Branding, cutting....marks of possession

Another form of possession marking I like the thought of, though Master does not, is microchipping. I find it very attractive to think he would at any time know where I was, that despite my not wanting to escape, that the possibility was no longer even a viable thought to execute. I also anticipate, I would feel challenged in knowing I not only lost that level of freedom, but having something also placed permanently in my body would require a lot of self talk to get through.

catalina_francisco said:
Another form of possession marking I like the thought of, though Master does not, is microchipping. I find it very attractive to think he would at any time know where I was, that despite my not wanting to escape, that the possibility was no longer even a viable thought to execute. I also anticipate, I would feel challenged in knowing I not only lost that level of freedom, but having something also placed permanently in my body would require a lot of self talk to get through.


I like this.
I like this a lot.

But my first choice is a Sharpy.

Every time He brings it up I ask, "Can't you just settle for a Sharpy for starters?"
I did my lower back and it didn't seem painful, didn't even bleed, which surprised the artist for some reason. The outlining part was more, "ouchie" for lack of a better word than the filling. I love having it now, as it is so personal and represents her submission to Master :) is where I posted the final pic if you scroll down. The inside says peace, we decided that was better than the other for now, because Master gives her peace and it is His initials backwards :)
tis indeed a fine site! That pic with the fishnets and the spikey stuff is one of my all time faves!
hey signed up to play vampires with you -- neat game horny :) I'm malcah there.
mwbs_slave said:
hey signed up to play vampires with you -- neat game horny :) I'm malcah there.


PM each other to arrange games and anything outside the topic please.

mwbs_slave said:
hey signed up to play vampires with you -- neat game horny :) I'm malcah there.

It gets very addictive! There is something so sexy about all the blood sucking and siring ...

*heaving cleavage underneath her corset*

Bite marks are such an exquisite sign of ownership …
HornyGirlBBW said:
It gets very addictive! There is something so sexy about all the blood sucking and siring ...

*heaving cleavage underneath her corset*

Bite marks are such an exquisite sign of ownership …

I guess this is your attempt at 'pushing the limits'. As the thread starter I have been patient and asked you politely to take your chit chat and games elsewhere. That patience is wearing out and I am now suggesting if you are not going to respect the request and other posters, and that threads in the Talk forum are meant to be more along the lines of discussion, not playing games, you find somewhere where you can play all day as you desire.


edited to fix typos I never noticed before...guess this is not a part of the thread I read too much again.
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i thought we were all posting on a discussion thread not a 'you can only post if you agree 100% with catalina_francisco regime'!

Personally I feel that bite marks, scratches and tattoos are all incredibly powerful symbols of alliance and belonging but its seems apparent that no-one else’s opinion on this thread counts. Who do we lower life forms think we are for having a point of view!

Don’t start a thread if you don’t want other people to contribute! Personally I feel your abusive PM was enough without posting your venom on here as well. If you had dropped the matter I probably wouldn’t have even bothered posting on this thread again , but you have forced me to a position where I feel compelled to defend myself.
Look Hornygirl, you are guilty of a hijack. We've all done it. It isn't the end of the world. However, you've been asked by the thread starter to get back on topic. Making plans to play some game is not on topic. Chill out and move on.
Out of interest, I have posted a copy of both PM's sent to Horny Girl, including the so called abusive one. Interesingly, despite trying to be polite, her response was anything but and in keeping with her rebellious spurt ofhe moment suggested I should be the one to leave and find a passworded board more suited to my life as she feels anyone is free to discuss any topic they wish on any BDSM thread. Some days you just wish you hadn't bothered don't you?!! LOL


I have asked you politely to refrain from using the Branding thread as a chat forum which for some reason you have decided to try and be clever about. I am siorry if you are here to play, but the Talk forum is not for that purpose. Please leave the thread unless you had a nice carving or similar experience to add for the benefit of other posters. It is a thread which has a place in the library as reference material, and I am sure as amusing and titillating as you find computer games, they do not really fill the requirements of the thread topic and become disrespectful to those seriously wanting information and discussion of matter which concern their lives. Please think before you act.


No I am not taking myself too seriously, but I take the lifestyle and issues involved seriously when discussed in the Talk forum. If you read the threads you will see this issue of hijacking has been a topic of discussion on many occassions due to the majority of people not appreciating the mindless interruption of serious discussion by those who are sometimes too self involved to thoink how their behaviour reflects on others. It is also why the board was divided some months back, so those who wished to chat and generally have a good time in their own fashin could do so without infringing on the rights of those who were seeking information or exchange of ideas. Most regulars post to both forums but keep in line with the specified outline of purpose out of respect. It is not a computer games board, so in keeping with your suggestions, may I suggest you go to one of those so at least you are chatting to those who share your interest.

I made a polite request as the thread starter to you on the thread, then politely in PM when it appeared to me and others you were set on your agenda and proving you did not have to respect the rights of anyone but yourself. It is not uncommon in the forum to request hijackers take it elsewhere once it appears to be more than a passing joke or comment. Usually it is an oversight of the poster/s and the request is honoured. I am sorry if your interests seem to outweigh those of anyone else, but I will once again ask you to look past yourself and think of others. Perhaps as an alternative and community spirit, you would like to start your own thread and share thus offer some input to the discussion of BDSM. I trust this will be the end of the issue and I will not have to go further. Thank you.

HornyGirlBBW said:
i thought we were all posting on a discussion thread not a 'you can only post if you agree 100% with catalina_francisco regime'!

Personally I feel that bite marks, scratches and tattoos are all incredibly powerful symbols of alliance and belonging but its seems apparent that no-one else’s opinion on this thread counts. Who do we lower life forms think we are for having a point of view!

Don’t start a thread if you don’t want other people to contribute! Personally I feel your abusive PM was enough without posting your venom on here as well. If you had dropped the matter I probably wouldn’t have even bothered posting on this thread again , but you have forced me to a position where I feel compelled to defend myself.

As you know my PM was anything but abusive and after past experiences of others on the board who have had to deal with people incorrectly representing their words for their own reasons, I have followed their valuable advice and publicly posted my words to you. In keeping with the board rules I have not posted your response.

Back to the topic at hand, i read somewhere recently that there is a body modification practice called "skin jewellry" where small pieces of round metal is placed under the skin to create bumps in a pattern. Has anyone ever seen this? i myself would not have liked something of this nature, but wondered if there were any who have seen, done such a modification? i will take a look again to see if i can find the article. i found it an interesting alternative to scarification, abrasion, piercing, etc.

s'lara said:
Back to the topic at hand, i read somewhere recently that there is a body modification practice called "skin jewellry" where small pieces of round metal is placed under the skin to create bumps in a pattern. Has anyone ever seen this? i myself would not have liked something of this nature, but wondered if there were any who have seen, done such a modification? i will take a look again to see if i can find the article. i found it an interesting alternative to scarification, abrasion, piercing, etc.


Is one of the areas I have long been interested in as long as I could test first to ensure no allegic reaction. I asked earlier on the thread, but didn't have any feedback from anyone who has tried it or known of someone who has, from memory. I have seen where actual outlines of letters have been inserted under tha skin to form a word....looked good. I tend to like the idea and am also partial to the idea of an implant that is some form of tracking device. At the moment, it seems a lot of ideas which were formerly ruled out by Master are back on the serious consideration list so who knows....only problem for me seems to be running out of available flesh to use. LOL.

I've seen pictures of it but never in person. It definitely looks interesting.
Desdemona said:
I smile when I think about being marked this way, but I'm at a loss in terms of choosing a design. If anybody has suggestions, I'm certainly open to them.

This is something that Holly and I have discussed when we talk about marking our boys ... We want to tatoo a chain around their ankle with a lock. The lock will be something that we design, and will have our intitials on it.
Just a thought to spark others ....
We have planned where mine will be and discussed the time line as well.

His first initial is "J". It will be a "J" similar to his handwriting done appx. 4 inches down the front inner curve of my left thigh. The intention is for it to be a brand that will in time be outlined.

The timeline we have placed on it is having it done on our 5 yr anniversary.

He has drawn the mark on with a Sharpie previously. It looks lovely.
Georgia Girl said:
We have planned where mine will be and discussed the time line as well.

His first initial is "J". It will be a "J" similar to his handwriting done appx. 4 inches down the front inner curve of my left thigh. The intention is for it to be a brand that will in time be outlined.

The timeline we have placed on it is having it done on our 5 yr anniversary.

He has drawn the mark on with a Sharpie previously. It looks lovely.

very cool ... glad you have a design that you like :)
Georgia Girl said:
We have planned where mine will be and discussed the time line as well.

His first initial is "J". It will be a "J" similar to his handwriting done appx. 4 inches down the front inner curve of my left thigh. The intention is for it to be a brand that will in time be outlined.

The timeline we have placed on it is having it done on our 5 yr anniversary.

He has drawn the mark on with a Sharpie previously. It looks lovely.

Sounds good. We discussed areas like the inner thigh but decided against it for the larger cutting as with my scarring problems it could create issues and interfere with the softness of skin he enjoys and the sensations he can create with just a fingertip touch. He is going to use one inner thigh for our annual cutting though. The cutting on my butt is around 4 inches in height and has worked better than we expected which has persuaded us to possibly risk a branding after all with the same high levels of preparation I went into with the cutting to maximise successful healing opportunities.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
Sounds good. We discussed areas like the inner thigh but decided against it for the larger cutting as with my scarring problems it could create issues and interfere with the softness of skin he enjoys and the sensations he can create with just a fingertip touch. He is going to use one inner thigh for our annual cutting though. The cutting on my butt is around 4 inches in height and has worked better than we expected which has persuaded us to possibly risk a branding after all with the same high levels of preparation I went into with the cutting to maximise successful healing opportunities.

Catalina :rose:

I would DEFINETLY reccomend (from what I have read and a few things I have seen & participated in) that you guys read up on & consider using a cauterizing pen and not a strike brand
The results are BEAUTIFUL :D
James G 5 said:
I would DEFINETLY reccomend (from what I have read and a few things I have seen & participated in) that you guys read up on & consider using a cauterizing pen and not a strike brand
The results are BEAUTIFUL :D

Yes have seen the variations of both. I admit to loving the beauty created by the pen, but then I like the fact it comes out not looking like a professional work of art but more a mark clearly that of Master, in all it's unprofessional appearance. We are still looking at options, so nothing is final as yet....maybe go for both in time..saves a Gemini from having to psychologically decide between which to favour of her opposing twin urges when he makes his decision. LOL.

Catalina :rose:
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catalina_francisco said:
Yes have seen the variations of both. I admit to loving the beauty created by the pen, but then I like the fact it comes out not looking like a professional work of art but more a mark clearly that of Master, in all it's unprofessional appearance. We are still l0ooking at options, so nothing is final as yet....maybe go for both in time..saves a Gemini from having to psychologically decide between which to favour of her opposing twin urges when he makes his decision. LOL.

Catalina :rose:

Yeah, but you've said you have scarring issues
With a strike brand, even a thin one, keloids and other spreading scars are a major risk and you have a good chance of ending up with just a sloppy mass that looks like you spilled hot McDonald's cofee on your leg
Besides, with the pen you have to go back over a few sessions & re-burn thru the forming tissue to impress the design properly, and you know that appeals to a sadist like me ;)
James G 5 said:
Yeah, but you've said you have scarring issues
With a strike brand, even a thin one, keloids and other spreading scars are a major risk and you have a good chance of ending up with just a sloppy mass that looks like you spilled hot McDonald's cofee on your leg
Besides, with the pen you have to go back over a few sessions & re-burn thru the forming tissue to impress the design properly, and you know that appeals to a sadist like me ;)

LOL...appeals to me as a masochist also. My keloid scarring is strange at times...the simplist scratch can leave a mess, an incision the same, but not necessarily...all very sporadic since I have been using natural healing methods. My cutting came out perfect....LOL, should have after all the herbal and vitamin supplements I digested and compounded with positive affirmations, meditation, and visualisations. Poor body must have felt under seige.
