Aine - A New RP Thread (OOC)

A Public Reply to Qyron's Private Message

Hullo again, everyone!

Qyron sent me some insightful questions via PM, and I think it might be useful to post them and their answers on here.

Qyron said:
You mention Talarines are a semi-nomadic race, with no culture or technological lore. You do mention, however, they sometimes keep slaves from conquered races/kingdoms for farming and amusement purposes. Do they take along these slaves when moving to another territory, exterminate them or just leave?

The Talarines don't bother to drag captives along with. If there are any survivors when they leave, they just leave them behind to fend for themselves--the Talarines don't much care whether people live or die, unless they are entertaining or useful to them in some way.

So basically, they take a city or a small kingdom and hold it through force until supplies run out. In a well-stocked kingdom, this could take decades. When the Talarine leader du jour becomes restless or the pickings become too slim, the whole horde moves on to the next place and people to exploit. They wouldn't bother with the extra effort to keep slaves along, and they're also frightfully stupid-- it doesn't occur to them to bring a food supply with on long journeys.

Qyron said:
You also mention they do battle with swords. How large? Do they have the capability to forge it themselves or take whatever they can from looted lands? If so, most of their equipment will be less apropriate, taking in consideration their large size.
I will use Nayil for an example: due to his large size, a common dagger would be small for him to handle - an Athalan crafted dagger is about 40cm long, handle included, making it almost a short sword for a standard human, if not.

The Talarines generally don't bother with weapons from their conquered peoples. An exception would be the fire cannon they took from their last misadventure; another would be some clubs and swords they looted from a giants' stronghold while most of the giants were out in a peace conference with a neighbouring land.

They don't make their own weapons, and are frightfully bad about taking care of them-- a Talarine never cleans his sword after battle.

Hope ths clears up Qyron's questions and similar questions others of you might have had. :)

One question for Satin: For those of us who aren't overly familiar with felines, what would be Risa's rough age equivalent in human years? i.e.: in what stage of her life does she find herself?

Risa would roughly be in her early to mid-thirties in human years.
You'll like Shelters of Stone... it made my heart break for the two of them. :D

Wolfsister, please don't tell Ayla will be giving up her name and identity to become a Zellandoni. If she does, that will awfull, after all Jondalar as been through for that woman.
If I was in boots, seeing my woman give up her identity would be the death of me. I'd sooner and easier leave my one people behind and start off anywhere else.
I had an idea for a character that would add some spice to the storyline.

I noticed in one of your beginning info posts that you mentioned "Intelligent animals". What about having one in your party?

I dare not imagine how the King Cheetah and Karesh (Kalika's PC familiar) will get along.
Welcome abord, satin! One thing: Risa is able to speak?
I suppose I'm just waiting for Questing Maiden to post before I jump in. I'm looking forward to it.
Wolfsister, please don't tell Ayla will be giving up her name and identity to become a Zellandoni. If she does, that will awfull, after all Jondalar as been through for that woman.
If I was in boots, seeing my woman give up her identity would be the death of me. I'd sooner and easier leave my one people behind and start off anywhere else.

Well, I don't want to give you any hints. As for Ayla becoming a Zellandoni.... you'll have to read it to find out. But the entire book just made me weep at times. Its similar to The Mammoth Hunters - mainly because other people are involved (a whole community) again. You know how Ayla's with with other people.

I can't remember her name but I can tell you that Jondalar's previous betrothed gives her some trouble. Anyway, I can't wait till you read it :D
Hey, Qyron, you didn't really give my character a chance to reply to Nayil giving his name. A little eager to move on are you?
Hey, Qyron, you didn't really give my character a chance to reply to Nayil giving his name. A little eager to move on are you?

No, that was not it. I tend to reflect on my writing the way I feel, and when I wrote that post I really hadn't had any sleep for the last 3 days. You can still chase the guy down. He will be looking for water and somewhere to clean himself up. If you'd prefer, I can add another post, pinning him to a spot where your elf can find him and watch him from a safe distance. And speak to him, of course.

I'm really sorry if I made you think I was getting out on my own. I've been working too much lately and it tends to get on my nervs.:eek: And had little time to clean myself u, also.:(

And when I said on my last post here I thought the thread is going a little too slow for my liking, it is actuall because we've been missing out QM lately. That girl is really getting mean! I'm curious to see how the Queen will act. After all, she is THE Queen. :D
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No, that was not it. I tend to reflect on my writing the way I feel, and when I wrote that post I really hadn't had any sleep for the last 3 days. You can still chase the guy down. He will be looking for water and somewhere to clean himself up. If you'd prefer, I can add another post, pinning him to a spot where your elf can find him and watch him from a safe distance. And speak to him, of course.

I'm really sorry if I made you think I was getting out on my own. I've been working too much lately and it tends to get on my nervs.:eek: And had little time to clean myself u, also.:(

And when I said on my last post here I thought the thread is going a little too slow for my liking, it is actuall because we've been missing out QM lately. That girl is really getting mean! I'm curious to see how the Queen will act. After all, she is THE Queen. :D

I don't think it would be very difficult for even an untrained human child to track down Nayil. I mean, the man is huge, he most likely leaves quite a trail. The elven hunter will follow him.

What I'm wondering is why Nayil didn't react to where the voice was coming from. Didn't Nayil think the elf was over by his weapons? And what's up with wrapping an arrow in the bloody cloth?

As for QM, I'm sure there's a legit reason for her to be absent, so don't go calling her mean.

Go get some sleep. You really need it, because your spelling is worse than usual.
Go get some sleep. You really need it, because your spelling is worse than usual.

Thanks for the compliment. :D But I can't; I'm at work right now. I'm using a British spell checker so it's easy for my spelling to be more off from the typical English I use, which is normally a miscellaneous from every kind of English out there.

Nayil didn't react to the elf projecting is voice because it would be childish for him to be surprised. You wake up near a stranger, wielding a weapon in his hands, and you don't try to fool him to get your own??? Come on!:devil:

Yes, I admit it would be fairly easy for the elf to track down Nayil, especially since he is not in his best judgement right now. And being as big as a bear can also be a downfall when trying to be discreet, I admit. :D
Tying the blood stained cloth to the arrow was a way to make sure the elf noticed the bandage on his head and figured it had been the giant man who did it. Call it playing safe. Nayil still has a few tricks up his sleeves, when coming to fend for himself, but I wouldn't want him to get an arrow in the ass when not looking! :D

And all women are mean, deep inside. That's why we can't live with them but still we can't live without them. Life's a bitch...
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More questions:

Does Nayil know a language that is like the common language of the land, i.e. a trade language? If he does, that will definitely help with the language barrier issue.

Which direction did Nayil go off to? Did he walk past the elf's weapons? Or did he not?

And finally, why in the world are you using a British spell checker?
More questions:

Does Nayil know a language that is like the common language of the land, i.e. a trade language? If he does, that will definitely help with the language barrier issue.

Which direction did Nayil go off to? Did he walk past the elf's weapons? Or did he not?

And finally, why in the world are you using a British spell checker?

I like questions.

Nayil has been travelling the out side realms for several years now, so I'd assume he would have picked along the way quite an amount of languages, more or less common between the various lands he's been. It is fair to assume he will know some sort of trade language - just take in consideration his accent. I hope there are dwarves in the forest village - they're language is very much similar to Athalan in the way it sounds.

When Nayil left the overnight encampment, he left going away from the elf's weapons, on purpose, to give him the opportunity to pick up his weapons and go, and also to minimize the chance of somehow step on him or something like that. Nayil just isn't in the mood for a confrontation right now. Remember the outburst.

And why shouldn't I be using a British spell checker?:) It was the English I was taught when I was in school, so it's easier for me to remember it.
Why wouldn't Nayil react to a voice coming from somewhere he didn't expect it to? It's not like ventriloquism would be so common that he wouldn't be surprised by it.

Another question I've been meaning to ask you: where is Nayil's homeland in relation to Aine?

As for the British spell checker, the Brits don't know how to spell; they use "s" when they should use "z", and spell color "colour." Crazy Brits.
Why wouldn't Nayil react to a voice coming from somewhere he didn't expect it to? It's not like ventriloquism would be so common that he wouldn't be surprised by it.

Another question I've been meaning to ask you: where is Nayil's homeland in relation to Aine?

As for the British spell checker, the Brits don't know how to spell; they use "s" when they should use "z", and spell color "colour." Crazy Brits.

Athalans scorn ranged weapons, so they've developed ways to overcome the range penalty when hunting or fighting foes fond of ranged weapons. The farther they would go when dealing with weapons of this nature would be throwing knives or throwing axes.
I wouldn't dare saying they are aware of ventriloquism but I would say they know some tricks to fool animals and men.

Athalantis or Athalan would be south-west of Ain - I've put Ain somewhere in the middle of Europe for my sanity keeping purpose. If you want a better idea, pull up a map of Europe and find France; south-west of it, there is a big peninsula: there's Athalantis. Put Ain somewhere along the place were Germany is now and draw a line in between.

For the spell checker thing well... You say tomatoe, I say tomato... Who cares? We're all a bunch of loony birds deep down.:D
What the hell is that? That is definitely not English. Don't tell me you're from that little tiny island that got kicked out of just about every nation it controlled.

You mean Ireland? I like Ireland. Although I prefer Scotland. There's something about that accent... And the kilts. It takes a very sure of himself man to wear a kilt.
You mean Ireland? I like Ireland. Although I prefer Scotland. There's something about that accent... And the kilts. It takes a very sure of himself man to wear a kilt.

No, I mean the UK. Ireland never controlled any other nations.
Athalans scorn ranged weapons, so they've developed ways to overcome the range penalty when hunting or fighting foes fond of ranged weapons. The farther they would go when dealing with weapons of this nature would be throwing knives or throwing axes.
I wouldn't dare saying they are aware of ventriloquism but I would say they know some tricks to fool animals and men.

Athalantis or Athalan would be south-west of Ain - I've put Ain somewhere in the middle of Europe for my sanity keeping purpose. If you want a better idea, pull up a map of Europe and find France; south-west of it, there is a big peninsula: there's Athalantis. Put Ain somewhere along the place were Germany is now and draw a line in between.

For the spell checker thing well... You say tomatoe, I say tomato... Who cares? We're all a bunch of loony birds deep down.:D

Oh well. Ventriloquism is a nifty little trick anyways. It'll come in handy, just as it has in the past for the elf.

As for Athalan, I get the idea. So, Athalan would be Spain and Portugal combined, yes? With Germany being Aine and France representing some other land. With these references in mind, Mori would be Switzerland.