Anyone interested in a new thread? Sign up list.

Ahh! that'll explain it! ok.. I'll have a re-read with that info and figure out where I stand then :)

Yep I'm keen for a SRP.. let me know the name of the thread and I'll pop over :)
Thank god for work printers.. I just printed the thread (easier to read hard copy some times) and I have it sorted.

PmTick's Character Kaldo is alone and he killed a mutant White Stalker.

Bernhardt, Quiet Cools man and Nala, Imoen's woman were nearby, being followed by Kione, Firesprites woman. They are still near Mt. Burres, where Kaldo killed the White Stag.

Daeron, with his glowing hand and bright blue blade is Dark Warriors character and has been joined by Madcap's Merric, a mutant with the shadow skill and has left the city Reaul. Distance-wise, Daeron and Merric could be anywhere in the world, although presumably with the same cold climate as described by Daeron.
Ideas maybe forming....

Hey gang, sorry I'm not posting anywhere what I used to be, but unlike PMTick, I'm stuck with a job, I hate it, and it seems to suck all the time I have out of me, for a really bad wage. Anyhow, Quiet_Cool, has gotten an PM from me a while ago, regarding a thread I was considering running, which would be fairly large, long and involved, but would have me, him and at least one other in the know regarding the threads intent and major points of intrest, this would allow it to continue, if say I or someone else has to leave for a while, like going to bootcamp (which may happen soon) or something blows up your computer. If you guys are interested, after QC and the small think tank rip into my idea, we'll be posting a casting call and I just want you all to know your all invited to come along for the ride.
May be interested Dark Lord, have to hear the idea first. Want to trade? I don't mind working for some cash :) Couldn't go out this weekend due to lack of funds :(
uh... lets see.... i'm in 4 ORP's, 3 or 4 SRP's and a couple generals. lol maybe even I have too much time on my hands.... or maybe i need to sleep more.... *frowns* AANNYWAY. i'm going to put up a Casting Call for a thread based on the Shannara series. i hope SOME of you have read some of the books, but if you haven't, YOU'RE CRAZY! and of you have, and don't join, YOU'RE STILL CRAZY!

it's basicly several decades in the future, the States piss off the Russians, so the Russians launch nukes at the states. so the States launch nukes at Russia, so the allies of Russia nuke the States. so the allies of the States nuke the allies of Russia, so the allies of Russia nuke the states, ect. basicly, complete nuclear destruction. i can't remember if it's a little spot in Africa, or in Canada that is unhit, but anyway, as a result, the polar ice caps melt! or one of them anyway. and there is 1 island left that the world knows about. the humans do four things. to stay away from the Radiation poisoning.

they burrow into the ground, and live there, over time becomming short, and like moles. evolution you know. so they are the Gnomes. (live in the center of the world)

others go into the forrestsbecomming kind of like lumberjacks, i can't remember how this helps them against the radiation.... but okay, over time they evolve into Dwarves.

Others up north, tunnel into the mountains, making their homes in caves, in the rock. they become tall bulky trolls.

and strangely enough, the south is unhit by the radiation, and they are normal men. to the east, the Elves come out of hiding. they have lost most of their magical strength however.

there are other races, but these are in later books, so you'll figure them out if this picks up

the humans have come up with the Druadic Counsil. they study the sciences of the "old" days, trying to regain them, but in doing this, they discover magic we stumbled blindly past. then Brona, a driud, went crazy, and slaughtered the other Druids, Brona was much more heavy into magic. he went north, and enslaved the Gnomes and Trolls to do as he would. the elves fought him, and the Sword of Shannara was forged. it shows truth to whever it touches. this will work, because Brona is dead, but refuses to believe it, so he is a spirit, but if it were proven to him that he was dead, he would ceace to be. so now, in "The Sword of Shannara" a group of people must get the Sword, and kill Brona.

oh, nearly forgot, the aprentice of the last druid is the only druid alive. his name is Alannon. but he is no longer an aprentice, as he has studied almost ever magic the Druids discovered.

how does it sound? i'll put it up anyway.

Is that how the Shannara series start or just yer thread starts off like that???

It sounds pretty solid there. I haven't read the series in ages. Decades even. lol

ooo well yes, it is how the series starts in real life, remember when Allanon goes to Shady Vale and talks to Shea and Flick, and tells them about the past and why they must do what they must? thats as good of a quote i can think og lol i COULD go get the books.... but lets say i'm lazy?

oh yeah, this might be a good time to intervene something here, Shea must be the one to bear the sword, because he has some Shannara blood in him. (Shannara is the old old old elven king)
Yep ... I think I only read the first two or three books then gave up. I was getting totally lost after that.


LOL i've read
"First King of Shannara"
"Sword of Shannara"
"Elfstones of Shannara"
-didn't read scions, but i'll soon remmedy that-
"Elf Queen of Shannara"
"Elf Stone of Shannara"
uh.... can't remember the name.... the stone city, with the big monster, when Menion reforged Morgans sword?

I wouldn't know. i know for sure that I read sword & stones of Shannara. I forget what the 3rd book was. This is like i said years agos when they 1st came out. Havent re-read them since then.
heh i'm not asking you to re tell the stories! i jus tthink it's great that you've read them. *smiles*
I read the First King of Shannara a lonnnnng time ago.

I liked that Bremen guy and Kinson I think. ohhhhhhh and Tay!


Thats about all I remember though. Never knew it started with nukes and stuff... interesting.
Hey spec, haven't seen you in awhile. We have to get in a thread again soon.
Heh, yeah as you know :\ the threads I was in here have died out. I'm in a game in SRP called "but for the future" its a pretty cool game. Thats the only game I'm in right now.

I was thinking about starting a Fallout thread but I didn't play all the games so I dunno if I'd be the best choice to run it.
I've got two things in the works, waiting until it picks up here a bit though.
PmTick said:
Alright here's two possible plot ideas I have for the caveman thread:

1. - Prehistoric era - Players would start by themselves forming tribes on their own and competing with each other for survival. No magic, though magic is used to explain everything that can't be understood at this time (the sun, the ocean, etc) lots of hunting and interaction.

2. -Ice Age - Basically the same thing but during the Ice Age.

Another plot I was kicking around was people in our time being forced to become cavemen after scientists discover that plastics and metals cause cancer. Without these two materials people couldn't use machines, store food, use electricity, or even live in their homes.

what do u all think?

so what do u guys thinK?
I don't really have much interest in the caveman thread but thats just me. What kind of a story were you planning on for it?
I dunno, I posted three possible ideas above and wanted to see what everyone thought but no feedback so far.
Sorry, I haven't given my two cents yet to your ideas, but I'm right now working on getting my thread background and other sundry stuff settled and ready to rock and roll, give you all a heads up when I'm ready to roll.
lol yeah thats it, the troll is kinson! i think.... maybe you're talking about someone else.... i can't remember who Tay is though.... one of the elves Bremen goes into the south with maybe? anyway, the thread is up.

and i would be very interested in the fallout idea, like you probably already know. so you have one here lol

i donno how far the caveman thing could go pm, how much new things can cavemen actually do?
Khadgar said:
I donno how far the caveman thing could go pm, how much new things can cavemen actually do?
What? They can hunt and drag females around by the hair and bang on things with sticks, what more could you ask for?! :D

Seriously though, ever read 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' or any of the other books in that series? There's plenty of potential conflict between other tribes, or the Neanderthal's, and cavemen were pretty good and inventing stuff (we're here after all lol)!
It would be just like these other worldly fantasy threads. I meant hunting, scavenging, tribes, it's completely different from anything we're used to today.
hmm.... alright. i'm in! lol just as long as this quote from a sotry i read doesn't happen

"hey! be more respectfun to your mother!"
"Why? she's my wife isn't she?"
"yeah but your sister has ben telling me about how rough you are"

see, thats just.... weird, confusing, and strange to me.
Khadagar man your a tough sell. lol I think I'm going with prehistoric, probably past a formal cc in a few. I would promise you that the quote will never be uttered by you never know on lit...