Bad Random Life Tips.

If you see a cat stuck up a tree, pull a gun on it and explain its choices. Either way you'll be a hero
After being pulled over by a cop on the road, quickly lunge for your driver's license to show the officer just how enthusiastically cooperative you are
If you shake your salad dressing bottle in your cube long enough, your co-workers will think you're masturbating and not bother you until you're done with lunch.
Always drive with tacos. That way, at every stop light, you get to be the guy eating tacos. You’ll be the cool one, unlike those other taco-free chumps
Please stay away from trucks full of jack knives. Almost all truck accidents seem to involve jack knife trucks. Maybe jack knives belong on trains.
When meeting someone for the first time practice proper etiquette and lick their palm when they extend their hand for a handshake, if they try to retreat chase them and ask why they deny your pledge of loyalty.
That woman making eyes at you across the bar? The one with the prison facial tats? Probably your soul mate.
A one way ticket.........Simpler to just cut your dick off now.
When grocery shopping, if you see someone else’s cart with things you were going to buy in it, feel free to take them and put them in your cart. It’s not stealing because the other person doesn’t own them until they pay for them.
When you die, have them put your ashes in an hourglass so that you can continue to be included in family game night.
You’re friends will appreciate your comments on how to improve themselves.

You want them to do well, right?