5 about transgendered athletes! You'll NEVER be accepted by the mainstream Democratic Party community now!

JackLuis asks: "Dump, a question for you. If you stopped believing in the bullshit that spews from your pie hole, do you think that normal people would be able to not laugh at you?

What's the matter, Jack? Are YOU afraid to take my quiz? You want to be accepted by political-progressives, don't you? And you want them to like you simply because you hate Donald Trump, isn't that so? But what about the rest of their agenda, Jack?
Dump writes: What's the matter, Jack? Are YOU afraid to take my quiz? You want to be accepted by political-progressives, don't you? And you want them to like you simply because you hate Donald Trump, isn't that so? But what about the rest of their agenda, Jack?

I do not care if the political-progressives like me, Dump. I care about the Constitution and the Rights of Man/Woman. I like many have sworn the oath to 'protect and defend" the Constitution. I hate DJT because he is a NY Asshole, who should be hung, drawn, and quartered as an example to other assholes who would pervert the Constitution.

Just because I'm old and disgusted with the simpering whine that comes from Washington does not mean that I expect everyone to be as cynical as I am.
YDB95 writes: "... we don't want a return to the days of back-alley abortions..."

Yeah, if we're going to legalize infanticide, I suppose it should be done in a clean & sterile environment, right? The ancient Spartans left weak & sickly newborns out on the mountainside so that they'd die of natural causes via abandonment to the elements & wild animals. But Planned Parenthood would prefer that an abortion doctor be called in instead!

"The following makes it pretty clear that you don't, or at least that you're choosing to turn a blind eye to it."

I just saw this story in the news... a transgendered guy named Cece Telfer from Franklin Pierce University won the women's 400-meter hurdles title at the NCAA Division II Track & Field championships held last week at Javelina Stadium in Kingsville, Texas! As a male track star (named Craig Telfer) he was only so-so, but as a FEMALE he's winning championships & breaking records! I just feel sorry for all of those girls who have trained all of their lives for this, only to lose to a guy!

"That's not how pay equity or transsexualism work. And the only person I've ever heard say any such thing is you."

So... if Craig Telfer was a guy cut by the Chicago Bulls basketball team, who suddenly discovered that he could make a million dollars playing for the WNBA's Chicago Sky under the name Cece Telfer, you don't think he'd do it? And WHY NOT?

"First of all, you know damn well I wasn't talking about prostitution."

No, you weren't - but how is it any different? A woman should have the right to do ANYTHING with her own body without men making laws to prevent it, right? So aren't you arguing that prostitution in this country should also be legal?

"But we certainly would still care about affordable screenings, counseling, birth control, etc. Which you obviously do not."

Planned Parenthood could CONTINUE doing ALL of those things without performing abortions - but then the Democratic Party would no longer be interested in giving them federal tax-payer dollars, would they?
RubenR writes: "You see, that's what it means to think for yourself; I'm free to have my own opinion, something you'll probably never try. Benefit is, I don't have to be ashamed of myself, and I can change my opinion when that seems to make sense."

And I applaud you for it, Ruben! You admit that you're a liberal (Trump-hating) Democrat, but then you draw the line at supporting transgendered guys competing in women's sports. I agree with you, but then I'm not the guy trying to pretend to support the Obama legacy of 63 different genders!

"Just curious, why did you ignore the other answers I gave?"

I asked you SIX questions about what it takes to be a Democrat today, and you answered all six. Sadly, you got one wrong, which is enough to make you vulnerable to charges of "transphobia" from the politically-progressive far left!

As for your NO LONGER supporting Planned Parenthood if they stopped performing abortions, that's NEVER going to happen as Planned Parenthood is synonymous with ABORTIONS, and everybody knows that! It's just a liberal smokescreen to pretend that they seriously care about anything else!
RubenR writes: "I've never said I draw the line at supporting transgenders in competing in the correct class.... it is a difficult discussion"

Nonsense, Ruben - there's NOTHING difficult about it, unless you're trying to stay in good with the politically-progressive views of the modern Democratic Party that biological science is FLAWED - and that, there are, in fact, some 63 different genders!

There's a guy at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire named Craig Telfer who used to compete on the men's track & field team, where he was good but nothing outstanding... UNTIL he changed his name to Cece Telfer, and started competing as a WOMAN! Now he's a CHAMPION, Ruben! Last week, Cece defeated seven REAL women at the NCAA Division II Track & Field Championship, easily winning the 400-meter hurdles title with a first-place time of 57.53-seconds! Not a winning time for GUYS, but good enough for him to take home a gold medal in women's NCAA track!

CeCe Telfer is FAST…for a girl. Like, really fast. For a girl. CeCe’s also really muscular. For a girl. With a lot of testosterone. For a girl. CeCe has a very substantial penis. For a girl. I'll bet that he got a congratulatory message from Barack & Michelle Obama!

"You seem to be fixed on abortion; why?"

I don't know... WHY were people fixed on the Holocaust in 1946? True, there had been millions of people murdered, but holding the Nuremberg Trials was never going to bring any of them back to life, right? Besides, the Nazis had come up with a phrase - "The Final Solution" - which sounded respectable, just like the pro-abortion people prefer being called "pro-choice!" But under any name it's STILL incredibly horrific!
RudenR writes: "It is difficult when you are willing to think about it; it is not difficult when you are not open for putting yourself in the minds of others."

Once again you're AVOIDING the issue, Ruben. You seriously want the politically-progressive left to continue liking & respecting you, and so you've got no choice but to pretend that it's no big deal for male athletes to win gold medals competing against the girls. You'd feel otherwise if you had a daughter who worked hard her whole life to compete for a championship in track & field, basketball, tennis, cross-country, or ANY kind of women's athletics competition, but was then soundly defeated by a bigger, stronger, transgendered guy!

"During the Holocaust, people were being killed. not clumps of cells without functional brains."

You mean "clumps of cells" with a beating heart, don't you? And have you SERIOUSLY not heard about those legislative measures in states like New York - or Virginia's Democratic Party governor Northam's efforts to allow abortion clinics to terminate the lives of newly-delivered babies?

"What is your opinion about anti-conception? Menstruation is murder?"

We're talking about a living baby with a beating heart, Ruben. I'm sure the Nazis made jokes about Jews not being human before they gassed them. Planned Parenthood would feel right at home operating Auschwitz.
RubenR writes: "You don't know me."

No Ruben, I don't know you.

But I DO know several things about you - like how you consider yourself to be a liberal-progressive Democrat in good standing, which means that you WANT to qualify in all six of those criteria that I listed as things that are essential if you want to be accepted by that party as one of their own!

And for that reason you will NEVER openly speak out against guys claiming to be women as they compete in women's athletics competitions, even though you KNOW deep down that it's a travesty! But, as a liberal Democrat, you will always keep that to yourself (until your party formally abandons that absurd nonsense!)

"There is no heart in that clump of cells that I'm talking about. A heart is an organ, nothing more, nothing less..."

A heart is NOT a human being - but an unborn baby with a heart, a brain, and human body parts IS a human life, and not something to be destroyed by Planned Parenthood so long as they can then market those parts to the highest bidder!

"...is someone with an artificial heart no longer human?"

If we were in Nazi Germany in the early 1940's, and you asked that same question, they would argue that if the person with the articial heart was a Jew, then no, that person was not human and could be killed! And they would then praise Planned Parenthood for disposing of so many "unwanted mouths!"

"We're not talking about babies, we're talking about a single cell vs a clump of cells."

EVERY living baby is a "clump of cells," Ruben, as are you! But if, like the Nazis, you are able to label them as unhuman, then you can legally murder them! And yes, Planned Parenthood would have been welcomed in Auschwitz, where the taking of human life was celebrated!