Comments That Make Your Day

Gordo, I’ve always been highly complimentary of the majority of your stories.
I know, and I've mentioned that here many times in support of you. And I thank you for that.
Why does hating any kind of cuck or cheating story put me in a closet? I just have a preference in the type story I enjoy. Can’t help that.
Many of us enjoy WRITING stories like that. Can't help that. Why should we be subject to slings and arrows any more than you should be for reading them?

And why the hatred? Why are you reading in the one place that will put you squarely in front of such stories? And you do read them, I can tell that much from your comments.

Frankly, you, Sir, are a bit of a mystery to me. Yes, you've been complimentary on many of my stories and swiped at a few. But you do have a reputation here with other authors you haven't been so kind to. These stories aren't written in 5 minutes. Many of mine have taken months and occasionally years! We work to entertain and someone comes along and slaps us in the face. Not pretty!

A little more human kindness on your part would be appreciated. I ignore stories I don't like. I don't comment or score.
Gordo, I’ve always been highly complimentary of the majority of your stories. Why does hating any kind of cuck or cheating story put me in a closet? I just have a preference in the type story I enjoy. Can’t help that.
Below is your comment from the recent Sir Peter Renton: I'm ok with that one. Yes you admit you didn't care for it but included a compliment for my other stories. That was great. I know I can't please everyone with what I write. But you didn't insult. With Lifestyle's story it was a complete insult. I wouldn't appreciate that.

I’ve read all your LW stories, with several added to favorites. I enjoy your work much more often than not, but for me this is a not. Well written, as usual, but the story just isn’t for me.
I have never given your stories a *1, and I have actually praised those that deserved it, though they be damned few.

Here's an example of your snide "praise" on my story The Loving Wife -- 750 Words:
by 26thNC on 02/07/2024

Lifestyle actually wrote a LW story?

Here's another example of your clueless comments, when I was posting a series of different couples with the story Finding Your Soulmate – 750 Words:
by 26thNC on 02/16/2024

Lifestyle got scared when he almost wrote a couple of good stories, so he went back to the swinging cuck stories he’s known for. Ic69hunter says it’s cute. That’s nauseating.

I don't consider extra-marital sex as a deal killer and bad thing, mainly because of my own feminist bitch of an ex-wife who grew completely indifferent to any shows of affection or concern for wasting my life away. She wasn't having extra-marital sex. But all other aspects of her life became far removed to anything even remotely resembling a marriage to me.

As I said, she's my EX, I'm far better now, and it shows in my stories. I write about my ideal of a sexy couple, with a wife who ensures her husband is not neglected!
Couple of really nice comments this morning:

Cheatify The Bitch:

That was seriously harsh although still incredibly entertaining and pretty damn funny. With skills like that I would think the Government would be all over him considering how useful he could be. I can just picture guys in black suits wearing dark glasses and telling him they know what he did and they would come at him with the usual “Do this for your country” and “Where is your patriotism” and if that doesn’t work then they arrest him and he disappears which usually does the trick when it comes to convincing someone to do what they want. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


That was utterly brilliant. I was laughing so loudly and so hard that the nurses were staring at me which I didn’t notice until I dried all the tears from my face, eyes and iPad screen. This is the cutest, silliest, funniest and most adorable read I have come across and deserves some type of reward or recognition. Your sense of humour and imagination and are truly gifts that you share by authoring such fine work. If Steve hadn’t kicked her to the kerb after that last one then he was honestly lost. Thank you for such a wonderful creation.
Does anybody else find themselves thinking of this thread when leaving a comment on a story? Not that I am deliberately trying to make someone's day, but when a story really hits for me, I find myself wanting to be more effusive about it.
Does anybody else find themselves thinking of this thread when leaving a comment on a story? Not that I am deliberately trying to make someone's day, but when a story really hits for me, I find myself wanting to be more effusive about it.
Yes. Because one of the comments I left for an author did actually get quoted on this thread. I hadn't been thinking of that possibility before I wrote it, but now I'm a bit self-conscious about commenting just in case. Like, I really don't want any typos or bland clichés!
@AchtungNight made his way through my series The Rivals:

On The Black Tomb:
Loved the action, sex, and especially the dialogue. Avila’s lines of promise and hope in particular. Appreciate the work and eager to read part 5 soon.

On Orgy of Death:
Great finish

Enjoyed this final chapter. The twists and character interactions were great, the sex too. Liked the callback with the demon in particular. Thx for the tale.
Thanks for reading and commenting!

(I really need to start reading more stories by other writers. I feel like I'm building up some bad karma.)
OK, I'll put it on my list. Though sword and sorcery is really not my thing. Hopefully, the fucking and an actual story behind it will make up for it :)
It was good in my opinion. The sex, the plot, and the sword & sorcery if you’re into that. I am if there’s a good story behind it- there was in this case. StillStunned’s Flesh for Fantasy and …Not to Fuck series are great too.
OK, I'll put it on my list. Though sword and sorcery is really not my thing. Hopefully, the fucking and an actual story behind it will make up for it :)
Uh, the story is about as profound as a D&D adventure. Mostly it serves as a hook for the two characters to flirt and bicker.
setting the bar..
simply put, this story is so well-written it makes me burn with envy. caught up in the initial setting, i honestly forgot i was reading a literotica submission until it snatched me by the scrotum and delivered the knockout. bravo.

i am not anonymous...this is dannyboy from the desert, phx az
This was from "Drug of Choice.
by KaiHavertz_29 on 11 hours ago

You say that English is not your first language & ask that we might forgive your errors (of which I saw none btw)....but your writing is so very good that I wonder how much better you must write in Finnish? This is the second story of yours which I have had the pleasure of reading so I am really looking forward to reading the remainder of your Literotica catalogue. Your writing style is so very tidy yet your characters are so very well drawn. Such a pleasure to read your work; thank you.

This made me happy today.
This one on my latest:
I’ve got to say it. The characters, the banter, the internal monologue… Just fantastic writing!
I always feel like I've done my job when readers get fulsome over things other than the sex.
It made me cry, thanks!

My work here is done :cool:

But seriously, not that I want to make people cry in particular, but it is good to know that I can hit an emotional connection, that it can make people feel something. Yeah, it has a saddish ending, but I don't think that would work if the readers didn't already feel something for the characters.
A couple of nice comments this afternoon:


Well written and brilliant story, the only one on here to get 5 stars from me as most are a load of crap.

April Fool - No Longer:

Unlike in some other LW stories, the plan is possible to execute in real life. Nowadays it's not difficult to make fake newspaper, hire actors to call or pretend to be health inspector
From a semi-regular commenter:
Possibly one of the sweetest ludicrous fantasy threesomes I’ve read here.
Awww! I blush. Especially since it was not intended to be sweet at the start, just ludicrous. It just kept insisting on being sweet.

(From Sylvan Courtyard 8)