Ask Doctor Liz ... Again

I am very thankful for you Doctor and thought I ought to take therapy more seriously this year so here I am. I have developed a liking for my pets tongue buried deep in my arse and he seems to not only enjoy it but be grateful. I think as this is something he loves doing who am I to deprive such a simple pleasure? In a way I'm helping him, one less untrained animal on the streets! I mean he's still a little feral but I can handle him. Sloppy kisses X

Dear HCL,

This is way outside both my experience and my comfort zone.

Normally I say "good luck with that" in these situations but because I'm a big animal lover (and small animal lover), for their benefit I'm just going to give this question a hard pass and suggest you either turn yourself in to the ASPCA, or, go back to comedy school if that was meant as a joke.

- Doctor "I Love Animals But Not In A Icky, Weird Way" Liz
Oh dear Doctor should have mentioned my pet is a grown man! 😆 I forgot that bit he just just looks at me like a cute little puppy...
Dear Dr Liz,
My boyfriend is determined to make me squirt. I don't know that I can ever squirt again, but right now it's his #1 goal in life. So just in case I can't... any ideas on how to fake it? I'm thinking there has to be some kind of tube and some way of forcing watered down OJ out of it. I googled "how to fake squirting" but it just kept bring up porn. Oh, and should it be OJ or maybe pineapple juice?
squirtless in TN

Dear Squirtless In TN,

Lucky you to have a boyfriend who is so dedicated to your pleasure. He either truly loves you, or he's been watching too much porn. Either way, this has the makings of a messy situation in more ways than just one.

As far as I know there is only one way for a woman to fake squirting and you can probably guess what it is.

If you love your boyfriend, it may not be easy to do it and it will require a fair amount of acting on your part since you will probably be hesitant and nervous as hell to do it. (if you're not hesitant or nervous about it we need to talk! :eek: )

The good news is, squirting for a woman often does include a little bit, or sometimes more than just a little bit, of urinary discharge. It does for me and every other woman I've talked with about it. If you've been lucky enough to squirt in the past you know this too. You also know we try to keep this little nugget of info from our husbands, boyfriends and random lovers so I trust you will use discretion in sharing what I'm about to tell you with anyone else.

If it's really so important to him, work yourself up, do your very best Meg Ryan impersonation and, well, he asked for it, you can both feel satisfaction from the release (albeit for different reasons - just don't tell him!)

- Doctor "There's Faking It, And Then There's Faking IT" Liz
Do you want to suck too just to be liked? This impulse to be liked and to fit in is a big reason why our world, especially "America" is torn apart at the seams right now.

When good people accept and concede whatever they have to in order to fit in with people who suck, our world goes to shit in a hurry. (like it is now)

Those of us who DON'T suck have to stop engaging with or conceding to those people who do. That's the only power we/you have. It's your choice whether you want to suck too, or not. People need their groups. Some people need to be with people exactly like them. You don't have to be liked by everyone. It's not only not realistic, it's unhealthy because it means you're bending and forgiving too much.

Be the best you.

Not the worst them.

- Doctor "Some People Hate Me, Some People Love Me" Liz :kiss:

Wait a sec. Men like me when I suck. Are you saying I should stop sucking???? :eek:
Oh dear Doctor should have mentioned my pet is a grown man! 😆 I forgot that bit he just just looks at me like a cute little puppy...

Oh well in that case, don't ever hesitate to arch that honey chocolate back of yours, or let him pin your ankles above your head and enjoy, enjoy, ENJOY!!!! :D :nana:

Isn't it such a wonderful feeling?

I always feel so naughty, but oh-sooooo loved, loved, loved woman whenever my pet does that to me. I absolutely quiver with ecstasy every single time, don't you?

It's true, it's up to responsible pet owners like us to keep our crazy, wild, loveable animals to ourselves so that they're not a threat to our communities.

Plus, they do look cute wearing their little leashes and being told what to do, don't they?

Of course, there's often a wonderful price to pay for allowing such naughty behavior. But fortunately by then I'm usually all lubbed and loosened up back there and my mild to moderate protests are just a kinky formality for what comes next :devil: :D

"Yes. You are definitely fucked up. But we're all a little fucked up so don't worry about it.
The good news is I can help you. The bad news is you're going to have to be completely,
or at least somewhat honest with me. So relax. Take a deep breath. What's on your mind?
Why did you come to see me? I promise I'll be gentle. At first, at least."
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Dear Unwelcomed,

Sadly, Lit is still somewhat on the fringes of the wild, wild west of the internet due to it's somewhat discretionary content. Unlike morally and ethically superior, community-over-profit bastions of the tech world like Facebook and Google, Lit has no profit motive and thus, far, far fewer rules or guardrails for good, all-inclusive, non-discriminatory behavior.

That said, I take it you have experienced being on the wrong side of some of these rules on some of the LGBQT threads because you are a white, heterosexual man. You guys always have it rough and I'm afraid it's no different here.

I suspect some of your comments have been unwelcomed not necessarily because of the content of those messages, but merely because of who the messenger is (you). Although I don't really understand your baboon or beating on the chest metaphors, I suspect you are not wrong in your territorial "possession" analysis.

Many of these "alpha females" as you describe them are indeed man-haters. I see them everyday where I work and I have to work alongside and with them in this our heterosexual world. I grant you they are not pleasant to be around. All they do is complain about how misunderstood and abused they are when they themselves are guilty of equal and often even worse discriminatory, sexual, judgmental behavior. Simply put, the most egregious of them are desperately lonely, raving, mad-at-the-world, subconsciously self-loathing hypocrites (or in medical terms, DLRMATWSSLH'ers). Ironically, they are just like many of the rando jerks who send me dick pics. Being judged for what you are rather than who you are sucks on every level, whether it's hetero or LGBQT.

My advice is to stop stepping in the mud. Stop poking the beast. Avoid engagement. Find your tribe rather than trying to insert yourself into a tribe where you not part of the demographic.

Fitting in every where and with everyone is vastly over-rated.

People are different. Honestly, a lot of them suck. Trying to fit in with everyone means you are trying to fit in with people who suck. What does that say about you?

Do you want to suck too just to be liked? This impulse to be liked and to fit in is a big reason why our world, especially "America" is torn apart at the seams right now.

When good people accept and concede whatever they have to in order to fit in with people who suck, our world goes to shit in a hurry. (like it is now)

Those of us who DON'T suck have to stop engaging with or conceding to those people who do. That's the only power we/you have. It's your choice whether you want to suck too, or not. People need their groups. Some people need to be with people exactly like them. You don't have to be liked by everyone. It's not only not realistic, it's unhealthy because it means you're bending and forgiving too much.

Be the best you.

Not the worst them.

- Doctor "Some People Hate Me, Some People Love Me" Liz :kiss:

Dr. Liz, thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful response. However, I believe that I didn’t articulate my point as well as I could have. I am not trying to fit in on any of the GLBT threads or in fact any of the threads on Lit. I can count my Lit friends on one hand and wouldn’t need all 5 fingers. I mostly post on the politics forum where I get some enjoyment from fighting with right-wingers, racists, and misogynists. I've never been a joiner, I didn't pledge a fraternity.

What bothers me about the discrimination on the LGBT threads is the same thing that would bother me if a thread indicated, “only lesbians are welcome to post. Women who consider themselves bi are unwelcome.” That troubles me as much as a thread that discriminated against people of a different religion or ethnicity. Discrimination is discrimination no matter what clever names it tries to hide behind like patriot, Christian, Caucasian, American…etc.

What I find interesting and hypocritical is that I suspect that many of the posters with female-sounding names are in fact, guys. People should be judged, if at all, on their character, not the minority group they are assigned to.

As far as my baboon comment, I got the impression that some alpha females, the same as some alpha males, feel the need to chase off any competition for what they believe is theirs. When they feel that they have succeeded, they pound their chests in a primitive manner like baboons.

So please understand that it’s not about being accepted or liked, it’s about fighting discrimination wherever I find it. I will avoid posting comments in those threads but from time to time I will post just to defy those who discriminate. That’s me.
Dr. Liz, thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful response. However, I believe that I didn’t articulate my point as well as I could have. I am not trying to fit in on any of the GLBT threads or in fact any of the threads on Lit. I can count my Lit friends on one hand and wouldn’t need all 5 fingers. I mostly post on the politics forum where I get some enjoyment from fighting with right-wingers, racists, and misogynists. I've never been a joiner, I didn't pledge a fraternity.

What bothers me about the discrimination on the LGBT threads is the same thing that would bother me if a thread indicated, “only lesbians are welcome to post. Women who consider themselves bi are unwelcome.” That troubles me as much as a thread that discriminated against people of a different religion or ethnicity. Discrimination is discrimination no matter what clever names it tries to hide behind like patriot, Christian, Caucasian, American…etc.

What I find interesting and hypocritical is that I suspect that many of the posters with female-sounding names are in fact, guys. People should be judged, if at all, on their character, not the minority group they are assigned to.

As far as my baboon comment, I got the impression that some alpha females, the same as some alpha males, feel the need to chase off any competition for what they believe is theirs. When they feel that they have succeeded, they pound their chests in a primitive manner like baboons.

So please understand that it’s not about being accepted or liked, it’s about fighting discrimination wherever I find it. I will avoid posting comments in those threads but from time to time I will post just to defy those who discriminate. That’s me.

Well, as I probably should have made clear, I didn't go looking for nor did I read any of your posts on any of those LGBQT threads. I'm not even sure which threads you are talking about. You have always been polite and friendly without being pushy or rude with me and I see no reason to assume you would be any different on any of "those" threads. If I'm wrong about that, then this rest of this is just talking out of my ass I guess. (honestly I don't want to get involved, get into a debate or take any side!)

On the surface I agree that it sounds like you are being discriminated against.

But you're asking for it by breaking their stated rules for their threads so to me any guilt or blame is shared 50/50 imho.

I disagree however that it's not about being accepted or liked. Or, at the very least, judged to be "right". Most people like to be liked. Most people enjoy being right. How much effort and emphasis we as individuals commit to either of those endeavors is our own choice but we should always keep in mind that we are all, at the end of the day and in the beginning of every day, only human (well, most of us anyways).

The plain, easy to understand, but hard to accept fact, is that because we are human we will NEVER always be liked by everyone or always be right about everything. None of us. No matter which side of hetero/non-hetero spectrum we're on.

We all do have some control of our own happiness though. As a bi woman I appreciate many of the posts and comments on the various LGBQT threads on here but I know I have a different reaction or viewpoint to them than hardcore "true" lesbians or hetero or gay men. So I temper my comments. Often I just observe and appreciate but don't comment at all because I know the militant lesbians won't understand the love and relationship I have with my husband and the hetero guys will just chime in with their horny dog words of encouragement as they "picture" me with whoever doing whatever. So why bother? What's in it for me, right?

You know who you are. Why put yourself in a position of ridicule? Even if you want the world to know that you're right, isn't it fair to say in this case at least that women who would like to have a little corner of the internet for themselves to appreciate and share with other women who think and feel like they do isn't wrong?

Isn't the freedom to be different the ultimate freedom?

You aren't hurting them with your comments (probably) but they feel an injustice. They aren't hurting you (really) for trying to exclude you from a group you are physically and emotionally unable to relate to but you feel an injustice. The easy, simple solution is to just accept it and move on.

I have the same problem with super hot, super buff gay guys. I'm absolutely invisible to them and some of them truly, truly hate me for no fucking reason at all! Except when they want to know where I got a particular blouse or pair of shoes. Then I'm their temporary "girlfriend" for a hot minute but then after I tell them I'm yesterday's old news again.

I've learned to deal with it sweetie. So can you. :kiss:

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Well, as I probably should have made clear, I didn't go looking for nor did I read any of your posts on any of those LGBQT threads. I'm not even sure which threads you are talking about. You have always been polite and friendly without being pushy or rude with me and I see no reason to assume you would be any different on any of "those" threads. If I'm wrong about that, then this rest of this is just talking out of my ass I guess. (honestly I don't want to get involved, get into a debate or take any side!)

On the surface I agree that it sounds like you are being discriminated against.

But you're asking for it by breaking their stated rules for their threads so to me any guilt or blame is shared 50/50 imho.

I disagree however that it's not about being accepted or liked. Or, at the very least, judged to be "right". Most people like to be liked. Most people enjoy being right. How much effort and emphasis we as individuals commit to either of those endeavors is our own choice but we should always keep in mind that we are all, at the end of the day and in the beginning of every day, only human (well, most of us anyways).

The plain, easy to understand, but hard to accept fact, is that because we are human we will NEVER always be liked by everyone or always be right about everything. None of us. No matter which side of hetero/non-hetero spectrum we're on.

We all do have some control of our own happiness though. As a bi woman I appreciate many of the posts and comments on the various LGBQT threads on here but I know I have a different reaction or viewpoint to them than hardcore "true" lesbians or hetero or gay men. So I temper my comments. Often I just observe and appreciate but don't comment at all because I know the militant lesbians won't understand the love and relationship I have with my husband and the hetero guys will just chime in with their horny dog words of encouragement as they "picture" me with whoever doing whatever. So why bother? What's in it for me, right?

You know who you are. Why put yourself in a position of ridicule? Even if you want the world to know that you're right, isn't it fair to say in this case at least that women who would like to have a little corner of the internet for themselves to appreciate and share with other women who think and feel like they do isn't wrong?

Isn't the freedom to be different the ultimate freedom?

You aren't hurting them with your comments (probably) but they feel an injustice. They aren't hurting you (really) for trying to exclude you from a group you are physically and emotionally unable to relate to but you feel an injustice. The easy, simple solution is to just accept it and move on.

I have the same problem with super hot, super buff gay guys. I'm absolutely invisible to them and some of them truly, truly hate me for no fucking reason at all! Except when they want to know where I got a particular blouse or pair of shoes. Then I'm their temporary "girlfriend" for a hot minute but then after I tell them I'm yesterday's old news again.

I've learned to deal with it sweetie. So can you. :kiss:


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Oh well in that case, don't ever hesitate to arch that honey chocolate back of yours, or let him pin your ankles above your head and enjoy, enjoy, ENJOY!!!! :D :nana:

Isn't it such a wonderful feeling?

I always feel so naughty, but oh-sooooo loved, loved, loved woman whenever my pet does that to me. I absolutely quiver with ecstasy every single time, don't you?

It's true, it's up to responsible pet owners like us to keep our crazy, wild, loveable animals to ourselves so that they're not a threat to our communities.

Plus, they do look cute wearing their little leashes and being told what to do, don't they?

Of course, there's often a wonderful price to pay for allowing such naughty behavior. But fortunately by then I'm usually all lubbed and loosened up back there and my mild to moderate protests are just a kinky formality for what comes next :devil: :D

Oh that does make me feel better. I was beginning to worry I was some kind of deviant! I've learnt my lesson and will keep my appointments Doctor.
So Doc,
Is there anyway to get a medical write off for my Lovense Edge2 with remote?
Could I get scheduled sessions with your office written off?
Will insurance cover these expenses?!


Looking for Tax help
So Doc,
Is there anyway to get a medical write off for my Lovense Edge2 with remote?
Could I get scheduled sessions with your office written off?
Will insurance cover these expenses?!


Looking for Tax help

Dear Artful Tax Dodger,

and YES!

As a professionally unlicensed professional I can prescribe and sign-off on all kinds of fun tax breaks!

Of course, there has to be something in it for me though :D

- Doctor "Most Insurance Accepted" Liz
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Oh that does make me feel better. I was beginning to worry I was some kind of deviant! I've learnt my lesson and will keep my appointments Doctor.

If you're a deviant then we're all deviants, sweetie. Don't worry about it. You're fine.

Besides, he's the one with the problem and imho it's not a problem at all if it feels oh so good. :devil:

I'm ready to help the next patient. :)

Oh Doctor! I am in love with this outfit! Which leads me nicely onto my question. I know twice in one week crikey! I wanted to ask if it's possible to have too much lingerie for training? As you now know have a (human) pet and I keep seeing all these delicious outfits that I can taunt him with and can't stop myself from buying them. How will I know when it is time to say, enough woman!

Also is it normal to feel tingly about your therapist when you have only ever loved the d?

I'm ready to help the next patient. :)

Oh Doctor! I am in love with this outfit! Which leads me nicely onto my question. I know twice in one week crikey! I wanted to ask if it's possible to have too much lingerie for training? As you now know have a (human) pet and I keep seeing all these delicious outfits that I can taunt him with and can't stop myself from buying them. How will I know when it is time to say, enough woman!

Also is it normal to feel tingly about your therapist when you have only ever loved the d?

Dear Worried About Silly Things,

Lingerie is vital, VI-TAL, for proper training of L/T pets, husbands or FWB. It is absolutely impossible to have "too much" if you want to have a well-trained accessory who is skilled at performing and completing multiple tasks.

Even once you train your pet accessory, you have to reward them. They thrive on rewards. And although one strategy is to be a little (or a lot) stingy with those rewards, that is NOT my recommended strategy. I recommended "rewards with moderation" because I believe you and I both know, a good pet NEEDS to hear the word "No" every once in awhile to keep them in line. A little spank on their bottoms every once in awhile with a cute, personally bedazzled riding crop goes a long way towards your mutual long-term happiness.

Now, as far as having tingly feelings for your therapist, that's perfectly natural.

Women are naturally competitive with each other BUT we are also naturally supportive, forgiving and embracing of one another. We have a natural bond that sadly often goes unspoken. However, when it is spoken, magical, wonderful things can happen.

For instance, did you know that you've never been properly kissed until you've been kissed by another woman? No matter how much you love the d-, I promise you'll be amazed, and probably feeling a little dizzy, afterwards. :kiss:

- Doctor "Let Me Expand Your Horizons" Liz :cattail:
Dear Worried About Silly Things,

For instance, did you know that you've never been properly kissed until you've been kissed by another woman? I promise you'll be amazed, and probably feeling a little dizzy, afterwards. :kiss:

- Doctor "Let Me Expand Your Horizons" Liz :cattail:

Doctor Liz,

I've known that since I was 13. Still get a little dizzy sometimes!

Brain "Tongues should be Wrestled with, Not Eaten" Teez :D

"Yes. You are definitely fucked up. But we're all a little fucked up so don't worry about it.
The good news is I can help you. The bad news is you're going to have to be completely,
or at least somewhat honest with me. So relax. Take a deep breath. What's on your mind?
Why did you come to see me? I promise I'll be gentle. At first, at least."

i don’t have any idea what you just said, but do see a killer looking babe and heard the word fucked.
Dear Dr. Liz,
This is out of left field, but you are the appropriate person to ask. I have been purchasing lingerie for my spouse for years but have not found a company I love as some (like Frederick's of Hollywood) are cheaply made and I am trying to be more eco-friendly. Do you have any brands you would recommend?

Dear Right Fielder Who Thinks He's Off In Left Field,

Good news! You have asked the right person. I happen to have some strong opinions about where to purchase lingerie.

Surprise, surprise, right? Well, hey, don't judge me just because I have strong opinions about just about everything. I'm half Latina. I'm half-entitled! And I always admit when I'm wrong.

Okay sometimes I admit when I'm wrong.

Okay, sometimes I feel bad about being wrong but it's important to be strong in the face of adversity so sometimes I choose empowerment over "being right".

So shoot me.


Don't. I forgot a high percentage of you are from the States and probably have a shit-ton of guns under your bed! :rolleyes:

Now where was I? Oh, right, where to buy the best lingerie ....

Frederick's of Hollywood has always and still continues to suck both in terms of quality and value imho. But not necessary in terms of bang-for-your-back if you're looking for disposable (read, rip-able :D ) kink. Their catalogue looks great. Or at least it did the last time I saw one, but I recommend even avoiding it because you will only be tempted to buy something and ultimately end up disappointed with what comes in the mail.

Years ago I would have recommend Vicki's (Victoria's Secret, or VS for you brandies) but their quality has tanked in recent years imho. Unless you go to one of their stores or warehouse outlets and shop for yourself. Sometimes you can find well-made hidden gems on their racks. But don't trust what you see in their mail order catalogue. I've been disappointed. However, I've heard that because of supply chain issues in China and elsewhere, they may begin to carry some better made, made-in-the-U.S. brands, so again, it pays to shop, shop, shop in person.

I'm sorry I can't think of any eco-friendly answers, unless by eco-friendly you mean skimpy LOL. I'm love satin. And silk. And soft plushy fabrics when it comes to sleeping and not-for-sleeping attire but I'm not too sure how eco-friendly those choices are other than the fact that some silks are renewable.

Personally, I almost always love what I find at Nordstroms. They don't carry the Naughty Maid/Teacher/Nurse/Cop or cheerleader outfits you might be looking for, but if you're willing to improvise and up your budget a little, you can definitely walk out of there with a Hot Cave-woman, Hot Business-woman, or Hot Nurse outfit. But aside from that, their basic selection of soft sensuous robes, silk and satin babydolls, nighties, garters & stockings, not to mention their SHOES!!! will NOT disappoint. They are almost always well-made and sometimes they have amazing 50% off, even 75% off sales! (and who doesn't love a good sale?)

In terms of specific brands, I love Wolford's. I also find a lot in the Natori line that is both versatile and fits me well. Carin Gilson is great if you love lacy (like my husband does). La Perla has a nice range of separates and cute do-me-now outfits too.

Hope this helps. Let me know what you find!

- Doctor "Free Shopping Advice Anytime!" Liz :D
Doctor Liz,

I've known that since I was 13. Still get a little dizzy sometimes!

Brain "Tongues should be Wrestled with, Not Eaten" Teez :D

Dear Tongue Wrestler,

Thanks for the vote of support BT!


- Doctor "Are You Dizzy Yet?" Liz
i don’t have any idea what you just said, but do see a killer looking babe and heard the word fucked.

Dear Hearing Problem,

I'm 42, in the best shape of my life, married but in need of some no strings attached stress relief. Do you want to fuck or not?

- Doctor "Life's Short, Let's Party" Liz :rolleyes:
I know I complain a lot about when it's slow around here, there's no appointments on my calendar and the Reception Area is a ghost town.

Making the most of my down-time

But, it's a valuable time to connect with my employees and talk while we
brush up on our massage therapy skills. So thank you. :kiss: