Abortion Rights in Former Slave States

Abortion later in pregnancy is not used as an alternative to delivering healthy women's full-term, viable pregnancies.

Dr. Barbara Levy: The phrase "late-term abortion" is medically inaccurate and has no clinical meaning. In science and medicine, it's essential to use language precisely. In pregnancy, to be "late term" means to be past 41 weeks gestation, or past a patient's due date. Abortions do not occur in this time period, so the phrase is contradictory.

With bi-partisan support, Louisiana has now passed a "fetal heartbeat" bill, which the Dem. governor has or will sign. As in other states, there is no exception for cases of incest or rape. :(

The title of this thread refers to former slave states, but I believe being part of the Bible Belt means more than a history of slavery.
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5) How about transgendered guys competing in women's sports? "Questionable; not at the highest level." (Ouch! I'm afraid you've just stepped into it, Ruben! Now you look like a sexist trans-phobe to political progressives!)

No, he looks like someone who recognizes that it's not a simple issue and that there are nuances to it. The exact opposite of you, in other words.

YDB95 writes: "... we don't want a return to the days of back-alley abortions..."

Yeah, if we're going to legalize infanticide, I suppose it should be done in a clean & sterile environment, right? The ancient Spartans left weak & sickly newborns out on the mountainside so that they'd die of natural causes via abandonment to the elements & wild animals. But Planned Parenthood would prefer that an abortion doctor be called in instead!

Well, yes. We don't want to return to the days of back-alley abortions OR of leaving unwanted babies out in the wild to die. No one is talking about legalizing infanticide except the likes of you, because it's the only way left to drum up support for a cause in which you are badly outnumbered. Over 70% of Americans - including 52% of Republicans in the last poll I saw - support abortion rights. When you don't have the numbers on your side, you invent outrage over an extreme outlier like the (purely hypothetical) example Gov. Northam discussed, because of course that makes people uncomfortable. But the fewer roadblocks there are to a woman being allowed to make her own decisions about her own body, the less likely that (already extremely unlikely) scenario is. And it ain't the pro-choicers who are fighting to put up those roadblocks, Dump.

I just saw this story in the news... a transgendered guy named Cece Telfer from Franklin Pierce University won the women's 400-meter hurdles title at the NCAA Division II Track & Field championships held last week at Javelina Stadium in Kingsville, Texas! As a male track star (named Craig Telfer) he was only so-so, but as a FEMALE he's winning championships & breaking records! I just feel sorry for all of those girls who have trained all of their lives for this, only to lose to a guy!

A transwoman is not a guy. To call her that is just as offensive as using the N-word. But you knew that.

"That's not how pay equity or transsexualism work. And the only person I've ever heard say any such thing is you."

So... if Craig Telfer was a guy cut by the Chicago Bulls basketball team, who suddenly discovered that he could make a million dollars playing for the WNBA's Chicago Sky under the name Cece Telfer, you don't think he'd do it? And WHY NOT?

Division II college athletics are not the NBA. You know that too.

"First of all, you know damn well I wasn't talking about prostitution."

No, you weren't - but how is it any different?

To someone like you, it isn't. You just want to punish women for having sex outside of marriage. To anyone else, the difference is so blindingly obvious that it literally can't be explained. It's like trying to describe the color blue. You either get it or you don't.

A woman should have the right to do ANYTHING with her own body without men making laws to prevent it, right? So aren't you arguing that prostitution in this country should also be legal?

No. For one thing, if I were going to advocate legalizing prostitution - and I'm not - then there would be licensing, STD testing, insurance, etc. to consider. In other words, there would be legal regulations. But this is all a straw man argument, because what I really said was a woman should have the right to make her own decisions about her own body, not that she should "have the right to do anything with her own body". Choice of words matters.

"But we certainly would still care about affordable screenings, counseling, birth control, etc. Which you obviously do not."

Planned Parenthood could CONTINUE doing ALL of those things without performing abortions - but then the Democratic Party would no longer be interested in giving them federal tax-payer dollars, would they?

Of course it would. But we would also continue fighting for a woman's right to choose.

"During the Holocaust, people were being killed. not clumps of cells without functional brains."

You mean "clumps of cells" with a beating heart, don't you? And have you SERIOUSLY not heard about those legislative measures in states like New York - or Virginia's Democratic Party governor Northam's efforts to allow abortion clinics to terminate the lives of newly-delivered babies?

We can't very well be unaware of them with you in the room, can we? But we've been over that repeatedly, and everyone except you understands that Northam was only talking about a hypothetical, extreme example that would almost certainly never happen if women have the right to make fully informed decisions without anti-choice terrorists throwing up roadblocks.

"What is your opinion about anti-conception? Menstruation is murder?"

We're talking about a living baby with a beating heart, Ruben.

Nope: https://www.livescience.com/65501-fetal-heartbeat-at-6-weeks-explained.html

I'm sure the Nazis made jokes about Jews not being human before they gassed them.

Much like Trump uses dehumanizing language to refer to Latinx and Muslims, yes.

Planned Parenthood would feel right at home operating Auschwitz.
Says the guy who thinks all their money goes to abortion for profit. You're entitled to your opinion about Planned Parenthood, but you really ought to educate yourself about it first.

And for that reason you will NEVER openly speak out against guys claiming to be women as they compete in women's athletics competitions, even though you KNOW deep down that it's a travesty! But, as a liberal Democrat, you will always keep that to yourself (until your party formally abandons that absurd nonsense!)
I've already asked once if you know the first thing about what transsexuals go through in the transition process. I didn't bother to mention the extremely high suicide rate among them, or how frequently they get thrown out of their families. Clearly the answer to my question was no. So I'll say it again: you really ought to learn about these things before you spew so much venom over them. And at least two of us have acknowledged that the question of their participation in sports is a problematic one. But that's no excuse for you to trivialize all that they go through in order to argue that they're only in it to win a sporting event.

"There is no heart in that clump of cells that I'm talking about. A heart is an organ, nothing more, nothing less..."
Yes, and an embryo doesn't even have a heart as such until much later in pregnancy than you clearly believe. Of course, if you wanted to put a stop to later-term abortions, the thing to do is make them more readily accessible in early pregnancy. But people like you have spent decades throwing up roadblocks that make later-term abortions MORE likely rather than less, because the woman can't get access as early in pregnancy as she would like to.

A heart is NOT a human being - but an unborn baby with a heart, a brain, and human body parts IS a human life, and not something to be destroyed by Planned Parenthood so long as they can then market those parts to the highest bidder!

For Pete's sake, Dump, even the Republicans in DC have given it a rest with that one! It's been thoroughly discredited in every way. Haven't you been paying attention at all? Too busy watching college sports and wondering which of the women are transwomen, I guess.

If we were in Nazi Germany in the early 1940's, and you asked that same question, they would argue that if the person with the articial heart was a Jew, then no, that person was not human and could be killed! And they would then praise Planned Parenthood for disposing of so many "unwanted mouths!"

And here we have a rather clear sign that you're just as clueless about abortion laws under the Nazis as you are about everything else pertaining to abortion!
With bi-partisan support, Louisiana has now passed a "fetal heartbeat" bill, which the Dem. governor has or will sign. As in other states, there is no exception for cases of incest or rape. :(

The title of this thread refers to former slave states, but I believe being part of the Bible Belt means more than a history of slavery.

I would agree with you, but it occurs to me that they are largely one and the same.
YDB95 writes: "No, he looks like someone who recognizes that it's not a simple issue and that there are nuances to it. The exact opposite of you, in other words."

There's right, and then there's wrong. Nuances don't enter into it.

Deep down, you KNOW that it's terribly wrong for a guy who would finish 14th or 15th in a race to suddenly announce that he's actually a GIRL so that he can run that same race and take home a gold medal! So maybe he really believes that he's now a female, but he's STILL got the body of a male! Human decency should keep him from competing with a group of girls when have spent all of their lives preparing for that same championship meet!

Modern liberals would rather label other people as politically incorrect than actually stick to an issue and say what's right or wrong! Who cares if other liberal Democrats want to continue pushing bullsh*t down your throat? You're under no obligation to swallow it!

"Over 70% of Americans - including 52% of Republicans in the last poll I saw - support abortion rights."

You're using POLLS against me? The same polls that said that Hillary Clinton was going to defeat Donald Trump in a landslide back in 2016? Seriously, YDB95, the polls in the American south back in 1860 showed that over 80% of southerners wanted to keep slavery legal! But you knew that.

"A transwoman is not a guy. To call her that is just as offensive as using the N-word. But you knew that."

Yes, and there are sixty-three different genders recognized today by political progressives! But you knew that.

"Division II college athletics are not the NBA. You know that too."

Women's World Cup Soccer players are currently demanding that they be paid the same as the men, despite the different sizes of their audiences. Let's say the organizers agree. So what happens when guys who have been CUT by the men's team decide, like Cece Telfer, that perhaps they are really women, and try out for the U.S. Women's World Cup team (where they can make just as much money as the men?)

"You just want to punish women for having sex outside of marriage."

In Islamic-ruled lands; having sex outside of marriage can get a girl stoned-to-death. But you already knew that. I'm not talking about having sex; I'm talking about destroying the life of a living unborn baby!

"But we would also continue fighting for a woman's right to choose."

Except that you're OPPOSED to a woman having the right to CHOOSE to sell her own body for sex, correct? You think that it's somehow okay for male legislators to pass laws forbidding her to use her own body for that kind of activity, isn't that right?

"Much like Trump uses dehumanizing language to refer to Latinx and Muslims, yes."

Here we go again. "Anybody who doesn't want to see illegals pouring across our nation's borders is Hitler!" Don't you see how ridiculous you sound?

"You're entitled to your opinion about Planned Parenthood, but you really ought to educate yourself about it first."

Hitler would have LOVED Planned Parenthood. All that killing at so cheap a cost! It's a Nazi's dream come true!
Deep down, you KNOW that it's terribly wrong for a guy who would finish 14th or 15th in a race to suddenly announce that he's actually a GIRL so that he can run that same race and take home a gold medal!

Deep down, YOU know this is not about winning a track meet! That's why you're focusing entirely on this one (admittedly difficult) issue to the exclusion of absolutely everything else about transsexuality.

So maybe he really believes that he's now a female, but he's STILL got the body of a male!

Not if she's competing in women's sports. Again, that is not how this works.

Human decency should keep him from competing with a group of girls when have spent all of their lives preparing for that same championship meet!

Human decency should keep you from misgendering her like that. Since you've done that constantly throughout this entire thread, it shows all too well what you really think of this issue. And it's got nothing to do with women's sports.

Modern liberals would rather label other people as politically incorrect than actually stick to an issue and say what's right or wrong! Who cares if other liberal Democrats want to continue pushing bullsh*t down your throat? You're under no obligation to swallow it!

Do you really believe I hold the opinions I do because the DNC (or maybe George Soros?) told me to?! Heck, I could say the same to you about the bullshit you're obviously picking up from Rush Limbaugh or someone like that. Don't project.

"Over 70% of Americans - including 52% of Republicans in the last poll I saw - support abortion rights."

You're using POLLS against me? The same polls that said that Hillary Clinton was going to defeat Donald Trump in a landslide back in 2016?

The same polls that showed Trump did have a small chance of winning, and which failed to account for Russian meddling or for progressives voting third party because they thought HRC would win for sure and didn't really like her. But that's beside the point. The point is, you seem to think - no, you DEFINITELY think - public opinion is turning against a woman's right to choose. It just ain't so.

Seriously, YDB95, the polls in the American south back in 1860 showed that over 80% of southerners wanted to keep slavery legal! But you knew that.

No one knows that, because polling as such didn't exist back then, at least not scientific polling. You may be right (although that would mean you're not counting the actual slaves, who were human beings living in the South and certainly didn't support slavery), but we just don't know the actual numbers.

"A transwoman is not a guy. To call her that is just as offensive as using the N-word. But you knew that."

Yes, and there are sixty-three different genders recognized today by political progressives! But you knew that.

I don't know the exact number. I do know science now recognizes that gender is not binary. Because I'm a progressive, I support science.

"Division II college athletics are not the NBA. You know that too."

Women's World Cup Soccer players are currently demanding that they be paid the same as the men, despite the different sizes of their audiences.

The Women's US soccer team which, unlike the men's team, actually has won a world championship in living memory? I'd say they've got a valid complaint.

Let's say the organizers agree. So what happens when guys who have been CUT by the men's team decide, like Cece Telfer, that perhaps they are really women, and try out for the U.S. Women's World Cup team (where they can make just as much money as the men?)

Let me get this straight: do you really and truly believe a man is going to pretend to be a transwoman just so he can join a women's sports team? Looks like your opinion of men is just as low as that of women, then. Hmmm.

"You just want to punish women for having sex outside of marriage."

In Islamic-ruled lands; having sex outside of marriage can get a girl stoned-to-death. But you already knew that. I'm not talking about having sex; I'm talking about destroying the life of a living unborn baby!
No, you're not. You're talking about a clump of tissue.

"But we would also continue fighting for a woman's right to choose."

Except that you're OPPOSED to a woman having the right to CHOOSE to sell her own body for sex, correct? You think that it's somehow okay for male legislators to pass laws forbidding her to use her own body for that kind of activity, isn't that right?

Yes. And if you think the two are comparable, then I don't know that I can help you.

"Much like Trump uses dehumanizing language to refer to Latinx and Muslims, yes."

Here we go again. "Anybody who doesn't want to see illegals pouring across our nation's borders is Hitler!" Don't you see how ridiculous you sound?

Do not put words in my mouth. I never said I supported letting just anybody stroll into our country. What I AM referring to here is the dehumanizing language Trump uses, which is EXACTLY the sort of language Hitler used to refer to the Jews. If the shoe fits, wear it!

"You're entitled to your opinion about Planned Parenthood, but you really ought to educate yourself about it first."

Hitler would have LOVED Planned Parenthood.

No, he wouldn't, and we've been over that one before. Abortion was banned under the Nazis.
I would agree with you, but it occurs to me that they are largely one and the same.

Most, maybe all of the Bible Belt were slave states, but some of the former slave states are not considered to be in the Bible Belt. And none of these have passed Draconian abortion laws.
No, he looks like someone who recognizes that it's not a simple issue and that there are nuances to it. The exact opposite of you, in other words.

Well, yes. We don't want to return to the days of back-alley abortions OR of leaving unwanted babies out in the wild to die. No one is talking about legalizing infanticide except the likes of you, because it's the only way left to drum up support for a cause in which you are badly outnumbered. Over 70% of Americans - including 52% of Republicans in the last poll I saw - support abortion rights. When you don't have the numbers on your side, you invent outrage over an extreme outlier like the (purely hypothetical) example Gov. Northam discussed, because of course that makes people uncomfortable. But the fewer roadblocks there are to a woman being allowed to make her own decisions about her own body, the less likely that (already extremely unlikely) scenario is. And it ain't the pro-choicers who are fighting to put up those roadblocks, Dump.

A transwoman is not a guy. To call her that is just as offensive as using the N-word. But you knew that.

Division II college athletics are not the NBA. You know that too.

To someone like you, it isn't. You just want to punish women for having sex outside of marriage. To anyone else, the difference is so blindingly obvious that it literally can't be explained. It's like trying to describe the color blue. You either get it or you don't.

No. For one thing, if I were going to advocate legalizing prostitution - and I'm not - then there would be licensing, STD testing, insurance, etc. to consider. In other words, there would be legal regulations. But this is all a straw man argument, because what I really said was a woman should have the right to make her own decisions about her own body, not that she should "have the right to do anything with her own body". Choice of words matters.

Of course it would. But we would also continue fighting for a woman's right to choose.

We can't very well be unaware of them with you in the room, can we? But we've been over that repeatedly, and everyone except you understands that Northam was only talking about a hypothetical, extreme example that would almost certainly never happen if women have the right to make fully informed decisions without anti-choice terrorists throwing up roadblocks.

Nope: https://www.livescience.com/65501-fetal-heartbeat-at-6-weeks-explained.html

Much like Trump uses dehumanizing language to refer to Latinx and Muslims, yes.

Says the guy who thinks all their money goes to abortion for profit. You're entitled to your opinion about Planned Parenthood, but you really ought to educate yourself about it first.

I've already asked once if you know the first thing about what transsexuals go through in the transition process. I didn't bother to mention the extremely high suicide rate among them, or how frequently they get thrown out of their families. Clearly the answer to my question was no. So I'll say it again: you really ought to learn about these things before you spew so much venom over them. And at least two of us have acknowledged that the question of their participation in sports is a problematic one. But that's no excuse for you to trivialize all that they go through in order to argue that they're only in it to win a sporting event.

Yes, and an embryo doesn't even have a heart as such until much later in pregnancy than you clearly believe. Of course, if you wanted to put a stop to later-term abortions, the thing to do is make them more readily accessible in early pregnancy. But people like you have spent decades throwing up roadblocks that make later-term abortions MORE likely rather than less, because the woman can't get access as early in pregnancy as she would like to.

For Pete's sake, Dump, even the Republicans in DC have given it a rest with that one! It's been thoroughly discredited in every way. Haven't you been paying attention at all? Too busy watching college sports and wondering which of the women are transwomen, I guess.

And here we have a rather clear sign that you're just as clueless about abortion laws under the Nazis as you are about everything else pertaining to abortion!

I was interested in your quote 70% of americans support abortion. Factually that's correct, but there are degrees to that poll. That poll breaks down to some very significant differing opinions but doesn't go far enough.


There is an underlying majority among americans that do find abortion in some instances as, not so much acceptable but necessary. It is a morally charged issue that is slowly drifting to the side of pro life. I think the feeling for most women today, that, after 10 weeks, aborting that fetus is not a popular option, but to take away that option infuriates many women. Whatever side of the coin your on, a woman's right to choose will always be in conflict with pro-life. Most religious institutions are against it, a very powerful lobby. Another powerful conflict exist between secularism and religious affiliations. There are varying degrees of acceptance that are challenged, for instance, the reason for the pregnancy ( which are many ), how far along in the pregnancy and religious affiliation. 50% and 29% are not true values, its a result of the limited variety of categories. If you broke down that 50% the results would drift towards pro life. To make laws with zero tolerance, in my opinion, is a losing battle and ridiculous. I think laws to establish how late in a term is a fair debate. But an outright ban, well I agree with you, we'd be dealing with black market abortions and risking the health and wellbeing of the very women we love.
YDB95 writes: "Deep down, YOU know this is not about winning a track meet!"

Once again, in the interest of political correctness, you are REFUSING to address the issue! To admit that a transgendered guy is NOT really a woman would expose you to the hate-filled attacks from those on the far-left who insist that we can change genders like we change hairstyles.

"Not if she's competing in women's sports. Again, that is not how this works."

A man with a penis competing in women's sports is NOT a "she" - but you have to pretend that he is or else the far-left will label you a transphobe (or whatever stupid word they've come up with) - again, that's not how it works.

"Do you really believe I hold the opinions I do because the DNC (or maybe George Soros?) told me to?!"

Yes, I honestly DO believe that! You desperately want the approval of those on the left, and will readily agree with whatever bullsh*t they claim is politically correct. If they come out with a NEW belief suggesting that white people believing themselves to be black (trans-racial) are now officially black, you would go along with that. No, it hasn't happened yet, but when it does you'll jump on the bandwagon. Watch & see.

"The same polls that showed Trump did have a small chance of winning, and which failed to account for Russian meddling or for progressives voting third party..."

Blah, blah, blah... I heard this EXACT SAME BULLSH*T after Bush beat Gore in 2000! "If only Ralph Nader hadn't taken votes away from the Democrats...!" And then they said Bush would DEFINITELY lose his re-election bid in 2004, but INSTEAD he ended-up adding 11,577,160 to his vote total (just like Trump will do in 2020!) Bush defeated Kerry with relative ease in 2004, much to the dismay of the left!

Serious question: HOW do you account for Barack Obama getting 3,580,921 FEWER votes in 2012 than he received in 2008? The ONLY times that's happened over the past fifty years (e.g. an incumbent president receiving FEWER VOTES the second time around) was Carter in '80, Bush-41 in '92, and Barack in '12. But Carter & Bush BOTH LOST, and they both had SERIOUS third-party challengers (John Anderson & Ross Perot, who actually participated in the televised presidential debates!) Barack had NONE OF THAT, so why the hell was he so unpopular?

"Let me get this straight: do you really and truly believe a man is going to pretend to be a transwoman just so he can join a women's sports team?"

Yes, I do. Craig Telfer was on the Franklin Pierce University men's track & field team in 2018 and didn't win ANYTHING! Last week, at the NCAA Women's Division II Track & Field Championships in Kingsville, Texas, that very same Craig Telfer (now calling himself Cece Telfer) won a gold medal in the women's 400-hurdles. And liberals just LOVE that, don't they? We KNOW that Barack Obama was pleased!

"No, you're not. You're talking about a clump of tissue."

I hate to break this to you, YDB95 - but you & I are BOTH clumps of living tissue. But yes, if we were Jewish and living in Nazi Germany the state would have ruled that NEITHER one of us was human.

"Abortion was banned under the Nazis."

Are you now seriously trying to tell me that the Nazis were PRO-LIFE? The only reason why Hitler didn't need to open Planned Parenthood facilities in Jewish neighborhoods was that he was already gassing Jews instead! But Adolf Hitler was very pro-choice when it came to murdering unborn Jewish babies!
RubenR writes: "I guess you even don't know I'm not American, and that I think the American political system is at the lower half of the civilization ranking."

I can EASILY believe that, Ruben! I noticed many years ago that people who dislike the United States of America (both here at home and abroad) tend to prefer liberal Democrats (like Barack Obama). Those people who like & admire the U.S. tend to be conservatives, and support President Trump!

"I guess you consider yourself very clever, but to me you are just disgusting."

Once again, those people on the far-left who hate the United States tend to be disgusted by those of us who love this country. I'm not at all surpised to hear you say that. I'm sure that you instead admire socialist anti-American nations like Cuba, Iran, & Venezuela.

"To the best of my knowledge, you don't 'just' turn from boy into girl or vice versa."

No, Ruben. No, you don't. You are born either a male or a female. That's basic Biology 101. Many modern left-leaning people are science-deniers when it comes to biological science. It doesn't fit in with their politically-correct beliefs.
So, if I understand you correctly; those who try to improve the country prefer liberal Democrats, but those who think it's okay to live in a swamp or benefit from the corrupt system support trump

I wasn't talking about your 'love' for the uSA; I was talking about your disgusting comparisons when you wrote your filth about abortion.

Once again, you don't know me, and your indications about being 'sure' confirms that. It tells a lot about you that, almost every time that you're sure about something, you're dead-wrong.

I doubt you've ever attended basic biology lessons; your folks probably wouldn't approve you'd be learning such inappropriate and blasphemic material.

By the way, I checked, I googled Basic Biology 101, but didn't find anything about sexual characteristics. Perhaps you could provide me some links?

It really gets interesting once you go beyond the basic biology, but 'interesting' to me probably equals 'scary' to you.

If you have ever studied basic biology and physiology of mammals above the kindergarten level, you would have read about the reproductive systems and how they are influenced by hormones. You would have also run into words such as "penis" and "vagina" and "breasts" and other words denoting sexual characteristics.

Here is a link, if you actually need one:https://www.britannica.com/science/human-reproductive-system
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RubenR writes: "So, if I understand you correctly; those who try to improve the country prefer liberal Democrats, but those who think it's okay to live in a swamp or benefit from the corrupt system support trump"

When you write: "trying to improve the country," Ruben, are you including SOCIALISM in that mix? Because socialist economics have destroyed the quality of life in nations like Cuba & Venezuela! Socialism strangles economic growth everywhere it's ever been tried!

Also, how does ABORTION improve the country - ANY COUNTRY? Did murdering Jews improve Germany in the early 1940's? How has ISLAM ever improved ANY nation on our planet? And how does allowing men to compete on women's athletics teams improve our nation? How does open borders and flaunting our immigration laws help? Did you think ANY of this through before writing that nonsense?

"I was talking about your disgusting comparisons when you wrote your filth about abortion."

Abortion is horrific, Ruben. It's so horrific that even those people who support it won't allow themselves to be called "pro-abortion" - no, they prefer to be called "pro-choice" to distance themselves from the horror that is abortion & infantacide. Even YOU refuse to label yourself as pro-abortion, which you seemingly find disgusting (and I wholeheartedly agree!)

"By the way, I checked, I googled Basic Biology 101, but didn't find anything about sexual characteristics. Perhaps you could provide me some links?"

Modern political-progressives now regognize SIXTY-THREE different human genders, Ruben! I'd like to list them all for you here & now, but that would take-up WAY too much of my time! Suffice to day it's a ridiculous collection!

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/276/4/0/gender_symbols_by_caaloba-d81ds6u.png - (Symbols representing some of the many genders recognized by modern liberals!)
YDB95 writes: "Deep down, YOU know this is not about winning a track meet!"

Once again, in the interest of political correctness, you are REFUSING to address the issue! To admit that a transgendered guy is NOT really a woman would expose you to the hate-filled attacks from those on the far-left who insist that we can change genders like we change hairstyles.

A transman is not really a woman; he's a man. A transwoman is a woman. At least get your terminology straight.

"Not if she's competing in women's sports. Again, that is not how this works."

A man with a penis competing in women's sports is NOT a "she" - but you have to pretend that he is or else the far-left will label you a transphobe (or whatever stupid word they've come up with) - again, that's not how it works.

I don't suppose you know if CeCe Telfer actually has a penis? (I really don't want to know, but you do you.)

"Do you really believe I hold the opinions I do because the DNC (or maybe George Soros?) told me to?!"

Yes, I honestly DO believe that! You desperately want the approval of those on the left, and will readily agree with whatever bullsh*t they claim is politically correct. If they come out with a NEW belief suggesting that white people believing themselves to be black (trans-racial) are now officially black, you would go along with that. No, it hasn't happened yet, but when it does you'll jump on the bandwagon. Watch & see.

In other words, you literally can't fathom that other people could hold opinions different from yours. Wow.

"The same polls that showed Trump did have a small chance of winning, and which failed to account for Russian meddling or for progressives voting third party..."

Blah, blah, blah... I heard this EXACT SAME BULLSH*T after Bush beat Gore in 2000! "If only Ralph Nader hadn't taken votes away from the Democrats...!" And then they said Bush would DEFINITELY lose his re-election bid in 2004, but INSTEAD he ended-up adding 11,577,160 to his vote total (just like Trump will do in 2020!) Bush defeated Kerry with relative ease in 2004, much to the dismay of the left!

Because of 9/11, and the ensuing Islamophobia that Dumbya was able to exploit. I wouldn't count on that happening this time.

Serious question: HOW do you account for Barack Obama getting 3,580,921 FEWER votes in 2012 than he received in 2008?

I've answered that repeatedly. I could do so again, but if you ignored my answer all those other times, why wouldn't you do so again this time?

"Let me get this straight: do you really and truly believe a man is going to pretend to be a transwoman just so he can join a women's sports team?"

Yes, I do. Craig Telfer was on the Franklin Pierce University men's track & field team in 2018 and didn't win ANYTHING! Last week, at the NCAA Women's Division II Track & Field Championships in Kingsville, Texas, that very same Craig Telfer (now calling himself Cece Telfer) won a gold medal in the women's 400-hurdles. And liberals just LOVE that, don't they? We KNOW that Barack Obama was pleased!

It took me all of five minutes of googling CeCe Telfer to learn she was already gender fluid before competing at Craig Telfer, and that the track team was the only place where she was classified as a man in the first place, and that some of her times have actually been better as a woman than as a man. In other words - surprise surprise - it's no where near as simple as you implied.

"Abortion was banned under the Nazis."

Are you now seriously trying to tell me that the Nazis were PRO-LIFE?

In the sense that they opposed abortion rights. But you've illustrated exactly why I refuse to call anti-choicers "pro-life": because it's a major league misnomer.
YDB95 writes: "A transman is not really a woman; he's a man. A transwoman is a woman. At least get your terminology straight."

Seriously? Have YOU figured out your transgendered terminology yet? Let's try a little quiz, shall we? 1) What's the difference between a Androgine Heterosexual Man and a Masculine Heterosexual Andromale? Found that one to be too easy, did we? OK, we'll make it harder... 2) What the difference between a Masculine Bisexual Hermaphromale and a Feminine Male-Attracted Hermaphrofemale? 3) How about a Androgine Heterosexual Androfemale and a Masculine Female-Attracted Hermaphrofemale? As a liberal Democrat, YOU need to know this stuff! I, on the other hand, think it's all just so much bullsh*t!

"I don't suppose you know if CeCe Telfer actually has a penis?"

Serious question: DOES THAT EVEN MATTER? - the guy claims that he's now a female! Are you going to be the person demanding an inspection? And how can you possibly examine what his brain thinks?

"In other words, you literally can't fathom that other people could hold opinions different from yours. Wow."

Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin both held opinions different from my own, and no - I couldn't fathom them, either. I know this upsets you, but it is what it is.

"Because of 9/11, and the ensuing Islamophobia that Dumbya was able to exploit. I wouldn't count on that happening this time."

Nor did you count on Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016. You believed all of the polls that said that would never happen, correct?

"I've answered that repeatedly. I could do so again, but if you ignored my answer all those other times, why wouldn't you do so again this time?"

I'm serious! Barack Obama had favorable press throughout his first term! There were NO serious third-party challengers in 2012! The population of the United States had grown by SEVERAL MILLION people since 2008! So WHAT HAPPENED to those over three-&-a-half-million people who had voted for Barack in 2008 but then disappeared into thin air four years later? What caused his popularity to collapse like that?

"It took me all of five minutes of googling CeCe Telfer to learn she was already gender fluid..."

So... Craig Telfer was NOT gender fluid when he was competing on the GUYS' track & field back team in 2018, but then he woke up one morning and his gender fluids were everywhere, causing him to decide to compete as a WOMAN - and, with his extra size, speed, & muscle mass (such as guys possess) allowed him to win the NCAA Division II Women's 400-Hurdles GOLD MEDAL?

THIS is why Donald Trump won the White House in 2016, YDB95! You can sit there and calmly explain to me (with a straight face) why it's perfectly normal for a guy claiming to be a girl defeated seven REAL women in a college hurdling championship race, and you say it's "all because of gender fluidity!" And you wonder why America's liberals have forever lost the American heartland with this stupid bullsh*t!

"In the sense that they opposed abortion rights."

The Nazis may have opposed abortion-rights for white Nordic Germans, but they enthusiastically SUPPORTED it for undesirables (e.g. how they described Jews & darker-skinned people!) Margaret Sanger, the woman who founded Planned Parenthood, ALSO enthusiastically supported abortion for black people, and even spoke of it at Ku Kux Klan rallies in the 1920's!

http://boomerspeaks.com/x-images3/a...on-kkk-sanger-political-poster-1274937559.jpg - (Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger with her supporters in the Ku Kux Klan!)
RubenR writes: "Hey dumb, got anything to say about this?"

What of it?

Are you trying to suggest that President Trump is no different than President Clinton, aside from his not engaging in illicit sexual activity in the oval office of the White House the way that Bill did? Another major difference is, Trump's had a much more successful presidency than did Bill Clinton!

As for the abortion industry, they DON'T control President Trump the way they control Democrats! Are you aware, Ruben, that back in 1992 when Clinton asked then-Senator Al Gore to be his running-mate, that Gore was PRO-LIFE? But all of that changed the second Bill told Al that he'd have to become pro-abortion if he wanted to share the ticket! And, of course, Al become pro-abortion overnight.

Donald Trump isn't trying to be our nation's religious leader - he's trying to be a strong U.S. president who understands how to grow an economy, make fair trade deals, protect our nation's borders, and keep America's military the strongest on our planet! And I think that, in these areas, he's clearly succeeding beyond all expectations!

Do you remember election night 2016, Ruben - when pretty much EVERYBODY on television was predicting that Trump was going to persecute gays, blacks, hispanics, Muslims, and women? They were all in PANIC mode. Well, on election night 2020 that crap isn't going to work. The people can see what Trump has actually done!
What Trump has actually done

1. Hate crimes are up (this article cites california but pretty sure it is nationwide.https://www.npr.org/2018/07/15/629212976/hate-crimes-against-latinos-increase-in-california)

2. Supreme court appointments that will (probably) overturn Roe v Wade. That's why they elected him, and he definitely did what he said he would do.

3. Paved the way to end abortion. this is more or less the same as three, but it just makes me so sad y'all. I wonder how many abortions Trump has paid for?
MaybeMae writes: "I wonder how many abortions Trump has paid for?"

Well, I guess the Trump-haters will be happy to know that after Trump appoints a new pro-life U.S. Supreme Court justice to replace Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, he won't he able to buy anymore abortions! And anything that might make President Trump unhappy is a victory for political-progressives, right?

The Democratic Party has only itself to blame for this. First, it was that party's blind support for ObamaCare ten years ago that destroyed their numbers in the U.S. House & Senate (the very next year), and it's also ended any chance of their holding both house of congress ever since!

Today the Democrats are America's PRO-ABORTION party, applauding late term abortion bills passing in states like New York, with the Democrat Governor of Virginia even discussing legalized infanticide, so long as both the mother & her abortion-doctor are in agreement.

There's only ONE pro-life Democrat remaining in the U.S. House, and the party's already cut-off funding for his re-election. And in Louisiana, the governor of that state is another one of the few remaining pro-life Democrats, and he's just signed yet another tough new anti-abortion bill in to law!
1. Hate crimes are up (this article cites california but pretty sure it is nationwide.https://www.npr.org/2018/07/15/629212976/[B]hate-crimes-against-latinos-increase-in-california) [/B]

2. Supreme court appointments that will (probably) overturn Roe v Wade. That's why they elected him, and he definitely did what he said he would do.

3. Paved the way to end abortion. this is more or less the same as three, but it just makes me so sad y'all. I wonder how many abortions Trump has paid for?

I read the article you linked. There are complaints about gangsters sneaking into the USA to commit their depredations but there are no other criminal acts described.
YDB95 writes: "And people wonder why there's a gender gap!"

I sincerely HOPE that the Democrats give Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford a speaking role at their party's 2020 national convention, YDB95! I think she would make an EXCELLENT representative as to how the left views America's women (and how America's liberal women view themselves!)

"It means enough that I remember what she actually said in her Congressional testimony, which you - surprise surprise - clearly do not. Just for starters, she didn't say anything about $3,000 per month for anything."

College student Sandra Fluke couldn't afford her heavy contraceptives bill, and so she went to Washington, D.C. to complain about it to congressional Democrats! She was a featured speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. She then ran for a California State Senate seat and LOST! She was another excellent
example as to how the left views America's women!

"It's the Republicans who want transgendered men to use women's bathrooms, Dumpington. At least get your terminology right. (Hint: transgendered men were born biologically female.) And I don't know anything about the drag queens in school incident that you're referring to, but I'm betting it's either apocryphal or perfectly unobjectionable, or quite possibly both."

So... guys who think they're girls are WOMEN? And girls who identify as guys are now considered to be MEN? And the number of genders among science-denying Democrats is now up to thirty-six? Or is it now thirty-seven?

The drag queens reading to kids was on the nightly news a few days ago. Of course, liberals LOVE that stuff! They want little kids to grow up thinking it's all perfectly normal! And then other liberals will teach their kids how to wear hijabs and praise Allah!

https://bythebloodofthelamb.files.w...ng-beach-library-full-6001651566422.png?w=600 - (Liberal heaven: Drag Queen reading to small children in a library!)

"So let's just get this completely straight: You're proud of the Republicans stealing a Supreme Court seat. Mmmmkay."

Except that NOTHING WAS STOLEN! Merrick Garland was NEVER going to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate! Have you ever heard of U.S. Supreme Court judge Robert Bork? No? That's because HIS seat was actually stolen by liberal Senators who FAILED to do the same thing to Brett Kavanaugh! Capice?

Here is a link about the cost of Sandra Fluke's birth control pills: https://www.cnsnews.com/news/articl...y-factual-despite-9-month-birth-control-pills
Boxlicker101 writes: "Here is a link about the cost of Sandra Fluke's birth control pills"

Thanks, Boxlicker101! I clearly remembered Sandra Fluke whining to congressional Democrats that her contraceptives' bill while she was supposed to be a college student was ridiculously high. And instead of telling her to stop opening her legs every night and once in a while open a book, they instead took her seriously and agreed that it was somehow the taxpayer's job to pick up the tab:

Fluke testified that contraception can cost a law student $3,000 over three years, when in fact the Target store just 3 miles from the Georgetown Law School campus sells a month's supply of birth control pills for only $9 to people whose insurance does not cover contraception.

After being given a speaking role at the 2012 Democratic Party's national convention, Fluke then ran for a state senate seat in ultra-liberal California where she lost her race by a margin of 61% to 39%, and we haven't heard from her since! Instead the Democrats have now given us Alexandria Ocasion-Cortez!
YDB95 writes: "A transman is not really a woman; he's a man. A transwoman is a woman. At least get your terminology straight."

Seriously? Have YOU figured out your transgendered terminology yet? Let's try a little quiz, shall we? 1) What's the difference between a Androgine Heterosexual Man and a Masculine Heterosexual Andromale? Found that one to be too easy, did we? OK, we'll make it harder... 2) What the difference between a Masculine Bisexual Hermaphromale and a Feminine Male-Attracted Hermaphrofemale? 3) How about a Androgine Heterosexual Androfemale and a Masculine Female-Attracted Hermaphrofemale? As a liberal Democrat, YOU need to know this stuff! I, on the other hand, think it's all just so much bullsh*t!

Quite possibly the truest distillation of Republican thinking I've ever seen in my life. "If I don't get it, it's bullshit!" Thank you, Dumpington.

"I don't suppose you know if CeCe Telfer actually has a penis?"

Serious question: DOES THAT EVEN MATTER? - the guy claims that he's now a female! Are you going to be the person demanding an inspection?

YOU are the one who brought it up. YOU are the one who seems borderline obsessed with forcing people to deny their true nature because otherwise someone, somewhere might win a track meet she otherwise wouldn't have.

And how can you possibly examine what his brain thinks?

It's settled science that transsexuality is real, Dump.

"In other words, you literally can't fathom that other people could hold opinions different from yours. Wow."

Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin both held opinions different from my own, and no - I couldn't fathom them, either. I know this upsets you, but it is what it is.

Wasn't it you who were just accusing me - and a few others, I think - of thinking anyone who disagreed with us deserved to be compared to Hitler?
Why yes. Yes it was.

"Because of 9/11, and the ensuing Islamophobia that Dumbya was able to exploit. I wouldn't count on that happening this time."

Nor did you count on Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016. You believed all of the polls that said that would never happen, correct?

Yes, Dumpington. The polls were wrong once. We get it. You are the one hanging your hat on the assumption that it will happen again. Which is dangerous.

"I've answered that repeatedly. I could do so again, but if you ignored my answer all those other times, why wouldn't you do so again this time?"

I'm serious! Barack Obama had favorable press throughout his first term! There were NO serious third-party challengers in 2012! The population of the United States had grown by SEVERAL MILLION people since 2008! So WHAT HAPPENED to those over three-&-a-half-million people who had voted for Barack in 2008 but then disappeared into thin air four years later? What caused his popularity to collapse like that?

Could it be it's not as simple as it looks from your intensely anti-Obama point of view?

"It took me all of five minutes of googling CeCe Telfer to learn she was already gender fluid..."

So... Craig Telfer was NOT gender fluid when he was competing on the GUYS' track & field back team in 2018, but then he woke up one morning and his gender fluids were everywhere, causing him to decide to compete as a WOMAN - and, with his extra size, speed, & muscle mass (such as guys possess) allowed him to win the NCAA Division II Women's 400-Hurdles GOLD MEDAL?

Since some of her event times actually improved after her transition, not likely. Even her own coach says she worked hard for everything.

Look at it this way, Dump: would YOU wake up tomorrow and decide you were a woman after all? No, right? It's just not that simple.

THIS is why Donald Trump won the White House in 2016, YDB95! You can sit there and calmly explain to me (with a straight face) why it's perfectly normal for a guy claiming to be a girl defeated seven REAL women in a college hurdling championship race, and you say it's "all because of gender fluidity!" And you wonder why America's liberals have forever lost the American heartland with this stupid bullsh*t!

I certainly don't wonder why the heartland mostly votes Republican. The Republicans have spent the past 50 years appealing to their prejudices and suspicions of anyone different. In other words, I largely agree with you here, just from a very different perspective.

"In the sense that they opposed abortion rights."

The Nazis may have opposed abortion-rights for white Nordic Germans, but they enthusiastically SUPPORTED it for undesirables (e.g. how they described Jews & darker-skinned people!)

I'm not sure who you mean by "darker-skinned people", but there were already very few of those in Germany in the thirties. But that's beside the point. The point is, abortion was banned under the Nazis. What you're describing here is forced abortions and sterilizations, and that is very, very different. In both cases, they did not respect a woman's right to choose (either to have an abortion or to NOT have one).

Margaret Sanger, the woman who founded Planned Parenthood, ALSO enthusiastically supported abortion for black people, and even spoke of it at Ku Kux Klan rallies in the 1920's!

One rally, Dump, not "rallies". She spoke at one rally, of a women's branch of the Klan, and she wasn't there to endorse their beliefs, only to talk about birth control. You can read about it here (if you can read things you disagree with without your head exploding): https://www.politifact.com/missouri...ig/margaret-sanger-alleged-white-supremacist/

Because I'm not you and I recognize that nuance exists, I'll freely admit that appearance is an ugly mark on her record (and yes, so is the support for eugenics, although that was not uncommon in those days). But she specifically opposed any racial element to eugenics, and she worked closely with civil rights leaders like W.E.B. DuBois. In other words, what you're implying here (and will no doubt go right on implying about Margaret Sanger) is bullshit.
Here is a link about the cost of Sandra Fluke's birth control pills: https://www.cnsnews.com/news/articl...y-factual-despite-9-month-birth-control-pills

Even if that is accurate (a big if considering the source you used), Dump said $3,000 per month. What that link says is that she said $3,000 through law school. That's three years, not one month.

And there are different types of birth control out there. The case she spoke about - which was not about Fluke herself but a friend of hers - involved taking the Pill for medicinal purposes, to treat PCOS. For that, you can't necessarily just take any old pill.
What happened to your rabid Nazi comparisons when it concerns a guy who opens concentration camps, puts children in cages, and whose family does not say 'Wir haben es nicht gewußt', but 'I don't care'?

That's a good question. Dump/dawn are very pro-child killing so long as the child is brown or black.

Just look at their support for Trump's war in Yemen. Is Trump helping Saudis kill innocent children? Yup. Is dump/dawn ok with that? You bet.

Did Trump pardon a rouge, racist sheriff who was running a "concentration camp"? Of course he did. Did dump/dawn support it? 100%.

Again, dump/dawn love playing the race card because it makes them feel better when they see the blood on their hands from the children they've murdered to know that someone else is the real monster.
YDB95 writes: "Quite possibly the truest distillation of Republican thinking I've ever seen in my life. "If I don't get it, it's bullshit!" Thank you, Dumpington."

Wait a minute... you're telling me that YOU get this 63-genders bullsh*t? Seriously?

Okay, let's see if you do. WHAT'S the difference between a Androgine Bisexual Man and a Masculine Homosexual Androfemale? And if that's too difficult, explain the difference between a Masculine Female-Attracted Androdite and a Feminine Male-Attracted Hermaphrofemale! These are REAL GENDERS, YDB95, that you're going to need to be able to define if you want to be accepted by your politically-progressive anti-science (the science of Biology) liberals!

"YOU are the one who seems borderline obsessed with forcing people to deny their true nature because otherwise someone, somewhere might win a track meet she otherwise wouldn't have."

There were seven REAL WOMEN competing last month for the NCAA Division II Track & Field women's 400-hurdles title, and they were ALL defeated by a guy pretending to be a woman. I find that to be an outrage, whereas YOU celebrate it.

"It's settled science that transsexuality is real, Dump."

So what? It's also settled science that schizophrenia is real! Are we now supposed to celebrate THAT as normal in the modern liberal world?

"...you literally can't fathom that other people could hold opinions different from yours. Wow."

I support President Trump, and YOU seemingly can't fathom that, can you? You (and other Trump-haters) believe that wanting to see America being made great again is somehow racist.

"The polls were wrong once. We get it."

The polls were wrong MORE THAN ONCE! And they're still reporting the same bullsh*t that they were swearing by in 2016. Polls taken with a serious political agenda/bias behind them should NOT be taken seriously.

"Even her own coach says she worked hard for everything."

Craig Telfer was only a so-so athlete competing on the Franklin Pierce University men's track & field team. But then he discovered that he could win an NCAA Division II GOLD MEDAL by changing his name to Cece Telfer and competing against the girls! There are COUNTLESS male athletes in dozens of college (and high school) sports teams who could instantly go from mediocrity to championship-status simply by switching to women's athletics!

"The Republicans have spent the past 50 years appealing to their prejudices and suspicions of anyone different."

The Democratic Party has spent the past fifty years telling everybody that they're a VICTIM, and that they can only get ahead with government assistance. They've created hate-groups like Antifa & the #BlackLivesMatter movement to silence opposition and promote their neo-fascist political agenda!

"I'm not sure who you mean by "darker-skinned people", but there were already very few of those in Germany in the thirties."

In addition to killing Jews, Hitler's Nazis also murdered between 220,000 and 1,500,000 of the darker-skinned Romani (gypsies) people of eastern Europe.

"She spoke at one rally, of a women's branch of the Klan..."

And unlike U.S. Senator (and former KKK 'Exalted Cyclops') Robert Byrd, Margaret Sanger never apologized for speaking out about controlling America's black population with the help of abortion. But like you say, being virulently racist was perfectly normal for Planned Parenthood back in those days.

"Dump said $3,000 per month. What that link says is that she said $3,000 through law school. That's three years, not one month."

No matter how you want to slice it, Sandra Fluke went before U.S. Congressional Democrats to demand that the federal government chip in and help her pay her contraceptives bill! AND THEY BOUGHT INTO IT, HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! You appear to be missing the forest for the trees!

RubenR adds: "What happened to your rabid Nazi comparisons when it concerns a guy who opens concentration camps..."

What Ruben's actually saying here is: "Anybody who believes in border security is a racist Nazi! Adolf Hitler ALSO tried to keep tens of thousands of Mexican illegals from entering Germany, and look what happened to him!" - yes, Ruben really thinks that people tried to sneak into Nazi Germany!

dan_c00000 then chimes in: "That's a good question. Dump/dawn are very pro-child killing so long as the child is brown or black."

No, Dan - Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a liberal Democrat, NOT a Republican! And she viewed abortion as a means of keeping the population of darker-skinned Americans in check. And yes, according to YDB95, she ONLY addressed that admiring crowd of Ku Kux Klansmen that one time!
RubenR writes: "No, don't put words in my mouth. You don't have Kansas anymore."

You put those words in your OWN mouth, Ruben.

You cheapen words like "racist" when you use it to describe somebody who doesn't share your politically-correct nonsense about ObamaCare (or some other such deeply-flawed legislation passed by Democrats!) - and when you use phrases like "concentration camps" to define America's border detention centers, you're only displaying your IGNORANCE about what actually happened inside Hitler's death camps!

Seriously, Ruben, if you want to compare Hitler's extermination centers with something that actually exists in America today, why not compare Planned Parenthood with AUSCHWITZ? Both of those phrases/words represent the very real horrors of legalized mass-murder!

But illegals attempting to sneak into the United States have NOTHING in common with Europeans Jews being ruthlessly hunted down & exterminated in German concentration camps! NOBODY wanted to illegally sneak into Nazi Germany, whereas MILLIONS of people from all around the world are trying to live/re-locate in Trump's America!