Casting Call For Final Thread


OK guys I usually stay out of these debates due to Lack of personal interest and jsut wanting to keep my head down about things but on this one I gotta step in. First of all as far as the statement about the governments not wanting their people scared.........well now that just depends on the Gov. There are several countries that would not only not give a shit they would probably try to enlist the aid of Vampires as the Ultimate genetic weapon. There would be armies of them, and frankly I wouldn't want to be the human fighting them. Vampirism would become a plague, something like the T-virus in Resident Evil, and soon we would have thousands of half breeds and gov screw ups...........OH MY GOD IT WOULD SUCK. THAT SAID.............I don't think the whole world should know about us. Perhaps the few that we choose as it has always been, one of the great things about Vampires is not only their power and sex appeal but their tradition. That alter, they blend, they go with the times but they never change. In our push to improve our characters and own powers lets not loose sight of that fact. WE all enjoy writing stories like these, if you start introducing bullshit into it the story will not make it, period. GM.....get your character back in here, we all enjoy your writing just remember we are all of equal power now although I do believe just like people our strengths in skill do NOT have to be the same. Pooh......your hunter is great, he is realistically based, probably a couple out there like him trying to keep it quiet. Sweetp.....perhaps you could lighten up just a tad things like...."GM hush, I don't wnat to hear it. My rules live with it or not." Could get people a bit defensive. I know this thread is your baby and we all I"m sure appriciate the fact that you've kept it going through everything but creativity WITHIN REASON is gonna happen. I don't necessarily like everything everyone writes either but unless it is way out there just kind of let it's a democracy. Dont' just thwack people with a hammer.....try asking everyone else in the thread if they want a thwack too;) That said Pooh darlin don't forget I"m a Lt. in the USAF as well as a Firefighter/EMT. If anyone would ever like an idea or opinion or info about anything police-fire-military related just ask. If I don't know I can ask people that DEFINATELY do and that will add another level of realism without creating a human/vampire war I think. That said I am now ready to be yelled at.............(sitting back down in corner and waiting to be screamed at for butting in)
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LOL *applauds Fire* Im not going to yell, Infact I loved your arguement. As for relaxing, that was never meant as serious. Gm knows it. I just like tweaking his nose a little *grinz* and it really does tweak Gm's nose to be TOLD anything. So the little devil in me couldn't resist.

I don't mind creative freedom at all.. But we are all aware of how some can get into a god mode kick and ruin a good story. I won't throw my weight around but I will put my foot down at that. And we all remember King's little 'sniffing' post in the Family and we all remember Gm getting seriously bent about it. Ok so the teasing wasn't as funny as I thought, for that I am sorry. :(

Now Gm get back in here, you wanted to join. No one bent your arm to come in and no one bent your arm to make you leave either. (I hate the lack of 'tone of voice' people seem to take me harder than I intend)

Pooh what I meant was either we slow it way way down, or post bigger steps is all. Im not trying to 'power post' in there but get something accomplished without 'taking matters' into my own hands. No one likes to be controlled. and no one likes alot of posts to read through.. and lol I dont like big gaping holes in there either. Im sure with what I've posted you know I'm going to be pulling something real quick to get this story moving. Now we have to get to the damned quest sooner or later, meaning we have to 'bring them together' everyone.

That is what I am working towards at the moment. When you get a chance to get online please give me a buzz, I'd like to discuss stategy :)

GM the western world isnt destroyed but you can still come back in here.
*jumps in*

Yes, but how do you fight a war if you can't find an enemy?

Most people would believe in the myths about vampires. Therefore, the witchhunt would die out quickly as people couldn't find anyone to blame. Vampires could easilly undergo 'tests' to prove themselves not to be vampires.

The whole garlic, reflection, cross thing.

But I really don't care. That's not important. But I agree, Sweet, tone down!

And how do you know I knew you weren't serious? Hmm? How? Because you looked serious!


Okay, I'm bitter now. Better. I'm B-E-T-T-E-R, better now.
:rolleyes: You are hamming it up arent ya GM?

LOL you actually think anyone believes that wounded face? *snort*

LOL dont make me paste messenger box in here you big FAKER!
Hey Brat...

Just how confused are you?

I'd be interested in this thread, I'm sure... but call me lazy, I'm not reading through 4 pages of OOC to see what the buzz is.

Yes, I know.

Sue me.

LOL Dark you are terrible too. Want me to sum up this thread so you can join the wild ride?
:p trouble maker, alright here goes.

There is a quest to find a book of magic put together back a long time ago. This book has the power to make normal men into gods, total destruction at their whim or total control.

These rings (five in total) are on the hands of Five people/vampires. All five have to get together, find this book, an amulet and one of pure blood born to destroy this book before the sick and twisted ones (Mongrel) try to rule the world.

So we have some vampires:

Aria (me)
Lance (pooh)
Kat (Fire)
Ray (nightray)
Vlad (Grand)
(new vamp) Vandal

I am terrible with recalling character names but Quiet cool and Morgoth are also vampires in this tale.

Good guys (well kind of)

Lance, Aria, Kat, Ray, possibly Vlad, Quiet's Char.

Bad guys:

Willow Mongrel (both Pooh's )
And I assume Morgoths char. is bad too.

And like it or not Pooh made a freaky little hunter from down under hehehe Who is a cop or something. I can't recall I am distracted with too many things at once.

Ideal thing is these vampires get together and destroy this book. Now little can be as powerful as Mongrel but he can be killed like anyone else in the story. Mongrel is human, a centuries old wizard.

If you choose to join this extremely wild ride (and sometimes confusing as all hell!) lol you can pick your character. Be it a hunter, A henchman, A vampire, A human. No school teachers, we dont need pansies ;) hehe

Ooooooooh one role we could use is Corbin. A natural born vampire. I can explain in detail but I think you'd have to page me to get all the info out and have it make sense.
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Corbin might work... I'll bite the bullet and read the thread. I couldn't join without.

I'm just a good slacker... and I like frustrating you.


I'll read it and get back to you.

lol you tease! I've been waiting to see if you'd ever join a story and here you are 'thinking' about it :p

thats.. cruel! ;)

ok, read the thread if you can get through the 4 pages and let me know. You know how to find me.

tho it is a little confusing, its fun as hell! and we have some awesome writers in here (no that isnt me boasting! lol)
A little more info

Corbin is the son of Lance and Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn for some unknown reasons moved on from Lance to live with Merlyn. Merlyn is the creator (with several wizards help and Gwen's) Of this book Mongrel (pooh's bad guy) wants.

Corbin is a natural born vampire. Meaning he was human until about 21 and then through natural ways changed into a vampire. Gwendolyn made a few spells up but never felt any would work to keep her son human. When she finally had one she was certain would work, it was too late. Mongrel desended onto the castle and killed them all. Corbin got away and with the help of Lance was safely hidden away.

Corbin would look somewhere between 21 and 25 years old, but be a vampire. He was described as a child of having blonde hair and blue eyes. But that can change over time as children naturally age. His purpose in this story is he is "blood of her blood" the protection spell she put onto the book left a window open for it's destruction. Corbin is her blood, can say the spell required and destroy the book. But like the rest of the ring bearers, they all have to be together to end the books exsistance.

The last page is missing, the one Mongrel desperately wants and will stop at nothing to get. But he does have the book on him. Lance is the center of this operation, having more knowledge than anyone else about this book. He does not posses a ring however. The five ring bearers are Kat, Ray, Vandalheart, Quietcool and Aria. Lance can read the ancient language and manipulate magic (as far as i recall) but still they need Corbin to destory this book. He was originally going to be an NPC if we couldn't cast him. If you don't like the idea of playing that role then you can make someone up :) IT's up to you Dark.
SweetPea, I thought you said Corbin's fate was mine?
I don't mind someone else playing him, but I'll have to change some things. I've already put a plot point or two in process where he is a central point.
If you have changed your mind though, that's fine with me. I can just find something else to do.

I've been moving the plot as fast as I can, but at the same tone, I don't want to just skim over things so we can hurry up to have everyone else jump into the plot.
You guys are good role players, you can find your own way into the plot, can't you? Don't need SweetP and me to hold your hand, do you?

Guys, I know this is a collaborative forum, and I apologize for it looking obvious like I'm trying to control everything. One of the biggest good guys, and the bad guy in charge of everything. I didn't want it to be this way, things just sort of happened.
Victim of circumstance, lol.
The point above all is to make a good role play, and that means high conflict as well as diverse characters, which is why I try to have both in my characters and my writing.
I didn't have much of a point for the bounty hunter. He's not necessarily a pivotal character, but I think he could be helpful for a little bit aiding the vampires. If nothing else, making that little Australian incident go away.
If you want to collaborate, or have ideas that maybe your character can't alone pull off, and need some help, or want to see someone else do something, please feel free to talk to me. Here or through PM's.
Gm and I have already come up with a few great ideas, that I would love to implement as part of the collective plot.
I'm sorry if it looks like I'm trying to take over. Believe me, I'm not. We're all in this together.
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:p Gary lol

Of course they don't need either of us to hold thier hands! but if we all get wrapped into sub plot, when will we move towards the goal? I don't care either way, I just don't want someone left out and getting bored. That has happened many times before and good writers left the thread.

AS for Corbin you didn't mention much to me so I figured he was alright to cast. Besides, you have what three characters in there now? I think that's more than enough, pretty soon you'll be fighting with yourself.. hehe that would be funny tho ;)

If anything we need some tantilizin' female flesh in there to distract all these guys! Wait, we're not in srp are we? Guess we don't :D

Quiet has been.. well quiet lately. I think we've posted way more than he wants to read?

Anyway we can discuss Corbin a bit more if you like, nothing isn't attainable here. We can dicuss and figure it out. There is no 'written in stone' edict that Dark will even join my nightmare (but he is WELCOME TO!) *just incase he is reading, im hinting hehe*

He can develope his own character. Besides most writers like creative freedom. So we'll discuss after he says yay or nay.

This fair? Or do I sound mean again?
Firegirl, first let me say that I am not yelling at you or bitching or anything meant offensively towards you. In fact, I think what I want to say is merely elaboration on what you've already said.

My wife and I are avid RPGers. In fact, I whole-heartedly believe that we are married because of vampires. To be more specific, a commercial table-top RPG called Vampire: the Masquerade.

I can hear half of you eyes rolling from here.

The point I'm getting at is inherant in the name of the game: "Masquerade." That's the rule that White Wolf (the game's publisher), Anne Rice, Poppy Z. Brite, and the granddaddy of all vampire authors, Bram Stoker himself laid down nearly from the beginning. It's cliche by now, but every good (or at the very least sane) vampire knows that "the mortal world can never know." There are very good reasons behind this. Pooh touched on one when he mentioned McCarthy. In most stories I've run or had run on me and my characters, the European Inquisition wasn't just old herb women in the hills and a few of the clergy's mistresses not giving head when they wanted it. It was a holocaust. But modern history books will never call it that because whereas 6 million jews died in Nazi Camps, 83% of an entire species doesn't make headlines if the species doesn't "actually exist." Humans don't remember. But here's the cool story hook for you: Vampires do. That's why universal rules like "don't tell the humans, or we kill you" exist. If the Nazi party had stayed in control of (let's be honest) Europe, thought that they had in fact exterminated EVERY jew, and you were a jew iving among the dwindling numbers, would you just pop right up and go "NOPE, MISSED A FEW"? I don't care if you are a small god with the biggest arsenal imaginable, you vs. the world = you lose, and everything dies.

And what if the Masquerade did come down? Yes, some countries would collectively be appalled at the very notion of an entire race that is the Darwinian equivalent of homo sapiens' natural predators. But those countries that would see them as useful would anger the vampires even more. Tell me how this sounds as a viable sales pitch to a vampire:

"Hey, cool! So you can take wicked ammounts of physical punishment, have inhuman stamina, senses, and can communicate with one another telepathically? Come join our army! You'd be great!"

OK, first off, that sounds condescending to me. Second, it's dismissive, but that's the American way. Sorry to offend, but that's me. Third, what about the person that was made immortal becaused he loved his books? Or because he was a pacifist that loved life and didn't want it to end? What then? Do those governments force them to join? I don't know about you, but in my experience, it's always the quiet ones that will fuck you up worse than you could imagine simply because it will look like they're doing what you want them to do right up until they stab you in the back. And tell me that forcing them to join wouldn't piss them off. On a completely unrelated subject, has anyone heard anything new on what their doing with the draft?

My point is, when you are something that NO ONE would be comfortable around due to fear of their lives, you don't go around being honest about it. In that kind of situation, anyone with a nominal intellect can run the logic strain and see that fear breeds fear. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

(OK, now I'm probably gonna get yelled at.)
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I didn't think anyone would get my McArther reference. Glad there are still a few people reading their history books.
I agree with you whole heartedly.
Oh, yeah. History is one of my favorite subjects. It comes in real handy for story ideas when you're trying to run a chronicle in the past.

McCarthy is a favorite scapegoat of most of our (my wife and I) vampire characters. One particular subject is my wife's character Meerlinda. The woman was almost lynched during the McCarthy trials, but not because she was a vampire. They didn't even know that. Meerlinda McAlistor can go anywhere in America and if she has any problems whatsoever, she has a friend in every city. Not because she's a mob lord (lady, whatever), but because she's been running a string of orphanages for about three hundred years all over North America. The McCarthians as we like to call them wanted to put her on trial because she ran her orphanages in a communistic manner. She had to. Meerlinda is a thousand years old and is one of the sweetest, nicest people you could ever meet. She's usually reffered to as "everybody's cooler mom." Great lady! One of the most powerful blood magicians in our games. Gods help the poor bastard that kidnaps one of her kids. Or any kid for that matter.
OK just to RECAP................Quietcool.............The draft thing you will have to email me about. Secondly I was ....if you had read a bit more deeply making the statement that We SHOULD NOT come out of the proverbial closet.
THAT SAID.............I don't think the whole world should know about us. Perhaps the few that we choose as it has always been, one of the great things about Vampires is not only their power and sex appeal but their tradition. That alter, they blend, they go with the times but they never change.

AS far as how different Governments would react to actual VAmpires..........history teaches us one major thing..........Governments and the human population as a whole doesn't learn from it's mistakes which is why we keep making the same ones:) WE've had a few great people, these people we not made great by what they did in my opinion but by what they didn't do. Of course opinions are like assholes everyone has got one:) That said we are not totally off topic.

Could we perhaps take a vote to keep the OOC thread about the story, actually about the story and all else non related to PM's or emails???
First off Firegirl, that was me, not Quietcool. Second, I know you were trying to make that point, and I was trying to reinforce it.

Firegirl, first let me say that I am not yelling at you or bitching or anything meant offensively towards you. In fact, I think what I want to say is merely elaboration on what you've already said.

Third, the draft thing. I had heard a few weeks/months ago that congress was considering re-opening and modifying the draft. I have since learned this is hooey, so forget about it. Fourth, and finally, I think keeping the thread open would be very cool.
OK, maybe this is because I'm reading what you said and not hearing how you said it, but I didn't mean to anger you, Firegirl.
Interesting plot twist, vampire and hunter use same plane to track down a human wizard using vampires to help him take over the world.

.......I use the word interesting very loosely.
I know it's strange when someone joins a thread already well on it's way... but after this weekend I'll join in, if no one has an objection.

I have some things that will take my time this weekend, but I'll finish reading what has been posted already, then discuss the new (or control taking of a NP) character.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Vampires shouldn't be known of by all, so I guess I agree with what everybody else seems to be saying. Besides, we've already plotted things out that way in my viewpoint. The fight scene between Lance and Aria would have been handled much differently had the police been aware that they might have been dealing with vampires, and people have already beed referred to as acting fairly normally, not a quote, but a basic rundown. they're out on the streets and running businesses and in the clubs, etc, something that also would have been affected by the presence of vampires but had no apparent effect on thier behavior.
The decision seems to have been made before the discussion even began.
Oh, and I'm am definitely still here, just recovering from an illness and dealing with a sudden case of fairly bad insomnia. Have to catch up reading, then I'll be back on the horse again.
:) Good to see you are still here with us Quiet. Hope things get better and take your time :)

Not much has passed since your last post, well nothing too important. Tho Ray and Cat's encounter looks interesting :)

Excellent word everyone, Sp