Ask Me a Question v 12.26.2021

Standard. I prefer the feel of them as I slide my hand along her leg…

What color lingerie is your favorite to wear or see on your partner?
Dwelling in Desire was a hot series. I might re-read it later. It's been a while.

Would you ever or have you had cosmetic surgery?
Dwelling in Desire was a hot series. I might re-read it later. It's been a while.

Would you ever or have you had cosmetic surgery?
I am considering it, but cant decide.
Love my tits bigger but afraid i might lose them when I stop nursing. So we’ll see.

What kind of tits do you prefer?
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Have not had, and wouldn’t unless it was corrective in some way.

As for tits I prefer, typically it’s whichever ones are in my hands.

How do you feel about fake breasts?