Comments That Make Your Day

So new LW story, Sir Peter Renton. I started it with this: "Oh, and you don't get to shit on my lawn anymore. If the extent of your intelligence is a "cuck shit" comment, you'll get deleted, and the site will wipe out your pitiful vote. I welcome thoughtful comments even if you don't like the story."
It did seem to generate some blowback, but who gives a fuck. I don't need readers like that.
Nevertheless, some commenters liked it...a lot! Comments on the story are all over the place and very entertaining.

But this comment made me laugh at how it started out:

Well that was disgusting!

Jill was just a piece of excrement that deserved another turd like Peter.

I liked how this played out and the ending was hilarious!

I do like the interplay of taking the man's daughter who takes your wife.

Family events are going to be interesting to say the least.

On second thought, this hot mess deserves 5 though I think the emotional impacts were a bit muted.
And interestingly, despite the beginning author comment, I only had to delete 4 comments.
I love comments! My favorite though is people trying to guess the character arcs or the answers to the mystery. Makes it feel worthwhile.
I love reading your stories. I’m severely dyslexic and reading can be a chore for me. But I am pulled into your stories and keep reading to see what happens next. I read it like I’m watching a movie, and fall in love with the characters and go through what they do.

Like the two girls who meet on a beach and years later fall in love, best friends. Or the women who meet for a walk and find love too. I feel like I am witnessing something wonderful and amazing as it unfolds. I have friends who are just like that and sound like them. Keep doing what you do.I wish more stories were written like yours. I wouldn’t get so lost in what I don’t understand. I could enjoy them.

You give them life. Thank you.
Getting some lovely comments at the end of Only Consenting Adults ch. 27 - including from some of you here. Feeling pretty humbled.

Then, after 2y of writing it, and 27 ch of wrapping it all up and giving the characters the endings I thought they deserved:

"What about Mara…!?"

You know when you do the grocery run and get home and you've forgotten the milk? That feeling.
A few more fun comments on Sir Peter Renton:

By Email:
You Sir are a very good author. Your stories have a lot of depth keep up the good work
Good stories. Thank you.
On the site:
Short, well written and fun! What's not to like? 5 stars
Thank goodness, the story started out well but your prelude almost deterred from reading when you mentioned cuckold. But I persevered and found it came close but not quite. A bit of voyeurism I might say. But the married couple each found a distraction that seemed to work out . Well told and presented without pages of and pages of over the top sex. 5 stars for a nice titillation factor.
I received this comment which completes the set. There is now a comment to complain about every major character (but in a way that shows readers cared.)

I don't think a fictional character has made me this angry in quite a while, so full credit to the author for making these characters so believable. Brett is a fucking self obsessed little jerk. "It's not about you", thank you Lisa, someone needed to tell him.
Proving that people on Loving Wives can have an opinion I disagree with, but still express it politely. From anon:

Sorry. You write well and that alone made this a pleasure to read. But “wife” or no, this story should be in the gay category, subsection lesbian. It is not what I want to read, and whether this is biased or not, I think “Loving Wives” is an implied hetero category, which is what I was looking for. I am NOT judging sexual preference here, to each her own, just asking for respect for the categories and traditions of Lit., and the readers. That being said, you are a terrific and very sensual writer and I wish you well.

About Harper’s Reckoning

I found this encouraging.

“You were always the strong one, you know that?" Waterworks, right there. My face was soaked by the end of the page. I will never, ever disregard a tissue warning from this Author again! What a beautiful, beautiful journey.

When they quote a line... Gets me every time...
Of course the idea that words I wrote can make someone cry is a pretty awesome feeling, too.

This thread has me going back over my stories looking for more gems to share. just found this one from a story called Awakenings.

Holy shit Shelby! I just started HRT about 3 weeks ago, and your stories really hit different. I had a lump in my throat from the line "They were all place holders."
This story really gave me the feels.
As always, the sexy bits were wonderful! You are a talented writer. I love the fairy-tale ending, where the family knew before Sophie did, and were more than just accepting, but were actively encouraging!
Thanks again for sharing your talent!
are you implying that my puns are cataclysmic? Or merely catastrophic.

I'll go to catechism to say Ave Meowria in penance.


When she was eight, she was a smart and ambitious young girl who wanted to be both a lawyer writer and a veterinarian "because a woman can do anything".[1] She was studying for University at 16, and by 24, she had earned acclaim in both intelligencia circles and across KOTOR message boards. However, by 32, suffering from burnout, she had turned to alcohol and became obsessed with her pet cats.

By the time she turned 40, she had assumed her present state as a drunken, raving lunatic.
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When she was eight, she was a smart and ambitious young girl who wanted to be both a lawyer writer and a veterinarian "because a woman can do anything".[1] She was studying for University at 16, and by 24, she had earned acclaim in both intelligencia circles and across KOTOR message boards. However, by 32, suffering from burnout, she had turned to alcohol and became obsessed with her pet cats.

By the time she turned 40, she had assumed her present state as a drunken, raving lunatic.

I prefer Sybil, but lunatic will do!

where the fuck's my brandy it was here a moment ago