Comments That Make Your Day

I try to keep the spirit of Sir Terry Pratchett alive in my fanfiction of his work and sometimes my readers tell me I nailed it.
on the Assistant Librarian
The wit in this is spot on Pratchett. It was just zinger after zinger. Great imagination, great story!
I got this comment from an anonymous reader on A Fool Not to Fuck:
My heart ache for Sally bc in my view, his brother heart yearning more to his girlfriend than Sally. His pov, his thoughts about sal more about sexual but to his gf, it's more like love & longing. The way he think, acts & behave, everything looks like he just a selfish man, don't want to share Sally body with anyone but to his gf, more than that. This story gave me diff vibe than any 3some (BroSis & bro gf) story. Others felt like, "awesome" but here, damn. It's hurt.

If whoever commented is reading this, please rest assured that it wasn't intended to come across that way. In fact, I deliberately wrote the ending to highlight the intimacy between Sal and Big Brother. Apparently not well enough, though.

Still, it's very touching to read that someone feels so strongly about my characters, so thank you!
Comment on a Japanese/American Romance Story - Red String of Fate

Absolutely excellent. Very romantic. A story of a deceitful partner destroying a relationship leading to a relocation to an opportunity for a new beginning in employment and acquaintances. I never look for any story to have a now and herever after termination unless it is a global nuclear holocaust which will ultimately be superseded by a natural rebirth. There could be a variety of paths for the red silk thread to lead to in the weeks, months, years ahead. Each of these might lead to a series of inter-related events in multiple generations. What would you prefer? For one of Minami’s father's actors to terminate Ethan surreptitiously and take Minami into a domesticity she would abhor? Or for Ethan to remain in his stifling tech position, hesitant to sweep Minami into matrimony as he watches Minami wait hopefully for an elapsing three weeks until she drinks her final fatal tea? There are many possible endings to dmallord's wonderful story. The beauty of the story at this point is that it leaves each of us the opportunity to write our own sequel of events hereafter to suit our own desire and fantasy.
There are many possible endings to dmallord's wonderful story. The beauty of the story at this point is that it leaves each of us the opportunity to write our own sequel of events hereafter to suit our own desire and fantasy.
dmallord. How refreshing, clearly a reader with writer's potential, to a degree that's how I got started.
(Sorry this bit got longer than I ever imagined when I first put finger to keyboard.)
However, I read quite an number of stories where the couple 'ride off into the sunset' and the comments are filled with "please, please, tell us what happened after is set, overnight, at dawn, next week...!" Clearly in a lot of stories, what happens next is 'life' with a lot of very similar sex scenes. That would be unfulfilling for the author and reader alike.
I haven’t read your story, sounds quite epic, but for my short ‘1x: One Off’ stories I state that there will not be a part 2 and have a ‘For those who like closure…’ Where I summarise my initial views on life beyond the final paragraph, but giving licence to the reader, as ones like yours might do, to make up their own and even share them. I have had one comment with their own seed of idea and one regret that there won't be a part 2! YMMV
Comments (and reader feedback of any kind, even votes) have been so sparse the past few months, it's extra special to wake up to a positive comment. This was posted on my Pink Orchid story Freya and the Space Hippies:

Damn, that was amazing! Loved it. As a man, that was fun to watch and virtually participate in. Thank you!
Call me Anonymous! In both my praise and my rebuke, I have no filter. I type my mind, often in the most exciting excruciating detail, telling you what you did right and, more often, what you did wrong. I developed deep obsessions with your work and five vote you one time on your story, perhaps every one of your stories. Also, if I dislike you, I really, really hate your guts and try to disgrace, humiliate, and castrate your writing balls. I downvote with one bomb with dozens of accounts. I follow and downvote everything you write early and often. Feel my scorn. I am Anon‽ I am powerful beyond belief. Hear my disapproval.

Feel my love and hear my praise, for I am Anonymous
Call me Anonymous! In both my praise and my rebuke, I have no filter. I type my mind, often in the most exciting excruciating detail, telling you what you did right and, more often, what you did wrong. I developed deep obsessions with your work and five vote you one time on your story, perhaps every one of your stories. Also, if I dislike you, I really, really hate your guts and try to disgrace, humiliate, and castrate your writing balls. I downvote with one bomb with dozens of accounts. I follow and downvote everything you write early and often. Feel my scorn. I am Anon‽ I am powerful beyond belief. Hear my disapproval.

Feel my love and hear my praise, for I am Anonymous
That's my fan club talking!
Call me Anonymous! In both my praise and my rebuke, I have no filter. I type my mind, often in the most exciting excruciating detail, telling you what you did right and, more often, what you did wrong. I developed deep obsessions with your work and five vote you one time on your story, perhaps every one of your stories. Also, if I dislike you, I really, really hate your guts and try to disgrace, humiliate, and castrate your writing balls. I downvote with one bomb with dozens of accounts. I follow and downvote everything you write early and often. Feel my scorn. I am Anon‽ I am powerful beyond belief. Hear my disapproval.

Feel my love and hear my praise, for I am Anonymous
My name is Anonymous, Reader of Readers:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
All around was fours and fives, because the site had just run a sweep."
Best comment I've gotten (so far): "The tension’s rising and this reader’s getting very wet…"

A new comment on my April Fool's story A Fool Not to Fuck:
Though the sex was pretty hot, I get turned off by people relentlessly manipulating others, as his sister did constantly and encouraged his girlfriend to do as well. He felt like he had no power in the relationships, and that was sad. He will be dommed for the rest of his life, unless he learns that he does have power, he will always feel insecure. But, some people like that, apparently. I think it's mean of his sister, and his girlfriend, to be continually doing that. When he had the chance to tie her up, he should have made her wait, then given her some payback. But this guy would never do that, or stand up for himself in any way.
My takeaway from this comment is "the sex was pretty hot". Thank you, dear Anonymous Reader!
A new comment on my April Fool's story A Fool Not to Fuck:
"He felt like he had no power in the relationships, and that was sad. He will be [doomed] for the rest of his life, unless he learns that he does have power, he will always feel insecure."
My takeaway from this comment is "the sex was pretty hot". Thank you, dear Anonymous Reader!
BUT... It's incredible that you can make readers feel so much for your characters. The commenter is speaking like your character is a real person. It is rare for a writer to be able to do that. THAT would be my takeaway.
BUT... It's incredible that you can make readers feel so much for your characters. The commenter is speaking like your character is a real person. It is rare for a writer to be able to do that. THAT would be my takeaway.
I know (see above, where I posted another comment on the same story), but this isn't the first reader to comment along these lines, and it's a little frustrating. I never intended Sal and Aisha's teasing to be more than that, the kind of games that young lovers indulge in all the time. On the same level as groping your thigh when you're having dinner with her parents, or describing over the phone how she's getting undressed when you're on the other side of the country.

So perhaps I'm annoyed with myself that I failed in that regard, but also with a certain group of readers who automatically assume the worst of women. I even deleted one particularly hateful comment.
And how did I miss this from two months ago?

"Your stories just keep getting better. Your characters are real, their situations aren’t contrived, their emotions feel true, and the endings are like a sunset over the Pacific. I really like that your LGBTQ+ characters aren’t “heroic” but just want what all of us want, a good life with a partner who loves and cares. I will add my voice to the desire for a compilation of your stories that can be downloaded and saved, I would happily pay for that"

--Sweet Wine and Apple Pie
A comment just posted on my story "Unique Rewards of Yoga" in Loving Wives, Description: "Wife has extra fun with her late-night yoga class."

JoeBetterBNice about 1 hour ago
A courteous writer would start out by labeling the content as "cuckold". Thankfully, the story is obviously such after a half dozen paragraphs. However if you lure readers in and don't label your story content, you can expect people to be unhappy and get downvoted. If the story is labeled, I just move on as others may love this and that is fine.

My story has the following tags: loving wives, group sex, anal, cuckold, hotwife, slut wife, swingers, romance, milf.

There are not enough tags allowed for every trigger which sets them off. But THIS goes to show that they don't even look at the tags. If I don't title the story "This is about a cuckold", I'm obviously not a courteous writer.
There are not enough tags allowed for every trigger which sets them off. But THIS goes to show that they don't even look at the tags. If I don't title the story "This is about a cuckold", I'm obviously not a courteous writer.
Clearly you should have called it "Cuckold-Doodle-Doo". That's the only way for your readers to be sure.

And yes, I googled the title, and surprisingly it doesn't exist here on Lit yet. It's not a genre that interests me, so the title is up for grabs.