Varian's new chapter is posted for critique as of today 9-26. Seems up to the usual standard.
Thanks, Varian.


Hi my name is Nudrat and i love being fucked from behind. This is my number 01582 617396 . plz fuck my wet pussy
Shy Azn has asked if we'll look at a revision of her story.

Are there other priorities or pre-existing claims to be next, Oct 3.?

Post something here if it's been a while and you're up for another 'go.'

Otherwise, I'm inclined to go with Shy.
Official Moderator returned

Killer Muffin has returned and inquired as to people's wishes--'how to proceed'-- in a separate thread. Her presence is welcome.

I will proceed to post Shy's piece this Sun Oct 3**, but after that date, consider the expressed wishes and KM's desires/directions, up to and including my ceasing of organizing and traffic-directing functions.

I appreciate the help and team spirit of several who've assisted in keeping things alive, Rumple, Black T, MLyons, carson and all who've posted stories.


**Correction: Shy is not ready yet. Oct 3 is not yet spoken for.
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I know I've been absent the last few weeks due to real life, but I like to express my thanks to you, Pure.

It was mainly your traffic-directing that has kept this forum going.

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
Black Tulip said:
I know I've been absent the last few weeks due to real life, but I like to express my thanks to you, Pure.

It was mainly your traffic-directing that has kept this forum going.

:rose: :kiss: :rose:

I couldn't agree more with the above sentiment. Pure's efforts have been largely thankless, I'm afraid. I'm so glad he took the "traffic director" job, even in the absence of real moderating power. I can't think of anyone who could have done a better job.
Thanks MLyons, Black T, and of course Rumple and Mabeuse. It has taken the support of several people to make this SDC work. I hope you all will make your ideas and desires known. Although KM has *powers* I lacked--like thread removal-- she is like me in having a duty to see to people's expressed needs and wants.

Be it a 'traffic director' or moderator, that person does not rule and command, but rather serve and facilitate. KM, as well, has experience in the teaching of good writing, knowledge which she is happy to make available.

I do have a tentative plan for this Sunday and hope I can follow through. Sort of 'turn the tables,' for you whom I've critiqued for a while. It's a story posted under a screenname you aren't familiar with--a measure of pure concealment-- but the person has made lots of postings on others/ stories, including Varian's. (Wink)
Grassroots Disc: the story "Proud" 10-03-04, SDC common queue

I shall post this last story, "Proud" in the interim, pending clarification from Killer Muffin and Circle participants as to what they want.

From pure:

The next story for discussion is "Proud."

Please take my word that the author has regularly contributed critiques, and the current penname--tail_teller-- was a pure measure of caution. One issue, was, Would literotica decide not to cyberpublish it, because of its failure to fit norms of a 'nonconsent' story. It would be hard to justify any other current literotica category. Another issue was level of violence--the 'acceptable' level at Literotica, since the demise of "Extreme."
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You're a real human being (I think) and a real good writer (I know). And for the last few months, you've been a real hard working fill-in, relief, temporary, acting moderator (I'm positive).

As I told BT earlier today, at the moment I'm busier than a one legged native American at a butt kicking (PC is me!). However, I'm looking forward to giving this "new" poster a total going over later this week. :)

I'm glad to hear KM is back. She's been a lot of help to me in the past and, like a lot of us, I was a little worried about her. I'm also glad this load has been lifted from your shoulders. But most of all, I'm glad you were willing to tote this burden.

I appreciate what you did. Were it not for your efforts, there would have been no SDC for KM to take back over.

Thanks for keeping this forum alive and thanks for all the help you and the other SDC folks have been to my writing.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
I'm new and just had my first chapter approved

Hello all

I'm glad it's always "be kind to newcommers day"....that's me
I'm writing a novella in hopes to be published at some point, and am posting it chapter at a time...

I welcome any and all reviews, constructive criticism is ok but be gentle.

Here's the link....

The title is "the Horseman"

Tricked or Treated...

Black Tulip said:
I know I've been absent the last few weeks due to real life, but I like to express my thanks to you, Pure.

It was mainly your traffic-directing that has kept this forum going.

:rose: :kiss: :rose:

What a fantastic read!! I already left a public message saying just that. Repitition of that compliment is definitely not lost on this one.

Good luck in the contest...You are going to be a tough one to top.

Re: Two Down

impressive said:
As I'm stuck on a story in development, I figured now would be a good time to throw something out for review/discussion. I'm using the time to go back over my older submissions with an eye to improve them. In the year since my first story was published, I've grown (I hope) considerably as a writer. While I have no aspirations to write professionally, I do want to continue to improve. Thus, I'd like to have the story I consider my weakest dissected.

The story is entitled Two Down and it is located at:

Hi I read your story...I have a couple of suggestions that hopefully will help some.

There are only 2 gramatical errors I spotted both in the 1st paragraph...1- the sentence " not that I'm vain or anything." is an incomplete sentence. 2- ".....healthy and feeling good." in the next sentence...should have agreement like ex. "healthy and feel good" or something like that.

there is a spot down about mid way that you use the word "cunt" but it souinds kindof harsh there and it is the only time it is used in the story. Sometimes that word can souind a little off putting.

the last thing was that I thought it ended rather abruptly. if the ending was a touch different like if they have him their phone numbers or a pat on the ass as they left.

I hope any of these things help. They are just my perspective.

Re: Tricked or Treated...

dwise80 said:
What a fantastic read!! I already left a public message saying just that. Repitition of that compliment is definitely not lost on this one.

Good luck in the contest...You are going to be a tough one to top.


Thank you very much for the compliment and the nice pc. But like Pure said, giving critique is done in the thread devoted to one particular story.

If you feel unsure, read some of the older threads to get an idea what is more or less expected of you.

This one for instance:

Welcome and good luck.

Thanks for the reminder Pure and Tulip...I'm still getting the hang of this...Where should I find the thread that the stories are originally posted if there is no reference in the note near the story link or in the story page itself?

just curious...not trying to be a pain...

I'm a touch dyselxic and this information would be most helpfull in the guidelines.

We do not yet have a volunteer for Oct 10. Search your files, ask your friends, etc.

So the 'Proud' story will carry forward another week (unless something turns up in the next day or so). Or feel free to comment on previous stories. No thread is ever closed.

Happy Thanksgiving to others in Canada (and other places?).

Maybe someone should put up a post on the Author's forum to draw in a few new volunteers. There must be someone interested but doesn't know much about the discussion circle forum or thinks he/she will have to wait a long time to get their story looked at.

Happy (Canadian) thanksgiving to you too!

Lying, I've posted notices in Story Feedback and Authors Hangout.
It's worth a try.
Well, if nothing else turns up, I do have a chapter 1 ready of a rather massive undertaking.

Problem is it will probably be a long time before it will be submitted as I want to "go public" when all chapters are ready and I am only halfway into nr. 2.

Due to real life I have not much time right now. And I signed up for NaNoWriMo.
(Why did I do that for god's sake?)

Saw Pure's post on the AH. I have read the sticky, probably a few months ago, and a few months before that, however never really found the direction all that clear. Critique 3 - get one critiqued?

Anyhow, it doesn't matter so much right now. If you need someone to critique something this week, I would be happy to lend my eye. Or are you looking for stories? I can provide one of mine to tear apart as well.

Let me know what you want. :D

Hi and thanks for the note:

We could use _stories_. I believe you've done some critiques in the past. If you would remind me of your status in that area?
If you have done two, we could proceed very soon, i.e., now. Otherwise it'd be in week after you've done some.
Yes, I have done (at the very least) two public reviews on the discussion circle, and the last one would have been . . . probably at the beginning of the summer, or late spring. I would be happy to find out who I critiqued, if you want, though considering how many posts I make, I would not find the information until sometime tomorrow. :D

Again, let me know.

Hey Charley,

I didn't write the first posting of the sticky. (I've asked for a revision.)

I'll trust you. ... But would you mind stepping over to the retinal scanner?


I'm negotiating with neonlyte now, for this week; do you have something for this Sun, 10-17?