Comments That Make Your Day

Clearly you should have called it "Cuckold-Doodle-Doo". That's the only way for your readers to be sure.

And yes, I googled the title, and surprisingly it doesn't exist here on Lit yet. It's not a genre that interests me, so the title is up for grabs.
It's doesn't really matter WHAT I say in the title or description. Here's a comment posted on the story "Unique Rewards of Yoga- Her Story". Note that this is a follow-up to the story "Unique Rewards of Yoga, which posted over two weeks ago.
by 26thNC on 3 hours ago

Lifestyle revisits his bottom of the barrel cuck story from the whore’s POV. This one is, unbelievably, even worse than the original.

This reader read the original story and KNEW what was coming before clicking to open the second version! In Loving Wives, there's a core group of haters-of-sharing who read EVERY story and decry the extra-marital sex. They spend their time opening those stories, 1-bombing them, and writing their comments.

This is their form of entertainment. But at least I'm forcing them to exercise their brains by coming up with newer insults!

Edit: BTW my latest story is now just over 24-houra old, with over 12k views. But it's rated at 3.31 with 191 votes. When it first went public in the first hour, it was rated 1.17/6. That's five 1s and a 2!
Last edited:
This reader read the original story and KNEW what was coming before clicking to open the second version! In Loving Wives, there's a core group of haters-of-sharing who read EVERY story and decry the extra-marital sex. They spend their time opening those stories, 1-bombing them, and writing their comments.
It's probably addictive for them, like doomscrolling. But being able to drop a 1 or insult the author gives them a sense of control that doomscrolling doesn't.
It's probably addictive for them, like doomscrolling. But being able to drop a 1 or insult the author gives them a sense of control that doomscrolling doesn't.
Just my guess, but I think that core group of LW haters were burned in real life having experienced a wife or girlfriend cheating on them, and they never got over it. They might have had a wife/GF they thought was exclusive, and who they thought they owned, and after blowing up over the cheating, they're now "incels". They're looking for the "special" woman who will be faithful for the rest of their life, and the guy is now reduced to looking for those revenge fantasies.

In my stories of sharing, both the husband and wife know either of them could move along and find another spouse. But they remain together enjoying sex! And those hater LW readers can't stand that husband, because he's not one of them!
An interesting comment this morning on Cuck Delusions:

The problem with cucks is that they idealize suffering; this overlaps with certain middle eastern religions and ideological beliefs based in equality. Our society is a giant cuck. It is not a healthy psychology; in fact, it is probably the remnant of abuse. Glad you called it out.

I was well acquainted with the horrors the Catholic religion visits, particularly on young women, and have had several friends mentally destroyed by the depravations of well-meaning parents following the teachings of a church. I wasn't so aware of the Middle Eastern claim. Research shows that Catholics aren't alone in preying on weak-minded people nieve enough to buy into religious guilt.

It's disgusting!
Anon, possibly all the same one, just posted on four of my stories.

Two were BDSM with Jake and Sarah, where I try to present a realistic depiction of experienced BDSMers. Anon seemed to like them... I think...

EXCELLENT comic story. We laugh practically at every line because the seriousness is so false. What a humorous talent! You would think it was true. THANK YOU.

Always the fantaisies. In fact Jake Jacob dreams all of this. It's very well told, so much so that you think you're reading a real story. Such talent for relating dreams is rare. WELLE DONE!

(Bad Brat Girl ch.2 and My love is like a red red arse)

I suspect it was two different Anons, as the other liked two stories with vaginal fisting:

This is so delightful: the fisting is hot as hell but it's because of the relationship between these two, it's so appealing.

(The Bet ch.2, or the same scene is in Smoking Hot ch.9 for those wanting even more character development)
A busy night last night for the readers:

Cheatify The Bitch:

Loved it. He only gave her a dose of her own medicine. She could have stopped and left the vehicle.

Cheatify The Bastard: (The sequel to Cheatify The Bitch)

LOL using media to bimboize.
Nice politiucal statement.

Fido x2

#1 Yep, it all depends on whose point of view is considered, right? Hilarious take on the cheating wife trope.

#2 A 10+ I have not laughed so much for a long time. It really cracked me up, being a dog lover l could relate to the antics and see the end results of a loving animal trying to be helpful. The writer is a genius.
Yes, yes! The writer IS a genius. He's surprised more people haven't recognized that! 😁😂🤣

Cuck Delusions :

A dark silly tale of perverted fantasy.
Writing vicariously?

Writing vicariously? Absolutely. I studied websites and chat rooms for the research necessary to write the story. As I research ALL stories.
Not my highest scoring story but one of my personal favorites which was written for the On the Job challenge. Fat, Old Cow

by UpperNorthLeft on 04/20/2024

Очень хорошо! Отличный рассказ! I enjoyed the story. Very nice karmic payback for being a decent human being to Svetlana and others further down the hospital totem pole. Thanks for a pleasant walk down memory lane — call room sex IS pretty awesome! пять звезд.

by Snow_dog1960 on 04/22/2024

I thought it was great! Many women who have been treated badly have a great deal of mistrust for men and believe it was their fault due to looks or physical attributes. It was nice to read a story about a man doing something nice and not expecting anything from it and when the right opportunity came along to introduce her to someone who fit her situation better, he helped it along. I liked it very much!!

by Anonymous user on 04/22/2024

Sure didn't see the new man coming; nice touch from the expected arc. Also points for researching the Russian words.
This was a really nice one from @ThatNewGuy on Philanthropic last week:

Here's how I imagine it sometimes goes down:

NTH walks into the LW Tropes store. The shopkeep glances up from his magazine.

"Help you?"

"Just browsing."

NTH strolls the aisles, examining the fine porcelain figures that line the shelves. He pauses next to a piece that catches his eye and rests his index finger against its dull surface.

The shopkeep smiles. "Good choice. Very popular."

NTH returns the smile. The item begins to inch toward the edge of the shelf.

The shopkeep's brow furrows. "Careful, now. That's been around a long time."

NTH holds the shopkeep's gaze as the item continues its steady, lemming-like march.

"Hey! What are you---"

A cacophony of exploding procelain cuts the question short. The shopkeep tosses aside his magazine and strides toward the mess. "What'd you do that for?"

By the time the shopkeep reaches the aisle, NTH has somehow reassembled every piece of porcelain into a new figure. It looks nothing like the original. He slides it back onto the shelf.

"No one is going to want this," the shopkeep says. "It doesn't look the same at all!"

NTH claps a hand on the shopkeep's shoulder and grins. "Trust me."

It really put a smile on my face on a day when I needed it. Thanks again, TNG!
I recently got this nice comment on my gangbang story:

“reading this I had resigned myself to feeling a bit crappy because stories like this always end like ‘my life is ruined everyone just thinks of me like the whore I am’ which, i get it, but it makes me sad.

Im so happy that wasn't the case.”

Yay! That’s exactly what I was going for! A women has a sexy fling with three male friends and everyone is cool about it!
My recent story "The Sightless Watcher" has triggered renewed interest in my S&S series The Rivals. This morning I woke to find three new comments on older stories.

@AchtungNight wrote this on The Demon Hunt:
Ugh, why’d he have to turn her down?
If there wasn’t more to this series, the ending of this story would be a downer.
Sorry, it just felt natural that way. And at least they got to have sex!

Anonymous was clearly hooked enough by the second instalment that they read the entire series.
On War and Thieves:
Exciting mix of adventure and relationship development between the two main protagonists. I like that the attraction between them is ever increasing without taking the final step. Add to that villians, magic, demons, and intruige, and you've got an entertaining erotic fantasy story. Looking forward for the other chapters.
and on Orgy of Death:
Wow! Very exciting finale! The build-up of compassion and love (though never explicitely mentioned) between Avilia and Sligh (two very likable characters) made this series a captivating read. Really good sexy and yet romantic fantasy.

Thanks! Besides The Sightless Watcher (I thought it would interesting to write them from a third perspective for a change) I'm working on a longer story involving Avilia and Sligh. And Sligh's mother.
I've never read your Rivals series before, StillStunned. I'll get to Chapter 4 soon. Sightless Watcher assured me Sligh & Avilla get together eventually, so I know there is a happy ending. :) Looking forward to the future work you describe.
I've never read your Rivals series before, StillStunned. I'll get to Chapter 4 soon. Sightless Watcher assured me Sligh & Avilla get together eventually, so I know there is a happy ending. :) Looking forward to the future work you describe.
Thanks, I'm really glad your enjoying the stories!

(Also, even without "Sightless Watcher" the description for Chapter 5 gives away that they have a happy ending: "Avilia and Sligh earn their Happily Ever After the hard way." I thought it would draw in more readers who might otherwise be put off by seeing "Chapter 5".)
Thanks, I'm really glad your enjoying the stories!

(Also, even without "Sightless Watcher" the description for Chapter 5 gives away that they have a happy ending: "Avilia and Sligh earn their Happily Ever After the hard way." I thought it would draw in more readers who might otherwise be put off by seeing "Chapter 5".)
I didn't read all the chapter descriptions.

Glad you enjoyed my feedback. You ever want to give me some, feel free. You can pick the story, I'm not attached to any in particular. Or PM me for suggestions so we don't hijack the thread. Same goes to any other fan.
It's doesn't really matter WHAT I say in the title or description. Here's a comment posted on the story "Unique Rewards of Yoga- Her Story". Note that this is a follow-up to the story "Unique Rewards of Yoga, which posted over two weeks ago.
by 26thNC on 3 hours ago

Lifestyle revisits his bottom of the barrel cuck story from the whore’s POV. This one is, unbelievably, even worse than the original.

This reader read the original story and KNEW what was coming before clicking to open the second version! In Loving Wives, there's a core group of haters-of-sharing who read EVERY story and decry the extra-marital sex. They spend their time opening those stories, 1-bombing them, and writing their comments.

This is their form of entertainment. But at least I'm forcing them to exercise their brains by coming up with newer insults!

Edit: BTW my latest story is now just over 24-houra old, with over 12k views. But it's rated at 3.31 with 191 votes. When it first went public in the first hour, it was rated 1.17/6. That's five 1s and a 2!
I have never given your stories a *1, and I have actually praised those that deserved it, though they be damned few.
He does love taking his swipes like the backhanded compliment he gave me posted a few days ago. It's interesting because he's there every day and reads hundreds of stories. Hardly a disinterested party. He should come out of the closet!

I like your thinking! 😁
Gordo, I’ve always been highly complimentary of the majority of your stories. Why does hating any kind of cuck or cheating story put me in a closet? I just have a preference in the type story I enjoy. Can’t help that.
Gordo, I’ve always been highly complimentary of the majority of your stories. Why does hating any kind of cuck or cheating story put me in a closet? I just have a preference in the type story I enjoy. Can’t help that.
Then WHY do you click on MY stories?

I must assume that with the follow-on story telling you in the title, you did so merely to hate it once more. And whether you give it a 1 or 2, you ALWAYS leave you're negative comment

But as I said above, at least I'm forcing you to use your brain.