Casting Call for the land of L'anDanora.

Well, I'm not really too sure how other people on here do it. I think it basically goes something like this:

Joe: Joe attacks Sally with his sword, aiming for her right arm.
Sally: Sally sees the attack coming, and ducks to avoid it. She lashes out for Joe's ankles with her own sword.
Joe: Joe jumps to avoid Sally's sword.
Thread Creator: Joe lands on a log, which causes him to loose his balance.
Sally: Sally takes the opportunity to kick Joe's legs out from underneath him.
Joe: Joe lands on his back, and covers his face with his shield.
Sally: Sally puts the point of her sword against Joe's stomach, and threatens to disembowel him if he does not submit.
Joe: Joe submits, handing Sally his sword.

Or, at least, that's what I think would happen. I'd prefer to have no character-on-character fighting, if it can be avoided. Ultimately, I guess if two character's do fight, it comes down to me to give one of them a disadvantage. Obviously my example is simplified. However, if there is an NPC we're fighting, I will control them. Characters may become incapacitated, but I don't think I'll ever kill a character, unless that character does something like sacrifice themselves to save everyone else.

Just realized something. DK and I made a good combat example earlier in the bar fight. Character to character I'm not sure, but otherwise I believe you control whatever npc you happen to be fighting. Just don't make yourself invincible unless it is oblivious you would obliterate your opponent.
Yah, can't disagree with that.

Aside from the conversation currently in play, and maybe Nyme, do we want to fast forward to morning? I have nothing else to pust unless something wakes Naden but I'm fine with waiting if other people's characters have things to do during the night.
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I agree with you, Leo, except for later on. Once we start fighting some of our more dangerous opponents, I will probably take some limited control of the NPC, no matter who is fighting it. Obviously, I won't take full control, because that would be really unfair, but I will probably direct the NPC's strikes, and of course give your character a chance to react. I promise not to put us up against anything we can't beat. To be completely honest, I doubt I could think up that many things that could defeat our little group.

And, Wargarble, I need to wait for Tia to post again. I think once she posts, we can move to morning.
Yes and no. For this particular thread? Yes. We have been advancing rather fast lately and this sudden lack of posting is unusual. I suppose we are waiting on Tia or for someone to say it's morning so we can start posting again.

hehe! If this were one of my many D&D games that I'm involved with, I would have fell asleep long ago.
Pen & paper roleplaying sessions usually dont last for weeks at a time, but rather a few hours.
I am interested but was wondering what the races and class's are.. i dont want to create something that might not be there.. unless pulled from another time period or something LOL..
Name ..Kana Assarie
Race.. Half elf
Class.. Ranger

Discription : she is 5ft 4in 120 lbs soaking wet.. Her cloak and hood hide the short sword she carries down her back but the arm length dagger, as well as bow and quiver of arrows she carries at her waist, and across her back are vis able giving silent waring to those who may wish to attack her second thoughts would be best.. There is another in her boot.. and one small dagger up each sleeve well hidden.. She also carried pouches of healing herbs and salve that could be used to heal

She wears brown leggings, leather boots a white blouse with a green over tunic. belted at the waist was her dagger, her hair is black and braided down her back hidden beneath the hood of her brown cloak.. the most notable thing about her is her eyes.. they are liquid gold, amber in color and very striking.. her skin tan from her travels beneath the hood her ears were pointed, as she was of elven kind if only a half ling.. but they did not yet know this.. as she kept her hood in place.., and a Red tailed hawk for travling companion..

Spells.. I'll add later after i dig out my D&D books to make sure i have them right..

If this is acceptable plz let me know
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No, wait.... that's not right. Let there be postings? Let there be character text?

Grrrr, screw it.


There :).
Mwua ha ha! There has been postage!

Sorry folks if I'm moderately disjointed, I know it can be frustrating :(

Welcome newcomers!

I also play D&D, and forum RP operates like a gaming session without the dice. It's ALL flavor text, huzzah!

Sorry again for the SLOOoo..w I'm actually invovled in some other non-literotica RPs right now, so if I don't reply in a timely fashion (ie 2 days) poke me via PM, and I'll get my shtick together :)
kewl another D&D fan lol altho i must agree it is much nicer not to have to roll the die to hit or miss your target , or see how much or little damage was or was not done *grins*
Ranger skills or at least some of the basic ones

animal handling
animal noise
danger sence
direction sence
fire building
set snairs
survival training in different lands
hide in shadows
move silently
two handed fighting as well as archery..

abilitys due to her half elf blood

infravision up to 60 feet in darkness,,, during the day ???
hearing up to ???

still looking that one up havent found it yet in my books lol

herb lore and some basic healing skills picked up here and there
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I'm a moderate time Dungeon Master for D&D 3.5. I have to admit, it is nice not having to roll.
*smiles* i have books for 1st and seconed advanced ive played 3rd with another group but prefer the 1st and second additions.. over the other altho i did like some of the changes it can get confusing switching between the two depending on the group..

I have never tryed my hand at being a DM .. but i have sevral chars.. i have a winged elf.. a sun elf.. i even have a swanmaine and my husbend came up with a way to create a Winged Drow that was really kewl..

Half Elves get low light vision up to 30 feet in 3.5 D&D. I play half elves and elves all the time.