Casting Call for the land of L'anDanora.

I also play D&D, and forum RP operates like a gaming session without the dice. It's ALL flavor text, huzzah!

yah, I used to delve the dungeons also. Fav character was a Were-Tiger Fey Ri (shapeshifting winged demon related to sun elves) Monk I made for a evil campaign that only lasted about 2 sessions. Dammit I had an awesome character background for her as well. She threw and stabbed with harpoons for weapons and wanted to infect everyone with were-disease.

I miss her.

Hmmm, anyone wanting to run a game in DnD world (not the new/changed one) has my attention.
Half Elves get low light vision up to 30 feet in 3.5 D&D. I play half elves and elves all the time.

sweet thanks for the info my i kept looking at the elves section and the ranger class section but it only mentioned the infervision.. any idea on hearing as far as distance and sensativity ??

also i wouldnt mind a D&D campaign in here i could revive some old chars... hummm which to choose tho LOL

for now tho i am waiting around.. i plan on missing your partys departure from the keep by maybe and hour.. and going from there i dont want to catch up to everyone too soon just yet.. *grins*
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Listen is a skill check in 3.5 D&D. It depends on how many ranks you have in it. I don't know how it would be handled on here.
When something is happening (someone sneaking up on you, trying to hear that coin dropped down a well, etc) you just decide if it is reasonable for you to have heard it.

For instance I would say that it's quite likely someone could sneak up on Naden if they were good at it, but doing so on someone like Adrienne who is a highly trained (and possibly highly strung) assassin would not often yield success.

Lol, oats of DEATH!!
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Yeah, I laughed really hard when I saw that death had been capped. But, yeah, the hearing thing is basically what Wargarble said.
No, it was fine capping the word death. I just got carried away. It isn't often you seen "oats" and "death" in the same sentence so I made me a joke about it.

C'mon, oats of death, sounds like a hilarious B-grade horror film right?
It really does. You know, Foamy the Squirrel threw acorns at people, so he had Acorns of DEATH.
Let's not be forgetting the squirrelly wrath now!

I loved yesterday-mail, but that was years ago.
My fav character was a 1/2 shadow dragon- 1/2 drow(from BEFORE they came out with the template for that >.<) Ranger-Cleric with a pet snake. Oh, and she was dating an Illithid ^.^

I'm learning the new 4th edition, but its sooooo not my thing. I'd rather do 3.5 or hell, even 2nd ed any day of the week. ; . ;

anywho, I posted. XD

PS: I too would LOVE an online D&D campaign. I solemnly swear not to cheat on rolls ;P
Well, if you guys are interested, let me know. If we get five or six people willing to do an online D&D game, I can DM for you.

Edit: I suppose a smaller number would do, But I'd have to scale down the adventures I already have. And I can only DM for 3.5.
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I would be interested, but the only problem is that I hate the magic system for D&D. I mean, the magic system that my buddy used when we would play GURPS was awesome. He had made the magic system himself, and I really liked it.
I'm in for 3.5 but won't touch 4th ed.

They butchered the skill system so you can never learn anything new once your character is made, only stack up bonuses. Also, cross-classing/hybrid-class system sucks and you end up with less abilites than everyone else.

If you want to do it the diceroll way fine, but I was thinking a more freeform approach like this current RP here.

Either way I have about a dozen old characters I can dig up. Some are more powerful at first level than normal though due to racial abilities and other etcetera, I'll just have to cop the level penalty on that.
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Well guys, you just let me know. We'll talk about combat and everything once we get the people for it. I hated 4th ed, so I'll only do 3.5 because that was my favorite of all of them. Ask around. Players should be easy enough to find, because there is already a DM here.
Okay, I'm ready to create the OOC thread, just one question though.


SRP will allow for (but not necessarily encourage) more adult behaviour but many people may confuse it for a thread just about sex.
Shouldn't I start the thread? And I was thinking SRP because it still allows for the combat that D&D so calls for, but also allows the more intimate moments that some people want in role play.
yea the one being GM should start the thread so that he can set the mood and direction LOL, and SRP would make things....... a bit more interesting *grins*

i think i only have second addition books but i'll dig threw some more and double check.. tho second and 3.5 arnt much differnt i dont think and i agree with you about 4th they really screwed things up *Smiles*
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Very well. I'll go ahead and start the ooc thread now. Link will come in a few minutes once I get the thread up.

Edit: Here's the link.
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Good stuff.

Doesn't really matter who starts the thread, DM is still DM. Thread starting doesn't imply thread-dominance.
It's just that peole tend to look at the thread owner with a sort of authority. I'd rather people look at me, the DM, with that authority instead of a player.