Casting Call For Final Thread

I'm guessing the Rings grow warmer when we're near one another? Kind of like the quickening from Highlander?
Yes :) They cause a healing warmth almost and glow slightly (whatever color you choose it too) when it is near another bearer. :)

You can pick to appear where Ray is (new york) Where Cat is currently (she has one as well) or where Aria is currently hunting down Lance. Or perhaps cheshire she's still MIA in the thread.
Just a note...

Give me a couple of posts before anyone tries to blend me in. I'm mostly thinking of anyone who might be in the NYC area. Christian doesn't have the ring yet.
Let me characterize him some first, build a little development of what's he's going to be about. Thanx.

Oh, and I think I've gotten a good start on defending my Kingof postal length crown...
Let me know if they're any ?'s still in there...transferred it from Word over...
Well Quiet_Cool you don't have to wery about Ray botherin ya too soon his mind is to bisy on trying to sort threw whats hapining to me to wery about any other vamps unless they mess with him first.
Note to all: Pooh is away for a week doing something for his college.

:) Going great, ty :)
I was invited by Firegirl to take the part of her lover, and I thought the idea wonderful:

Name: Dren Vlargo
Age: 3,000 years
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Misc.: Little is known about his past. He is one of the original vampires, and his power has slowly grown over the centuries. Unlike others, however, he is content to just sit and wait and watch.
LOL....the lover part was my attempt at a bribe;)

Be sure you read the rules sweety, this thread is a bit different from the others.
If Bribery works, use it! :D

Quiet? You still with us??? If you need someone to interact with let me know, I can write a second character for a short time. Death scenes are a blast arent they ;)

Anyway, let me know if you want some help moving along..

You could find the old 'witch' to figure out what the ring is about? bump into grumpy ray? Flirt with cat? lol Ideas, just dont want ya to get lost on us :D


*note* pardon the sober typing ;) lol
Sweetp4u said:

Quiet? You still with us??? If you need someone to interact with let me know, I can write a second character for a short time. Death scenes are a blast arent they ;)

Anyway, let me know if you want some help moving along..

You could find the old 'witch' to figure out what the ring is about? bump into grumpy ray? Flirt with cat? lol Ideas, just dont want ya to get lost on us :D


Still here, sweets, just not sure exactly how to submerse myself here, mostly because I'm still familiarizing myself to what's going on, and I've had a rough couple days in RL, so I had to catch up on my reading. You and poohlive really pump out the posts in here...
A little info on the witch might be helpful. Wanna PM it to me, so I know what she's all about?
Also, I may have made a mistake in having Isabelle give Christian blood in a chalice, given the apparent reference you made to feeding after the body was dead. Don't know if it can be where the body was drained of blood while alive, and the blood was stored, or if Isabelle used the blood of a "familiar," a human follower of some sort. I'm assuming those are fairly common among the vampire, or at least the more powerful ones, such as Isabelle would be.
I probably asked this already, but I can't remember for sure. What does the Ring look like? Or can I just toss up a description? I figure I should go into some detail about that, given that the item is important, and would be a focus for him now that it's "suddenly there."
I was thinking of having him bump into Ray, but wasn't sure if that would interfere in what nightray was working toward.
But, ultimately, yes, I'm still here, and not planning on going anywhere. I think we might have lost TheCheshireCat, though...
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Quiet_Cool you can bump in to Ray when ever you want in fact I may have given you an opening if you want to take it. Where I cot a vamp fallowing me and warned him off you can use that if you want. Shrugs I'm very open and flexible. I don't have a firm plan on what I'm going to do with Ray so any thing is possible.
Sorry it took so long, I have to find the danged post describing the rings. Making sure I got it right.


They are slim little bands, all in White gold. They have Gaelic carvings in the outter band and the inside has writing, but only when all five are together can you read it. Two rings make up the men's band. and 3 rings make up the woman's.

The symbols aren't anything really special, just look like a decoration on each band., But put together and turned right, they make up the longitude and latitude in Gaelic to the cave where the book was originally found.

When 'Lance' pulled the rings apart and did a ritual the rings took on a magical quality to each one. About covers the rings. Now they serve the purpose of healing the one it protects and warning away danger.

The witch is an elderly gypsy, but she has the gift of "sight" and can see things, predict some things etc. White hair, dark features, short and round :) about sums her up. We never named her, just called her the "old witch"

Familiar's are allowed for older and stronger vampires :) But not more than one. No familiar armies ;) lol

In some cases its written only live feedings and in others heated in a goblet is alright as well. Take your pick if you like :)

Any more questions quiet, do ask :) I will answer what I can. And I do think Cheshire fled :(
Okay. So, the rings are pretty basic, and the blood in the goblet is alright. Cool. I was offline yesterday, and it'll probably be tomorrow before I catch up on reading the posts, but I should post soon.
Let me make sure I understood this one part: The rings heal? As in, make me heal faster? When I saw how fast Lance was healing, I was starting to think I'd made Christian take too long to heal--a week. Is it that he wore the ring, or did I take too long? I can always edit.

I think Christian is about to find good ole' Ray...
Some wounds we determine take awhile to heal while others dont take as long. buckshot from a shotgun from a distance wouldnt take more than two days to heal from, especially if the vampire is feeding. But at close range (granted missing vital organs) it would take longer. I think the post was fine for healing time. And the rings do help in the healing process, giving off an energy. But it doesnt have to be that case with each ring on each person if you choose not to let it heal you. Spiritually and physically that is. They dont have great powers, so no one would be 'god' with it, but it has some :) You can choose if it heals you, warns you, does both. If it helps to heal your soul or just your body. It can warn you when someone 'evil' is near by, or not. Up to you.
I hear you guys need another vict- I mean player

Okama Gumo
APPX. 1,500 years old, give or take a few
Wan Kuei (Japanese for "Ten thousand walking dead", in essence, a different breed of vampire)

Skills: Proficient martial artist, Tai Chi, Shao-Lin Kung Fu, Iai Do, you do not want to piss this guy off if you're less than ten feet away from him. Cashing in on familial ancestor worship, he is the benefactor of a wealthy family in Japan, so he has contacts scattered over half the globe. Can do a few spells, doesn't like to though, because they are powered by the demon in him, and thus risks losing control.

WTF?!?: OK, SweetP said you guys needed another player so I volunteered and she invited me. But the reason this section is named WTF is because it's probably what you're thinking. Small explanation on the Wan Kuei. This is a different vampiric curse in which the person in question was so bad they were fused with a lesser demon and sent back from the 10,000 hells and thus kicked out of the cycle of life. They feed off of Chi (energy), not blood, although blood does carry Chi. Just like breath and... well... flesh. You might have to watch him do that if he gets REALLY messed up. As for the differences, here you go.

Sweetp4u said:
Every one in this thread, vampire, wizard or human will have weak points. No one will be undefeatable. :) Just lettin' ya know. Now for technicalities.

VH: I hate technicalities, but rules are rules.

Mortal wounds- kill .. period. Any bullet in the head will kill the target. Vampire or otherwise. Gutting, beheading, stabbed through the heart with a fork (lol) it kills.

VH: Not what I'm used to, but no biggie.

silver only weakens the vampire, doesn't kill.

VH: OK, with this type of vamp, traditionally bamboo (but actually anyt kind of wood) weakens them when in dead state, and any kind of metal does when in living state. Oh, yeah, just to address it, through the heart stuff is up to you guys. I'm used to that inducing paralysis.

Holy water on the skin will burn and disfigure and will take weeks to heal. Injected into the body of a vampire, it will kill them.

VH: Problem. These vamps don't work off of a Judeo-Christian system, so your call.

Garlic- doesn't do diddly.

VH: I like.

Crosses- See garlic

VH: Still like.

No matter if the vampire is new born or centuries old, they all have the SAME strengths and weaknesses. Granted male vampires are slightly stronger than a female vampire. But female's tend to move easier and are slippery.. Not to mention mind games, ;) a female trait.

VH: No prob.

They live amoung the humans.

VH: OK, I need an explanation of this one.

Sunlight does not kill after they develope a tollerance. Usually takes only a short time for them to become strong enough to move around. The light does bother their vision at times. Depending on age.

VH: OK, again, this suposedly changes between life/death cycle.

They have a good sense of hearing but can not hear outragous distants away. No mind reading. Only two vampires who have shared their blood with one another can communicate telepathly. And in some cases that does not always happen. Up to the writer of each character.

VH: Wan Kuei get no bonus to senses, but they get ESP...kinda. Before I go on, their blood can't do that, or anything supernatural, for that matter, except when used as a spell component, so yadda, yadda. When dead, they can see ghosts and special things in the spirit world, but this takes work, and they have to feed more afterward. When alive, they can have like two second clairevoyance, kinda like Jedi reflexes, but again, work and feed.

They eat anything and everything they like. (these aren't typical blood only vampires) Some choose to live solely on blood, but some can control thier cravings and feed less often on blood.

VH: Food, cool. Blood, cool. But they have to feed often, though this may be simply breathing in the victims breath, since these are energy Vamps, not blood. Completely different breed here, as I said.

When feeding from a human or vampire, it has been written you take on their memories. Everything they have seen, done, learned, etc will be absorbed into your mind and remain there. very very few vampires will feed off of another vampire.

VH: OK, first off, I hope this is in small increments, because that could get crazy making. Other than that, interesting idea.

Hunters are welcome, but if you walk off a train or hop out of a car and 'sniff' your way to the vampires, prepare to die ;) lol Be realistic a little. This goes for you too Ray. Hun, love the posts but stop beating up twenty guys at once ;)

VH: Been there. I've grown up a bit since then.
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*sighs* smart ass :p lol

ok no holy water issues. It isnt the water per-say but the foreign substance injected into a blood stream, but it doesnt matter, we have no psycho hunters in there anyway. (pooh no getting ideas!)

living amoung the humans means simply, buy a house and live in it, ANYWHERE. :D

Light: Doesn't bother but can irritate the eyes. If you want to be adverse to light, go for it.

lol any more questions? Since Cheshire has vanished Vandal has kindly decided to twist us with his ideas and take on 'Cunning'. Welcome aboard, that is if the rest in here approve.
Hey we always have that kind of party..........the more the merrier:) Welcome sweetie:rose:
Hey, so long as he isn't a God-like character, like Sweetp said earlier about taking down twenty guys at once, and you follow the Rp forum rules, he sounds good enough. I might have to be reminded every now and then what his powers might be, though...
Question: Other than eating flesh and drinking blood, are there many ways for him to take in the victim's energy? SO long as he can't drain a victim from across the room...
*peeks in, looks around, and mutters something about Joe not being dead at all*

Good Lord, look at what's been going on. Got quite the little following, don't ya?
No, I'm sure he's out there, kicking someone's ass.

And kicking it hard. Although he may be seriously disfigured. I mean, he was magically burned or whatever the hell you said happened to him when I wasn't looking. But he's still out there, kicking ass.

Who knows, maybe he went back to the druids.

.....*considers starting a thread about druid vampires led by Joseph, then discards it based on his limited knowledge of druids.*
Alright Gm you can have one character and since you told me Vladamir is it, so be it.

note to all: any posts too far fetched, out of place, insanely convient (hence popping into the middle of a conversation from no where) will be considered ignorable by whomever is due to respond.

Another note: all the things Morgoth threatened Ray with in his post, Ray is quite capable of delivering right back. Remember, no one is stronger than another. No matter age or training. One might get hurt more by another but can not control.

:D About covers it, hope it wasnt too harsh sounding. Everyone is doing great! and ty again for joining

ps GM? NO APPEARING OUT OF NO WHERE lol, I know I said that already, just making sure you heard me ;)

Sweet dreams.

*edit note* I shouldnt type when tired :rolleyes:
On powers

OK, Quiet, here is a list of possible powers. I'm going to group these by normal, powered (as in Chi powered, so he'll have to feed more after using them), and risky. I'm not going into the natural skills here, just take it for granted that he is a gifted martial artist, but doesn't know the first thing about firearms.

Normal --

Feeding: Eating flesh gives masses of Chi, but has obvious drawbacks. Live among humans or not, some things draw attention. Drinking blood give almost as much, but not quite. Also it hurts like a stone bitch to be bitten by a Wan Kuei. They can also feed on breath. Mythologically, they can feed on prayers and therefore block their passage to (insert preferred flavor of divinity here), but for the sake of gameplay and a sane character, that's just the way ancient chroniclers wrote it, not the way it actually works. Hell, maybe it was propeganda. Either way, feeding from breath is either a lot less or a lot more yeilding than the other forms, depending on distance, wind, and whether or not physical contact is being made. Yes, he has to be close to get any real good harvest off of it. Of course, having sex would give a nice up close approach....

Body Aspecting: OK, this does take Chi to use, but it is so infinitessimal that it makes little to no difference. Wan Kuei can switch between effectively being a walking corpse and the epitomy of a living person. Chi works off of the Yang/Yin principle: Life and death, passion and quiesence, activity and passivity. Yang is life and all auspices of it, and Yin is death and all auspices. Upon waking, he must "burn" a bit of Chi to get moving, and depending on which kind he uses, he looks dead or alive. He can change this at any time, but it both wastes Chi and is a bit crazy making (it affects his personality). To get a certain kind of Chi, the victim he feeds from has to be "aspecting" that Chi at the time of feeding. (e.g.: A sleeping or meditating victim would render Yin, while a lover in the throes of an orgasm or a boxing opponent would render Yang) Also, it should be noted that Yin Chi, being much more stable and predisposes the body to a lower energy use, is much more efficient than Yang. Basically, for every ammount of Yang, ten times is needed to match the same output of Yin. Of course, looking like a normal living being can be considered a fair trade.

Fangs: Not much difference here except for instead of elongated canines, ALL of his teeth narrow and drop (resembling what a spike would look like if an inexperienced whittler had carved it from much bigger teeth that weren't brushed often), while more rows of teeth behind the natural ones follow suit. Luckily for anyone on his bad side, he cannot disjoint that jaw, so just...don't stick your hand in there.

Powered --

"Eyes of the Ebon Dragon": When Yin aspected, a Wan Kuei can enter a deep meditation and arrange a pattern of Chi behind his eyes that, when burned, reveals any ghosts, spirits, or unusual formations such as spells or structural damage (spiritually speaking) in the area of his normal unblocked sight. If a ghost is behind a REAL wall, he can't see it. If a bank is structurally sound, but it also happens to be a bank in the spirit world, and happens to be being robbed, he can see the impact crater (the ground and walls will have a distinct lack of spiritual presence). That's the best way I can come up with for explanation.

"Eyes of the Scarlet Empress": When Yang aspected, a Wan Kuei can enter a series of movements resembling a dance or Tai Chi kata that can either set up a similar energy pattern as above for use later, OR can lend the effects to others in the area while the dance is in progress. The other two drawbacks to lending is that only others benefit from this, not the dancer, and since Yang is life energy and life is short and prescious, it drains that energy like an eight year old on crack. Either way, the effect is a visualization of certain relationships in the living world. How who feels, where are the ley lines (magical "rivers"; think geomancy and feng shui), are those rings connected, who fucked who, who is whose sibling, and other things like that can be (fairly) easily discerned from the visualization. This does not grant the ability to see spells. That's what the "Dragon Eyes" above is for. This power can also grant slightly enhanced reflexes based on a quickening of perception kind of like "spidey-sense" or "Jedi reflexes", but only for the dancer and it's one or the other. To get both the sight and the reflexes, the dance must be done twice and considering the energy use, that's not very likely.

Steal/Give wounds: Arguably the most usefull, and my favorite of these is the ability to transfer wounds to or from a Wan Kuei. To take wounds from another takes Yang, to give takes Yin. This is in essence a transferrence (not a trade, and not a "burn"; he still has to replace the Chi, because he doesn't get any from the target of this), so people losing wounds feel revitalized in addition to getting their arm back, and people getting wounds feel sluggish and drained and will most likely die from the wound in question. Here's the drawback: it has already been stated that we are a lot less durable than I am used to playing them, so trust me, I will NOT be going overboard with this one. Just letting you know that it is in fact there. I'd also like to keep this around just in case the real world starts running a train on me and I can't make it back to the comp. You know, easy out for you guys. "He nobly took on Spaceman Skiff's wounds like a dumbass and now he's fertilizer."


"Black wind": Wan Kuei have been known to nearly double their natural strength and/or speed to perform particularly horific and greusome acts of violence. But therein lies the first problem: this power can ONLY be used for violent acts as it is a direct manifestation of the demon fused to the Wan Kuei's soul. Therein lies the second porblem: the "off switch" so to speak, has a really nasty guard dog on it, and every time this power is used, the Wan Kuei risks PERMANENTLY BECOMING THE DEMON. This effectly means death. F.Y.I., Gumo does not like this power for those very reasons.

Tai Yomi (Art of Hell): These are spells. Basically, the reason I'm throwing this in here is not because I want a "Death Raven the Undefeated God of War, and by the way, he does magic too." This magic is based on bartering with the demon within, which again, has some pretty nasty consequences. Go fig, you barter with a demon and you are going to lose. The only reason I throw that in is because I want the character to have a basic understanding of magic so that when Mongrel (that is his name, right?) starts pulling shit, my character will not be sitting like a schoolboy whose teacher just disrobed in front of him. "HUH? WHA? BUT...YOU...AND...OH SHIT!!!" This is not my idea of a good time. Also, being able to see spells with Eyes of the Ebon Dragon will be pointless if Gumo hasn't a clue what he's looking at. Fair warning, because this is his only basis for comparison, Gumo has an abiding hatred for all things magic. Yes, I know the intrinsic problems with this and him having the ring, I'm also giving plot elements here.

Well, that about wraps it up. Tell me what you think, get back to me, tell me what is cool and what isn't, etc.

Oh yeah, I forgot he's also a master hacker, knows every god in existence and is on good terms with all of them.

Made you look. :D
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By the way, sorry that was so long, I just got back from work and had to escape the real world for a minute.