Chain Story - Matchmaking for the Shy

As anticipated, a couple of things have come up.
  • The chapter is running quite long, somewhere around 10k-12k words. I think the original post said to keep it to 3-9k, and I don't want to set expectations too high. I'll edit some of it down, but are we setting 9k as a really firm limit? What kind of lengths do others have in mind for their chapters?
  • The tone of the chapter is quite romantic and I've written Zach & Heather's story as very monogamous, but I appreciate that as the story develops others might not want to keep them only wanting to be matched with each other and try different matches or a less romantic tone. Any thoughts or input on this?
  • Would it be preferable for me to loosely outline and include some additional characters who could take part in matchmaking in later chapters? Or should I leave everyone to just introduce new characters themselves? Or a mix?
Agreed. I have no experience writing chain stories but as a reader part of the appeal is the variation as the nation gets passed from author to author. Length is a perfectly legitimate axis on which to vary.
As anticipated, a couple of things have come up.
  • The chapter is running quite long, somewhere around 10k-12k words. I think the original post said to keep it to 3-9k, and I don't want to set expectations too high. I'll edit some of it down, but are we setting 9k as a really firm limit? What kind of lengths do others have in mind for their chapters?
What Ive said before...
Yes, I agree. I think there needs to be some guidance at the extreme. Someone submitting 750 words is not going to be contributing much to the story. On the other hand, if the first four authors submit 4k words each and the fifth submits 40k, that's going to cause issues. I've gone with 3k-9k as a nice range for starting a discussion. I can especially see a situation where the last author in the chain says something like 'I can land this but it's going to take 15k words to do it' and that's probably fine.
9k isnt a firm limit and I suspect that 10-12k could be written off as acceptable for chapter one and establishing things. I wouldnt go much higher than that though. Remember other people can write the later bits of your story as well.

  • The tone of the chapter is quite romantic and I've written Zach & Heather's story as very monogamous, but I appreciate that as the story develops others might not want to keep them only wanting to be matched with each other and try different matches or a less romantic tone. Any thoughts or input on this?
The important thing is that the story needs somewhere to go in the next few chapters. if Z and H are stable and just screwing in new and creative ways then the subsequent writers arent going to be able to do much with the 'dating agency for the shy' concept we originally came up with - unless we make it clearly episodic and have a new couple each chapter - though some were saying that wouldnt be chain enough. I wouldnt go changing a 'tone' youve already settled on though. Without knowing what your story is, its difficult to say 'hey, do this...', but presumably there are some threads you couod build in even if Heather and Zack have both found 'the one'. I.e. they're so grateful to the dating agency that they offer to help if needed and the dating agency is short on people to go on dates...or whatever.

  • Would it be preferable for me to loosely outline and include some additional characters who could take part in matchmaking in later chapters? Or should I leave everyone to just introduce new characters themselves? Or a mix?
I think it would be a mistake to Chekov characters in the first chapter that other authors are not certain of picking up. Go to one extreme or another - either just mention a name and trait (Alice the born again former porn star) when going through potential matches for the MC, or introduce full fledged characters who have the beginnings of arcs clearly spelled out. It sounds like your currently closer to the former than the latter.

All this is just my opinion, any other writers feel free to chime in and good luck with your writing.
As anticipated, a couple of things have come up.
  • The chapter is running quite long, somewhere around 10k-12k words. I think the original post said to keep it to 3-9k, and I don't want to set expectations too high. I'll edit some of it down, but are we setting 9k as a really firm limit? What kind of lengths do others have in mind for their chapters?

I think it is only natural that the first chapter - which has to do character introductions and world-building - ends up a bit on the lengthier side. I hope to keep the second chapter at perhaps half of your wordcount, but I've said that before and ended up with a longer finished product, so time will tell. Either way, no objections!

  • The tone of the chapter is quite romantic and I've written Zach & Heather's story as very monogamous, but I appreciate that as the story develops others might not want to keep them only wanting to be matched with each other and try different matches or a less romantic tone. Any thoughts or input on this?

I have no problem with that. I will figure out some way to make Zach and Heather important characters in the second part even if they are solid with one another. 💙 As @TheRedChamber said above, I think making it episodic with a new couple for each part wouldn't be the optimal way to go, but that doesn't mean that the focus cannot be split, and they for example go on a double date or something with two new characters. I actually think it would be interesting, from a psychological point of view, to highlight some of the different "dating experiences" people go through, ranging from finding a perfect match to absolute disaster dates! There's plenty of wiggle room. And don't worry, I won't break Zach and Heather up. :ROFLMAO: I'm a sucker for love!

  • Would it be preferable for me to loosely outline and include some additional characters who could take part in matchmaking in later chapters? Or should I leave everyone to just introduce new characters themselves? Or a mix?

I agree fully with @TheRedChamber here. You can introduce characters if they are relevant to your part of the story, no matter how minor, and perhaps a later author in the chain will put those to use - but I think it's important to leave that option and choice up to each individual author, so that the final product doesn't feel like it has a thousand loose ends and everyone's left wondering "What happened to that Bill guy? Why was he described in such detail and then never appeared again?" - However, that being said; since I will be the one writing part 2, I actually do not mind either way, because I like the challenge. 🙃 But overall, it seems like bad practice to me. Hehe.
Apologies for the slow response but I had a busy weekend, here.

Having completed the first draft, and based on feedback here, I think I'm in a good position to hopefully have something close to the final piece after I finish a second draft. I need to change quite a few details to keep the word count down and drive the narrative into a better place, but fingers crossed I'm not far away, now.

Would everyone prefer to see the chapter in draft when I can still make changes? Or can I just present it as-is but for minor revisions? I am not sure whether we're planning to publish each chapter as we go along, or collect them all up and publish in one go.
Would everyone prefer to see the chapter in draft when I can still make changes? Or can I just present it as-is but for minor revisions? I am not sure whether we're planning to publish each chapter as we go along, or collect them all up and publish in one go.

I believe the idea was to collect them all up and then publish them at the same time, more or less. So that a reader can jump from part to part and experience the entirety of the story at once, if they so desire. ☺️ As for your other question; go ahead and finish it. It's your contribution, your part of the story. No grand changes should need to be made because that would mean the other authors involved are simply meddling too much. ;) Happy to hear that you are making such steady progress though!
Actually, I was imagining we would publish as we go on a roughly monthly basis. Chain Stories is a dead category anyway so it's not like its going to be pushed off the front page quickly. And I'm expecting this to be more of a novelty for readers so they (hopefully) won't mind reading as they go. What do others think?

I think I'm going to insist on seeing everyone's draft before they publish just to make sure no-one is actively and maliciously torpedoing the story, but that should just be a rubber stamp. I can also help with editing and feedback at the same time or you can draft in someone else to do that (either in the group or otherwise) if you'd prefer.
I'm happy to share the final draft, then, and I can always incorporate any minor changes.

As for release schedule, I think either way would be okay, but publishing all in one go at the end does avoid the issue of the story never getting finished. On the other hand, staggered releases would generate more interest, probably.
I'm happy to share the final draft, then, and I can always incorporate any minor changes.

As for release schedule, I think either way would be okay, but publishing all in one go at the end does avoid the issue of the story never getting finished. On the other hand, staggered releases would generate more interest, probably.

@TheRedChamber is the boss. If they wish for us to pop 'em out as we go, then that is what we'll do. ☺️ It'll get finished. If one author would drop out along the way, we'd find someone else to replace them without too much difficulty I'm sure!
Okay, I have a first draft. I reworked it significantly to leave it more open, so it weighs in just over 6k words, which I think is more manageable.

What's the best way to share the draft with everyone? I don't want to use Google docs, really, as I write on my personal account. Can I post a link or PM it?
What's the best way to share the draft with everyone?

I'm not sure what the best way is, but when I've exchanged work with other people in the past, I've just saved the document (without personal details included) and then sent it using an email that isn't attached to my name. A throw-away email if you will. I can PM you mine if you want to mail the draft over to me?
I'm not sure what the best way is, but when I've exchanged work with other people in the past, I've just saved the document (without personal details included) and then sent it using an email that isn't attached to my name. A throw-away email if you will. I can PM you mine if you want to mail the draft over to me?
I can do email, sure :)
Ill send you my email address by pm. If you want to share with anyone else prior to publishing you can make arrangements with them.
Sent to those of you who provided addresses. Anyone else who wishes to see the draft, just let me know the best email address and I'll send it across.
Sent to those of you who provided addresses. Anyone else who wishes to see the draft, just let me know the best email address and I'll send it across.

Thank you. I will read it later today, if I can find the time. Then I hope to start working on my continuation piece during the week to come! ☺️

Would you mind forwarding it to me Devintner?

It has been done! 💙
Any and all feedback is welcome, especially picking up anything that doesn't feel 'naturally' American in terms of words or phrasing.
I'll drop you another line, but I didn't realise you weren't American - I thought the couple phrases I didn't get were me not being raised with the relevant dialect. Really impressive.

I'm actually quite excited by this whole thing now.
I'll drop you another line, but I didn't realise you weren't American - I thought the couple phrases I didn't get were me not being raised with the relevant dialect. Really impressive.

I'm actually quite excited by this whole thing now.
Haha, sorry, maybe I should have made that clearer. It's surprisingly difficult to get right!
Any and all feedback is welcome, especially picking up anything that doesn't feel 'naturally' American in terms of words or phrasing.

On second thought, it seems that my schedule likely won't allow me the time to read through it until Tuesday, unfortunately. But I am unlikely to notice anything "unamerican" either way. In fact, in due time, I will likely need similar assistance if that is a crucial element to get just right! 😅