Beer club

I like your style, Miss sigh.

My beer of the evening was Can-o-bliss.

We should get together and practice a few of those 7 deadly sins. Or at least drink a few. Always thought it interesting that drunkenness isn't among them.
Not too picky about the beer I drink. I usually buy Modelo, Bud Light or Goose Island IPA.
I know that this will sound a little strange, but I hardly drink beer anymore. I remember when I was 19/20 years old, and I used to sink around 15 pints on a typical Saturday.

Alcohol was in my blood from a young age. My parents liked to drink a lot, but it didn't ruin my childhood. They would give me a couple of beers to take up to my room when I was 12 years old and I always felt more superior than my friends at being allowed this privilege.

Fast forward, past my teens, when I was pouring it down my neck at any opportunity, I spent my twenties, having 5 or 6 beers a night, (when I was working the next day) and maybe having 20 or so cans or bottles on a weekend night.

This all came to a complete stop when I was thirty years old, and I visited Germany for the first time. The beer in that country is the most amazing thing that I have ever tasted! The first brew I fell in love with was Augustiener, then Pauliner (Both Munich breweries). I have since visited this country on numerous occasions and can recommend Warsteiner and Berliner Pilsner (Both from Berlin). I also recommend Kolsch, the local beer in Cologne (Or Koln, as the natives call it).

The beer was so good on these visits that I, gradually stopped drinking our home grown efforts, realising that they where full of chemicals and additives. I only drink wine at home now (In vast amounts!) and only take an occasional pint of Guniess, when I'm out socialising.

Don't waste your life drinking piss! If you can't get hold of a good beer, drink wine, or whisky instead!
Last weekend the weather was beautiful. A local hop farm was having an open house and some friends and I hung out, day drank and shared brews. It was a great afternoon.

A great Irish Porter I grabbed in Gettysburg last week

Also had a nice sour at a local joint while in Gettysburg, like them in the warm weather

I picked up a couple bottles of this 17% foeder-aged English barleywine recently from a favorite local brewery. I'll get into it next winter.

That's the nice thing about living up north, here. We can get barleywine drinking temperatures almost any month of the year.
Blues, I didn't know you were into beers too :) Porters are one of my favorite styles.

Used to brew my own back in the 80's

This was an exceptional porter, also like Bells & Taddy Porter (hard to find in NJ)
Gonna brew a quick little IPA today. Kveik yeast, New Zealand hops, about 75 IBU's and 6.50% ABV :)
I went to four breweries on Sunday with friends from my beer club. They were all new to me. One was on a farm. We wore masks except when seated and were outdoors in three out of four cases. It was a good day.

I went to four breweries on Sunday with friends from my beer club. They were all new to me. One was on a farm. We wore masks except when seated and were outdoors in three out of four cases. It was a good day.


Went with the brothers to 3 locals in the last week. 2 I've never been to. The best was a new one in the next town over from mine, really flavorful beers there and great people. Will be making that one a regular stop.

All were masks when not at your table. 2 out of the 3 had the Black is Beautiful all the breweries are doing, both were noticeably different.