Ask Me a Question v 12.26.2021

Definitely a bed for me. Lots of room, lots of options when it comes to positioning.

What's your favorite time of day to have a sexual encounter?
I love it in the morning. I think that is the best time. Just first thing waking up.

Favorite position?
69. There’s something about feeling an aural reaction….

What common part of sex could you do without?
What’s the biggest risk you've taken sexually?

Mutual hand jobs after lunch in the back parking lot of an Olive Garden… in barely-obscured view of my office.

Where’s the worst place you’ve taken someone on a lunch date?
Mutual hand jobs after lunch in the back parking lot of an Olive Garden… in barely-obscured view of my office.

Where’s the worst place you’ve taken someone on a lunch date?
Went to a horrible buffet. It was highly recommended by friends. They lied.

When was the last time you lied to someone and what did you lie about?
I said I had to go and I was lying.

What did you do last time someone hurt your feelings?
I took a deep breath and got over myself. I know them well and I saw it coming.

What was the last thing you did, intentionally, to make someone happier?
I took a deep breath and got over myself. I know them well and I saw it coming.

What was the last thing you did, intentionally, to make someone happier?
Sadly, it was making no sexual advances toward her on her birthday.

Does your SO still make you feel desired?
I’ve got a 7 and 8 year old, clearly up early

Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
I'm terrible at gift giving... I will offer to let you see it minutes after it's bought. 🤣 but tradition is opening one gift on Christmas eve.

Christmas Ham or Christmas Turkey?
I'm terrible at gift giving... I will offer to let you see it minutes after it's bought. 🤣 but tradition is opening one gift on Christmas eve.

Christmas Ham or Christmas Turkey?
Christmas Turkey (although standing rib roast with Yorkshire pudding even better)

What’s your secret (until now) talent?
Christmas Turkey (although standing rib roast with Yorkshire pudding even better)

What’s your secret (until now) talent?
Yum, beef and Yorkshire pudding is our traditional Christmas dinner, never have had a Turkey.

I can’t reveal any of my “secret” talents, but I can cross one eye at a time, it’s weird.

Snow or no snow on Christmas Day?