
Things can happen very quickly. They can go bad or good in a flash. This makes our minds twist and turn and sometimes we just need to get it out of our heads, talk it through with someone, tell someone, shout it out to the world. But sometimes we just need someone to talk to about it in private, just a conversation about it all with someone. Here, on this site, we have the opportunity, not only to find another conversationalist, but to find one we can be completely open with because we are behind a screen, we are protected in a sense. So, reach out to someone, find someone to share your mind with.

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Be kind and respectful to one another. Kindness goes a long way and when we share some kindness not only do we brighten their day, but we also brighten ours as well. Being respectful is a big thing as well, and sadly, one that has sort of fallen further and further away in recent years. Let people have their space, their ideas, their choices. Support them and show them that you are not judging them or intruding on them. Give them room when they need it and an ear when that is what is needed. Don't push them, respect them.

Keep smiling :)

Just a simple Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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A common problem with talking through messages is the words do not always come across as you intended them to. Keep this in mind not only when sending a message but also when reading one. We often put our own tone and look when we read a message and sometimes that can be a bad thing. Think about what is being read or sent, how does it come across? Is the punctuation a big change to the meaning of the words? Does it come across as something far different than the words you usually share?

Remember, it is okay to ask for clarification. It is okay to make a mistake and carry on. The simplest typo or mismarked punctuation can change the meaning to a sentence dramatically. So, stay calm, read it and move forward.

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Happy New Year!

So many people make New Year's resolutions as the clock strikes midnight wherever they are, but very few of those are actually kept. Mine is a simple one, to show kindness, respect and care to others, yes, the same one I make every year. I believe we need to remind ourselves that these things exist, people do know how to show them, and we can as well. It is a fast-paced world with so many bad things happening around us, and we need to remember the simple things that can brighten the day of those around us. It doesn't take any time away from us to show a bit of compassion or empathy, to share a smile, hold a door open, let someone out in traffic, simple, little things. If we can all give a little kindness the world will look brighter, be better.

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I often wonder if people avoid starting conversations with others here because they feel most people will end up ghosting them. So many people come and go that you never really know how long one will stay, even if you are having a decent and interesting conversation. I am not sure if people ghost on purpose or if life takes over. Maybe they decided the site wasn't for them, maybe they were here, and their spouse caught them and asked them to stop, maybe they fell off the face of the earth, nobody knows. I think it is a major concern for many though and I am guessing many of us have been ghosted.

We can't let that stop us though, we have to move on and find people to connect with, even if it is only for a short while.

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It has been a few days since I have posted something, so here I am!

When you start a conversation, know what you want to say, think about what you want to learn or find out. Find a common interest and see where it can go. There are so many things to talk to new friends about. The simplicity of a conversation can turn someone's day around, make them smile, make them laugh, make them feel important and special. Just sharing a few words can do so much for a person.

Reach out to someone and see if you can gain a friend.

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More often than not you will not find a good connection with a person when you start talking to them. People just don't click that quickly. Sometimes you will make a connection right off and it will die hard and fast. And sometimes you will make a connection that lasts years. It all about letting yourself open up a bit, of course that is always a risk. When you open up you set yourself up for disappointment and heartbreak. But we cannot let those things stop us from trying to make a few good connections. Keep your heads high, keep looking for people that you may be able to connect with and let go of those that chose that a connection is not in the cards.

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Take some time today and reach out to someone new. See if you can find a few common interests and form some sort of friendship. Meeting and talking to new people is a wonderful thing. Your mind has to work more as you share experiences and thoughts, as you learn more and share more. So, reach out and say hello to someone.

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Spread some kindness today. Just do something simple, let someone out or in traffic, open a door for someone, give someone a smile. It really doesn't take much to make someone's day a little bit better.

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Starting a conversation is not easy for many people. They battle themselves to find the right words, to come off the right way, to try to engage the other person. Many times, this is caused by a lack of confidence. This lack of confidence could be caused by several different things, been ignored a lot, been ghosted, doesn't have a decent command of the written word, never done it before. Do many other things could contribute to it all. So, think about that when you receive a message, how hard was it for them to send it? Do you remember the first message you sent?

Take some time, say hello, be respectful and carry on.

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It's Friday! That means more to some than others, but it is still a good thing. Enjoy your day/evening the best you can, make someone smile today, show some kindness and make the world a little better.

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Storms are raging on the East coast of the US, COVID continues to ravage areas, places are hot, some are cold. Make sure you take some time to check in on your friends when things are hitting their area. Show your concern for their safely. Make sure they are safe.

Sometimes, that little message asking if someone is okay and safe can make a world of difference.

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Simple things can improve the day of those around us. Just giving a smile, can do wonders. Think about the little things that help you and spread some kindness.

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Starting a conversation is not easy for many people. They battle themselves to find the right words, to come off the right way, to try to engage the other person. Many times, this is caused by a lack of confidence. This lack of confidence could be caused by several different things, been ignored a lot, been ghosted, doesn't have a decent command of the written word, never done it before. Do many other things could contribute to it all. So, think about that when you receive a message, how hard was it for them to send it? Do you remember the first message you sent?

Take some time, say hello, be respectful and carry on.

Keep smiling :)
This is so true. I find it so difficult to sound interesting with that first message. It’s so different than greeting someone in real life, in real life it’s ok to just say hi initially to get something rolling, you can’t on a pm, you have to say something to make you stand out. Somehow I always end up coming across as insincere or like I’ve written this message to tons of women which I haven’t.
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Spread a little bit of kindness today. Share a smile, open a door, just be polite and kind. Show the world that we can make it a better place one person at a time.

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I found another wonderful thread that shares hugs and positive vibes the other day. How great it was to see it. I believe the world needs a lot more kindness and it really starts by showing some of it ourselves. Encouragement, positive feedback, having an ear for someone. They are all wonderful things.

Spread some kindness today.

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Have you ever wondered how many people actually don't know how to start a conversation? The words just don't come to them, they struggle with finding them, they worry about saying (typing) the wrong ones. When they move forward and finally attempt to start a conversation everything comes out wrong. The anxiety builds, the fear takes control, and the conversation never takes a first step.

Maybe that is why some people only give one-word responses, if an, when a message is sent to them. Maybe fear takes control, and they cannot find the words to say what they are thinking.

Something so simple to one person can be absolutely terrifying to another. Have patience, be calm, relax. It will be okay, one step at a time and soon it will fall into place.

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Show some love, some respect, some kindness to those around you. Remember everyone has a bad day from time to time and your simple act of kindness can make that bad day a decent one.

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